Country Fair, 1664. Creator: Abraham TeniersCountry Fair, 1664. Villagers drinking and dancing
Card Players and Carousers, early 17th century. Creator: Adriaen BrouwerCard Players and Carousers, early 17th century
Village Fair, early 17th century. Creator: Adriaen BrouwerVillage Fair, early 17th century. Rowdy scene with villagers drinking, dancing, playing cards, vomiting and defecating
Tavern Scene, mid-late 17th century. Creator: Adriaen van OstadeTavern Scene, mid-late 17th century
Harvest Home - drawn by Godwin, 1858. Creator: UnknownHarvest Home - drawn by Godwin, 1858. English farm workers celebrating the gathering in of the crops. From "Illustrated London News", 1858
"A Merry Christmas!", 1860. From "Illustrated London News", 1860
Tavern Scene, 1692. Creator: Richard BrakenburghTavern Scene, 1692
The Andrians, 1639. Creator: Peter Paul RubensThe Andrians, 1639. Alternative title: The Bacchanal of the Andrians. Scene on the island of Andros
Country Inn, 1690. Creator: Cornelis DusartCountry Inn, 1690. Man holding a glass, with a ceramic tankard at his feet, while his female companion holds a waffle on her lap. Note covered booths behind
Poor Folk Drinking in a Tavern, c.1625-c.1630. Creator: Adriaen BrouwerPoor Folk Drinking in a Tavern, c.1625-c.1630
Country Inn, 1660-1702. Creator: Richard BrakenburghCountry Inn, 1660-1702
Figures before a Village Inn, 1642. Creator: Cornelis SaftlevenFigures before a Village Inn, 1642. Other Title(s): A company of country folk
Foxhunters Regaling in the "Good" Old Times - drawn by John Leech, 1856. Men can now dine and return to the drawing-room; and, with such temptations as Mr
Diana Offered Wine and Fruit by Bacchus and his Retinue, c.1617-1625
Party in a Brothel, c.1540. Creator: Workshop of the Brunswijkse MonogrammistParty in a Brothel, c.1540. Men and women drinking and embracing each other. A woman uses a waffle iron to cook waffles at the fireplace on the right
Carousing in the Cloister; A Ride Round the Valley of Mexico, 1875. [Monks eating and drinking]. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates
A barmaid filling mugs... 1760-70. Creator: Giovanni VolpatoA barmaid filling mugs at left, a man holds a bottle at center, and three people sit at a table drinking at right, 1760-70
Two young satyrs and a boy, 1647. Creator: Wenceslaus HollarTwo young satyrs and a boy, 1647
Seven Boys, 1625-77. Creator: Wenceslaus HollarSeven Boys, 1625-77
Eleven Boys and Three Goats, 1625-77. Creator: Wenceslaus HollarEleven Boys and Three Goats, 1625-77
Nine Small Boys, 1625-77. Creator: Wenceslaus HollarNine Small Boys, 1625-77
Four boys, two satyrs and a goat, 1654. Creator: Wenceslaus HollarFour boys, two satyrs and a goat, 1654
Five boys, two satyrs, and a goat (copy), 17th century. Creator: Wenceslaus HollarFive boys, two satyrs, and a goat (copy), 17th century
Foreigners Enjoying a Party, 1st month, 1861. Creator: Utagawa YoshitoraForeigners Enjoying a Party, 1st month, 1861
Portsmouth Point, 1814. 1814. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonPortsmouth Point, 1814
A Party of Merrymakers, ca. 1635-38. Creator: Pieter Jansz. QuastA Party of Merrymakers, ca. 1635-38
The Drunken Couple, 1685. Creator: Cornelis DusartThe Drunken Couple, 1685
View near Newport, Isle of Wight, pub. 1822. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827)View near Newport, Isle of Wight, from Sketches from Nature, published 1822 (coloured etching)
The Hot Hand, 1894. Artist: Ferdinand RoybetThe Hot Hand, 1894. A print from the Le Petit Journal, 18th June 1894
The Triumph of Pan, 1636. Artist: Nicolas PoussinThe Triumph of Pan, 1636. Nymphs and satyrs with goats dancing and carousing before a figure representing the god Pan