Songs of Innocence and of Experience: The Tyger, ca. 1825. Creator: William BlakeSongs of Innocence and of Experience: The Tyger, ca. 1825
Frontispiece to Jerusalem, the Emanation of the Great Albion, [ca. 1804-20] (?)
Circle of Theives: Agnello Brunelleschi Attacked By a Six-Footed Serpent, from Dan... caCircle of Theives: Agnello Brunelleschi Attacked By a Six-Footed Serpent, from Dantes Inferno, Canto XXVV, ca. 1825-27
God Pointing out Behemoth...and Leviathan, 1825. Creator: William BlakeGod Pointing out Behemoth...and Leviathan, 1825. Book: The Book of Job; Second edition
AI Image - Portrait of William Blake, 1800s, (2023). Creator: Heritage ImagesAI Image - Portrait of William Blake, 1800s, (2023)
William Blake, 1808, published 1813. Creators: Thomas Phillips, Luigi SchiavonettiWilliam Blake, 1808, published 1813
Orlando in a Fury Tearing up Trees, 1783. Creator: William BlakeOrlando in a Fury Tearing up Trees, 1783
Beggars Opera, Act III, 1788 / 1790. Creator: William BlakeBeggars Opera, Act III, 1788/1790
The Morning Amusements of her Royal Highness, 1782. Creator: William BlakeThe Morning Amusements of her Royal Highness, 1782
The Discomfited Duellists, 1784. Creator: William BlakeThe Discomfited Duellists, 1784
Canto VI, Verse 294, 1803. Creator: William BlakeCanto VI, Verse 294, 1803
March thro a swamp or Marsh in Terra-firma, 1793. Creator: William BlakeMarch thro a swamp or Marsh in Terra-firma, 1793
Canto II, Verse 471, 1803. Creator: William BlakeCanto II, Verse 471, 1803
Canto V, Verse 43, 1803. Creator: William BlakeCanto V, Verse 43, 1803
Canto IV, Verse 328, 1803. Creator: William BlakeCanto IV, Verse 328, 1803
Canto III, Verse 201, 1803. Creator: William BlakeCanto III, Verse 201, 1803
Canto I, Verse 29, 1803. Creator: William BlakeCanto I, Verse 29, 1803
Reverend Robert Hawker, D. D. 1820. Creator: William BlakeReverend Robert Hawker, D.D. 1820
Family of Negro Slaves from Loango, 1793. Creator: William BlakeFamily of Negro Slaves from Loango, 1793
A Coromantyn Free Negro, or Ranger, armed, 1793. Creator: William BlakeA Coromantyn Free Negro, or Ranger, armed, 1793
The Sculls of Lieut Leppar, & Six of his Men, 1793. Creator: William BlakeThe Sculls of Lieut Leppar, & Six of his Men, 1793
A private Marine of Col. Fourgeouds Corps, 1793. Creator: William BlakeA private Marine of Col. Fourgeouds Corps, 1793
Group of Negros, as imported to be sold for Slaves, 1793. Creator: William BlakeGroup of Negros, as imported to be sold for Slaves, 1793
A Surinam Planter in his Morning Dress, 1793. Creator: William BlakeA Surinam Planter in his Morning Dress, 1793
Fertilization of Egypt, 1791. Creator: William BlakeFertilization of Egypt, 1791
Sketch of a Shipwreck, 1809. Creator: William BlakeSketch of a Shipwreck, 1809
Mrs. Q. 1820. Creator: William BlakeMrs. Q. 1820
The Man Sweeping the Interpreters Parlor, c. 1820 / 1822. Creator: William BlakeThe Man Sweeping the Interpreters Parlor, c. 1820/1822
The Pastorals of Virgil, 1821. Creator: William BlakeThe Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Restrike from fragment of cancelled plate for "A Prophecy", 1793Restrike from fragment of cancelled plate for " A Prophecy", 1793
The Soul Hovering Over the Body [from Marriage of Heaven and Hell, "plate 14], cThe Soul Hovering Over the Body [from Marriage of Heaven and Hell, " plate 14], c. 1796
Joseph of Arimathea Preaching to the Britons, c. 1794 / 1796. Creator: William BlakeJoseph of Arimathea Preaching to the Britons, c. 1794/1796
Dream of Thiralatha [from "America, "cancelled plate d], c. 1794 / 1796Dream of Thiralatha [from " America, " cancelled plate d], c. 1794/1796
On Homers Poetry (and) On Virgil, 1822. Creator: William BlakeOn Homers Poetry (and) On Virgil, 1822
The Chaining of Orc, 1812. Creator: William BlakeThe Chaining of Orc, 1812
John Caspar Lavater, 1787 / 1801. Creator: William BlakeJohn Caspar Lavater, 1787/1801
The Wrath of Elihu, 1825. Creator: William BlakeThe Wrath of Elihu, 1825
Satan Going Forth from the Presence of the Lord, 1825. Creator: William BlakeSatan Going Forth from the Presence of the Lord, 1825
The Dance of Albion (Glad Day), c. 1803 / 1810. Creator: William BlakeThe Dance of Albion (Glad Day), c. 1803/1810
Job Rebuked by His Friends, 1825. Creator: William BlakeJob Rebuked by His Friends, 1825
The Lord Answering Job out of the Whirlwind, 1825. Creator: William BlakeThe Lord Answering Job out of the Whirlwind, 1825
Satan Smiting Job with Boils, 1825. Creator: William BlakeSatan Smiting Job with Boils, 1825
Joseph of Arimathea Among the Rocks of Albion, c. 1803 / 1810. Creator: William BlakeJoseph of Arimathea Among the Rocks of Albion, c. 1803/1810
Title-Page of the Engraved Illustrations to the Book of Job, 1825. Creator: William BlakeTitle-Page of the Engraved Illustrations to the Book of Job, 1825
Jobs Evil Dreams, 1825. Creator: William BlakeJobs Evil Dreams, 1825
The Circle of the Thieves; Buoso Donati Attacked by the Serpent, 1827
The Fall of Satan, 1825. Creator: William BlakeThe Fall of Satan, 1825
Job and His Daughters, 1825. Creator: William BlakeJob and His Daughters, 1825
Job and His Wife Restored to Prosperity, 1825. Creator: William BlakeJob and His Wife Restored to Prosperity, 1825
Behemoth and Leviathan, 1825. Creator: William BlakeBehemoth and Leviathan, 1825
Unknown subject (Let Him look up into the Heaven and laugh in the bright air), possibly c. 1805
War (The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder), c. 1803 / 1810. Creator: William BlakeWar (The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder), c. 1803/1810
The Hiding of Moses, 1824. Creator: William BlakeThe Hiding of Moses, 1824
The Circle of the Falsifiers: Dante and Virgil Covering their Noses because of the stench, 1827
The Circle of the Corrupt Officials; the Devils Mauling Each Other, 1827
Jobs Sacrifice, 1825. Creator: William BlakeJobs Sacrifice, 1825
The Messengers Tell Job of His Misfortunes, 1825. Creator: William BlakeThe Messengers Tell Job of His Misfortunes, 1825
Jobs Despair, 1825. Creator: William BlakeJobs Despair, 1825
The Destruction of Jobs Sons, 1825. Creator: William BlakeThe Destruction of Jobs Sons, 1825
The Vision of God, 1825. Creator: William BlakeThe Vision of God, 1825
The Vision of Eliphaz, 1825. Creator: William BlakeThe Vision of Eliphaz, 1825
Satan Before the Throne of God, 1825. Creator: William BlakeSatan Before the Throne of God, 1825
Job and His Family, 1825. Creator: William BlakeJob and His Family, 1825
The Circle of the Lustful: Paolo and Francesca, 1827. Creator: William BlakeThe Circle of the Lustful: Paolo and Francesca, 1827
Job Accepting Charity, 1825. Creator: William BlakeJob Accepting Charity, 1825
The Circle of the Thieves; Agnolo Brunelleschi Attacked by a Six-Footed Serpent, 1827
The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder (War), c. 1794 / 1796. Creator: William BlakeThe Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder (War), c. 1794/1796
Christ Appearing to His Disciples After the Resurrection, c. 1795. Creator: William BlakeChrist Appearing to His Disciples After the Resurrection, c. 1795
The Creation, 1825. Creator: William BlakeThe Creation, 1825
Jobs Comforters, 1825. Creator: William BlakeJobs Comforters, 1825
The Last Supper, 1799. Creator: William BlakeThe Last Supper, 1799
Job and His Daughters, 1799 / 1800. Creator: William BlakeJob and His Daughters, 1799/1800
The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun, c. 1805. Creator: William BlakeThe Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun, c. 1805
The Beggars Opera, Act III, July 1, 1790. Creator: William BlakeThe Beggars Opera, Act III, July 1, 1790
The Beggars Opera, Act III, 1790. Creator: William BlakeThe Beggars Opera, Act III, 1790
Winged Figure Flying Through Clouds, ca. 1780-87. Creator: William BlakeWinged Figure Flying Through Clouds, ca. 1780-87
Sabrinas Silvery Flood, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Thenot Under a Fruit Tree, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Shepherd Chases Away a Wolf, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Blasted Trees and Flattened Crops, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
The Circle of Corrupt Officials: The Devils Tormenting Ciampolo, from Dantes Inferno, Canto XXII, ca. 1825-27
The Circle of Traitors: Dantes Foot Striking Bocca degli Abbate, from Dantes Inferno, Canto XXXII, ca. 1825-27
Tornado-Zeus Battling Typhon (Erasmus Darwin, The Botanic Garden), August 1, 1795