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Bombardment Collection

Background imageBombardment Collection: Attack of the Ulster Division, 1 July 1916, (c1930). Creator: James Prinsep Beadle

Attack of the Ulster Division, 1 July 1916, (c1930). Creator: James Prinsep Beadle
Attack of the Ulster Division, 1 July 1916, (c1930). Scene from the Battle of the Somme in northern France during the First World War

Background imageBombardment Collection: A Heroic Deed of the Royal Horse Artillery Near Compiegne, (1919). Creator: Unknown

A Heroic Deed of the Royal Horse Artillery Near Compiegne, (1919). Creator: Unknown
A Heroic Deed of the Royal Horse Artillery Near Compiegne, (1919). Scene from the First World War: at the Battle of Nery in September 1914, the British 1st Cavalry Brigade and L Battery

Background imageBombardment Collection: Landing Troops at the Khedives Palace at Alexandria after the Bombardment, 1882, (c1882-1885)

Landing Troops at the Khedives Palace at Alexandria after the Bombardment, 1882, (c1882-1885)
Landing Troops at the Khedives Palace at Alexandria after the Bombardment, 1882, (c1882-85). Episode of the Anglo-Egyptian War (1882). From British Battles on Land and Sea, Vol. IV, by James Grant

Background imageBombardment Collection: Lodz -- Water Tower wrecked by shells, between c1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service

Lodz -- Water Tower wrecked by shells, between c1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service
Lodz -- Water Tower wrecked by shells, between c1914 and c1915. Shows a water tower in Lodz, Poland which was damaged by shelling during World War I

Background imageBombardment Collection: The War in Denmark: the town of Sonderburg in ruins after the bombardment... 1864. Creator: Unknown

The War in Denmark: the town of Sonderburg in ruins after the bombardment... 1864. Creator: Unknown
The War in Denmark: the town of Sonderburg in ruins after the bombardment, 1864. Engraving...from a sketch taken by Mr. Simonsen, our Danish Artist

Background imageBombardment Collection: King George V sees trench bombing, 7 Jul 1917. Creator: Bain News Service

King George V sees trench bombing, 7 Jul 1917. Creator: Bain News Service
King George V sees trench bombing, 7 Jul 1917. Trench mortar bombardment during King George V's visit to the Gas School, Helfaut, France on July 7, 1917 during World War I

Background imageBombardment Collection: The aft deck of the H.M.S. Bulldog on August 15, 1854 off Bomarsund (After Edwin T. Dolby), 1855

The aft deck of the H.M.S. Bulldog on August 15, 1854 off Bomarsund (After Edwin T. Dolby), 1855. Private Collection

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Zeppelin Bombardment of Antwerp in August, 1814, in Defiance of the Hague Convention, 1915

The Zeppelin Bombardment of Antwerp in August, 1814, in Defiance of the Hague Convention, 1915. On the night of 25/26 August

Background imageBombardment Collection: Bombed buildings in Belgrade, Serbia, First World War, October 1915, (c1920). Creator: Unknown

Bombed buildings in Belgrade, Serbia, First World War, October 1915, (c1920). Creator: Unknown
Bombed buildings in Belgrade, Serbia, First World War, October 1915, (c1920). After the Third Austrian Bombardment: Street Scene in Belgrade

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Rebellion of Arabi Pasha in Egypt, 1882: The Bombardment of Alexandria... (1901)

The Rebellion of Arabi Pasha in Egypt, 1882: The Bombardment of Alexandria... (1901)
The Rebellion of Arabi Pasha in Egypt, 1882: The Bombardment of Alexandria by the British Fleet, (1901). Episode of the Anglo-Egyptian War

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Four Courts, Dublin, Ireland, July 1922, (1935). Creator: Unknown

The Four Courts, Dublin, Ireland, July 1922, (1935). Creator: Unknown
The Four Courts, Dublin, Ireland, July 1922, (1935). The scene at the Four Courts in Dublin during the battle for their possession

Background imageBombardment Collection: A Dug-Out in What Was Once A Sylvan Wood, (1919). Creator: Unknown

A Dug-Out in What Was Once A Sylvan Wood, (1919). Creator: Unknown
A Dug-Out in What Was Once A Sylvan Wood, (1919). Scene from the First World War, 1914-1919: The desolation and havoc wrought on the face of the country by modern guns baffles description

Background imageBombardment Collection: Verdun; Bombardement de Verdun avec des obus incendiaires (nuit du 25 au 26 mars 1916)

Verdun; Bombardement de Verdun avec des obus incendiaires (nuit du 25 au 26 mars 1916), 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Battle Seen by a Combatant; 6 a.m.: the Zouaves hold the fort of Malmaison... 1917

The Battle Seen by a Combatant; 6 a.m.: the Zouaves hold the fort of Malmaison... 1917. Creator: F Elim
The Battle Seen by a Combatant; 6 a.m.: the Zouaves hold the fort of Malmaison, on which they have planted their pennant; on the left, a white rocket signals a halt in progression, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Battle Seen by a Combatant; H-Hour (5:16 a.m.) of D-Day (October 23)...1917 Creator: F Elim

The Battle Seen by a Combatant; H-Hour (5:16 a.m.) of D-Day (October 23)...1917 Creator: F Elim
The Battle Seen by a Combatant; H-Hour (5:16 a.m.) of D-Day (October 23): our troops leave under the cover of a curtain of smoke shells; high in the sky, a rocket, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Battle Seen by a Combatant; At nightfall, October 22, 1917, divisional artillery

The Battle Seen by a Combatant; At nightfall, October 22, 1917, divisional artillery.. 1917 Creator: Unknown
The Battle Seen by a Combatant; At nightfall, October 22, 1917, divisional artillery cross the ruins of a farm south of Malmaison to occupy forward positions

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Battle of La Malmaison; During our artillery fire: explosion of a large French shell... 1917

The Battle of La Malmaison; During our artillery fire: explosion of a large French shell... 1917. Creator: Unknown
The Battle of La Malmaison; During our artillery fire: explosion of a large French shell on the concrete casemates of the German machine gunners of Mont-des-Singes, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: Bombardment of Vadelaincourt Hospital; The room where, on September 4, a surgeon... 1917

Bombardment of Vadelaincourt Hospital; The room where, on September 4, a surgeon... 1917. Creator: Unknown
Bombardment of Vadelaincourt Hospital; The room where, on September 4, a surgeon and wounded man being operated on were killed, and the head doctor wounded; the doctor standing in the background

Background imageBombardment Collection: Bombardment of Vadelaincourt Hospital; The barracks were bombed on August 20, ... 1917

Bombardment of Vadelaincourt Hospital; The barracks were bombed on August 20, ... 1917. Creator: Unknown
Bombardment of Vadelaincourt Hospital; The barracks were bombed on August 20, in violation of the sign of the Red Cross painted on the roofs; we still see one on the right, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: In Flanders; The Yser Offensive (1917); Bombardment of German lines... 1917. Creator: Unknown

In Flanders; The Yser Offensive (1917); Bombardment of German lines... 1917. Creator: Unknown
In Flanders; The Yser Offensive (1917); Bombardment of German lines by Franco-British artillery on the night of August 15-16, 1917 (3:30 a.m.), 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: Victorieuse Offensive Italienne; Devant Plava: Le bombardement des positions autrichiennes...1917

Victorieuse Offensive Italienne; Devant Plava: Le bombardement des positions autrichiennes...1917. Creator: Unknown
Victorieuse Offensive Italienne; Devant Plava: Le bombardement des positions autrichiennes du Monte Cucco, le 13 mai; des pieces lourdes anglaises y participent, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: Victorieuse Offensive Italienne; Le bombardement italien sur la chaine du Cucco et du Santo...1917

Victorieuse Offensive Italienne; Le bombardement italien sur la chaine du Cucco et du Santo...1917 Creator: Unknown
Victorieuse Offensive Italienne; Le bombardement italien sur la chaine du Cucco et du Santo, le 12 mai: les eclatements couvrent la montagne d'une sorte de brouillard, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: La destruction methodique de Reims; Le sol de la place du Parvis-Notre-Dame, creve par... 1917

La destruction methodique de Reims; Le sol de la place du Parvis-Notre-Dame, creve par... 1917. Creator: Unknown
La destruction methodique de Reims; Le sol de la place du Parvis-Notre-Dame, creve par l'explosion d'obus qui ont manque la cathedrale, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: La destruction methodique de Reims; L'Hotel de Ville en feu, apres le bombardement du 3 ma

La destruction methodique de Reims; L'Hotel de Ville en feu, apres le bombardement du 3 ma... 1917 Creator: Unknown
La destruction methodique de Reims; L'Hotel de Ville en feu, apres le bombardement du 3 mai par obus incendiaires, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: La destruction methodique de Reims; L'eclatement d'un obus de gros calibre sur le transept

La destruction methodique de Reims; L'eclatement d'un obus de gros calibre sur le transept de la cathedrale, le 19 avril 1917, a 1 heure de l'apres-midi, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: L'offensive Francaise d'avril-mai 1917; L'attaque des positions allemandes au Nord de... 1917

L'offensive Francaise d'avril-mai 1917; L'attaque des positions allemandes au Nord de... 1917
L'offensive Francaise d'avril-mai 1917; L'attaque des positions allemandes au Nord de l'Aisne le 16 avril, 6 heures du matin, 1917

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Siege of Magdeburg, 1631, (1650). Creator: Pieter Meulener

The Siege of Magdeburg, 1631, (1650). Creator: Pieter Meulener
The Siege of Magdeburg, 1631, (1650). The sack of Magdeburg was the destruction of the Protestant city of Magdeburg on 20 May 1631 by the Imperial Army and the forces of the Catholic League

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Anglo-Dutch Fleet under Lord Exmouth and Vice Admiral Jonkheer Theodorus Frederik van Capellen

The Anglo-Dutch Fleet under Lord Exmouth and Vice Admiral Jonkheer Theodorus Frederik van Capellen p Creator
The Anglo-Dutch Fleet under Lord Exmouth and Vice Admiral Jonkheer Theodorus Frederik van Capellen putting out the Algerian Strongholds, 27 August 1816, 1818

Background imageBombardment Collection: Council of War on board the Queen Charlotte, commanded by Lord Exmouth

Council of War on board the Queen Charlotte, commanded by Lord Exmouth, prior to the Bombardment o Creator
Council of War on board the Queen Charlotte, commanded by Lord Exmouth, prior to the Bombardment of Algiers, 26 August 1816, 1818

Background imageBombardment Collection: Conquest of Palembang, Sumatra in Indonesia, by Lieutenant-General De Kock, June 24, 1821, 1857

Conquest of Palembang, Sumatra in Indonesia, by Lieutenant-General De Kock, June 24, 1821, 1857

Background imageBombardment Collection: The War in Naples - Victor Emmanuel giving commands to commence the bombardment... 1860

The War in Naples - Victor Emmanuel giving commands to commence the bombardment... 1860. Creator: W Thomas
The War in Naples - Victor Emmanuel giving commands to commence the bombardment of Capua - from a sketch by our special artist

Background imageBombardment Collection: Part of the Destroyed Walls of Canton, from the Dutch Folly Fort - from a sketch by an... 1857

Part of the Destroyed Walls of Canton, from the Dutch Folly Fort - from a sketch by an... 1857. Creator: Unknown
Part of the Destroyed Walls of Canton, from the Dutch Folly Fort - from a sketch by an officer engaged in the operations, 1857. China, Second Opium War

Background imageBombardment Collection: Bombardment of Canton: the Suburbs on Fire - from a sketch by an officer engaged in the... 1857

Bombardment of Canton: the Suburbs on Fire - from a sketch by an officer engaged in the... 1857. Creator: Unknown
Bombardment of Canton: the Suburbs on Fire - from a sketch by an officer engaged in the operations, 1857. War in China: The time is approaching when our present treaty with China will have

Background imageBombardment Collection: La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; Eclatement d'un obus au deuxieme etage... 1918

La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; Eclatement d'un obus au deuxieme etage... 1918. Creator: Unknown
La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; Eclatement d'un obus au deuxieme etage du Marstall. L'aspect de quelques batiments de la place du Chateau-Royal, a Berlin

Background imageBombardment Collection: Les combats au Nord de la Somme; Bombardement de Curlu, quelques instants avant l'attaque, 1916

Les combats au Nord de la Somme; Bombardement de Curlu, quelques instants avant l'attaque, 1916. Creator: Unknown
Les combats au Nord de la Somme; Bombardement de Curlu, quelques instants avant l'attaque, 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV. L'Illustration Tome CXLVIII

Background imageBombardment Collection: Gun emplacement hit by a bomb, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste Raffet

Gun emplacement hit by a bomb, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste Raffet
Gun emplacement hit by a bomb, 1832, (1833). Blindage enfonce par une bombe'. Soldiers fleeing. On the left is an injured person

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Bombardment of Sveaborg - sketched by J. W. Carmichael, 1856. Creator: Unknown

The Bombardment of Sveaborg - sketched by J. W. Carmichael, 1856. Creator: Unknown
The Bombardment of Sveaborg - sketched by J. W. Carmichael, 1856. Scene from the Aland War, part of the Crimean War, showing...Captain Caldwell, [commanding] H.M.S

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Bombardment of Sveaborg - Officers on the Island of Tona Miola - sketched by J. W

The Bombardment of Sveaborg - Officers on the Island of Tona Miola - sketched by J. W. Carmichael, 1 Creator: Unknown
The Bombardment of Sveaborg - Officers on the Island of Tona Miola - sketched by J. W. Carmichael, 1856. Scene from the Aland War, part of the Crimean War. On Sunday afternoon, August 12, H.M

Background imageBombardment Collection: Battle of Medway, c.1668. Creator: Willem Schellinks

Battle of Medway, c.1668. Creator: Willem Schellinks
Battle of Medway, c.1668

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Battle of Medway, c.1668. Creator: Willem Schellinks

The Battle of Medway, c.1668. Creator: Willem Schellinks
The Battle of Medway, c.1668

Background imageBombardment Collection: La Bataille de la Somme; La replique au 420: notre obus de 440, 1916 (1924) Creator: Unknown

La Bataille de la Somme; La replique au 420: notre obus de 440, 1916 (1924) Creator: Unknown
La Bataille de la Somme; La replique au 420: notre obus de 440, 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Persian Expedition - H.E.I.C. 'Semiramis', Bushire, Resident's House, Sandbag Batteries, 1857

The Persian Expedition - H.E.I.C. "Semiramis", Bushire, Resident's House, Sandbag Batteries, 1857
The Persian Expedition - H.E.I.C. [Honourable East India Company] "Semiramis", Bushire, Resident's House, Sandbag Batteries, 1857

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Persian Expedition - the 'Abdulla' Transport, the 'Feroze', 'Punjaub'

The Persian Expedition - the "Abdulla" Transport, the "Feroze", "Punjaub", and "Assaye" shelling the Old Portuguese Battery, Indus Flat, 1857

Background imageBombardment Collection: Cour de l'Eveche, 1916 Creator: Francois Flameng

Cour de l'Eveche, 1916 Creator: Francois Flameng
Cour de l'Eveche, 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Sur les vieux remparts de Verdun (au fond, la Cathedrale), 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng

Sur les vieux remparts de Verdun (au fond, la Cathedrale), 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng
Sur les vieux remparts de Verdun (au fond, la Cathedrale), 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: La Meuse a Verdun, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng

La Meuse a Verdun, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng
La Meuse a Verdun, 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Verdun; Vue prise des vieux remparts, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng

Verdun; Vue prise des vieux remparts, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng
Verdun; Vue prise des vieux remparts, 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Verdun; Le Cloitre et la Cathedrale, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng

Verdun; Le Cloitre et la Cathedrale, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng
Verdun; Le Cloitre et la Cathedrale, 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: La hauteur de Douaumont vue du la Chaume, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng

La hauteur de Douaumont vue du la Chaume, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng
La hauteur de Douaumont vue du la Chaume, 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: A Dutch Squadron under the Command of Cornelis Simonsz van der Veer Carrying Out a Surprise Attack

A Dutch Squadron under the Command of Cornelis Simonsz van der Veer Carrying Out a Surprise Attack o Creator
A Dutch Squadron under the Command of Cornelis Simonsz van der Veer Carrying Out a Surprise Attack on Three Portuguese Galleons in the Bay of Goa Velha, 30 September 1639, 1653

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Shelling of s-Hertogenbosch by the French, 1800. Creator: Josephus Augustus Knip

The Shelling of s-Hertogenbosch by the French, 1800. Creator: Josephus Augustus Knip
The Shelling of s-Hertogenbosch by the French, 1800. Other Title(s): The Shelling of Hertogenbosch by the French during the Siege of 1794, presumably in the Night of 25-26 September

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Bombardment of Algiers, in support of...the release of Christian slaves...1816, 1823

The Bombardment of Algiers, in support of...the release of Christian slaves...1816, 1823. Creator: Martinus Schouman
The Bombardment of Algiers, in support of the ultimatum for the release of Christian slaves, 26-27 August 1816, 1823. Britain and the Netherlands bombarded ships

Background imageBombardment Collection: The shelling of the Sultan of Jambi's Kraton...8 September 1858, 1858-1865. Creator: Unknown

The shelling of the Sultan of Jambi's Kraton...8 September 1858, 1858-1865. Creator: Unknown
The shelling of the Sultan of Jambi's Kraton (Palace) by the government naval vessels Celebes, Admiraal van Kinsbergen and Onrust on 8 September 1858, 1858-1865

Background imageBombardment Collection: HMS Steam-Powered Battleship Medusa Opening the Shimonoseki Straits, 1864

HMS Steam-Powered Battleship Medusa Opening the Shimonoseki Straits, 1864. Other Title(s): HMS Medusa Forcing the Passage through Shimonoseki Strait between Kyushu and Honshu, September 1864

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Bombardment of Naarden, April 1814, 1814. Creator: Pieter Gerardus van Os

The Bombardment of Naarden, April 1814, 1814. Creator: Pieter Gerardus van Os
The Bombardment of Naarden, April 1814, 1814

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Naval Review: the Flotilla of Gun-Boats off the Motherbank - drawn by R. Leitch, 1856

The Naval Review: the Flotilla of Gun-Boats off the Motherbank - drawn by R. Leitch, 1856. Creator: Unknown
The Naval Review: the Flotilla of Gun-Boats off the Motherbank - drawn by R. Leitch, 1856. Ships of the Royal Navy taking part in a display off the coast of Hampshire

Background imageBombardment Collection: Captain Glasse, and his Chief Engineer, H.M.S. 'Vulture', superintending the repairs of

Captain Glasse, and his Chief Engineer, H.M.S. "Vulture", superintending the repairs of the Mortars Creator
Captain Glasse, and his Chief Engineer, H.M.S. "Vulture", superintending the repairs of the Mortars during the Bombardment of Sveaborg - sketched by J. W. Carmichael, 1856

Background imageBombardment Collection: Captain Hewlett, C.B. of H.M.S. 'Edinburgh', directing the movements of the 'Snapper'

Captain Hewlett, C.B. of H.M.S. "Edinburgh", directing the movements of the "Snapper" and "Stork" Gun-Boats at a Russian Three-Decker between Gustafsvern

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Attack on Sveaborg, 1856. Creator: Unknown

The Attack on Sveaborg, 1856. Creator: Unknown
The Attack on Sveaborg, 1856. Incident during the Crimean War; Russian-held town [now part of Helsinki, Finland] comes under fire from the French-English-Ottoman alliance

Background imageBombardment Collection: The fire on the Wharves of Algiers, shortly after the commencement of the Bombardment by

The fire on the Wharves of Algiers, shortly after the commencement of the Bombardment by the Anglo-D Creator
The fire on the Wharves of Algiers, shortly after the commencement of the Bombardment by the Anglo-Dutch Fleet, 27 August 1816, 1816-1820

Background imageBombardment Collection: Arras; Arras en feu (nuit 5 au 6 juillet 1915) Vue prise de Maroeuil, 1915 (1924). Creator: Unknown

Arras; Arras en feu (nuit 5 au 6 juillet 1915) Vue prise de Maroeuil, 1915 (1924). Creator: Unknown
Arras; Arras en feu (nuit 5 au 6 juillet 1915) Vue prise de Maroeuil, 1915 (1924). From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Le Bois mutile (cote 955, au-dessus de Metzeral), 1915. Creator: Unknown

Le Bois mutile (cote 955, au-dessus de Metzeral), 1915. Creator: Unknown
Le Bois mutile (cote 955, au-dessus de Metzeral), 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Les Batailles de l'Artois; Les entonnoirs de Carency, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng

Les Batailles de l'Artois; Les entonnoirs de Carency, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
Les Batailles de l'Artois; Les entonnoirs de Carency, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Les Batailles de l'Artois; L'Eglise d'Ablain et les Fonds de Souchez, 1915

Les Batailles de l'Artois; L'Eglise d'Ablain et les Fonds de Souchez, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
Les Batailles de l'Artois; L'Eglise d'Ablain et les Fonds de Souchez, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Les Batailles de l'Artois; Notre-Dame-de-Lorette et Ablain-Saint-Nazaire, 1915

Les Batailles de l'Artois; Notre-Dame-de-Lorette et Ablain-Saint-Nazaire, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
Les Batailles de l'Artois; Notre-Dame-de-Lorette et Ablain-Saint-Nazaire pendant le bombardement, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris

Background imageBombardment Collection: En Argonne; Clermont-en-Argonne, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng

En Argonne; Clermont-en-Argonne, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
En Argonne; Clermont-en-Argonne, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: En Argonne; L'Eglise de Clermont-en-Argonne, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng

En Argonne; L'Eglise de Clermont-en-Argonne, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
En Argonne; L'Eglise de Clermont-en-Argonne, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; colonne du monument de Guillaume 1er... 1918

La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; colonne du monument de Guillaume 1er... 1918. Creator: Unknown
La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; colonne du monument de Guillaume 1er, brisee par un obus. L'aspect de quelques batiments de la place du Chateau-Royal, a Berlin

Background imageBombardment Collection: Bataille de la Somme; La Vallee de la Somme pres de Curlu, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng

Bataille de la Somme; La Vallee de la Somme pres de Curlu, 1916 (1924) Creator: Francois Flameng
Bataille de la Somme; La Vallee de la Somme pres de Curlu, 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: La Vallee de la Somme pres de Clery, 1916 (1924). Creator: Francois Flameng

La Vallee de la Somme pres de Clery, 1916 (1924). Creator: Francois Flameng
La Vallee de la Somme pres de Clery, 1916. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageBombardment Collection: The Most Terrible Night, 1807-1808. Creator: Christian August Lorentzen

The Most Terrible Night, 1807-1808. Creator: Christian August Lorentzen
The Most Terrible Night. View of Kongens Nytorv (King's New Square) in Copenhagen During the English Bombardment of Copenhagen at Night between 4 and 5 September 1807, 1807-1808

Background imageBombardment Collection: Sur la Ligne de Feu; Le premier shrapnell de la journee, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Sur la Ligne de Feu; Le premier shrapnell de la journee, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Sur la Ligne de Feu; Le premier shrapnell de la journee, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Cour d'Usine barricadee, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng

Cour d'Usine barricadee, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
Cour d'Usine barricadee, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Soissons; La Caserne de Soissons (ancienne Abbaye), 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng

Soissons; La Caserne de Soissons (ancienne Abbaye), 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
Soissons; La Caserne de Soissons (ancienne Abbaye), 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Des Hauts-de-Meuse a l'Aisne, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Des Hauts-de-Meuse a l'Aisne, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Des Hauts-de-Meuse a l'Aisne, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Boyau conduisant a des Batiments d'Usine, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng

Boyau conduisant a des Batiments d'Usine, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
Boyau conduisant a des Batiments d'Usine, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Les Journees glorieuses de la Somme; La progression du 12 septembre, a l'est de Clery... 1916

Les Journees glorieuses de la Somme; La progression du 12 septembre, a l'est de Clery... 1916. Creator: Unknown
Les Journees glorieuses de la Somme; La progression du 12 septembre, a l'est de Clery, vers Feuillaucourt : trois phases de l'assaut; le bombardement de la tranchee allemande dite des

Background imageBombardment Collection: Soissons; Interieur de la Cathedrale de Soissons, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng

Soissons; Interieur de la Cathedrale de Soissons, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
Soissons; Interieur de la Cathedrale de Soissons, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Soissons; Les ruines de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes, a Soissons, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng

Soissons; Les ruines de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes, a Soissons, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
Soissons; Les ruines de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes, a Soissons, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Soissons; Le Pont sur L'Aisne, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng

Soissons; Le Pont sur L'Aisne, 1915. Creator: Francois Flameng
Soissons; Le Pont sur L'Aisne, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: L'Heroique Defense de Troyon, 1914. Creator: Unknown

L'Heroique Defense de Troyon, 1914. Creator: Unknown
L'Heroique Defense de Troyon, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: Le Cathedrale de Reims en flammes; Le clocher a l'Ange et la toiture du chevet en feu, 1914

Le Cathedrale de Reims en flammes; Le clocher a l'Ange et la toiture du chevet en feu, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: L'Heroique Defense de Troyon, 1914. Creator: Unknown

L'Heroique Defense de Troyon, 1914. Creator: Unknown
L'Heroique Defense de Troyon, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageBombardment Collection: A Perthes-les Hurlus; Une maison et la rue de l'Eglise a Perthes-les Hurlus, 1915. Creator: Unknown

A Perthes-les Hurlus; Une maison et la rue de l'Eglise a Perthes-les Hurlus, 1915. Creator: Unknown
A Perthes-les Hurlus; Une maison et la rue de l'Eglise a Perthes-les Hurlus, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

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