The three graces, from Game of Mythology (Jeu de la Mythologie), 1644
A child and a satyr child playing with a goat, ca. 1657. Creator: Stefano della BellaA child and a satyr child playing with a goat, ca. 1657
Screen with Rebus of Fortune, ca. 1639. Creator: Stefano della BellaScreen with Rebus of Fortune, ca. 1639
Frontispiece for the comedy The Buffoons (Li Buffoni), a set on stage resembling a public space, various figures dancing around two people in cages in center stage, fifteen spectators below, ca. 1639
Salmacis and Hermaphrodite, from Game of Mythology (Jeu de la Mythologie), 1644
The wedding of a noble lady in Santa Maria della Salute, 1779-1792. Found in the Collection of the Fondazione Querini Stampalia
The Doge's coronation on the Scala dei Giganti in the courtyard of the Doge's Palace, 1779-1792. Found in the Collection of the Fondazione Querini Stampalia
The women's regatta on the Grand Canal, 1779-1792. Found in the Collection of the Fondazione Querini Stampalia
Stefano della Bella, 1649. Creator: Wenceslaus HollarStefano della Bella, 1649
Plate 12: bust of an old Turkish man in a turban, looking towards the left, from Various heads and figures (Diverses tetes et figures), 1650
Plate 11: bust of a man wearing a cap and looking towards the right, from Various heads and figures (Diverses tetes et figures), 1650
Head of a Man without a Beard, Turned in Profile to the Right, from Diverse Heads and Figures (Diverses tetes et figures), plate 10, 1650
Plate 9: bust of Minerva, wearing a helmet with feathers, looking towards the left, from Various heads and figures (Diverses tetes et figures), 1650
Plate 7: bust of a bearded soldier wearing armor, facing left in profile, from Various heads and figures (Diverses tetes et figures), 1650
Plate 6: head of an old bearded soldier wearing a helmet facing right, from Various heads and figures (Diverses tetes et figures), 1650
Plate 5: head of a woman, turned in profile to the right, from Various heads and figures (Diverses tetes et figures), 1650
Plate 4: head of an old woman with a bonnet, looking left from Various heads and figures (Diverses tetes et figures), 1650
Plate 3: head of a woman with braided hair, turned in profile to the right, from Various heads and figures (Diverses tetes et figures), 1650
Plate 2: head of a man with a moustache and fur cap facing left, an oval composition, from Various heads and figures (Diverses tetes et figures), 1650
Plate 16: head of an old man in profile with a cloth tied around his head, from The Book for Learning to Draw (Livre pour apprendre a dessiner), ca. 1649
Plate 14: head of a woman, in profile, from The Book for Learning to Draw (Livre pour apprendre a dessiner), ca. 1649
Plate 11: a Polish bust in profile, turned to the right, another Polish head seen from behind in the background, from The Book for Learning to Draw (Livre pour apprendre a dessiner), ca. 1649
Plate 7: Five feet, from The Book for Learning to Draw (Livre pour apprendre àPlate 7: Five feet, from The Book for Learning to Draw (Livre pour apprendre a dessiner), ca. 1649
Plate 4: two profiles and three mouths, from The Book for Learning to Draw (Livre pour apprendre a dessiner), ca. 1649
Plate 2: at top, the head of a young man, frontal view, at bottom, four eyes, from The Book for Learning to Draw (Livre pour apprendre a dessiner), ca. 1649
Clotaire 2.-e / Juste, modere... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Pepin le bref / Chef de la seconde race... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Clovis le grand / Vaillant, sage... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Charles neuf.-e / Bon Prince... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Charles Sept.-e / Prince facile... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Charles Martel / Vaillant et sage... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Charles 4.e- dit le bel / Prince sage... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Louis le debonnaire... Charles le Simple, from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Meroüee / Prudent et vaillant... from Game of the Kings of FranceMerouee / Prudent et vaillant... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Louis 6.-e dit le gros / Sage, vaillant... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Raoul... / Louis le Jeune... from Game of the Kings of France (Jeu des Rois de France), 1644
Plate 13: two peasants standing to left, a cripple kneeling on the ground in center, a woman carrying a child seen from behind to right in middleground, a church to right in background
Plate 10: a peasant woman turned towards the right with a child on her back, a boy lying on the ground behind her in center, two women and a child to left in middleground
Plate 8: two horsemen in hats at right, each with a woman seated behind them, riding towards the left in profile across a river, a tree at far right, from Caprice faict par de la Bella, ca. 1642
Plate 7: a peasant woman carrying a child to right, speaking to another child standing facing right in center, a castle to left in the background, from Caprice faict par de la Bella, ca. 1642
Plate 2: a ship at right and a rowboat at left, washed up on shore, a tower in ruins behind to left, from Caprice faict par de la Bella, ca. 1642
Plate 19: a rider making his horse drink from a basin of a fountain at left, another horseman seen from behind riding towards the left in the background
A female satyr breastfeeding an child to the right, turned towards the left, a satyr child on the ground to the left, from Landscapes and seaports (Paysages et ports de mer, dans des ronds), 1639
Three children carrying a tray, ca. 1638. Creator: Stefano della BellaThree children carrying a tray, ca. 1638
Plate 17: a cartouche with a marble center, an infant on either side holding a garland over the horns of a ram in center
Title page: a man carrying a case on his back in center, three men looking towards him on left, Medici coat of arms on ground to left, various boats and figures to right in the background
A rowboat full of men at right, a ship with men descending into a rowboat behind to left, two men with a shotgun on a ship to left, another ship to far right in the background
Plate 13: ruins of an ancient temple in the background, a herd of cows in the foreground, a round composition, from Roman landscapes and ruins (Paysages et ruines de Rome), ca. 1643-48
Plate 7: a triple waterfall, a dead tree to right, a mountain and a herd of cows to right in the background, a round composition, from Roman landscapes and ruins (Paysages et ruines de Rome), ca
Plate 11: the pyramid of Caius Cestius to right in the background, a horse grazing in center, a foal suckling a mare to left
Frontispiece for The Fall of Longobardi (La Caduta de Longobardi), poems by Sigismond Boldoni; a laurel tree at center, two putti holding up the coat of arms of Christine of France, duchess of Savoy
An ordinary ship travelling between Douvre and Calais (Naviere ordinaire qui passe de Douvre a Calais), ship in the sea at center, other boats to left and right, a ship to left in the background
View of a part of Calais (Veue d un coin de Calais), a man sitting on an overturned canoe on the pier in center, men cooking over a fire to left
Tower of Calais (Tour de Calais), tower to right, two ships in the sea to left and in center, from Views of seaports (Vues de ports de mar), 1647
View of the coast of Italy (Veue des Costes d Italie), the bow of a ship resting to left, a group of men playing cards in center, a tower in ruins to right in the background
View of Amsterdam (Vue d Amsterdam), a tower and houses to left, men standing on the pier to right, many ships in the port in the background, from Views of seaports (Vues de ports de mar), 1647
Another view of Amsterdam (Autre vue d Amsterdam), a group of four men stand in center on a seashore, a boat being built to right, a rowboat on shore to left, two ships to left in the background
View of the Amsterdam seaport (Veue d Amsterdam), men in rowboats work on a ship in center, other men stand on a dock to right, from Views of seaports (Vues de ports de mar), 1647
Two satyrs and a faun seated to right watching two child satyrs and another satyr with an child on his shoulders dance to left, a round composition, from Six animal subjects (Six sujets d animaux)
A shepherd at right, facing left, driving a group of animals downhill, a round composition, from Six animal subjects (Six sujets d animaux), ca. 1643-48
Two cows in center, followed by two peasant women and other cows in the river to left, a round composition, from Six animal subjects (Six sujets d animaux), ca. 1643-48
The test of fire, the monk Peter, the disciple Saint John Gualbert, passing through the flames from two pyres unharmed, various spectators to either side
A woman carrying a child in center, seen from behind, another woman to right, facing left, following a group of cows across a river, a round composition
A peasant woman seated on a horse to left, facing right, surrounded by a herd of fcows, goats, sheep, and dogs, a round composition, from Six animal subjects (Six sujets d animaux), ca. 1643-48
Frontispiece for The Cypress Forest (La selva di cipressi): two putti hold a tapestry in center, a forest of cypress trees and statues below, a skull and bones on the ground, 1640
A mule carrying a woman and a peasant walking with a mule to left, a fisherman to right casting his line towards the right, a bridge in the center background
A waterfall descending from the mountains in the center background, various animals and a woman and child beneath a tree in the foreground, from Various landscapes (Divers paysages), ca. 1641
A naval battle, a rowboat full of men to left, a sinking ship to right, two galleys battling in center, other ships battle to left in the background, from Various landscapes (Divers paysages), ca
Two horseman descend a hill in center, following another man on foot, a castle in the mountains in the center background, from Various landscapes (Divers paysages), ca. 1641
Frontispiece for Poems by Desmarets (Oeuvres poetiques de Desmarets): a winged woman representing poetry sitting in center, turned towards the left, holding a bugle in her left hand
Frontispiece: a monument decorated with the Medici coat of arms at top in center, flames at top to either side, a hooded figure on right side of monument with a weasel below
Saint Jean Gualbert trampling a monster with two human heads and a serpentine body, a flying demon in background to right, an angel with a cross flying to left
Frontispiece for The Works of Scarron (Œuvres de Scarron)Frontispiece for The Works of Scarron ( uvres de Scarron); the poet sitting in a chair, seen from behind, women to either side representing caricatures of the nine muses, Pan, Bacchus
Frontispiece for The funeral of Emperor Ferdinand II (Esequie dell imperadore Ferdinando II): the imperial coat of arms in center, supported by two eagles
Frontispiece for Instructions for Chancellors (Instruzione a Cancellieri): Medici coat of arms at top center, below two allegorical females, between them a dove holding olive branches in its mouth
View of the dome of the Palace of the Tuilleries, from Various views of remarkable places in Italy and France (Diverses vues d endroits remarquables d Italie et de France), 1649-51
The palace of Catherine de Medici, called the Tuilleries, from Various views of remarkable places in Italy and France (Diverses vues d endroits remarquables d Italie et de France), 1649-51
View and Perspective of the inside of the Palais d Orleans, from Various views of remarkable places in Italy and France (Diverses vues d endroits remarquables d Italie et de France), 1649-51
View of Luxembourg from the garden side of the Palais d Orleans, from Various views of remarkable places in Italy and France (Diverses vues d endroits remarquables d Italie et de France), 1649-51
A woman on horseback seen from behind descending a hill to the right, a large tree to the left, landscape of Florence to left in the background
A fisherman at center facing left and leaning against a large tree, a woman walking next to a horse to right in the background, from Four large landscapes (Quatre grands paysages en hauteur), ca
Two horsemen pass a flock, riding towards the left, a peasant woman and a young boy to left in the middleground, a large tree to right, from Six large views
First scene, in Florence, from The marriage of the gods (Le nozze degli Dei), 1637
Fourth scene, the sea, from The marriage of the gods (Le nozze degli Dei), 1637