Portrait of Brigadier General Sir Charles Van Straubenzee, 1860. Creator: Felice BeatoPortrait of Brigadier General Sir Charles Van Straubenzee, 1860
Brigadier-General The Earl of Erroll, 1902. Creator: Elliott & FryBrigadier-General The Earl of Erroll, 1902
Colonel Archie Miller, Benedict Crowell, Lieutenant Ross Kirkpatrick, General William Mitchell, Sergeant E.N. Bruce, 1919
Brigadier General L.W. Stotesbury, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceBrigadier General L.W. Stotesbury, between c1915 and c1920. Shows Brigadier General Louis William Stotesbury (1870-1948) who served as Adjutant General of New York (1915-1917)
Brig. Gen. Harry J. Hatch, 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceBrig. Gen. Harry J. Hatch, 1918. Shows Brigadier General Harry J. Hatch (1869-1931), Chief H.A. Section, C. of A. General Headquarters, Chaumont, France, September 3, 1918 during World War I
Louis W. Stotesbury, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceLouis W. Stotesbury, between c1910 and c1915. Shows Brigadier General Louis William Stotesbury (1870-1948) who served as Adjutant General of New York (1915-1917)
Secy Garrison [and] Gen. Leggett, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceSecy Garrison [and] Gen. Leggett, 1913. Shows Secretary of War Lindley Miller Garrison (1864-1932) and Brig
Mary Kennon Evans registers, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceMary Kennon Evans registers, between c1910 and c1915. Shows Mary Kennon Evans of Portland, Oregon, age 89, mother of Brigadier General Robert Kennon Evans. Evans is shown in the photo on the table
Secy Garrison - Gen. Leggett [i.e. Liggett], 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceSecy Garrison - Gen. Leggett [i.e. Liggett], 1913. Shows Secretary of War, Lindley Miller Garrison (1864-1932) and Brig
Brigadier General Hunter Liggett & party - Gettysburg, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceBrigadier General Hunter Liggett & party - Gettysburg, 1913
Brigadier General Hunter Liggett, Sec. of War - Garrison, Gen Wood, 1913
Brigadier General Hunter Liggett, Secy. Garrison - Gen. Wood, 1913
Brig. Gen. Joseph W. Duncan in uniform, 1910. Creator: Bain News ServiceBrig. Gen. Joseph W. Duncan in uniform, 1910
Lt. Walter Brooke; Lt. C.T. Walwyn; Col. P.A. Kenna & Lt. Geoffrey Brooke, (1910?)
Big. Gen. D.S. Rockenback [i.e. Rockenbach], 5 Sept 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceBig. Gen. D.S. Rockenback [i.e. Rockenbach], 5 Sept 1918
Gen. Leroy S. Upton, 26 Nov 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceGen. Leroy S. Upton, 26 Nov 1918. U.S
Gen. Campbell King, 30 Nov 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceGen. Campbell King, 30 Nov 1918. Brigadier General Campbell King (1871-1953) who served in World War I, at Junglinster, Luxembourg, November 30, 1918
Gen. Cole decorating marines, Parris Island, S.C. 10 June 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceGen. Cole decorating marines, Paris Isl'd. [i.e. Parris Island], S.C. 10 June 1918 (date created or published later)
Decorated American generals, 14 Jan 1919. Creator: Bain News ServiceDecorated American generals, 14 Jan 1919
Sir Arthur Sloggett, Queen Mary, Prince of Wales, 11 Jul 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceSir Arthur Sloggett, Queen Mary, Prince of Wales, 11 Jul 1917
James B. McPherson - Equestrian statues in WashingtonEquestrian statues in Washington, D.C. between 1911 and 1942. Sculpture of Brigadier General James B. McPherson by Louis Rebisso
Casimir Pulaski - Equestrian statues in WashingtonEquestrian statues in Washington, D.C. between 1911 and 1942. Sculpture of Brigadier general Casimir Pulaski by Kazimierz Chodzinski
At Grand Quartier General; Daily briefing in the office of the General Commander-in-Chief, at G.Q.G. in Compiegne, during the summer of 1917, 1917
Distant Fronts, in Jerusalem; The speech, on December 11, 1917, of the proclamation of General Allenby to the population of the city, in the presence of the staff of the allied troops
Distant Fronts, in Jerusalem; Arrival of the allies to the Holy City, December 11, 1917; Led by, the English General Borton, new governor of the city, followed by his two aides-de-camp; behind them
Dans la Bataille; Le brigadier general Sandeman Cary, don't M. Lloyd George devait dire a la Chambre des Communes "qu'il avait sauve l'Angleterre", 1918
James T. Dean, Colonel, U.S.ArmyJames Theodore Dean, Colonel, U.S.Army, Right, with Lt. Col. Ireland, 1917
Colonel Palmer Eddy Pierce, U.S. Army.; Director of Purchases. Left, with Edward R. Stettinius, 1917
Charles Mck. Saltzman As Brig. GenCharles McKinley Saltzman As Brig. Gen. Signal Corps, 1917
Brig. General Henry Granville Sharpe, UBrigadier General Henry Granville Sharpe, U.S. Army, left, 1917
Brig. General William A. Mann, UBrigadier General William Abram Mann, U.S.Army General Staff, 1917. Head of the Militia Bureau, First World War
Machine Gun Board of War Department - Tracy Dixon, Standing Left; Brig. Gen. Todd, 2nd or 3rd from Left; Newton D. Baker, 4th from Right; Lawrence B. Benet, 3rd from Right; Maj. Gen
le brigadier-general anglais Cunliffe (a droite) et son chef d'etat-major, le major Wright. 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV. L'Illustration Tome CXLVII
New Year's Reception At White House - Gen. George H. Torney; Col. Frank Mcintyre; Maj. Shelton, 1911
Portrait of a Brigadier General, circa 1800, between 1795 and 1805. Creator: UnknownPortrait of a Brigadier General, circa 1800, between 1795 and 1805
Brigadier General William Herbert Bixby, US Army, Chief of Engineers, U.S.S. Maine, 1914
Brigadier General William Herbert Bixby with ColBrigadier General William Herbert Bixby, US Army, Chief of Engineers - Right, with Colonel William Trent Rossell, 1914
General Scott complimenting Col. Harney, 1849. Creator: UnknownGeneral Scott complimenting Col. Harney, 1849. Scene from the Mexican-American War: Major General Winfield Scott and Brigadier General William S. Harney of the US Army
Death of Colonel Yell, 1849. Creator: UnknownDeath of Colonel Yell, 1849. American Brevet Brigadier-General Archibald Yell was killed at the Battle of Buena Vista in Coahuila, Mexico, during the the Mexican-American War
Captain McCulloch, 1849. Creator: UnknownCaptain McCulloch, 1849. American soldier and Texas Ranger Benjamin McCulloch fought in the Texas Revolution, the Mexican-American War and the American Civil War
Lewis Cass of Michigan, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownHon. Lewis Cass of Mich. between 1855 and 1865. [Military officer, politician: brigadier general in the War of 1812; Secretary of State; Territorial Governor of Michigan; Ambassador to France]
Isaac Ingalls Stevens, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownHon. Isaac Ingalls Stevens, between 1855 and 1865. [Union Army soldier and politician: governor of the Territory of Washington]
President Franklin Pierce, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownPres. Franklin Pierce, between 1855 and 1865. [14th president of the United States; enforced the Fugitive Slave Act]
General John Buford, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. John Buford, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Soldier: played a major role in the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg]
Henry Wilson of Massachusetts, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownHon. Henry Wilson, between 1855 and 1865. [Henry Wilson (born Jeremiah Jones Colbath), Union Army officer and anti-slavery politician: vice president of the United States]
General James S. Robinson, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. J.S. Robinson, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Politician, newspaper editor and publisher, soldier]
General William W. Belknap, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. W.W. Belknap, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Lawyer, soldier, government administrator: Secretary of War]
General Robert Anderson, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Robert Anderson, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Union commander in the first battle of the American Civil War at Fort Sumter]
Sergeant John Lincoln Clem, c1867. Creator: UnknownSgt. John Clem, between 1855 and 1865. [Soldier, nicknamed Johnny Shiloh (1851-1937): drummer boy in the Union Army during the American Civil War]
General E. W. Rice, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. E.W. Rice, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Possibly a portrait of Elliot Warren Rice]
General Orlando Bolivar Willcox, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. O.B. Wilcox, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865
General Thomas Maley Harris, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. T.M. Harris, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Doctor and soldier]
General James Henry Van Alen, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. J.H. Van Allen, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865
General John Cleveland Robinson, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. John C. Robinson, between 1855 and 1865. [Politician and soldier: Union Army officer in the American Civil War; Lieutenant Governor of New York]
General Charles Ewing, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Chas. Ewing, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Lawyer and soldier; son of Interior Secretary Thomas Ewing]
General Innis Newton Palmer, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Palmer, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Innis N. Palmer, cavalry officer]
General Joseph Farmer Knipe, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. J. [F.] Knipe, between 1855 and 1865. [Brigadier general in the Union Army during the American Civil War]
Robert Anderson, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownRobert Anderson, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Union commander in the first battle of the American Civil War at Fort Sumter]
General John Converse Starkweather, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Starkweather, between 1855 and 1865. [Officer in the Union Army during the American Civil War]
General Rufus Ingalls, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Rufus Ingalls, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Quartermaster General]
Brigadier General Joseph Hooker, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownBrig. Gen. Joseph Hooker, between 1855 and 1865. [Union Army officer: defeated by Confederate General Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Chancellorsville during the American Civil War]
Silas Wright of New York, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownHon. Silas Wright of N.Y. between 1855 and 1865. [Lawyer, soldier and politician: brigadier general in the New York State Militia; Governor of New York]
General Henry S. Briggs, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Henry S. Briggs, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Lawyer, politician and soldier]
Joseph Lane of Oregon, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownHon. Joseph Lane of Oregon, between 1855 and 1865. [Proslavery politician and soldier known as Joe Lane: first Governor of Oregon Territory; took part in military operations against Native Americans]
James Shields, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownJas. Shields, between 1855 and 1865. [Politician and US Army officer]
General David McMurtrie Gregg, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Daniel M.M. [sic] Gregg, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Farmer, diplomat, Union cavalry officer]
General August Valentine Kautz, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. August Kautz, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865
General Joseph Hooker, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Joe Hooker, between 1855 and 1865. [Union Army officer: defeated by Confederate General Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Chancellorsville during the American Civil War]
General Solomon Meredith, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Meredith, between 1855 and 1865. [Farmer, politician and soldier: Union Army general in the American Civil War; Sheriff of Wayne County]
General Albion P. Howe, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Howe, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865
General John Joseph Abercrombie, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Abercrombie, between 1855 and 1865. [Brigadier general during the American Civil War]
Major General Thomas Casimer Devin, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownMaj. Gen. T.C. Devin ?, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865
Brigadier General William High Keim, US Army, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownBrig. Gen. W.H. Keim, U.S.A. between 1855 and 1865. [Politician and soldier]
John Brooks Henderson of Missouri, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownHon. John B. Henderson of Mo. between 1855 and 1865
General Rufus Ingalls, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. Rufus Ingalls, between 1855 and 1865. [Quartermaster General]
Lieutenant Colonel William H. Sackett, between 1855 and 1864. Creator: UnknownLt. Col. W.H. Sackett, between 1855 and 1864. [Lawyer and soldier: Major of the 9th Regiment of New York Cavalry during the American Civil War]
General John White Geary, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. J.W. Geary, between 1855 and 1865. [Lawyer, politician, Freemason, soldier: Union general in the American Civil War]
General Benjamin Franklin Kelley, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownGen. B.F.?Kelly, between 1855 and 1865. [Brigadier general in the Union Army during the American Civil War]