The Battle of Stirling Bridge, 11 September 1297, (c1880). The Battle of Stirling Bridge was a battle of the First War of Scottish Independence
A Victim, 1894. Creator: Gerard PortieljeA Victim, 1894.
Nude, 1885. Creator: George Hendrik BreitnerNude, 1885.
Scene from "False Shame", at the Globe Theatre, 1872. Creator: UnknownScene from "False Shame", at the Globe Theatre, 1872. London stage production. The new drama by Mr
Monument to James Renforth, the late champion sculler, 1872. Creator: UnknownMonument to James Renforth, the late champion sculler, 1872
Houses destroyed at Dover by the fall of a cliff, 1872. Creator: UnknownHouses destroyed at Dover by the fall of a cliff, 1872. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. Buckman
The Sixth Sign before the Day of Judgment; Illustrated Vita Christi, with devotional supplements, about 1480-1490
The Death of Samson, about 1650. Creator: UnknownThe Death of Samson, about 1650
Jesus reaches the top of Calvary, mid-late 19th century. Biblical scene - Chapter XIX, Gospel of John, New Testament. (Colorised black and white print)
The late James Renforth, champion oarsman, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe late James Renforth, champion oarsman, 1871. Engraving from a photograph by Messrs. W. and D
A disaster of which heroes were born: the Dock Disaster at Newport, 1909. 1. Seeking To Save Those Buried Beneath The Wreckage: A Rescue Party At Work After The Dock Disaster. 2
The Dock Disaster at Newport: the fatal trench before and after... 1909. Creator: CollinsThe Trench Of Death: The Dock Disaster at Newport: the fatal trench before and after... 1909. 1
Auto in subway on 7th Ave. 1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceAuto in subway on 7th Ave. 1915. Cave-in
Scenes from the Passion of Christ: The Crucifixion [middle panel], 1380s
The Descent from the Cross, 1615-31. Creator: Charles DavidThe Descent from the Cross, 1615-31
Ruins of the tower of St. Issey Church, Cornwall, 1869. Creator: UnknownRuins of the tower of St. Issey Church, Cornwall, 1869. Among the disasters caused by the late heavy rains was the fall of the tower of St. Issey Church
Forlorn condition of Temple-Bar, 1868. Creator: UnknownForlorn condition of Temple-Bar, [City of London], 1868
Austin Dam - Flood wreck, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceAustin Dam - Flood wreck, between c1910 and c1915. September 30, 1911, The Austin Dam, also known as the Bayless Dam, was a concrete gravity dam located in the Austin, Pennsylvania area
RR Station, Costello, After Flood, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceRR Station, Costello, After Flood, between c1910 and c1915
7th Avenue. cave-in, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service7th Avenue. cave-in, between c1910 and c1915
Ruins of the Fallen Houses in Pilgrim-street, City, 1858. Creator: UnknownRuins of the Fallen Houses in Pilgrim-street, City, 1858. Engraving from a photograph by Butler and Dyer, of Walnut-tree-walk, Lambeth
View of the collapsed tower in Egmond aan Zee, c. 1752. Creator: AnonView of the collapsed tower in Egmond aan Zee, c. 1752
Scene of the Recent Accident at Cork, 1856. Creator: UnknownScene of the Recent Accident at Cork, 1856
Andromache in Despair at the Sight of Hector's Body, 1803-1804. Andromache collapses at the news of her husband's death
La dêroute!, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLa deroute!, 19th century. Total collapse!
Flood Scenes, Dayton, Ohio, 1913. Collapsed timber buildings
Flood Scenes, Dayton, Ohio?, 1913. Collapsed timber buildings
China - Bridge Broken Under American Truck, 1913
Scene from "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"Tess of the D'Urbervilles", By Thomas Hardy; "In stagnant blackness they waited through an interval which seemed endless", 1891. From "The Graphic
"More Frightened Than Hurt", 1890. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 42. July to December, 1890
A Sailor's Picnic--"Man Overboard; Lower away the Lifeboats", 1890. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 42. July to December, 1890
The Union Workhouse, at King's Lynn, 1854. Creator: UnknownThe Union Workhouse, at King's Lynn, 1854. Collapse of a building in Norfolk
Bursting of the Fleet Ditch and destruction of part of the Metropolitan Railway: scene of the accident, [London], 1862
"The Return of the Lost Sailor", by T. Roberts, in the Exhibition of the Society of British Artists, 1862. Engraving of a painting
Reading the Will, c1780-1825. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonReading the Will, c1780-1825. Here is a brilliant example of Rowlandsons genius at capturing human emotions
Virgil Reading the "Aeneid"to Augustus, Octavia, and Livia, 1790 / 93Virgil Reading the " Aeneid" to Augustus, Octavia, and Livia, 1790/93
The Descent from the Cross, 1550-1600. Creator: Giovanni Battista CavalieriThe Descent from the Cross, 1550-1600
The Crucifixion, with the lowering of the cross at center, soldiers throughout, and a thief on a cross at left, 1762
The Death of Samson, 1547. Creator: Augustin HirschvogelThe Death of Samson, 1547
The Crucifixion, c. 1504 / 1505. Creator: Luca SignorelliThe Crucifixion, c. 1504/1505
The Faint, c. 1744. Creator: Pietro LonghiThe Faint, c. 1744
Scenes from the Passion of Christ: The Agony in the Garden, the Crucifixion... 1380sScenes from the Passion of Christ: The Agony in the Garden, the Crucifixion, and the Descent into Limbo [entire triptych], 1380s
The Death of the Earl of Chatham, 1779. Creator: John Singleton CopleyThe Death of the Earl of Chatham, 1779
The Descent from the Cross, 1606. Creator: Francesco VillamenaThe Descent from the Cross, 1606
The Crucifixion, probably 1491. Creator: Benvenuto di GiovanniThe Crucifixion, probably 1491
The Descent from the Cross, 1650 / 1652. Creators: Rembrandt WorkshopThe Descent from the Cross, 1650/1652
Aedificare Super Arenam, from Allegories of the Christian Faith, from Christian and Profane Allegories, 1575-1617
The Crucifixion, from The Large Passion, ca. 1498. Creator: Albrecht DurerThe Crucifixion, from The Large Passion, ca. 1498
The Crucifixion, from The Large Passion. n. d. Creator: Albrecht DurerThe Crucifixion, from The Large Passion.n.d
Calvary with the Three Crosses, ca. 1503. Creator: Albrecht DurerCalvary with the Three Crosses, ca. 1503
Christ on the Cross, 1508. Creator: Albrecht DurerChrist on the Cross, 1508
Ruins of the Lower-House Mill, near Oldham, 1844. Creator: UnknownRuins of the Lower-House Mill, near Oldham, 1844. Scene of an industrial accident at Oldham in Yorkshire, a centre of textile manufacture:the falling of a newly erected mill, the property of Messrs
Man Clutching Moneybags While Banks Collapse, late 19th-early 20th century
Diana Discovering Callistos Pregnancy, 1566. Creator: Cornelis CortDiana Discovering Callistos Pregnancy, 1566
Miracle of a Saint, 1777. Creators: Benedetto Eredi, Ranieri AllegrantiMiracle of a Saint, 1777
Riverside Scene (Old Mill), 1805-10 (?). Creator: Peter de WintRiverside Scene (Old Mill), 1805-10 (?)
The Cart Horse (from The Life of a Racehourse, or The High-Mettled Racer), July 20, 1789
Quae Genus Assisting a Traveler, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The LittQuae Genus Assisting a Traveler, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", March 1, 1822
The Cart Horse (from The Life of a Racehorse, or The High-Mettled Racer), July 20, 1789
Plate 25: A Landing Place, from World in Miniature, 1816. 1816Plate 25: A Landing Place, from " World in Miniature", 1816
The Crucifixion, ca. 1420-23. Creator: Fra AngelicoThe Crucifixion, ca. 1420-23
Christ Shown to the People, 1510-15. Creator: Jan MostaertChrist Shown to the People, 1510-15
The Crucifixion. Creator: Andrea di BartoloThe Crucifixion
Saint John the Evangelist Causes a Pagan Temple to Collapse, ca. 1370
He smelt - O Lord! How he did smell!, c1820. Creator: George CruikshankHe smelt - O Lord! How he did smell!, c1820. Satirical cartoon, with a quote from Southeys " Minor Poems", vol. iii p. 103
Edmund Cheesemans Wife Before Governor Berkeley, (1877). Creator: Albert BobbettEdmund Cheesemans Wife Before Governor Berkeley, (1877)
The Bank Collapses, 1881, (1965). Creator: Vladimir MakovskyThe Bank Collapses, 1881, (1965). A group of agitated people who are unable to withdraw their money - a woman on the left has fainted, overcome with worry
Floods v. Railway Engine - A Collapse Near St. Erth, 1901. Creator: UnknownFloods v. Railway Engine - A Collapse Near St. Erth, 1901. From " The Harmsworth Magazine, Volume VI. February 1901-July 1901", by [Harmsworth Bros, Limited, London, 1901]
Accident at the Castle Mills, Sheffield, 1854. Creator: UnknownAccident at the Castle Mills, Sheffield, 1854. Building collapse in Yorkshire....a portion of the Castle Mills, situate in Blonk-street, belonging to Messrs. Wm. Parker and Co
Falling in of the Chapel at Blackfriars, 1623, (1897). Creator: UnknownFalling in of the Chapel at Blackfriars, 1623, (1897)
Netley Abbey, 1776. Artist: Richard GodfreyNetley Abbey, 1776. Ruined late medieval monastery in the village of Netley near Southampton in Hampshire
Damaged interior of the underground reservoir, Beckton Sewage Works, London, 1938. Struts supporting a collapsing arch, with part of the roof missing
An accident near Coppice Row, Farringdon Street, City of London, 1862. View showing men attempting to rectify the damage and crowds watching
Returning Justice lifts aloft her Scale, 1821
Monument to John Milton and part of St Giles without Cripplegate after bomb damage, c1940View of the monument to John Milton and part of St Giles without Cripplegate after bomb damage, London, c1940
Visit to Mr Deputy - at his modern built villas near Clapham, London, c1750A common Council-man of Candlestick Ward and his wife, on a visit to Mr Deputy - at his modern built villas near Clapham, London
Civic anointing - or - the catastrophe of Lord Mayors Day 1827, vide Guildhall, 1827Civic anointing - or - the catastrophe of Lord Mayors Day 1827, vide Guildhall ; a large board containing fairy lamps plummets towards the new Lord Mayor, Matthias Prime Lucas and guests
The humours and diversions of Southwark Fair, London, 1733The humours and diversions of Southwark Fair, 1733. Scene near St Georges Church in Borough High Street, London; plays being performed, a rope-flyer, rope-dancer, booths and other entertainments
Death of De Montfort, 1265 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund DoyleDeath of De Montfort, 1864
Death of Chatham, 1859. Artist: Francis NicholsonDeath of Chatham, 1859. Death of William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham and British Whig, on 7 April 1778, during a debate in the House of Lords on the American War of Independence
Through the long night the rescue men at work, searching, helping to safety, 1941 (1942). The night of 11th January 1941. From Frontline 1940-1941. [His Majestys Stationery Office, London, 1942]
The Tay Bridge disaster, Scotland, 28th December 1879 (1951)
The finish of the marathon, Olympic Games, London, 1908, (c1920). Dorando Pietri of Italy, the first runner to enter the stadium, collapsed several times and ran the wrong way
A collapsed British dugout, Mesopotamia, WWI, 1918. Mesopotamia, formerly part of the Turkish Ottoman empire, was under British military control from October 1918