A Ball Game Before a Country Palace, about 1614. Creator: Adriaen van de VenneA Ball Game Before a Country Palace, about 1614. Adriaen van de Venne captured the idle pleasures of courtship and leisure in this small painting
Coney Isl. 1/3/15, 1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceConey Isl. 1915
Moscow: Jewish orphanage named after the Comintern. Games in the garden, 1920-1929
Men playing a ball game, c1301. Creator: UnknownMen playing a ball game, c1301. Detail of a page from the Ghistelles Calendar
Costumes de Différents Pays, Grand Chef de Guerriers IroquoisCostumes de Differents Pays, Grand Chef de Guerriers Iroquois, c1797
Ceremonial Ball Game, 200 B.C. - A.D. 500 Creator: UnknownCeremonial Ball Game, 200 B.C. - A.D. 500
Sketch for the Lobau gallery of the Hotel de Ville in Paris: Medieval scene: games and sports, 1890
Recreation for prisoners in Saint-Lazare: the ball game, c1794. Creator: UnknownRecreation for prisoners in Saint-Lazare: the ball game, c1794
Ballplayer Figurine, A. D. 800 / 1400. Creator: UnknownBallplayer Figurine, A.D. 800/1400. Huaxtec, Panuco River Valley, Veracruz, Mexico
Standing Male Figure Holding a Ball, 100 B. C. / A. D. 300. Creator: UnknownStanding Male Figure Holding a Ball, 100 B.C./A.D. 300
Ballplayer Panel, A. D. 700 / 800. Creator: UnknownBallplayer Panel, A.D. 700/800
Ball-play of the Choctaw--Ball Up, 1846-1850. Creator: George CatlinBall-play of the Choctaw--Ball Up, 1846-1850
Ball-play Dance, Choctaw, 1834-1835. Creator: George CatlinBall-play Dance, Choctaw, 1834-1835
Ball-play of the Choctaw--ball up, 1834-1835. Creator: George CatlinBall-play of the Choctaw--ball up, 1834-1835
Ball Playing among the Sioux Indians, 1851. Creator: Seth EastmanBall Playing among the Sioux Indians, 1851
Childrens Pastime (Jeux d enfants), published 1897. Creator: Edouard VuillardChildrens Pastime (Jeux d enfants), published 1897
Three Celebrated Ball Players - Choctaw, Sioux and Ojibbeway, 1861. Tul-lock-chish-ko (of the Chocktaw), Wee-chush-ta-doo-ta (Sioux) and Ah-no-je-nahge
Shinnie, by the Club of True Highlanders, on Blackheath, 1845. Creator: UnknownShinnie, by the Club of True Highlanders, on Blackheath, 1845. Players of an...ancient Scottish game at Blackheath in south London
Krishnas Parents Search for Him, ca. 1615. Creator: UnknownKrishnas Parents Search for Him, ca. 1615
Enigmes Joyeuses pour les Bons Esprits, Plate 6, ca. 1615
Ball Play, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph). Creator: George Catlin (1796 - 1872)Ball Play, from Catlins North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph)
Ball-Player Dance, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph). Creator: George Catlin (1796 - 1872)Ball-Player Dance, from Catlins North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph)
Ball Players, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph). Creator: George Catlin (1796 - 1872)Ball Players, from Catlins North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph)
Girls playing netball, Chelsea Secondary School (Hortensia Road School), London, 1911. A girl is poised ready to shoot a goal
Girls playing netball in the playground, William Street Girls School, London, 1908Girls playing basketball in the playground, William Street Girls School, London, 1908. The girl with the ball is poised ready to shoot a goal
Dulwich College, Camberwell, London, 1790. Artist: TaylorDulwich College, Camberwell, London, London, 1790; view of Dulwich College with figures and sheep in the foreground. In the middle distance a pair of figures play with a bat and ball
The Wall, 1926. Eton wall game is played on a strip of ground 5 metres by 110 metres next to a slightly curved brick wall erected in 1717. From Eton College by Christopher Hussey
A native ball game in Burma, 1908. Artist: Stereo Travel CoA native ball game in Burma, 1908. Stereoscopic card. Detail
Sioux ball players, 1841. Artist: Myers and CoSioux ball players, 1841. A print from Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians, by Wiley and Putnam, 161 Broadway, New York, 1841
A Distinguished Ball Player, 1841. Artist: Myers and CoA Distinguished Ball Player, 1841. A Choctaw lacrosse player
Persian Miniature Manuscript Illustration of Polo, 16th century
Greek terracotta statuette of an ephedrismos group, 3rd century BCThe two girls in this statuette are playing piggy-back as part of a ball-game. The statuette is probably either from Corinth or Tarenta, 3rd century BC
Aztec stone carving of Jaguar killing a Vulture, Hacha, Veracruz state: Mexico, 400-700Aztec stone carving of Jaguar killing a Vulture, Hacha; Veracruz state, Mexico, 400-700. Associated with the Ritual Ball-Game of Central America