The Loves of the Fox and The Badger, or The Coalition Wedding. January 7, 1784
William Pitt, the Younger, Addressing the Commons, 1793, (1947). Creator: Anton HickelWilliam Pitt, the Younger, Addressing the Commons, 1793, (1947). Session of parliament in the Palace of Westminster, London. Prime Minister William Pitt is on his feet
"Statesmen's Corner", North Transept, Westminster Abbey, [London], 1865
Statue of Charles James Fox, in St. Stephen's Hall, [Houses of Parliament, London]. Baily, sculptor, 1857
John Bull Humbugg'd Alias both Ear'd, published May 12, 1794
The Rival Pigs, published June 15, 1795. Creator: Isaac CruikshankThe Rival Pigs, published June 15, 1795
Charles James Fox on the Hustings at Covent Garden, n.d. Creator: David WilkieCharles James Fox on the Hustings at Covent Garden, n.d
Cicero in Catilinam, March 17, 1785. Creator: James SayersCicero in Catilinam, March 17, 1785
The General Toast: Honor and Honesty, Love and Loyalty, Fitz and Good Company, October 20, 1786
John Bulls First Visit to his Old Friend the New Secretary, published March 3, 1806
The Brazen Image Erected on a Pedestal Wrought by Himself, published May 29, 1802
Fishing for Flats, published July 25, 1806. Creator: Charles WilliamsFishing for Flats, published July 25, 1806
The Honeymoon, 1806. Creator: Charles WilliamsThe Honeymoon, 1806
A Charm for a Democracy, Reviewed, Analysed, & Destroyed Jan 1 1799 to the Confusion of its Affiliated Friends, January 1, 1799
The Mask, May 21, 1783. Creator: James SayersThe Mask, May 21, 1783
The Magnanimous Minister, Chastising Prussian Perfidy. -vide-Morning Chronicle AprilThe Magnanimous Minister, Chastising Prussian Perfidy.-vide-Morning Chronicle April 28th, May 2, 1806
Uncorking Old Sherry, March 10, 1805. Creator: James GillrayUncorking Old Sherry, March 10, 1805
The Reconciliation Between Britannia and Her Daughter America, May 11, 1782
A New Speaker and The Wedding Night, February 7, 1789. February 7, 1789A New Speaker and The Wedding Night, February 7, 1789
The Word-Eater, December 30, 1786. December 30, 1786. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Word-Eater, December 30, 1786
Suitable Restrictions, January 28, 1789. January 28, 1789. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonSuitable Restrictions, January 28, 1789
A Sweating for Opposition by Dr. W-llis Dominisweaty and Co. March 6, 1789
The Political Hydra, April 16, 1806. April 16, 1806. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Political Hydra, April 16, 1806
The Fall of Achilles, January 7, 1785. January 7, 1785. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Fall of Achilles, January 7, 1785
Sir Cecil Wray in the Pillory, May 7, 1784. May 7, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonSir Cecil Wray in the Pillory, May 7, 1784
Public Characters, April 1, 1801. April 1, 1801. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonPublic Characters, April 1, 1801
Two New Slides for the State Magic Lantern, December 29, 1783. December 29, 1783Two New Slides for the State Magic Lantern, December 29, 1783
A Touch on the Times, December 29, 1788. December 29, 1788. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonA Touch on the Times, December 29, 1788
Great Cry and Little Wool, December 22, 1783. December 22, 1783Great Cry and Little Wool, December 22, 1783
Reynard Put To His Shifts, April 23, 1784. April 23, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonReynard Put To His Shifts, April 23, 1784
The Westminster Deserter Drum d Out of The Regiment, May 18, 1784. May 18, 1784The Westminster Deserter Drum d Out of The Regiment, May 18, 1784
Procession to The Hustings After A Successful Canvass, April 30, 1784. April 30, 1784Procession to The Hustings After A Successful Canvass, April 30, 1784
The State Auction, March 26, 1784. March 26, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe State Auction, March 26, 1784
The Drum Major of Sedition, March 29, 1784. March 29, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Drum Major of Sedition, March 29, 1784
The Times - Or A View Of The Old House In Little Brittain - With Nobody Going To Hannover, January 23, 1784
Every Man Has His Hobby Horse, May 1, 1784. May 1, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonEvery Man Has His Hobby Horse, May 1, 1784
Sir Cecils Budget For Paying The National Debt, March 30, 1784. March 30, 1784Sir Cecils Budget For Paying The National Debt, March 30, 1784
Wits Last Stake, or the Cobbling Voters and Abject Canvassers, April 22, 1784
The Parody, or Mother Cole and Loader, April 10, 1784. April 10, 1784The Parody, or Mother Cole and Loader, April 10, 1784
The Champion of the People, March 11, 1784. March 11, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Champion of the People, March 11, 1784
The Infant Hercules, February 3, 1784. February 3, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Infant Hercules, February 3, 1784
For The Benefit of The Champion, May 20, 1784. May 20, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonFor The Benefit of The Champion, May 20, 1784
Billy Lackbeard and Charley Blackbeard playing at Football, February 7, 1784
The Pit of Acheron or The Birth of the Plagues of England, January 28, 1784
The Incurable, April 4, 1784. April 4, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Incurable, April 4, 1784
The Rival Candidates, April 8, 1784. April 8, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Rival Candidates, April 8, 1784
The Westminster Watchman, April 12, 1784. April 12, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Westminster Watchman, April 12, 1784
The Covent Garden Night Mare, April 20, 1784. April 20, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Covent Garden Night Mare, April 20, 1784
The Departure, April 29, 1784. April 29, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Departure, April 29, 1784
The Hanoverian Horse and British Lion, March 31, 1784. March 31, 1784The Hanoverian Horse and British Lion, March 31, 1784
Nollikens, (1737-1823), 1830. Creator: UnknownNollikens, (1737-1823) 1830. Joseph Nollekens (1737-1823) English sculptor who enjoyed work on mythological subjects
C. Fox, (1749-1806), 1830. Creator: UnknownC. Fox, (1749-1806), 1830
Charles James Fox, c1780, (c1884). Creator: UnknownCharles James Fox, c1780, (c1884). Charles James Fox (1749-1806), British Whig educated at Eton College
Sam House, The Patriotic Publican, 1822. Creator: Robert CooperSam House, The Patriotic Publican, 1822. Portrait of the political publican of Soho in London, holding a clay pipe and a bowl inscribed Fox for Ever
Political candour - ie Coalition resolutions of June 14th 1805... 1805. Charles James Fox makes a speech in the House of Commons. William Pitt the Younger sits alone on the Treasury bench
Westminster School, or Dr Busby settling accounts with Master Billy and his Playmates... 1785
The scrutiny, or examination of the filth, 1784. Five men, holding their noses and examining chamber pots, with devils in the background on either side. One man is vomiting
Wits last stake... 1784. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonWits last stake... 1784. Scene in a poor district of Westminster (Peter Street). The Duchess of Devonshire is canvassing a cobbler. She is supported on Charles James Foxs knee
The Hanoverian horse and British lion, 1784. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonThe Hanoverian horse and British lion, 1784. Scene in the House of Commons. On the left Charles James Fox is riding the British lion, facing William Pitt the Younger on the horse of Hanover
The champion of the people, 1784. ArtistThe champion of the people, 1784. Charles James Fox attacking a many-headed monster, raising the Sword of Justice above his head. Behind him are his supporters, English, Irish and Indians
The Westminster Watchman, 1784. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonThe Westminster Watchman, 1784. Charles James Fox as a watchman
General Blackbeard wounded at the battle of Leadenhall, 1784. ArtistGeneral Blackbeard wounded at the battle of Leadenhall, 1784. Charles James Fox (General Blackbeard) lying on the ground amid his followers
The Westminster Deserter drum d out of the regiment, 1784. ArtistThe Westminster Deserter drum d out of the regiment, 1784. Sir Cecil Wray being drummed away from the hustings in Covent Garden. Sam House is in the centre and Charles James Fox is on the right
The Rival Candidates, 1784. Artist: Isaac CruikshankThe Rival Candidates, 1784. The three candidates for the Westminster constituency at the 1784 general election
The State Auction, 1784. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonThe State Auction, 1784. William Pitt the Younger, as an auctioneer, disposing of British liberties in the House of Commons
Westminster Races... 1784. Artist: Isaac CruikshankWestminster Races... 1784
Brittannia roused or the Coalition Monsters Destroyed, 1784
Procession to the hustings after a successful canvass, no: 14, 1784Procession to the hustings after a successful canvass, no:14, 1784. An election procession including the Duchess of Devonshire and two other ladies (probably Lady Duncannon and Mrs Crewe)
The fox hunt or view holla! from Leadenhall Street, 1784. Charles James Fox, as a fox, being hunted by three dogs who are being hulloa d on by a number of spectators
Carlo Khans triumphal entry into Leadenhall Street, 1783. Artist: James SayersCarlo Khans triumphal entry into Leadenhall Street, 1783. An Indian potentate sitting astride an elephant with human face and trunk. This is a satire on Charles James Foxs India Bill
The Lord of the Vineyard, 1783
Banco to the knave, 1782. Members of the old and new ministry sitting and standing around a card table
Sawney ganging back again, being turned out of place, 1782. ArtistSawney ganging back again, being turned out of place, 1782. A Scot in Highland dress, walking from the Crown Inn, in the window of which sits George III with bandaged eyes
The grand review on Sydenham Common... 1792
Malagrida driving post, 1792. Artist: James GillrayMalagrida driving post, 1792. A carriage driving at a gallop down St Jamess Street, London, towards the gateway of St Jamess Palace
The loyal toast, 1798. Artist: James GillrayThe loyal toast, 1798. A dinner at the Crown and Anchor celebrating Charles Jamess Foxs birthday. The Duke of Norfolk is raising a brimming glass
Ceceders in Limbo - ie - vagabonds made usefull... 1798. ArtistCeceders in Limbo - ie - vagabonds made usefull... 1798
Meeting of unfortunate citoyens, 1798. Artist: James GillrayMeeting of unfortunate citoyens, 1798. Charles James Fox and Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk, meeting on the pavement outside Brookss Club
The Hustings. Vox populi, We ll have a mug! a mug! a mug!, 1796. ArtistThe Hustings. Vox populi, We ll have a mug! a mug! a mug!, 1796
A Peace Offering to the Genius of Liberty and Equality, 1794. ArtistA Peace Offering to the Genius of Liberty and Equality, 1794. Whigs offering gifts to France
View of the statue of Charles James Fox in Bloomsbury Square, Bloomsbury, London, 1817
The hopes of the party, prior to July 14th, 1791. ArtistThe hopes of the party, prior to July 14th, 1791
Covent Garden with election hustings in the background, featuring Charles James Fox, London, (c1790?). In the foreground a riot has broken out
The Retreat of Carlo Khan from Leadenhall St. 1783. Fox, seated cross legged on, and facing the tail of an ass with the face of Lord North. The ass is led by a female representing London