Funeral procession of Charles XII, sketch, 1877. Creator: Gustaf CederströmFuneral procession of Charles XII, sketch, 1877. Mourners carrying the body of Charles XII of Sweden, killed in Norway during the Siege of Fredriksten
The Communist Trials at Versailles: interrogating the prisoners in the Orangery, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Communist Trials at Versailles: interrogating the prisoners in the Orangery, 1871. 'There are in action four councils of war in France
The Communist Trials at Versailles: the court cleared - reading the sentence, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Communist Trials at Versailles: the court cleared - reading the sentence, 1871. View of the '...trial of the prisoners charged with rebelling and raising civil war in Paris
The Funeral of Victor Noir: the people cheering the National Guard in the Champs Élysées, 1870. Creator: UnknownThe Funeral of Victor Noir: the people cheering the National Guard in the Champs Elysees, [Paris], 1870. On 11 January 1870, Noir, a journalist for the "Marseillaise" newspaper
The Disturbances in Paris: soldiers at night in the Luxembourg Palace, 1870. Creator: UnknownThe Disturbances in Paris: soldiers at night in the Luxembourg Palace, 1870. 'Paris during the vote on the plebiscite was literally crowded with troops
Algerian tirailleurs known as Turcos, First World War, 1915, (c1920). Creator: UnknownAlgerian tirailleurs known as Turcos, First World War, 1915, (c1920). French Colonial Reinforcements: Turcos lining up with their long bayonets fixed for action
Bulgar evening meal, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceBulgar evening meal, between c1910 and c1915
Execution of political prisoners in Cuba, 1869. Creator: UnknownExecution of political prisoners in Havannah, Cuba, 1869. Francisco Leon and Augustin Medina were charged with '...aiding the insurrection by secreting arms and resisting their seizure
Holding strikers in check, Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1912. Creator: Bain News ServiceHolding strikers in check, Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1912
Uncovering the equestrian statue of the late Field Marshal Lord Combermere at Chester, 1865. Creator: UnknownUncovering the equestrian statue of the late Field Marshal Lord Combermere at Chester, 1865. Sir Edward Cust, introduced by Earl Grosvenor
The War in Denmark: the assault on No. 4 Redoubt at Dü our special artist, 1864. Creator: UnknownThe War in Denmark: the assault on No. 4 Redoubt at Duppel - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864. Since the seaward redoubts, No. 1 and No
The War in Denmark: Prussian outposts before Düppel: "Wer da?" ("Who goes there?"), 1864The War in Denmark from a sketch by our special artist with the allied German armies: Prussian outposts before Duppel: "Wer da?" ("Who goes there?"), 1864
The War in Denmark: Repulse of the Prussians on March 28, viewed from the Danish Redoubts... 1864. Creator: UnknownThe War in Denmark: Repulse of the Prussians on March 28, viewed from the Danish Redoubts, 1864. We have engraved this week a sketch by one of our own countrymen
Danish infantry soldiers - photographed from the life, 1864. Creator: UnknownDanish infantry soldiers - photographed from the life, 1864. Engraving from a our own Artist at the head-quarters of the Prussian army...[of] two of the Danish infantry soldiers; one of
The War in America: camp of Federal prisoners on Belle Isle, Richmond... 1864. Creator: UnknownThe War in America: camp of Federal prisoners on Belle Isle, Richmond - from a sketch by our special artist, Richmond especially the prisons are full to overflowing...the authorities
Landing of Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B. at Yokohama, Japan, 1864. Creator: UnknownLanding of Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B. at Yokohama, Japan, 1864. Engraving of...a sketch by Mr. Wirgman, our Special Artist, which...represents the landing of Sir Rutherford Alcock
The War in Denmark: the Prussian assault on Redoubt No. 6 at Düppel on April 18…, 1864. Creator: UnknownThe War in Denmark: the Prussian assault on Redoubt No. 6 at Duppel on 18 April - from a sketch by our special artist on the Prussian side, 1864. View of...the assault upon Redoubt No
The War in Schleswig: distributing medals to Austrian troops at Hoptrup... 1864. Creator: UnknownThe War in Schleswig: distributing medals to Austrian troops at Hoptrup - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864. The Sketch...was taken at Hoptrup
The War in Schleswig: Prussian ammunition-train entering Flensburg - by our special artist, 1864. Creator: UnknownThe War in Schleswig: Prussian ammunition-train entering Flensburg - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864....the Prussians...have brought up heavy siege-guns and trains of ammunition
Constantinople, or the final greed of the Huns, 1915. Creator: UnknownConstantinople, or the final greed of the Huns, 1915. Constantinople, Ou La Derniere Convoitise Du Boche. Oui!...mais il y a des baionnettes sur le chemin!
The War in Schleswig: Danish prisoners on the road to Rendsburg after the Battle of Over-Selk, 1864. Creator: UnknownThe War in Schleswig: Danish prisoners on the road to Rendsburg after the Battle of Over-Selk - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864. No exact account can be given of the Danish loss
The War in Schleswig: Prussian field mail on its way from Rendsburg to the front, 1864. Creator: UnknownThe War in Schleswig: Prussian field mail on its way from Rendsburg to the front, 1864. From "Illustrated London News", 1864
The War in Schleswig: the Battle of Over-Selk - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864. Creator: UnknownThe War in Schleswig: the Battle of Over-Selk - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864. The Battle of Konigshugel, also known as the Battle of Ober-Selk
The War in America: recruiting in New York: the Irish Zouaves, 1862. Creator: UnknownThe War in America: recruiting in New York: the Irish Zouaves, 1862. Scene at a recruiting-office at Mozart Hall, Broadway
Funeral of V.M. Kruchina; at the cemetery. 1917-1923. Creator: UnknownFuneral of V.M. Kruchina; at the cemetery. 1917-1923. From a collection which contains documents and photographs from more than thirty participants of the Russian Civil War in the Kuzbass
The War in Schleswig: Austrian camp in front of the Dannewerk:Bohemian Chasseurs... 1864. Creator: Mason JacksonThe War in Schleswig: Austrian camp in front of the Dannewerk: the 18th Bohemian Chasseurs in a snowstorm - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864
Sketches from Mexico: court-martial of Mexican brigands at Puebla, 1864. Creator: UnknownSketches from Mexico: court-martial of Mexican brigands at Puebla, 1864. Engraving from a sketch by M. Beauce, an illustration relating to...the capture of sixteen brigands
Sketches from Mexico: Banuelos José de Jesús, the famous Mexican brigand chief, 1864. Creator: UnknownSketches from Mexico: Banuelos Jose de Jesus, the famous Mexican brigand chief, 1864. Engraving from a sketch by M. Beauce, ...a portrait of Banuelos Jose de Jesus
Inspection of the City of London Militia, 1858. Creator: UnknownInspection of the City of London Militia, 1858....the Royal London Militia (the whole of the regiment having attended Divine service at St)
Sketches in Canton - Return of the Avengers, 1858. Creator: UnknownSketches in Canton - Return of the Avengers, 1858. British forces in China...have been destroying, looting, and burning, and are loaded with all manner of property
Review at Madrid before the Prince of Wales and the King of Spain: the Guardia Civile...1876. Creator: UnknownReview at Madrid before the Prince of Wales and the King of Spain: the Guardia Civile marching past, from a sketch by our special artist, 1876
The Battle on the Volturno - the final repulse of the Neapolitans... 1860. Creator: UnknownThe Battle on the Volturno - the final repulse of the Neapolitans - from a sketch by our special artist, Frank Vizetelly, 1860
Searching Neapolitan prisoners at St. Angelo - from a sketch by our special artist, Frank... 1860. Creator: UnknownSearching Neapolitan prisoners at St. Angelo - from a sketch by our special artist, Frank Vizetelly, 1860. War in Italy. A party of prisoners taken by Bixio's division in the engagement of
The vote for annexation at Naples - polling booth at Monte Calvario - from a sketch by T. Nast, 1860 Creator: UnknownThe vote for annexation at Naples - polling booth at Monte Calvario - from a sketch by T. Nast, 1860. Italian elections on 21st October
Bombay Parsees with an Address of Welcome to the Prince, 1876. Creator: UnknownBombay Parsees with an Address of Welcome to the Prince [of Wales], 1876. The future King Edward VII on a royal visit to India
Les Soubresauts de la Russie; Avant l'offensive russe de juillet 1917: des troupes defilent...1917Les Soubresauts de la Russie; Avant l'offensive russe de juillet 1917: des troupes defilent en bon ordre devant l'automobile de Kerensky
The French attack on the Bridge Pa-Li-Chian, eight miles from Pekin... 1860. Creator: UnknownThe French attack on the Bridge Pa-Li-Chian, eight miles from Pekin - from a sketch by our special artist in China, 1860. European forces in China. Sir J
La Revolution Russe; Pendant les journees sanglantes: des automobiles remplies de soldats... 1917. Creator: UnknownLa Revolution Russe; Pendant les journees sanglantes: des automobiles remplies de soldats armes battent les rues. Les deux hommes appuyes aux pare-boue de cette voiture ont decore leur baionnette
Imperial Head-quarters at the Camp at Chalons - from a drawing by M. Beaucé, 1860. Creator: UnknownImperial Head-quarters at the Camp at Chalons, [France] - from a drawing by M. Beauce, 1860. The first point of attraction to visitors to the Camp is that part known as the Quartier Imperial...It is
The British brigade marching into the Largo St. Francesco di Paola, Naples... 1860. Creator: UnknownThe British brigade marching into the Largo St. Francesco di Paola, Naples - from a sketch by our special artist, Frank Vizetelly, 1860. British soldiers fight for Garibaldi in Italy
The Revolution in Sicily - Garibaldi cutting down the captain of the Neapolitan cavalry... 1860. Creator: UnknownThe Revolution in Sicily - Garibaldi cutting down the captain of the Neapolitan cavalry in the charge made by the latter near the bridge of Melazzo - from a sketch by our special artist, 1860
The Battle on the Volturno - the Neapolitan troops passing along a ravine... 1860. Creator: UnknownThe Battle on the Volturno - the Neapolitan troops passing along a ravine - from a sketch by T. Nast, 1860. War in Italy: Garibaldians ambushing the enemy
Paardeberg: The Canadians Storming An Outlying Kopje, February 1900, (c1900). Creator: Thiele & CoPaardeberg: The Canadians Storming An Outlying Kopje, February 1900, (c1900). Boer Wars, South Africa. Engraving after a photograph. From "Cassell's History of England, Vol. IX"
After Atbara: Brothers in Arms, 1898, (c1900). Creator: F. DAfter Atbara: Brothers in Arms, 1898, (c1900). Second Sudan War: Anglo-Egyptian forces defeated 15, 000 Sudanese rebels, called Mahdists or Dervishes, on the banks of the River Atbara
The Emir Mahmud Under Guard, 1898, (c1900). Creator: UnknownThe Emir Mahmud Under Guard, 1898, (c1900). African leader captured after the Battle of Atbara, during the Second Sudan War
The Visit of the Duke and Duchess of York to Dublin, 1897, (c1900). Creator: W.DThe Visit of the Duke and Duchess of York to Dublin, 1897, (c1900). The future King George V and his wife Mary of Teck on a royal visit to Ireland, ...touring the distressful country for three weeks
Storming of Firket, c1900. Creator: UnknownStorming of Firket, c1900. The Battle of Ferkeh (or Firket) occurred during the Mahdist War in which an army of the Mahdist Sudanese was surprised and routed by Egyptian forces
Manufacture of Bayonets, 1856. Creator: UnknownManufacture of Bayonets, 1856. The present war having caused an unusual demand for weapons...The Honourable Board of Ordnance therefore gladly availed themselves of the mechanical skill of Manchester
Capture of the Russian General Hermann during the Battle of Bergen, 1799, (c.1799-c.1805). Creator: Dirk LangendijkCapture of the Russian General Hermann during the Battle of Bergen, 1799, (c.1799-c.1805). Johann Hermann von Fersen, general in the Imperial Russian Army, was captured on on 19 September 1799
U.S.S. Brooklyn, Marine guard bayonet drill, (1897?). Creator: UnknownU.S.S. Brooklyn, Marine guard bayonet drill, (1897?)
The Reading of the Royal Proclamation of Peace at Dublin, 1856. Creator: UnknownThe Reading of the Royal Proclamation of Peace at Dublin, [Ireland], 1856. Ceremony to mark the end of the Crimean War. The proclamation was read at Dublin Castle and at the Mansion House
Travel views of Morocco, 1904. Creator: Arnold GentheTravel views of Morocco, 1904
No More Peace, [193-]. Creator: UnknownNo More Peace, [193-]. Federal Theatre's - No More Peace!...Erlanger Theatre'. The Federal Theatre Project, created by the U.S
Lamartine refusant le drapeau rouge devant l'Hôtel de Ville, c.1848. Creator: Felix Henri Emmanuel PhilippoteauxLamartine refusant le drapeau rouge devant l'Hotel de Ville, c.1848. Lamartine rejecting the red flag in front of the Hotel de Ville. Revolution of 1848, Paris
Les vainqueurs de la Bastille devant l'Hôtel de Ville, le 14 juillet 1789, between 1830 and 1838Les vainqueurs de la Bastille devant l'Hotel de Ville, le 14 juillet 1789, (between 1830 and 1838). The conquerors of the Bastille at the Hotel de Ville in Paris, 14 July 1789
Turkish Infantry, 1854. Creator: UnknownTurkish Infantry, 1854. From "Cassells Illustrated Family Paper; London Weekly 31/12/1853 - 30/12/1854"
Battle Charge, 1865-1874. Creator: Hammatt BillingsBattle Charge, 1865-1874
The Battle of Inkerman - Repulse of the Russians, 1854. Creator: UnknownThe Battle of Inkerman - Repulse of the Russians, 1854....Sketch taken by an eye-witness [giving] a faithful representation of...the memorable 5th of November...The enemy were now completely out of
French Infantry of the Line, 1854. Creator: UnknownFrench Infantry of the Line, 1854. Soldiers in the French army during the Crimean War. Prince Menschikoff, in his apologetic description of the battle
Zouaves, 1854. Creator: UnknownZouaves, 1854. North African soldiers in the French army during the Crimean War. The enemy were getting up all their strength for a final effort
Charge of the Chasseurs d'Afrique, October 25, 1854. Creator: UnknownCharge of the Chasseurs d'Afrique, October 25, 1854. Crimean War, Battle of Balaclava, extract from French commander Canrobert's description
Camp of the 21st Fusiliers, on the Heights of Sebastopol, 1854. Creator: UnknownCamp of the 21st Fusiliers, on the Heights of Sebastopol, 1854. Crimean War: British soldiers repairing uniforms, cooking, and cleaning guns
British Infantry in Barracks, at Gallipoli, 1854. Creator: UnknownBritish Infantry in Barracks, at Gallipoli, 1854. Scene from the Crimean War: soldiers in Turkey. The order to march has just been received
English Militia and Yeomanry Cavalry, 1854. Creator: UnknownEnglish Militia and Yeomanry Cavalry, 1854. British Army uniforms during the Crimean War. 4th Middlesex (officer); Yorkshire Hussars; Yeomanry Undress; Yeomanry Cavalry; 4th Middlesex; South Lincoln;
Honours paid to the remains of Captain Hyde Parker, by the English, French and Turkish... 1854. Creator: SmythHonours paid to the remains of Captain Hyde Parker, by the English, French and Turkish Troops - from a sketch by Lieutenant Bredin, 1854
Rout of the Mexicans, 1849. Creator: UnknownRout of the Mexicans, 1849. Scene from the Mexican-American War. From "Pictorial History of Mexico and the Mexican War", by John Frost, LL.D.. [Thomas, Cowperthwait and Co
Arms of the Free State of Cuba, 1850. Creator: UnknownArms of the Free State of Cuba, 1850. Some of the principal features of this device are borrowed from the arms of the United States
The Civil War in America: camp of the Confederate Marines at Drury's Bluff... 1862. Creator: UnknownThe Civil War in America: camp of the Confederate Marines at Drury's [sic] Bluff, on the James River - from a sketch by our special artist, 1862
Procession of the British Envoys to Madagascar from the seashore to the Fort of Tamatave... 1862. Creator: UnknownProcession of the British Envoys to Madagascar from the seashore to the Fort of Tamatave to dine with the Governor of Tamatave, 1862. Engraving from a drawing by Lieutenant P. P
Garibaldian prisoners on their way….to the forts of Genoa - from a sketch by M. Beaucé, 1862. Creator: UnknownGaribaldian prisoners on their way from Aspromonte to the forts of Genoa - from a sketch by M. Beauce, 1862....a detachment of 200 of the youthful patriots on their way up to the forts on the coast
The International Exhibition: Birmingham Smallarms Trophy, 1862. Creator: UnknownThe International Exhibition: Birmingham Smallarms Trophy, 1862. In block form, it is a parallelogram, with square projecting corners, which rise to about two-thirds of the height of the solid block
The Civil War in America: Colonel Fitch and the 46th Indiana Volunteers... 1862. Creator: UnknownThe Civil War in America: Colonel Fitch and the 46th Indiana Volunteers taking at the point of the bayonet the Confederate battery of Fort St
The Funeral of His Late Royal Highness the Prince Consort: the hearse at St. George's Chapel, 1862. Soldiers and crowds at Windsor as the coffin arrives
Big Elephants Being Attacked, 2nd month, 1863. 2nd month, 1863. Creator: Isshinsai YoshikataBig Elephants Being Attacked, 2nd month, 1863
Fierce Fighting at Anseong Crossing in Korea (Chosen Anjo watashi no gekisen no zu), 1894
English officer and soldiers, 1861. Creator: YoshikazuEnglish officer and soldiers, 1861
Cambronne at Waterloo (Furnishing Fabric), France, 1820 / 25. Creator: Hartmann et FilsCambronne at Waterloo (Furnishing Fabric), France, 1820/25. French Brigadier General Pierre Cambronne at the Battle of Waterloo. Manufactured by Hartmann et Fils
Sarratoga [sic] (October 17, 1777), ca. 1777. Creator: GodefroySarratoga [sic] (October 17, 1777), ca. 1777. [Surrender of General Burgoyneat Saratoga, New York. On 17 October 1777 General Burgoine
The War for the Union, 1862 - A Bayonet Charge (Harpers Weekly, Vol. VII), July 12, 1862
Plate 5 from The Disasters of War (Los Desastres de la Guerra): And they are like wild beasts. (Y son fieras.), 1810 ( published 1863)
Plate 2 from The Disasters of War (Los Desastres de la Guerra): Rightly or wrongly. (Con razon o sin ella.), 1810 (published 1863)
Great Military Drill, 1866 (Keio 2, 2nd month). Creator: Sadahide UtagawaGreat Military Drill, 1866 (Keio 2, 2nd month)