Herd of Bison Near Lake Jessie, North Dakota, USA, 1856. Artist: John Mix StanleyHerd of Bison Near Lake Jessie, North Dakota, USA, 1856. A large herd of buffalo graze near Lake Jessie in North Dakota
The National Memorial to the Prince Consort: "America, " by John Bell, 1872
"A Herd of Bisons crossing a River Bottom on the Upper Missouri", by W. J. Hays, 1862. Engraving of a painting
Indians hunting Bison; Ocean to Ocean, the Pacific railroad, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London]
Bison, 1808. Creator: Izaak van HaastertBison, 1808
Fable V, plate five from Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Theire, 1743. Fable V, plate five from Instructive Fables from the Realm of the Theire, 1743
Shooting Buffaloes with Colt's Revolving Pistol, 1857. Creator: UnknownShooting Buffaloes with Colt's Revolving Pistol, [USA], 1857. Medicine in illness is considered the summum bonum among the Indians
Zoo, Washington, D.C.: Bison, 1916
Cowboys, roping a buffalo on the plains, between 1887 and 1892. Three cowboys on horses roping a buffalo
Over Door Panel, 1935 / 1942. Creator: Nicholas AmanteaOver Door Panel, 1935/1942
Sheet 10 of figures for Chinese shadow puppets, 1859. Creator: Juan LlorensSheet 10 of figures for Chinese shadow puppets, 1859
Buffalo Scene, 1922. Creator: Emil W. LendersBuffalo Scene, 1922
Buffalo Hunt on the Southwestern Prairies, 1845. Creator: John Mix StanleyBuffalo Hunt on the Southwestern Prairies, 1845
Indian Hunting Buffalo, late 19th-early 20th century. Creator: Edwin Willard DemingIndian Hunting Buffalo, late 19th-early 20th century
Buffalo Hunter, ca. 1920-1925. Creator: Julian MartinezBuffalo Hunter, ca. 1920-1925
The Last of the Buffalo, 1888. Creator: Albert BierstadtThe Last of the Buffalo, 1888
Buffalo Trail: The Impending Storm, 1869. Creator: Albert BierstadtBuffalo Trail: The Impending Storm, 1869
A collectors cabinet. Creator: Bison, Giuseppe Bernardino (1762-1844)A collectors cabinet. Private Collection
American prairie on fire, 1844. Creator: UnknownAmerican prairie on fire, 1844. People and animals run in panic from the flames. From " Illustrated London News", 1844, Vol I
Designs for the decoration of a ceiling, late 18th-mid-19th century
Design for a Decorated Wall with Grottesque over Blue Background, 1762-1844
School children looking at bison at zoo, Washington, D.C. (1899?)
The Oath-Apsaroke, c1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisThe Oath-Apsaroke, c1908. Three Apsaroke men gazing skyward, two holding rifles, one with object skewered on arrow pointed skyward, bison skull at their feet
Silver Heights, Winnipeg, Canada, c1900. Creator: UnknownSilver Heights, Winnipeg, Canada, c1900. Bison on the prairie. From Scenic Marvels of the New World edited by Prof. Geo.R. Cromwell. [C.N.Greig & Co. c1900]
Black American Wolf, Canis Lupus, 1845Black American Wolf, Canis Lupus. From The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America by John J. Audubon. Pub. 1845 (colour lithograph)
American Bison, Bos Americanus, 1845American Bison, Bos Americanus. From The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America by John J. Audubon. Pub. 1845 (colour lithograph)
Masterpieces of Hunter Artists at the Dawn of Civilization, c1935. Artist: Henri BreuilMasterpieces of Hunter Artists at the Dawn of Civilization, c1935. From Our Wonderful World, Volume I, edited by J.A. Hammerton. [The Amalgamated Press, Ltd. London]
An old friend with a new face or the baron in disguise, 1821. A bison with the head of Bartolomeo Pergami is embraced by Queen Caroline
Prairie Fires of the Great West, pub. 1871, Currier & Ives (Colour Lithograph)
Indians Hunting the Bison, 1843. Artist: Carl VogelIndians Hunting the Bison, 1843. Plate 31 from Volume 2 of Travels in the Interior of North America, 1843
Bison, 1916. From America in Pictures, by H. Clive Barnard, M.A. B.Litt. [A. & C. Black, Limited, London, 1916]
The wood bison. Artist: Tichmenev, Evgeny Alexandrovich (1869-1934)The wood bison. Private Collection
View of the Grand Canal from the Palazzo Balbi looking toward the Rialto Bridge with a Regatta. Private Collection
Native Americans hunting buffalo, 1841. Artist: Myers and CoNative Americans hunting buffalo, 1841. A print from North American Indians, Wiley and Putnam, 1841
Cave painting of a bison from the Altamira cave, Spain, 1933-1934. Print from Wonders of the Past, volume III, 1933-1934
Paleolithic cave-painting of Bison from Lascaux, France. c50, 000-c10, 000 BCPaleolithic cave-painting of Bison from Lascaux, France, 50, 000-10, 000BC
Solid copper Sumerian bison, found near Lake Van in Turkey, from the British Museums collection
Paleolithic cave-painting of a bison and ibex in the Salon Noir of the Grotte de Niaux
Neolithic cave-painting of a wounded bisonNeolithic cave-painting of a bison wounded by arrows, from the Grotte de Niaux in the Pyrenees
Paleolithic carving of a bison from la Madeleine in France
Paleolithic cave-painting of a Bison and Man from Lascaux
Paleolithic cave-painting of Bison from SpainPaleolithic cave-painting of bison from Altamira, Spain
American Plains Indians on a Buffalo hunt, 1898 Artist: WashakieAmerican Plains Indians on a Buffalo (North American Bison) hunt, 1898. Painting on skin
Mounted Grand Plains Indian hunting Buffalo with bow and arrowMounted Grand Plains Indian hunting Buffalo (North American Bison) with bow and arrow, c1890-c1927
Bison, copy of a Palaeolithic cave painting at Altamira, northern Spain, 1913. The original cave paintings at Altamira were produced between about 14, 000 and 12, 000 BC
North American Indians hunting buffalo, c1870North American Indians hunting buffalo (North American Bison) on prairies with bows and arrows and spears, c1870
North American Indian hunting buffalo, 1861North American Indian, mounted on horse, hunting buffalo (bison) with a bow and arrow, 1861. Hand-coloured engraving