Saint Justina of Padua, 1490s. Creator: Bartolomeo MontagnaSaint Justina of Padua, 1490s
The Library, Admont Abbey, Austria, c1935. Creator: UnknownThe Library, Admont Abbey, Austria, c1935. The Baroque library at Admont Abbey is the largest monastic library in the world
The Lamentation of Christ, 1841. Creator: Franz Anton Erich Moritz SteinlaThe Lamentation of Christ, 1841. After Fra Bartolomeo
Following Francesco I d Estes Example, His Troops Safely Pass Torrents During Extreme Weather, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...]
After a Few Days of Seige with the French Army, Francesco I d Este Takes Prossession of Mortara, The Last of his Great Victories, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
After a Long Seige, Francesco I d Este, with the Aid of the French Army, Takes Valencia, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este, Suffering the Pain of his Injuries, Continues to Take Charge for the Successful Completion of the Military Campaign
Francesco I d Este and the French Army Besiege Valenza, which has Been Taken by the Spanish, and by Persisting with Intrepid Courage, Succeeds in the Endeavor
After a Long March, Francesco I d Este Passes with the River of Cassano with his Army, thus Causing Great Harm to the Spanish, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
The Seige of Alessandria Begins, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
At the Head of a Swiss Army, Francesco I d Este, with Uncrushed Spirit, Confronts the Enemy under Bozzolo, who has Many Advantages, and Demands their Retreat
Francesco I d Este Freely Crosses the Po and Takes Up his Sword Against Troops in the Vinyard of the Opposite Bank where the Spanish had Settled to Impede his Crossing
Despite the Corageous Opposition of the Germans and the Spanish, Francesco I d Este, at the Head of his Armies, Arrives at the Piazza di Valeneza
Francesco I d Este Sets Out for the Seige of Cremona, Crosses the Trench Between Himself and the Spanish, and Takes the City with Great Force
Francesco I d Este, Wounded in Battle, Continues to Orchestrate the Seige of Pavia, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Protects the French in Casalmaggiore from the Seige of the Spanish, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Suffers the Mortal Blow of a Bullet While Under Pavia and Retreats into his Own Quarters, Having Been Left Without Wounds to His Head and His Heart, which Gave Him a Fever
Francesco I d Este Invites Foreign Scholars to Court, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este is Named the Deputy of the Catholilc King and is Sent to Catalogna, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Displays Great Faculty in his Studies, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Makes an Effort to Save his Crown by Allying Himself with the Barberini Prince and an Unidentified Cardinal, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
Francesco I d Este Aids the Duke of Mantua After his Territories were Devastated by the German Armies, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
Francesco I d Este Assists His Subjects with Great Generosity During the Great Famine of 1648 and 1649, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
Francesco I d Este Secures the Fort and the Land to Protect from the German Troops, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Punishes a Soldier by Death who had Stolen a Chalice from the Holy Church, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...]
Francesco I d Este Sentences a Noble French Official to Death as an Example to Prevent Future Scandalous Excesses within the Church
Francesco I d Este Liberates the City of Turin and Leaves it in the Hands of the Duke of Savoy, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...]
Francesco I d Este Receiving the Affection of the People, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este, with his Gentle Manner, is Loved by All of the Noblemen in his Court, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este, Despite his Discomfort, Displays his Piety While Traveling in the Snow and Ice to Receive the Holy Sacrament, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
Francesco I d Este Remains Dedicated to the Cause of the War, Having been Involved for Many Years, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
Francesco I d Este Keeps his State Intact During the Descent of the Germans into Mantua, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Combines Forces with The Republic of Venice and Genoa Against the Ottoman Turks, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
Soldiers Enlisting to Defend the Faith agains the Turks, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Instructing for Alms to be Given to the Poor, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Intervenes for an Agreement between Pope Urban VIII and the Duke of Parma, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...]
Francesco I d Este Presents Himself with Warmth and Humility with Representatives of the Republic of Venice and the Duke of Savoy, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
Francesco I d Este Goes to Pinarola for the Security of his States, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Builds the Fortresses of Modena for the Security of his People, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco d Este Leads the French Army After the Difficult Resolution of Cremona without Losing Men or Belongings due to the Dukes Prudence and Corageous Strength
The Duke and his troops at Casalmaggiore, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Approches the Camp of the Enemy Under the Pretext of Battle, Although he Obtains their Surrender Without Battle, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este
Francesco I d Este is Generous in Pardoning the Offenders, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Sentencing the Guilty with Great Difficulty, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Speaks About his Victories with an Honest Comportment, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Sustains Himself While on His War Campaign, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Orders Fete Decorations, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Builds the Palazzo di Sassuolo, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Dissolved the Seige of Reggio, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Francesco I d Este Drives Troops Back Outside of Reggiano, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
The Holy Family with the infant St John the Baptist at right, 1650-57
The finding of Moses who is rescued from the Nile by the maidservants of Pharaohs daughter, 1650-57
The Nativity with Angels, 1650-57. Creator: Bartolomeo BiscainoThe Nativity with Angels, 1650-57
Bergami Pears, or Choice Fruit, October 1820. Creator: UnknownBergami Pears, or Choice Fruit, October 1820. Caricature referring to Queen Caroline and Bertolommeo Bergami, her courier
A group of elegantly dressed people playing the harp and a guitar, 1740-68
The descent from the cross, 1565. Creator: Bartolommeo da BresciaThe descent from the cross, 1565
Plate 6: Ulysses driving a burning stake into Polyphemus eye, 1756
A group of elegantly dressed people playing cards, 1740-68
Plate 1: cross-section of the Hall of the Institute of Bologna, which served as the residence for the Clementine Academy, with fresco paintings by Pellegrino Tibaldi in the vault, 1756
Plate 7: the blinded Polyphemus, guarding the entrance of his cavern, with Ulysses and his companions escaping below by covering themselves with ram skins, 1756
Plate 27: Ulysses received by Alcinous king of Phoeacia and his Queen Areta after his ship... 1756Plate 27: Ulysses received by Alcinous king of Phoeacia and his Queen Areta after his shipwreck, 1756
Plate 2: cross-section of the Hall of the Institute of Bologna, 1756
Plate 26: Ulysses escaping on a raft with the aid of the sea deity Leucothea, 1756
Plate 24: Ulysses's companions stealing the oxen sacred to Apollo, 1756
Plate 22: two nude figures wearing veils, 1756. Creators: Bartolomeo CrivellariPlate 22: two nude figures wearing veils, 1756
Plate 19: figure seen from behind with left hand raised, 1756
Plate 18: two nude figures wearing veils, seen from behind, 1756
Plate 17: two nude figures wearing veils, 1756. Creators: Bartolomeo CrivellariPlate 17: two nude figures wearing veils, 1756
Plate 20: bearded figure, half clothed, 1756. Creators: Bartolomeo CrivellariPlate 20: bearded figure, half clothed, 1756
Plate 15: mythological figure wearing a helmet and holding a shield, 1756
Plate 5: view of the ceiling with its ornaments and frescoed paintings, 1756
Plate 16: mythological figure holding a mirror, 1756. Creators: Bartolomeo CrivellariPlate 16: mythological figure holding a mirror, 1756
Plate 10: Ulysses compelling Circe to restore his companions human shapes, which she had changed into monsters, 1756
Plate 8: Ulysses receiving the winds in a leather bag from Aeolus, 1756
Plate 34: Auriga, the charioteer, falls from the chariot at center, with three horses at l... 1756Plate 34: Auriga, the charioteer, falls from the chariot at center, with three horses at left, 1756
Three bearded men, one wearing fur, 1756. Creators: Bartolomeo Crivellari, Gabriel SoderlingThree bearded men, one wearing fur, 1756
A standing man in a niche reaching forward with one arm, 1756. Creators: Bartolomeo Crivellari, Gabriel SoderlingA standing man in a niche reaching forward with one arm, 1756
Plate 40: the division of the elect from the reprobate, 1756. Creators: Bartolomeo Crivellari, Gabriel SoderlingPlate 40: the division of the elect from the reprobate, 1756
Minerva assisting Prometheus as he attempts to scale the heavens, 1756. Creators: Bartolomeo CrivellariMinerva assisting Prometheus as he attempts to scale the heavens, 1756
Plate 41: Saint John the Baptist preaching to a large crowd and baptizing children, 1756
Allegory of a thesis, two women hold inscribed tablets, 1640
A sleeping cupid, 1630-45. Creator: Bartolomeo CoriolanoA sleeping cupid, 1630-45
Interior of a Roman Inn, 1817. 1817. Creator: Bartolomeo PinelliInterior of a Roman Inn, 1817. 1817
Pope Gregory XVI Visiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiaco, 1843. Creator: Jean-FrancoisPope Gregory XVI Visiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiaco, 1843