Scene of the landslip at the Savoy Mouth of the Mont Cenis Tunnel, 1872. Creator: UnknownScene of the landslip at the Savoy Mouth of the Mont Cenis Tunnel, 1872
English soldiers buried, Versailles, 29 Oct 1914. Creator: Bain News ServiceEnglish soldiers buried, Versailles, 29 Oct 1914 (date created or published later). Funeral procession for English soldiers in the street of Versailles, France, during World War I
The Last German Roads; Snow in Alsace. At Schnepfenried a network of half-buried iron wires, 1917. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Christ buried by Joseph of Arimathea, 17th century. Creator: Giacinto BrandiChrist buried by Joseph of Arimathea, 17th century
The Dogs of St. Bernard, n.d. Creator: George BaxterThe Dogs of St. Bernard, n.d
Troops Buried by a Snowstorm, 19th century. Creator: Nikolay Nikolaevich KarazinTroops Buried by a Snowstorm, 19th century
The Siege of Namur by Captain Shandy and Corporal Trim (Tristram Shandy), 1800-20
A Martyr Of The 16th Century - Johanna Van Santhoven, 1883. Creator: Willem GeetsA Martyr Of The 16th Century - Johanna Van Santhoven, 1883. [Johanna Van Santhoven, a Protestant, Led Out to be Buried Alive]
Vue de la facade du Speos de Phre, a Abousembil, March 1850
Colosse medial du Speos d Phre, a Abousembil, March 29, 1850
Kom-Ombou (Ombos), Vue Generale des Ruines, 1851-52, printed 1853-54
Louqsor, grande colonnade du palais, 1849-51. Creator: Maxime du CampLouqsor, grande colonnade du palais, 1849-51
Ruines du Temple de Koum-Ombou (Ombos), 1849-50. Creator: Maxime du CampRuines du Temple de Koum-Ombou (Ombos), 1849-50
Westernmost Colossus of the Temple of Re, Abu Simbel, 1850. Creator: Maxime du CampWesternmost Colossus of the Temple of Re, Abu Simbel, 1850
Statues in the Luxor Temple, Egypt, 1898. Creator: Christian Wilhelm AllersStatues in the Luxor Temple, Egypt, 1898. Tourist sitting on a piece of fallen sculpture, (the crown of Ramses The Great?) among half-buried statues at the Ancient Egyptian temple in Luxor
Pompeii, Campania, Naples, Italy, 2015. Creator: Luis RosendoPompeii was an ancient Roman city near modern Naples in the Campania region of Italy, in the territory of the comune of Pompei
Ninety-two foot obelisk still lying in the quarry of Assuan (Aswan), Egypt, 1905
Te Wairoa After The Eruption of Tarawera, 1923. Creator: UnknownTe Wairoa After The Eruption of Tarawera, 1923. From " Australia, New Zealand and Oceania in Pictures", by H. Clive Barnard, M.A. Blitt. [A. & C. Black, Limited, London, 1923]
Burial of Francisco Franco Bahamonde, when the Misa corpore in sepulto at the Royal Palace in Madrid
Excavated Temple of Abu Simbel, Nubia, Egypt, c1845. Artist: David RobertsExcavated Temple of Abu Simbel, Nubia, Egypt, c1845. View of the Temple of Abu Simbel, built during the reign of Rameses II (ruled 1279-1212 BC) and dedicated to the sun gods Amon-Re and Re-Horakhte
The Great Temple of Abu Simbel, Nubia, Egypt, c1845. Artist: David RobertsThe Great Temple of Abu Simbel, Nubia, Egypt, c1845
Interior of the Temple of Abu Simbel, Nubia, Egypt, c1845. Artist: David RobertsInterior of the Temple of Abu Simbel, Nubia, Egypt, c1845
Front elevation of the Great Temple of Abu Simbel, Nubia, Egypt, 1849. ArtistFront elevation of the Great Temple of Abu Simbel, Nubia, Egypt, 1849
House destroyed by lava flow, Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy
The search goes on, 1941 (1942). Throughout the night and all next day wardens, rescue men and ambulance men burowed into the wreckage of this house, looking for its occupant an old lady
Enceladus buried underneath Mount Etna, 1655. Artist: Michel de MarollesEnceladus buried underneath Mount Etna, 1655. A plate from Michel de Marolless Tableaux du Temple des Muses, Paris, 1655. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Enceladus buried underneath Mount Etna, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartEnceladus buried underneath Mount Etna, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Arch and walkway, Pompeii, Ancient Rome, 1st century AD. Pompeii was buried under a thick layer of volcanic ash by a catastrophic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD
Excavation leading to the remains of the Roman town of Herculaneum, Italy, 1815. Herculaneum was buried in the catastrophic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, which also destroyed Pompeii
Charcoal burning, 1540. Building a pyramid of wood (right) to be covered with bracken and earth, then slowly burned (left) to produce charcoal