Roses in a Bottle [recto], 1900 / 1904. Creator: Paul CezanneRoses in a Bottle [recto], 1900/1904
Pistachio Tree at Château Noir, c. 1900. Creator: Paul CezannePistachio Tree at Chateau Noir, c. 1900
Mont Sainte-Victoire Seen beyond the Wall of the Jas de Bouffan, c. 1885 / 1888Mont Sainte-Victoire Seen beyond the Wall of the Jas de Bouffan, c. 1885/1888
Entrance to a Garden, 1878-1880. Creator: Paul CezanneEntrance to a Garden, 1878-1880
Still life, c1890. Creator: Paul CezanneStill life, c1890.
Seated Man, 1898 - 1900. Creator: Paul CezanneSeated Man, 1898 - 1900.
Trees and houses, Provence (NOB) Arbres et Maisons (FRE); Arbres et maisons au lieu dit "La Durane" (FRE), c1885.
Landscape from Jas de Bouffan, c1879. Creator: Paul CezanneLandscape from Jas de Bouffan, c1879.
Portrait of Anthony Valabregue, 1869-1871. Creator: Paul CezannePortrait of Anthony Valabrègue, 1869-1871
Still Life with Apples, 1893-1894. Creator: Paul CezanneStill Life with Apples, 1893-1894
The Eternal Feminine (L'Eternel Feminin), about 1877. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Eternal Feminine (L'Éternel Féminin), about 1877
Young Italian Woman at a Table, about 1895-1900. Creator: Paul CezanneYoung Italian Woman at a Table, about 1895-1900. Additional Info: Leaning on a fabric-covered table and resting her head in her hand, this young woman looks out with an enigmatic expression
The Road Bridge at L'Estaque, 1879-1882. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Road Bridge at L'Estaque, 1879-1882
Bottle, Carafe, Jug and Lemons, 1902. Creator: Paul CezanneBottle, Carafe, Jug and Lemons, 1902
Seated Man, 1905. Creator: Paul CezanneSeated Man, 1905. One of a set of plein-air paintings produced by Cezanne in Aix-en-Provence towards the end of his life
Still Life with Statuette, 1890s. Creator: Paul CezanneStill Life with Statuette, 1890s
Portrait of the Artist's Wife, 1877. Creator: Paul CezannePortrait of the Artist's Wife, 1877
Still Life With Cherries And Peaches, between 1885 and 1887. Creator: Paul CezanneStill Life With Cherries And Peaches, between 1885 and 1887
Boy With a Straw Hat, 1896. Creator: Paul CezanneBoy With a Straw Hat, 1896
Undergrowth, between 1893 and 1894. Creator: Paul CezanneUndergrowth, between 1893 and 1894
Les quatre saisons - Le printemps, c.1860. Creator: Paul CezanneLes quatre saisons - Le printemps, c.1860. Spring allegory
Les quatre saisons - L'été, c.1860. Creator: Paul CezanneLes quatre saisons - L'ete, c.1860. Summer allegory
Les quatre saisons - L'automne, c.1860. Creator: Paul CezanneLes quatre saisons - L'automne, c.1860. Allegorical figure of Autumn
Les quatre saisons - L'hiver, c.1860. Creator: Paul CezanneLes quatre saisons - L'hiver, c.1860. The allegory of winter is illustrated by a young peasant woman sitting near a fire. Another standing figure is just visible
Rochers et branches à Bibémus, between 1895 and 1904. Creator: Paul CezanneRochers et branches a Bibemus, between 1895 and 1904. Rocks and branches at Bibemus in Provence
Trois baigneuses, between 1879 and 1882. Creator: Paul CezanneTrois baigneuses, between 1879 and 1882. Pyramidal composition with three bathers arranged in a wooded area crossed by a large radius of light that is reflected in the water
Portrait d'Ambroise Vollard, 1899. Creator: Paul CezannePortrait d'Ambroise Vollard, 1899
Bather With Outstretched Arms (recto); Study of a Tree (verso), 1874/77
Academic Nude, Seen from the Back, 1862. Creator: Paul CezanneAcademic Nude, Seen from the Back, 1862
The Three Skulls, 1902/06. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Three Skulls, 1902/06
Montagne Saint-Victoire (The Arc Valley), c. 1885. Creator: Paul CezanneMontagne Saint-Victoire (The Arc Valley), c. 1885
Man Wearing a Straw Hat, 1905/06. Creator: Paul CezanneMan Wearing a Straw Hat, 1905/06
A Study for the Card Players, 1890–92. Creator: Paul CezanneA Study for the Card Players, 1890-92
Road in Provence, c. 1885. Creator: Paul CezanneRoad in Provence, c. 1885
Landscape at Auvers, 1873. Creator: Paul CezanneLandscape at Auvers, 1873
Self-Portrait, 1898. Creator: Paul CezanneSelf-Portrait, 1898
Guillaumin with the Hanged Man, 1873. Creator: Paul CezanneGuillaumin with the Hanged Man, 1873
Bathers, 1890–1900. Creator: Paul CezanneBathers, 1890-1900
Bathers, published 1897. Creator: Paul CezanneBathers, published 1897
Study for L'Autopsie, 1867/69. Creator: Paul CezanneStudy for L'Autopsie, 1867/69
Hercules Resting, 1897. Creator: Paul CezanneHercules Resting, 1897
Still life with blue bottle, sugar bowl and apples, 1900-1906. Creator: Paul CezanneStill life with blue bottle, sugar bowl and apples, 1900-1906
Woman in front of a Still Life by Cezanne, 1890. Creator: Paul GauguinWoman in front of a Still Life by Cezanne, 1890
Standing Bather, Seen from the Back, 1879 / 82. Creator: Paul CezanneStanding Bather, Seen from the Back, 1879/82
The Basket of Apples, c. 1893. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Basket of Apples, c. 1893
The Plate of Apples, c. 1877. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Plate of Apples, c. 1877
Bathers, 1890 / 94. Creator: Paul CezanneBathers, 1890/94
The Bathers, 1899 / 1904. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Bathers, 1899/1904
The Bay of Marseille, Seen from L Estaque, c. 1885. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Bay of Marseille, Seen from L Estaque, c. 1885
Auvers, Panoramic View, 1873 / 75. Creator: Paul CezanneAuvers, Panoramic View, 1873/75
Madame Cezanne in a Yellow Chair, 1888 / 90. Creator: Paul CezanneMadame Cezanne in a Yellow Chair, 1888/90
The Vase of Tulips, c. 1890. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Vase of Tulips, c. 1890
The Bathers (Large Plate), 1896-1897. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Bathers (Large Plate), 1896-1897
Self-Portrait, 1899. Creator: Paul CezanneSelf-Portrait, 1899
Geraniums, 1888 / 1890. Creator: Paul CezanneGeraniums, 1888/1890
Mont Sainte-Victoire [recto], c. 1895. Creator: Paul CezanneMont Sainte-Victoire [recto], c. 1895
Bust of a Girl, 1873. Creator: Paul CezanneBust of a Girl, 1873
Banks of the Seine at Medan, 1880-1885. Creator: Paul CezanneBanks of the Seine at Medan, 1880-1885
The Bend in the Road, 1900 / 1906. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Bend in the Road, 1900/1906
The Bathers (Small Plate), 1897. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Bathers (Small Plate), 1897
House of Pere Lacroix, 1873. Creator: Paul CezanneHouse of Pere Lacroix, 1873
Chateau Noir, 1900 / 1904. Creator: Paul CezanneChateau Noir, 1900/1904
Three Pears, 1878 / 1879. Creator: Paul CezanneThree Pears, 1878/1879
The Artists Son, Paul, 1886-1887. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Artists Son, Paul, 1886-1887
Banks of the Seine at Medan, c. 1885 / 1890. Creator: Paul CezanneBanks of the Seine at Medan, c. 1885/1890
Vase of Flowers, 1900 / 1903. Creator: Paul CezanneVase of Flowers, 1900/1903
Landscape near Paris, c. 1876. Creator: Paul CezanneLandscape near Paris, c. 1876
Montagne Sainte-Victoire, from near Gardanne, c. 1887. Creator: Paul CezanneMontagne Sainte-Victoire, from near Gardanne, c. 1887
Houses in Provence: The Riaux Valley near L Estaque, c. 1883. Creator: Paul CezanneHouses in Provence: The Riaux Valley near L Estaque, c. 1883
The Gardener Vallier, 1906. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Gardener Vallier, 1906
Antony Valabregue, 1866. Creator: Paul CezanneAntony Valabregue, 1866
Still Life with Milk Jug and Fruit, c. 1900. Creator: Paul CezanneStill Life with Milk Jug and Fruit, c. 1900
The Artists Father, Reading "L Evenement", 1866The Artists Father, Reading " L Evenement", 1866
Still Life with Apples and Peaches, c. 1905. Creator: Paul CezanneStill Life with Apples and Peaches, c. 1905
Man with Pipe, 1892 / 1896. Creator: Paul CezanneMan with Pipe, 1892/1896
The Peppermint Bottle, 1893 / 1895. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Peppermint Bottle, 1893/1895
Harlequin, 1888-1890. Creator: Paul CezanneHarlequin, 1888-1890
Louis Guillaume, 1879-1890. Creator: Paul CezanneLouis Guillaume, 1879-1890
At the Waters Edge, c. 1890. Creator: Paul CezanneAt the Waters Edge, c. 1890
The Battle of Love, c. 1880. Creator: Paul CezanneThe Battle of Love, c. 1880
Flowers in a Rococo Vase, c. 1876. Creator: Paul CezanneFlowers in a Rococo Vase, c. 1876
Boy in a Red Waistcoat, 1888-1890. Creator: Paul CezanneBoy in a Red Waistcoat, 1888-1890
Exhibition Catalogue Cover for a Cezanne show at the Galerie Vollard (May 9-June 10, 1898), 1898