Entrance Ticket (Mz 456), 1922. Artist: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948)Entrance Ticket (Mz 456), 1922. Found in the collection of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collections
Merz 221, 1921. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948)Merz 221, 1921. Found in the Collection of Unicredit Art Collection
Collage, 1850s-1860s. Creator: John Bingley GarlandCollage, 1850s-1860s. Additional Info: The English amateur artist John Bingley Garland created this collage by arranging prints and gold foil paper on a large, buff-colored sheet of paper
The Doctor 1919. Artist: Kurt SchwittersThe Doctor 1919. From a private collection
Reservist of the First Division, 1914. Artist: Kazimir MalevichReservist of the First Division, 1914. Kazimir Severinovich Malevich. Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Still Life, 1913. Artist: Exter, Alexandra Alexandrovna (1882-1949)Still Life, 1913. Found in the collection of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collections
Mz 320. Starry sky, 1921. Creator: Kurt SchwittersMz 320. Starry sky, 1921. Sternenhimmel
Traubern = Zucker, 1931. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948)Traubern = Zucker, 1931. Found in the Collection of the Fondazione Cirulli
Beethovens Sonaten, 1930. Creator: Nusch, (Maria Benz) (1906-1946)Beethovens Sonaten, 1930. Found in the Collection of the Fondazione Cirulli
Mz 122 Tropfen rot. (Merzzeichnung), 1920. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948)Mz 122 Tropfen rot. (Merzzeichnung), 1920. Private Collection
Merzbild, 1926-1928. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948)Merzbild, 1926-1928. Private Collection
Mz 255 Dromedar, 1921. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948)Mz 255 Dromedar, 1921. Private Collection
Composition, 1921. Creator: Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo (1895-1946)Composition, 1921. Private Collection
Stage design for the theatre play The Lady of the Camellias by Alexandre Dumas, 1934. Found in the collection of the State Central A. Bakhrushin Theatre Museum, Moscow
Portrait of Philippe de Champaigne in collage, 1718-1721. Creator: Arnold HoubrakenPortrait of Philippe de Champaigne in collage, 1718-1721. Medallion portrait of Philippe de Champaigne cut out from the plate, with other prints including part of a small landscape and a nude
Composition 2;The Second Commandment, 1918. Creator: Vilhelm LundstromComposition 2;The Second Commandment, 1918
Composition 1;Cubist Composition, 1918. Creator: Vilhelm LundstromComposition 1;Cubist Composition, 1918
Cator Family Album, 1866-1877. Creator: Maria Harriet Elizabeth CatorCator Family Album, 1866-1877
Untitled Valentine (Flowers), 1840/50. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Flowers), 1840/50
Untitled Valentine (Large Purple and Yellow Flowers), 1815/30, inscribed 1865
With huntress. Merz design, 1929-1930. Creator: Schwitters, Kurt (1887-1948)With huntress. Merz design, 1929-1930. Private Collection
Dear to Memory (valentine), 1850/59. Creator: C LangDear to Memory (valentine), 1850/59
Untitled Valentine (Reclining Couple with Putti), 1860/69
Untitled Valentine (Three Hearts), c.1865
Untitled Valentine (Cupid and Butterflies), 1860/69
Untitled Valentine (Country Couples), 1860/69
Untitled Valentine (Two Putti in a Wreath), 1850/59. Creator: Esther HowlandUntitled Valentine (Two Putti in a Wreath), 1850/59
I'll Ne'er Forget Thee (valentine), c.1830. Creator: UnknownI'll Ne'er Forget Thee (valentine), c.1830
Thy Love for Mine (valentine), c.1830. Creator: UnknownThy Love for Mine (valentine), c.1830
Friendship Offering (valentine), c.1850. Creator: UnknownFriendship Offering (valentine), c.1850
Be Always Happy (valentine), n.d. Creator: UnknownBe Always Happy (valentine), n.d
I Love Thee Dearly (Valentine), 1850/59. Creator: UnknownI Love Thee Dearly (Valentine), 1850/59
Untitled Valentine (Putti on Blue Ground), c.1850. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Putti on Blue Ground), c.1850
Change (valentine), c.1850. Creator: UnknownChange (valentine), c.1850
Untitled Valentine (Gold Cupid), c.1850. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Gold Cupid), c.1850
With Hands and Hearts Forever Entwined (valentine), 1850/59. Creator: UnknownWith Hands and Hearts Forever Entwined (valentine), 1850/59
True Loves Offering (Valentine), 1850/59. Creator: UnknownTrue Loves Offering (Valentine), 1850/59
Untitled Valentine (Couple in the Country), 1850/59. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Couple in the Country), 1850/59
Affections Offering (Valentine), c.1850. Creator: UnknownAffections Offering (Valentine), c.1850
Success to You (valentine), 1855/59. Creator: UnknownSuccess to You (valentine), 1855/59
Sweet Daughter of Beauty (valentine), c.1850. Creator: UnknownSweet Daughter of Beauty (valentine), c.1850
Hark, Cupid Calls (valentine), n.d. Creator: UnknownHark, Cupid Calls (valentine), n.d
Untitled Valentine (Woman in Garden), n.d. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Woman in Garden), n.d
Love is a Star (Valentine), c.1840. Creator: UnknownLove is a Star (Valentine), c.1840
Forget Me Not (valentine), c.1830. Creator: UnknownForget Me Not (valentine), c.1830
Untitled Valentine (Pink and Orange Flowers), c.1840. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Pink and Orange Flowers), c.1840
Look at My Beloved (valentine), 1850/59. Creator: UnknownLook at My Beloved (valentine), 1850/59
Untitled Valentine (Three Putti in Green Heart), 1860/69. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Three Putti in Green Heart), 1860/69
To My Dear (valentine), c.1860. Creator: UnknownTo My Dear (valentine), c.1860
You Are the Very Man for Me (valentine), n.d. Creator: UnknownYou Are the Very Man for Me (valentine), n.d
I Love but Thee (Valentine), c.1840. Creator: UnknownI Love but Thee (Valentine), c.1840
Be Mine Dear Maid (Valentine), c.1850. Creator: UnknownBe Mine Dear Maid (Valentine), c.1850
From Gatehead (valentine), 1860/69. Creator: UnknownFrom Gatehead (valentine), 1860/69
Untitled Valentine (Flowers on Green Background), 1860/69. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Flowers on Green Background), 1860/69
Fond Affection Turns to Thee (valentine), 1840/49. Creator: UnknownFond Affection Turns to Thee (valentine), 1840/49
Untitled Valentine (Butterfly in Heart), 1850/60. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Butterfly in Heart), 1850/60
How Sweet You Are (Valentine), c.1840. Creator: UnknownHow Sweet You Are (Valentine), c.1840
My Aim is Your Heart (valentine), n.d. Creator: UnknownMy Aim is Your Heart (valentine), n.d
True Love (Valentine), c.1881. Creator: UnknownTrue Love (Valentine), c.1881
Forget thee, oh. Never! (valentine), 1835/40. Creator: UnknownForget thee, oh. Never! (valentine), 1835/40
Do Not this Votive Offering Spurn (valentine), 1850/59. Creator: UnknownDo Not this Votive Offering Spurn (valentine), 1850/59
Untitled Valentine (Large Pink Flower), c.1860. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Large Pink Flower), c.1860
Grave of Captain and Mrs. Rich, n.d. Creator: UnknownGrave of Captain and Mrs. Rich, n.d
Yours Keturah Keziah Kornwellis (valentine), n.d. Creator: UnknownYours Keturah Keziah Kornwellis (valentine), n.d
Simplicity (valentine), 1850/59. Creator: UnknownSimplicity (valentine), 1850/59
Love and Good Will, I Bear to Thee (Valentine), c.1830. Creator: UnknownLove and Good Will, I Bear to Thee (Valentine), c.1830
Untitled Valentine (Flowers and Bird), c.1860. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Flowers and Bird), c.1860
Forget Me Not Dear Love (valentine), c.1830. Creator: UnknownForget Me Not Dear Love (valentine), c.1830
Love (Valentine), 1860/69. Creator: UnknownLove (Valentine), 1860/69
Love (Valentine), 1855-60. Creator: UnknownLove (Valentine), 1855-60
Remember Me (valentine), c.1830. Creator: UnknownRemember Me (valentine), c.1830
Constant Love (valentine), 1850/59. Creator: UnknownConstant Love (valentine), 1850/59
This Little Tribute, Which I Send (valentine), 1840/60. Creator: UnknownThis Little Tribute, Which I Send (valentine), 1840/60
Souvenir (valentine), 1860/69. Creator: UnknownSouvenir (valentine), 1860/69
Untitled Valentine (Gentleman Under Arbor), 1860/69. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Gentleman Under Arbor), 1860/69
Untitled Valentine (Pink and Yellow Flowers), c.1830. Creator: UnknownUntitled Valentine (Pink and Yellow Flowers), c.1830
Constancy and Lively Affection (valentine), 1860/69. Creator: UnknownConstancy and Lively Affection (valentine), 1860/69
My Heart's Dearest (Valentine), c.1830. Creator: UnknownMy Heart's Dearest (Valentine), c.1830
A Friendly Remembrance (valentine), n.d. Creator: UnknownA Friendly Remembrance (valentine), n.d
Untitled Valentine (Putti), 1850/59. Creator: Mullord BrothersUntitled Valentine (Putti), 1850/59