Capitals of the British Empire, 1937. Artist: Charles E TurnerCapitals of the British Empire, 1937. Chief cities and seats of government in Australia, Canada, South Africa, Newfoundland, Northern Ireland, and the Irish Free State
Courtney, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceCourtney, 1913. Shows Cornell University crew coach Charles E. Courtney (1849-1920), possibly during the Intercollegiate Regatta held in Poughkeepsie, New York, June 1913
Coach Courtney & C.S. Titus, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceCoach Courtney & C.S. Titus, 1913. Shows Cornell University crew coach Charles E. Courtney (1849-1920) possibly during the Intercollegiate Regatta held in Poughkeepsie, New York, June 21, 1913
C.A.H. Friedmann, C. deVidal Hundt, C.E. Finlay, Dr. F.F. Friedmann, 1913. Shows Dr
Coach Courtney, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceCoach Courtney, between c1910 and c1915. Shows Cornell University crew coach Charles E. Courtney (1849-1920)
Charles E. Courtney, (an oarsman), between 1865 and 1880. Creator: UnknownCourtney, Chas. E. (an oarsman), between 1865 and 1880. [Sportsman, rower and rowing coach]
Medal with portrait of US president Theodore Roosevelt, 1907. Creator: MorganMedal with portrait of US president Theodore Roosevelt, 1907. Commemorating the departure of the United States Atlantic Fleet on a cruise around the World
RAF personnel learning to use a dinghy, 1941. Creator: Charles BrownRAF personnel learning to use a dinghy, 1941
Silhouettes of military aircraft painted on the ceiling at an RAF training school during the Second World War, 1941
RAF personnel receiving aero-engine instruction, 1941. Creator: Charles BrownRAF personnel receiving aero-engine instruction, 1941
RAF personnel learning about weapons, 1941. Creator: Charles BrownRAF personnel learning about weapons, 1941. Airmen at training school during the Second World War: An armaments lecture is here shown in progress
RAF personnel learning to fire guns during the Second World War, 1941. Clay pigeon shooting was found in the war of 1914-18 to be a great help in the training of air gunners
RAF pilot learning to fly during the Second World War, 1941. Creator: Charles BrownRAF pilot learning to fly during the Second World War, 1941
Airman using a parachute during the Second World War, 1941. Creator: Charles BrownAirman using a parachute during the Second World War, 1941. The " free" parachute type is standardised in the R.A.F. and with it parachutist jumps with the pack attached
Pay-day Marks-off Life in the Royal Air Force at Regular Intervals, 1941. British airmen being paid during the Second World War
Revolver practice at the Elementary Flying Training School, 1941. Creator: Charles BrownRevolver practice at the Elementary Flying Training School, 1941. RAF personnel learning to fire guns during the Second World War
RAF personnel learning to identify aircraft during the Second World War, 1941. CreatorRAF personnel learning to identify aircraft during the Second World War, 1941
Airman learning navigation during the Second World War, 1941. Creator: Charles BrownAirman learning navigation during the Second World War, 1941. A Royal Air Force volunteer, who comes from the United States of America, is seen taking an observation with the Mark IX sextant
RAF personnel learning navigation during the Second World War, 1941
RAF personnel learning to fly in a flight simulator during the Second World War, 1941
Control desk at an RAF flight training school, 1941. Creator: Charles BrownControl desk at an RAF flight training school, 1941. The Link trainer can record and interpret his pupils control movements as they learn to fly on a flight simulator during the Second World War
Training in telecommunications, 1941. Creator: Charles BrownTraining in telecommunications, 1941
Sheep on the way to the Wilton Sheep Fair, Wilton, Wiltshire, 1924-1926. A print from Hutchinsons Britain Beautiful, edited by Walter Hutchinson, volume I, 1924-1926
Festival of the Holy Blood of Christ, Bruges, Belgium, 1936. Artist: Charles E BrownFestival of the Holy Blood of Christ, Bruges, Belgium, 1936. From Peoples of the World in Pictures, edited by Harold Wheeler, published by Odhams Press Ltd (London, 1936)