Italian Noon (Italian Girl picking Grapes), 1827, (1965). Creator: Karl BriullovItalian Noon (Italian Girl picking Grapes), 1827, (1965). Painting, also known as An Italian Midday, in the State Russian Museum, St Petersburg
Horsewoman with a dog, c. 1850. Creator: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)Horsewoman with a dog, c. 1850. Private Collection
Return of a Roman shepherd home, 1851-1852. Creator: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)Return of a Roman shepherd home, 1851-1852. Found in the Collection of State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The Horsewoman, 1832, (1965). Creator: Karl BriullovThe Horsewoman, 1832, (1965). Portrait of Giovanna Pacini, foster-child of Countess J.P. Samoylova, a friend of the painters
Portrait of General Vasili Alexeyevich Perovsky, 1836, (1965). Creator: Karl BriullovPortrait of General Vasili Alexeyevich Perovsky, 1836, (1965). Imperial Russian general and statesman Count Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky (1794-1857). Painting in the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The Last Day of Pompeii, 1833, detail, (1965). Creator: Karl BriullovThe Last Day of Pompeii, 1833, detail, (1965). Depiction of people fleeing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy in 79 AD
Portrait of the Poet Nestor Vasilyevich Kukolnik, 1836, (1965). Creator: Karl BriullovPortrait of the Poet Nestor Vasilyevich Kukolnik, 1836, (1965)
Portrait of the statesman Alexandr Nikolayevich Golitsyn, 1840, (1965). Russian politician Golitsyn (1773-1844) was Minister of Culture and Chairman of the State Council
Portrait of the Writer Alexandr Nikolayevich Strugovshchikov, 1840, (1965). CreatorPortrait of the Writer Alexandr Nikolayevich Strugovshchikov, 1840, (1965)
The Siege of Pskov by Stephen Bathory in 1581, 1839-1843. Artist: Karl BriullovThe Siege of Pskov by Stephen Bathory in 1581, 1839-1843
Destruction of Pompeii, 1833, (1939). Creator: Karl BriullovDestruction of Pompeii, 1833, (1939). The Last Day of Pompeii, depiction of people fleeing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy in 79 AD
Portrait of the artist and architect Alexander Briullov (1798-1877). Found in the Collection of State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Moscow
Portrait of Sophia Andreyevna Bobrinskaya, nee Shuvalova, 1846. Found in the collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Portrait of the painter Karl Pavlovich Bryullov (1799-1852), 1836. Found in the collection of the Institut of Russian Literature IRLI (Pushkin-House), St Petersburg
Woman in Turban. Portrait of Countess Maria Grigoryevna Razumovskaya (1772-1865), nee Vyazemskaya, 1827-1830. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Portrait of the composer Count Matvey Vielgorsky (1794-1866), 1838. From a private collection
Erminia and the Shepherds, 1824. Artist: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)Erminia and the Shepherds, 1824. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Portrait of Prince Mikhail Andreyevich Obolensky (1805-1873), 1846. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Portrait of Countess Olga Pavlovna Fersen (Stroganova) (1808-1837), c. 1837. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Christ Blessing the Children, 1824. Artist: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)Christ Blessing the Children, 1824. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Sweet Water Springs near Constantinople, 1849. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Portrait of Ulyana M. Smirnova, 1837-1840. Artist: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)Portrait of Ulyana M. Smirnova, 1837-1840. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
Portrait of the author Vasily Ivanovich Orlov (1792-1860), 1836. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
Portrait of Countess Sophia Bobrinskaya, nee Samoylova (1797-1866), 1849. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
Vladimir Alexeyevich Kornilov aboard the brig Themistocles, 1835. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
Portrait of Anna Borisovna Bakunina (1802-1835), 1835. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Self-portrait with Baroness Yekaterina Meller-Zakomelskaya and her daughter in a boat, 1833-1835. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
The last Day of Pompeii, 1833. Artist: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)The last Day of Pompeii, 1833. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
Karl Bryullov, Vladimir Kornilov and Count Grigori Gagarin aboard the brig Themistocles, 1835. Found in the collection of the State Central Navy Museum, St. Petersburg
Italian Morning. Artist: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)Italian Morning. Found in the collection of the Regional I. Kramskoi Art Museum, Voronezh
Apostles Head, 1843-1847. Artist: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)Apostles Head, 1843-1847. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
A Barber Shop, ca. 1849. Artist: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)A Barber Shop, ca. 1849. From a private collection
Portrait of Prince Alexander Nikolayevich Golitsyn (1773-1844), 1840. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Ride, 1849. Artist: Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)Ride, 1849. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The Horsemen. Portrait of Eugeny and Emily Mussard, 1849. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Portrait of Grigory Nikanorovich and Varvara Alexeyevna Olenin, 1827. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Portrait of Countess Julia Samoilova with her stepdaughter Amazillia Pacini and black boy, 1832-1834. From a private collection
Portrait of Yekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina (1795-1869), before 1832. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The Fountain of Bahcesaray, 1849. Artist: Karl BriullovThe Fountain of Bahcesaray, 1849. The Fountain of Bakhchisaray is a poem by Alexander Pushkin published in 1822. Found in the collection of the A Pushkin Memorial Museum, St Petersburg
The Malachite Hall of the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, 1837-1839. Briullov, Alexander Pavlovich (1798-1877)
Portrait of the author Alexander Strugovshchikov, (1808-1878), 1840. Artist: Karl BriullovPortrait of the author Alexander Strugovshchikov, (1808-1878), 1840. Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852). Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The Alexander Hall in the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, 1839. Briullov, Alexander Pavlovich (1798-1877)
The last Day of Pompeii, 1833. Artist: Karl BriullovThe last Day of Pompeii, 1833. Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852). Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
Horsewoman, Portrait of Giovanina and Amazillia Pacini, 1832. Artist: Karl BriullovHorsewoman, Portrait of Giovanina and Amazillia Pacini, 1832. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The Last Day of Pompeii Detail, 1833. Artist: Karl BriullovThe Last Day of Pompeii Detail, 1833. Pompeii is a ruined Roman city, destroyed by a volcano eruption in AD 79, Russian Museum, St-Petersburg
Female and David, 1832. Artist: Karl BriullovFemale and David, 1832. Located in the collection at, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Bathing Bathsheba, 1832. Artist: Karl BriullovBathing Bathsheba, 1832. The Book of Samuel describes how Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, was seduced by King David after he saw her bathing from the roof of his palace