Babhruvahana Faces Arjuna's Army with Syamakarna... c1850. Creator: UnknownBabhruvahana Faces Arjuna's Army with Syamakarna (verso), Scenes from the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas) (image 2 of 2), c1850
Babhruvahana Kills Animals to Save Syamakarna (recto), Babhruvahana Faces... c1850. Creator: UnknownBabhruvahana Kills Animals to Save Syamakarna (recto), Scenes from the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas) (image 1 of 2), c1850
Babhruvahana Surrenders the Sacrificial Horse Syamakarna to His Father... c1850. Creator: UnknownBabhruvahana Surrenders the Sacrificial Horse Syamakarna to His Father Arjuna (verso), Scenes from the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas), c1850
Babhruvahana Surrenders the Sacrificial Horse Syamakarna... c1850. Creator: UnknownBabhruvahana Surrenders the Sacrificial Horse Syamakarna to His Father Arjuna (verso), Scenes from the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas), c1850
Babhruvahana and the Mongoose Fight the Serpents (verso).. c1850. Creator: UnknownBabhruvahana and the Mongoose Fight the Serpents (verso), Scenes from the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas) (image 2 of 2), c1850
Fight of the Mongoose and the Serpent Armies (recto)... c1850. Creator: UnknownFight of the Mongoose and the Serpent Armies (recto), Scenes from the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas) (image 1 of 2), c1850
Babhruvahana Resumes his Fight with Vrishaketu (verso)... c1850. Creator: UnknownBabhruvahana Resumes his Fight with Vrishaketu (verso), Scenes from the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas) (image 1 of 2), c1850
Vrishaketu Shoots Babhruvahana into the Air on a Circle of Arrows (recto)... c1850. Creator: UnknownVrishaketu Shoots Babhruvahana into the Air on a Circle of Arrows (recto), Scenes from the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas) (image 2 of 2), c1850
Vrishaketu and Bhima Fighting Yavanatha, Scene from the Story of Babhruvahana... c1850. Creator: UnknownVrishaketu and Bhima Fighting Yavanatha, Scene from the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas), c1850
Fight with Ghatotkacha, Scene From the Story of Babhruvahana... c1850. Creator: UnknownFight with Ghatotkacha, Scene From the Story of Babhruvahana, Folio from a Mahabharata ([War of the] Great Bharatas), c1850