Saints Paraskeve, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom and Basil the Great, early 15th century. From the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Prince Max of Saxony, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServicePrince Max of Saxony, between c1910 and c1915
Monk Instructing a Boy Dressed in a Cassock, c1865. Creator: Otto BrandtMonk Instructing a Boy Dressed in a Cassock, c1865
Edward Wetenhall, Bishop of Cork 1678, Kilmore 1699; Obit 1714, 1813
Nicholas Monk (Monck), Bishop of Hereford; Obit 1661, 1811. Creator: Robert DunkartonNicholas Monk (Monck), Bishop of Hereford; Obit 1661, 1811
William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury; Obit 1645, 1813. Creator: Robert DunkartonWilliam Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury; Obit 1645, 1813
Nathaniel Crew, Bishop of Durham, 1633-1721, 1814. Creator: Robert DunkartonNathaniel Crew, Bishop of Durham, 1633-1721, 1814
Michael Boyle, Archbishop of Armagh; Obit 1702, 1813. Creator: Robert DunkartonMichael Boyle, Archbishop of Armagh; Obit 1702, 1813
Augustus Tolton, 1887. Creator: UnknownAugustus Tolton, 1887. John Augustus Tolton was the first Catholic priest in the United States publicly known to be black. He was declared Venerable by Pope Francis in June 2019
Church Choirs - The New Style, 1891. Creator: Sydney Prior HallChurch Choirs - The New Style, 1891. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 44. July to December, 1891
The Blessed John Mata. n. d. Creator: Nicolas PitauThe Blessed John Mata.n.d
The Missionaries from The Complete Works of Beranger, 1836
The Reverend Fathers from The Complete Works of Beranger, 1836
Virgin and Child with St Anthony of Padua and St Thomas Aquinas, early 15th century
Female chorister, (Isle of Wight?), c1935. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesFemale chorister, (Isle of Wight?), c1935
Girl and boy chorister, (Isle of Wight?), c1935. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesGirl and boy chorister, (Isle of Wight?), c1935
Church officials and choir, (Isle of Wight?), c1935. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesChurch officials and choir, (Isle of Wight?), c1935
Woman and boy chorister, (Isle of Wight?), c1935. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesWoman and boy chorister, in front of a church doorway, (Isle of Wight?), c1935
William Wallace rejects the English proposals, 1297 (1864)
Anselm made Archbishop of Canterbury by William II, 1093 (1864). St Anselm (1033-1109) was an Italian-born Benedictine monk and an influential philosopher and theologian
The choir from Brampton Parish Church singing during a service, Rotherham, 1969. ArtistBrampton Parish Church choir singing during a service, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1969
Der Hellige Franz von Assisi 1182-1226, 1934. St Francis of Assisi, Italian priest and founder of the Franciscan order, 1493. St Francis (1182-1226). St Francis with the birds
Monseigneur D Hulst, c1893. Maurice The Sage of Hauteroche d Hulst (1841-1896), a prelate, author and Catholic preacher. Founder and first rector of the Catholic Institute of Paris
Procession, Capri, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen PoppelProcession, Capri, Italy, 1927. From Italien in Bildern, by Eugen Poppel [August Scherl, Berlin, 1927]
Bishop Thomas Ken, 17th century English cleric, late 19th or early 20th century. Ken (1637-1711) became Bishop of Bath and Wells in 1684
Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury, early 20th century
Bishop John Taylor Smith, British clergyman, early 20th century
A Fashionable Canon, Canon Richard Eyton, 1898. Artist: FTDA Fashionable Canon, Canon Richard Eyton, 1898. A print from Vanity Fair, May 19th 1898
The Virgin and Child with St Julian and St Nicholas of Myra, 1490-1492 (1870). After the painting by Lorenzo di Credi in the collection of the Musee du Louvre, Paris
Jean-Marie Vianney, Cure d Ars, French priest, 1858. Vianney (1786-1859) was a Catholic parish priest who was made a saint and is the patron saint of all parish priests
Charles Lavigerie, French clergyman, 1869. Lavigerie (1825-1892) was appointed Archbishop of Algiers in 1866, and was later made primate for the whole of equatorial Africa by Pope Pius IX
St Vincent de Paul, 1886
Bower of St Anthony, Vatican Gardens, Rome, Italy. Artist: Underwood & UnderwoodBower of St Anthony, Vatican Gardens, Rome, Italy. Stereoscopic card detail
Pope Pius IX, (1792-1878). Born Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti, Pius IX was elected Pope in 1846. His pontificate was the longest of the post-apostolic era
Jean Francois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de Retz, 17th century French churchman and agitator. The Cardinal de Retz (1614-1679) plotted against Cardinal Mazarin, Chief Minister of France
The Blessed Bread, c1879, (1912). Artist: Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan-BouveretThe Blessed Bread, c1879, (1912). A colour print from Famous Paintings, with an introduction by Gilbert Chesterton, Cassell and Company, (London, New York, Toronto, 1912)
Vincente de Valverde, first Bishop of Cuzco, (1852). A Dominican friar, Valverde (c1490-1543) went to Peru in around 1530
A Catholic priest is stabbed by a woman on the street, France, 1897. Artist: Henri MeyerA Catholic priest is stabbed by a woman on the street, France, 1897. An illustration from Le Petit Journal, 17th October 1897
Assassination of the Abbe de Broglie, 1895. Artist: Oswaldo TofaniAssassination of the Abbe de Broglie, 1895. Auguste Theodore Paul de Broglie, (1834-1895), Professor of Apologetics at the Institut Cathilique in Paris, was murdered on 11th May 1895
St Stephen, Austrian statue, 1480. From the Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Altarpiece of St Vincent, 1460. Artist: Nuno GoncalvesAltarpiece of St Vincent, 1460. Panel of the Relic (right side), Panel of the Knights (left side). From the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon, Portugal
Altarpiece of Saint Vincent, 1460. Artist: Nuno GoncalvesAltarpiece of Saint Vincent, 1460. Panel of the Frades (right side), Panel of the Fishing (left side). From the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon, Portugal
Annunciation, 1516-1517. Artist: Jean BellegambeAnnunciation, 1516-1517. From the Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
L Aumonier Militaire, Siege of Paris, 1870-1871. Print from a series titled Souvenirs du Siege de Paris showing a military chaplain
St Thomas Aquinas, mid 15th century. Artist: Fra AngelicoSt Thomas Aquinas, mid 15th century. St Thomas Aquinas (1226-1274), Italian scholastic philosopher, Christian theologian and member of the Dominican order
St Gregory, mid 15th century. Artist: Fra AngelicoSt Gregory, mid 15th century. Gregory I, the Great (540-604), Pope from 590. Fresco in the Chapel of Nicholas V, Vatican, Rome, dedicated to St Stephen and St Laurence
St Louis of Gonzaga, Italian saint and protector of young students, 19th century
Pope Gregory I, the Great, 590-604 (c1900). Saint Gregory (c540-604), Pope from 590, seeing Anglo-Saxon children in a slave market in Rome and calling them Angels not Angles
St Anselm reluctantly accepting the Archbishopric of Canterbury, 1093 (1864)
Pope Gregory I, the Great, 590-604 (c1860). Saint Gregory (c540-604), Pope from 590, seeing Anglo-Saxon children in a slave market in Rome and calling them Angels not Angles
St Bernard of Clairvaux, 19th century. Born in Burgandy, Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) became a Cistercian Abbot and one of the great Doctors of the Christian Church
St Louis of Gonzaga, 16th century Italian saint and protector of young students, 19th century. St Louis of Gonzaga (1568-1591), also known as St Aloysius
Scene from The Adventure of the Final Problem by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1893. Illustration by Sidney E Paget, the first artist to draw Sherlock Holmes
Capture of St Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1012 (mid 19th century). St Alphege was an English prelate who became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1006
Pope Pius IX, 1846. Born Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti (1792-1878), Pius IX was elected Pope in 1846. His pontificate was the longest of the post-apostolic era
Pope Pius IX. Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti (1792-1878) was elected Pope in 1846. Pius IX was the longest reigning Pope of the post-apostolic era
The Death of Romeo, 19th century. Illustration for William Shakespeares tragedy Romeo and Juliet, showing Friar Lawrence finding Romeos body. The play was first performed c1595
Fra Girolamo commanding Romola not to leave Florence, 1862-1863. Artist: Frederic LeightonFra Girolamo commanding Romola not to leave Florence, 1862-1863. Illustration from George Eliots Romola, published in monthly parts in The Cornhill Magazine, London, 1862-1863
St Augustine of Canterbury (d604). Augustine was sent by Pope Gregory I to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity
Francis Atterbury (1663-1732) English prelate, polemical writer and orator, 1732. Atterbury became Bishop of Rochester in 1713