Portrait of Johanna Visscher (1604-1676), 1628. Creator: Bailly; David (1584-1657)Portrait of Johanna Visscher (1604-1676), 1628. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Madame de Montespan playing the Harp, . Creator: Netscher; Caspar; (after) (1639-1684)Madame de Montespan playing the Harp, . Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Portrait of Marie de Médici (1575-1642), before 1600. Creator: Santi di Tito (1536-1603)Portrait of Marie de Medici (1575-1642), before 1600. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Portrait of Alessandro Farnese (1545–1592)Portrait of Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), Duke of Parma, c1565. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Portrait of Elisabeth Farnese, Queen consort of Spain, 1723. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Nuns, 1893. Creator: Nesterov; Mikhail Vasilyevich (1862-1942)Nuns, 1893. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Landscape with Flowers, 1930. Creator: Palugyay; Zoltan (1898-1935)Landscape with Flowers, 1930. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Emperor Maximilian in the evening before the execution, 1868. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Portrait of Empress Maria Theresia of Austria (1717-1780), 1766. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Portrait of Gerrit Schaep, 1628. Creator: Bailly; David (1584-1657)Portrait of Gerrit Schaep, 1628. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Wandering Jew (Ahasver), 1927. Creator: Palugyay; Zoltan (1898-1935)Wandering Jew (Ahasver), 1927. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Annunciation, 1640. Creator: Liberi; Pietro (1605-1687)The Annunciation, 1640. Found in the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Agony in the Garden, c. 1420. Creator: Austrian master (active ca. 1440-1450)The Agony in the Garden, c.1420. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Saint Leonard, c. 1480. Creator: AnonymousSaint Leonard, c. 1480. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Hungarian Infantry, Presbourg, July 2, 1837, 1837. Creator: Auguste RaffetHungarian Infantry, Presbourg, July 2, 1837, 1837
Throwing snowballs, 1892. Creator: Veshin, Jaroslav (1859-1915)Throwing snowballs, 1892. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Francis II Rakoczi, 1800s. Creator: AnonymousFrancis II Rakoczi, 1800s. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Keme III, Voivode of Transylvania, First half of the 18th cent Creator: AnonymousKeme III, Voivode of Transylvania, First half of the 18th cent.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
King Wladyslaw III of Poland, Hungary and Croatia (1424-1444), First half of the 18th cent.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Adoration of the Shepherds, ca. 1600. Creator: Rottenhammer, Johann (Hans), the ElderThe Adoration of the Shepherds, ca. 1600. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Christ carrying the Cross, ca 1515. Creator: South German master (16th century)Christ carrying the Cross, ca 1515. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Tournament at the Place des Vosges in Paris, ca 1665. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Duke Gyula III of Transylvania, First half of the 18th cent Creator: AnonymousDuke Gyula III of Transylvania, First half of the 18th cent.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
A Questioning of a Prisoner, c. 1630. Creator: Codde, Pieter (1599-1678)A Questioning of a Prisoner, c.1630. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Imprudence of Candaules, End of 17th-Early 18th cen Creator: VerkoljeThe Imprudence of Candaules, End of 17th-Early 18th cen.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Village Dance, ca. 1600. Creator: AnonymousVillage Dance, ca. 1600. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Peter Orseolo, King of Hungary, First half of the 18th cent Creator: AnonymousPeter Orseolo, King of Hungary, First half of the 18th cent.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Charles VI (1685-1740), King of Hungary and Croatia, First half of the 18th cent.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
King Charles I of Hungary and Croatia (1288-1342), First half of the 18th cent.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
John Hunyadi, Voivode of Transylvania, First half of the 18th cent Creator: AnonymousJohn Hunyadi, Voivode of Transylvania, First half of the 18th cent.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
King Bela III of Hungary and Croatia, First half of the 18th cent Creator: AnonymousKing Bela III of Hungary and Croatia, First half of the 18th cent.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Portrait of Willem Burchgraeff, 17th century. Creator: Rembrandt van Rhijn, (School)Portrait of Willem Burchgraeff, 17th century. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Saint Praxedis, c. 1650. Creator: Pignoni, Simone (1611-1698)Saint Praxedis, c. 1650. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Portrait of Emperor Joseph II (1741-1790), 1769. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, 1519. Creator: Master of the Danube SchoolThe Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, 1519. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
King Saint Stephen in the battle with the Turks, ca. 1718-1719. Creator: AnonymousKing Saint Stephen in the battle with the Turks, ca. 1718-1719. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Anne Boleyn, ca. 1600. Creator: AnonymousAnne Boleyn, ca. 1600. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Evening landscape with river, c. 1880. Creator: Mednyanszky, Laszlo (1852-1919)Evening landscape with river, c. 1880. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Finding of the Relics of Saint Stephen the First Martyr, ca 1515. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Rape of Helen, c. 1550. Creator: AnonymousThe Rape of Helen, c. 1550. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Thalia and Terpsichore, 1719. Creator: Vleughels, Nicolas (1668-1737)Thalia and Terpsichore, 1719. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Saint Odile, 1519. Creator: Master of the Danube School (active 1510-1515)Saint Odile, 1519. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Raid, ca 1717. Creator: Huchtenburgh, Jan van (1647-1733)Raid, ca 1717. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The School, c. 1650. Creator: Steen, Jan Havicksz (1626-1679)The School, c. 1650. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Miraculous Draught of Fishes, c. 1550. Creator: Scorel, Jan, van (1495-1562)The Miraculous Draught of Fishes, c. 1550. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Yielding of War Booty, c. 1635. Creator: Quast, Pieter (1605-1647)The Yielding of War Booty, c. 1635. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Prisoners of War, 1914. Creator: Mednyanszky, Laszlo (1852-1919)The Prisoners of War, 1914. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Confusion of Tongues, 1600s. Creator: Mander, Karel van, the Elder (1548-1606)The Confusion of Tongues, 1600s. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The fruit and vegetable sellers, c. 1570. Creator: Beuckelaer, Joachim (ca. 1533-1574)The fruit and vegetable sellers, c. 1570. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Prayer over the grave, 1895. Creator: Mednyanszky, Laszlo (1852-1919)Prayer over the grave, 1895. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Witch, c. 1830. Creator: Rombauer, Janos (1782-1849)Witch, c. 1830. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Michael Richards (1673-1721) and John Richards (1669-1709) at the Siege of Belgrade in 1690Michael Richards (1673-1721) and his brother John Richards (1669-1709) at the Siege of Belgrade in 1690 (After Godfrey Kneller), um 1700. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Portrait of Enrico Palladio degli Olivi (ca 1580-1629), ca 1610-1615. Creator: AnonymousPortrait of Enrico Palladio degli Olivi (ca 1580-1629), ca 1610-1615. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Reapers, c. 1910. Creator: Zabota, Ivan (1877-1939)The Reapers, c. 1910. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Modry Kamen Castle, c. 1925. Creator: Zabota, Ivan (1877-1939)Modry Kamen Castle, c. 1925. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Child with a Horse Toy, c. 1925. Creator: Zabota, Ivan (1877-1939)Child with a Horse Toy, c. 1925. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
A girl with a jug, 1920s. Creator: Zabota, Ivan (1877-1939)A girl with a jug, 1920s. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Old Man in the Kitchen, 1875. Creator: Kern, Hermann (1838-1912)Old Man in the Kitchen, 1875. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Botanists dearest flower, 1870. Creator: Kern, Hermann (1838-1912)Botanists dearest flower, 1870. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Gambrinus, c. 1875. Creator: Makart, Hans (1840-1884)Gambrinus, c. 1875. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Kunstkammer, First Half of 17th cen Creator: Jordaens, Hans III (1590-1643)The Kunstkammer, First Half of 17th cen.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The contest between Apollo and Pan, ca 1690. Creator: Maes, Godfried (1649-1700)The contest between Apollo and Pan, ca 1690. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Elijahs sacrifice on Mount Carmel, 17th century. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Saint Paul preaching at Campagna, ca 1735. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Saint Charles Borromeo among Plague Victims, Second Half of the 17th cen Creator: BonattiSaint Charles Borromeo among Plague Victims, Second Half of the 17th cen.. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
At the Apothecary, 1656. Creator: Lundens, Gerrit (1622-1686)At the Apothecary, 1656. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The everlasting Father, c. 1750. Creator: Piazzetta, Gian Battista (1683-1754)The everlasting Father, c. 1750. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
To Visit the Sick (Seven Works of Mercy), c. 1620. Creator: Francken, Frans, the YoungerTo Visit the Sick (Seven Works of Mercy), c. 1620. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Allegory of Summer, 1593. Creator: Flegel, Georg (1566-1638)Allegory of Summer, 1593. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Parable of the Rich Man and the Beggar Lazarus, 1615. Creator: Francken, FransThe Parable of the Rich Man and the Beggar Lazarus, 1615. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Night Watch in the Old Town, 1880. Creator: Majsch, Eduard (1841-1904)Night Watch in the Old Town, 1880. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
A smoker, c. 1650. Creator: Teniers, David, the Younger (1610-1690)A smoker, c. 1650. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Tavern Scene, 1652. Creator: Ryckaert (Rijckaert), David (1612-1661)Tavern Scene, 1652. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Judgement of Paris, c. 1650. Creator: Willaerts, Cornelis Adamsz. (1590-1666)The Judgement of Paris, c. 1650. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Allegory of Autumn, 1593. Creator: Flegel, Georg (1566-1638)Allegory of Autumn, 1593. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Allegory of the Four Elements: The Earth. Design for a tapestry for King Louis XIV, c. 1680. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Allegory of the Four Elements: Water, Air, Earth and Fire, c. 1610. Creator: BrueghelAllegory of the Four Elements: Water, Air, Earth and Fire, c. 1610. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, ca 1604. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Repentant Mary Magdalene, 1540. Creator: Master of Antwerp (active ca. 1520)The Repentant Mary Magdalene, 1540. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Achilles and the Daughters of Lycomedes, c. 1680. Creator: Molinari, Antonio (1655-1704)Achilles and the Daughters of Lycomedes, c. 1680. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The Holy Family, 1530. Creator: Master of Antwerp (active ca. 1520)The Holy Family, 1530. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Latona and the Lycian Peasants (Latona Protecting her Children), 1585. Creator: CarracciLatona and the Lycian Peasants (Latona Protecting her Children), 1585. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Landscape with Russian Troika, 1801. Creator: Venetsianov, Alexei Gavrilovich (1780-1847)Landscape with Russian Troika, 1801. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Deer in Forest Landscape, 1876. Creator: Brodszky, Sandor (1819-1901)Deer in Forest Landscape, 1876. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava