Poppies, 1683-1733. Creator: Bernard PicartPoppies, 1683-1733
A Reclining Male Nude, 1723. Creators: Bernard Picart, Nicolas Boileau DespreauxA Reclining Male Nude, 1723
Male Nude with a Lamp (Diogenes), 1724. Creators: Bernard Picart, Nicolas Boileau DespreauxMale Nude with a Lamp (Diogenes), 1724
Massacre of the Innocents. Creators: Bernard Picart, Nicolas Boileau DespreauxMassacre of the Innocents
Le Lutrin: A Night Scene with Boirude, Brontin, and L'Amour Surprised by an Owl Flying... c. 1718Le Lutrin: A Night Scene with Boirude, Brontin, and L'Amour Surprised by an Owl Flying Out of a Lectern, c. 1718
Self-Portrait. Creator: Picart, Bernard (1673-1733)Self-Portrait. Found in the Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Portrait of Andrea Palladio in half-length within an oval frame; a compass, carpenters square, and plumb line rest on the plinth below the oval
Allegory of Time, 1690-1733. Creator: Bernard PicartAllegory of Time, 1690-1733. After Carlo Maratti
Roman Alphabet letter O with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century. Creator: Bernard PicartRoman Alphabet letter O with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century
Plate 27: Dona Rodriguez, who is speaking at night with Don Quixote, is surprised by the ladies of the Duchess (La Dame Rodrigue, s entretenant de nuit avec Don Quichotte)
Roman Alphabet letter T with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century. Creator: Bernard PicartRoman Alphabet letter T with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century
Roman Alphabet letter V with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century. Creator: Bernard PicartRoman Alphabet letter V with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century
Roman Alphabet letter P with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century. Creator: Bernard PicartRoman Alphabet letter P with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century
Roman Alphabet letter I with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century. Creator: Bernard PicartRoman Alphabet letter I with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century
Roman Alphabet letter N with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century. Creator: Bernard PicartRoman Alphabet letter N with Louis XIV decoration, 18th century
The main world religions, c1723, (1908). Creator: UnknownThe main world religions, c1723, (1908). Representation of the main religions of the world: in the foreground, group of Muslim men with prayer beads, one standing and preaching
Le Bateme de la Cloche and Benediction de la Cloche, 1724. Creator: Bernard PicartLe Bateme de la Cloche and Benediction de la Cloche, 1724. Baptism and blessing of the bell for a church clock. The bell is polished, and priests say prayers over it
The Passover of the Portuguese Jews, c1730s. Creator: UnknownThe Passover of the Portuguese Jews, c1730s. Family eating the Passover Seder (meal). A list of the dishes: 1) shoulder of lamb with hard-boiled egg; 2) bitter herbs; 3) figs, apples, almonds
Ste. Brigitte, 1713. Creator: Bernard PicartSte. Brigitte. Canonisee au concile, 1713. Saint Bridget of Sweden praying before Christ on the cross. At the age of ten, Bridget (1303-1373) claimed to have had a vision of the crucified Christ
Maniere dont L Yncas marie Ceux de son Sang, 1723. Creator: Bernard PicartManiere dont L Yncas marie Ceux de son Sang, 1723. Manner in which the Incas marry those of their blood. Wedding scene in Peru
Idoles de Tabasco, 1723. Creator: Bernard PicartIdoles de Tabasco, 1723. Idols of Tabasco. Gruesome scene of human sacrifice that supposedly took place in southern Mexico
Idoles de Campeche et de Iucatan, 1723. Creator: Bernard PicartIdoles de Campeche et de Iucatan, 1723. Idols of Campeche and Yucatan. Fanciful scene showing people and animals apparently being sacrificed to monsters in Mexico
Captif Sacrifie par les Antis, 1723. Creator: Bernard PicartCaptif Sacrifie par les Antis, 1723. Captive sacrificed by the Antis. Gruesome scene in the Americas, showing a man tied to a post being flayed and bled with knives
Desolation des Peruviens pendant L Eclipse de Lune, 1723. Creator: Bernard PicartDesolation des Peruviens pendant L Eclipse de Lune, 1723. Desolation of the Peruvians during the lunar eclipse. From " Ceremonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde"
Festin a L Honneur du Soleil, le jour du grand Ramy, 1723. Creator: Bernard PicartFestin a L Honneur du Soleil, le jour du grand Ramy, 1723. Feast in honour of the Sun, the day of the great Ramy. The Inti Raymi (Quechua for sun festival)
Religious Ceremony of the Inhabitants of the Isle of Hispaniola, c1721. Creator: Bernard PicartReligious Ceremony of the Inhabitants of the Isle of Hispaniola, c1721. Indigenous people drumming and dancing during a celebration for the gods, on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola
Sacrifice d un Agneau noir, le jour de la grande Fete du Soleil, 1723. Creator: Bernard PicartSacrifice d un Agneau noir, le jour de la grande Fete du Soleil, 1723. Sacrifice of a black sheep, on the day of the great Festival of the Sun
On Coupe les Cheveux, et on donne un Nom aux Fils de L Yncas, 1723. Creator: Bernard PicartOn Coupe les Cheveux, et on donne un Nom aux Fils de L Yncas, 1723. The hair is cut and a name is given to the son of the Incas. Naming ritual in Peru
The Dioscuri (Castor and Pollux) protect a ship, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe Dioscuri (Castor and Pollux) protect a ship, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
A satire on the South Sea Bubble, 1720. Artist: B BaronA satire on the South Sea Bubble, 1720. A monument dedicated to posterity in commemoration of ye incredible folly transacted in... 1720, 1720
A monument dedicated to posterity in commemoration of ye incredible folly transacted in... 1720. The figure of Fortune is conducted by Folly in a chair drawn by the South Sea and other Companies
Marriage of Laplanders / Christening of Laplanders, 1726. Artist: Claude DuboscMarriage of Laplanders/ Christening of Laplanders, 1726. After Bernard Picart (1673-1733). From Naaukeurige beschryving der godtsdienst-plichten
Burial of a Laplander / A Laplander in a trance with a magical drum on his back before he forete Artist: Claude DuboscBurial of a Laplander / A Laplander in a trance with a magical drum on his back before he foretels future events, 1726. The Sami people (traditionally known in English as Laplanders)
Tombs of the Virginian kings, c1734. Artist: Bernard PicartTombs of the Virginian kings, c1734
Baron of Eisenberg, 1727, (1885). Artist: Bernard PicartBaron of Eisenberg, 1727, (1885). The Baron demonstrates the perfect procedure for stopping a horse
Burial In A Church, (1885). Artist: Bernard PicartBurial In A Church, (1885). Illustration from Ceremonies and Religious Costumes of all the people of the world, by Bernard Picart (1673-1733)
The Confession, (1885). Artist: Bernard PicartThe Confession, (1885). Scene in a French Catholic church in the late 17th or early 18th century. Illustration from Ceremonies and Religious Costumes of all the people of the world
Sisyphus pushing his stone up a mountain, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartSisyphus Pushing His Stone up a Mountain, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Deluge, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe Deluge, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Deucalion and Pyrrha repeople the world by throwing stones behind them, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartDeucalion and Pyrrha repeople the world by throwing stones behind them, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Pandoras Box, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPandoras Box, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Prometheus tortured by a vulture, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPrometheus tortured by a vulture, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The giants attempt to scale Heaven by piling mountains upon one another, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe giants attempt to scale Heaven by piling mountains upon one another, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Enceladus buried underneath Mount Etna, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartEnceladus buried underneath Mount Etna, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Atlas supports the heavens on his shoulders, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartAtlas supports the heavens on his shoulders, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Arethusa pursued by Alpheus and turned into a fountain, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartArethusa pursued by Alpheus and turned into a fountain, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Perseus delivers Andromeda from the sea monster, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPerseus delivers Andromeda from the sea monster, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Bellerophon fights the Chimera, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartBellerophon fights the Chimera, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Passage of the Argonauts through the Symplegades, Hellespont, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPassage of the Argonauts through the Symplegades, Hellespont, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Glaucus turned into a sea god, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartGlaucus turned into a sea god, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Pan pursues Syrinx who is transformed into a reed, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPan pursues Syrinx who is transformed into a reed, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Castor and Pollux, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartCastor and Pollux, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The House of Sleep, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe House of Sleep, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Phaeton struck down by Jupiters thunderbolt, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPhaeton struck down by Jupiters thunderbolt, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Danaides condemned to fill bored vessels with water, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe Danaides condemned to fill bored vessels with water, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Arion saved by a dolphin, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartArion saved by a dolphin, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Perseus cuts off Medusas head, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPerseus cuts off Medusas head, 1733. A plate from Le Temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Narcissus in love with his own reflection, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartNarcissus in love with his own reflection, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Orpheus, leading Eurydice out of Hell, looks back upon her and loses her forever, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartOrpheus, leading Eurydice out of Hell, looks back upon her and loses her forever, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Iphis hangs himself in despair that he could not gain Anaxarete, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartIphis hangs himself in despair that he could not gain Anaxarete, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Ixion in Tartarus on the wheel, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartIxion in Tartarus on the wheel, 1733. According to Greek mythology, Tartarus was the deepest part of the Underworld and reserved for evildoers. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733
Tantalus torment, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartTantalus torment, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Achelous in the shape of a bull is vanquished by Hercules, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartAchelous in the shape of a bull is vanquished by Hercules, 1733. Hercules fought the river god Achelous for the hand of Deianira. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733
Hercules fights the Lernian hydra, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartHercules fights the Lernian hydra, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The death of Hercules, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe death of Hercules, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Salmacis and Hemaphroditus united in one body, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartSalmacis and Hemaphroditus united in one body, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Meleager presents the boars head to Atalanta, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartMeleager presents the boars head to Atalanta, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The fall of Icarus, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe fall of Icarus, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Alcyone and Ceyx transformed into birds, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartAlcyone and Ceyx transformed into birds, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Leander Swims Over the Hellespont to Meet his Mistress Hero, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartLeander Swims Over the Hellespont to Meet his Mistress Hero, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Chaos, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe Chaos, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Scene of Hell, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartScene of Hell, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Penelope at Her Loom, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPenelope at Her Loom, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Nymph Echo Changed into Sound, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe Nymph Echo Changed into Sound, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Phineus is Delivered from the Harpies by Calais and Zethes, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPhineus is Delivered from the Harpies by Calais and Zethes, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Acteon turn d into a Stag, and devour d by his dogs, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartActeon turn d into a Stag, and devour d by his dogs, 1733. Prince Acteon happened upon Diana naked while she was bathing. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733
Oeneus, King of Calydon is Punished for his Impiety, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartOeneus, King of Calydon, Having Neglected Diana in a Sacrifice is Punished for his Impiety, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Pygmalion is Enamoured With a Statue he Has Made, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPygmalion is Enamoured With a Statue he Has Made, 1733. Pygmalion is Enamoured With a Statue he Has Made, And at his Prayer Venus Transforms it into a Woman
Apollo and Diana Kill Niobes Children with their Arrows, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartApollo and Diana Kill Niobes Children with their Arrows, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Tithonus, Auroras Husband, Turned into a Grasshopper, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartTithonus, Auroras Husband, Turned into a Grasshopper, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Lycaon Metamorphosed into a Wolf, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartLycaon Metamorphosed into a Wolf, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Clytia Turned into a Turnesole, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartClytia Turned into a Turnesole, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Moon and Endymion, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe Moon and Endymion, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Semele is Consumed by Jupiters Fire, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartSemele is Consumed by Jupiters Fire, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere