La Cathedrale de Reims, 1917. Creator: Charles-Jules DuventLa Cathedrale de Reims, 1917. Reims Cathedral. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
La destruction methodique de Reims; Le sol de la place du Parvis-Notre-Dame, creve par l'explosion d'obus qui ont manque la cathedrale, 1917
La destruction methodique de Reims; L'eclatement d'un obus de gros calibre sur le transept de la cathedrale, le 19 avril 1917, a 1 heure de l'apres-midi, 1917
L'Exposition des oeuvres d'art mutilees ou provenant des regions devastees; Fragments de sculpture de la cathedrale de Reims, 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV
La Courte Occupation de Reims; Reims le cathedrale, 1914. Creator: UnknownLa Courte Occupation de Reims; Reims le cathedrale, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]
Le Cathedrale de Reims en flammes; Le clocher a l'Ange et la toiture du chevet en feu, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]
Le Cathedrale de Reims en flammes le 17 septembre, 1914. Creator: Jules MatotLe Cathedrale de Reims en flammes le 17 septembre; Le clocheton du chevit dit "Clocher a L'Ange" te la tour nord-ouest devores par l'incendie, 1914
Joan of Arc Standing at the Altar at Reims Cathedral, c. 1844
The Crowning at Rheims of the Dauphin (Joan of Arc series: V), 1907
Interior Elevation, Reims Cathedral, n. d Creators: Charles PercierInterior Elevation, Reims Cathedral, n.d
Interior Elevation with Statue of Louis II, Reims Cathedral, n. dInterior Elevation with Statue of Louis II, Reims Cathedral, n.d
Elevation of the Royal Box for the Coronation of Louis XVIII, Reims Cathedral, n. dElevation of the Royal Box for the Coronation of Louis XVIII, Reims Cathedral, n.d
Elevation of Altar with Statue of Louis I, Reims Cathedral, n. dElevation of Altar with Statue of Louis I, Reims Cathedral, n.d
Restored Cathedral of Reims, France, c1930s. Creator: UnknownRestored Cathedral of Reims, France, c1930s. From " Tour of the World". [Keystone View Company, Meadville, Pa. New York, Chicago, London]
The Cathedral, Rheims, 1890. Creator: UnknownThe Cathedral, Rheims, 1890. Notre-Dame de Reims traditional location for the coronation of the kings of France. Construction began in 13th century by Jean d Orbais and concluded in 15th
A Great Gothic Building: The Cathedral at RheimsA Great Gothic Building: the Cathedral at Rheims, built in the 13th and 14th Centuries, c1930
Baptism of King Clovis I, 15th century, (1849). Creator: Paul LacroixBaptism of King Clovis I, 15th century, (1849)
Reims Cathedral, Reims, northern France, c1914-c1918. Photograph from a series of glass plate stereoview images depicting scenes from World War I (1914-1918)
Rheims Cathedral, 1914, (1918). Artist: Allan Douglass MaindsRheims Cathedral, 1914, (1918). From The Studio Volume 74. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1918]
Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, France, late 19th or early 20th century. The facade of the cathedral of Notre Dame de Reims, where the Kings of France used to be crowned
Joan of Arc at the coronation of Charles VII, 1429 (1882-1884)
Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, France, 1882-1884. Artist: GautierCathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, France, 1882-1884. Detail of the facade of the cathedral, where the kings of France used to be crowned
Coronation of Charles V, c1365. From the Order of the Coronation of the King of France, showing Charles (1337-1380) being greeted by the archbishop at the Catheral of Reims
The coronation of King Charles X of France, Reims, 20 May 1825 (1900). The brother of Louis XVI and Louis XVIII, Charles (1757-1836) came to the throne in succession to the latter in 1824
Cathedral of Reims, First World War, 19 April 1917
Cathedral of Reims on fire from German shelling, France, 1914
Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral at Reims, 1429, (c1800-1867). St Joan, Maid of Orleans (c1412-1431) French patriot and martyr in full armour standing at the altar