The Parsonage, c1780-1825. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Parsonage, c1780-1825. This drawing of The Parsonage is vigorous, emphatic, and one might say brilliant in Rowlandsons best manner
Night and Her Daughter Sleep, 1902. Creator: Mary L. MacomberNight and Her Daughter Sleep, 1902
My Second Sermon, 1864, (1947). Creator: John Everett MillaisMy Second Sermon, 1864, (1947). The Artists Daughter in Winchelsea Church : portrait of Millais daughter Effie, aged about five, having fallen asleep during the service
Orpheus and His Lute, late 19th-early 20th century, (1914). Creator: John Charles DollmanOrpheus and His Lute, late 19th-early 20th century, (1914). Depiction of the ancient Greek legend of Orpheus, (who played a lyre, not a lute)
Morella, c1920. Artist: Harry ClarkeMorella, c1920. An illustration for Tales of Mystery & Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). From The Studio Volume 78, [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1919-20]
Dionysus and the Maenads, 1901. A print from The Magazine of Art, Cassell and Company, Limited, 1901
Le Sommeil, 1866. Artist: Gustave CourbetLe Sommeil, 1866. From the collection of the Musee de la Ville de Paris, Musee du Petit-Palais, France
Surreal study, 1952. Creator: Shirley MarkhamSurreal study, 1952. Illustration for a poem by TS Eliot. Shirley Markham (1931-1999) studied Graphic Design and Illustration at Central School of Art in London from 1950-1952
The Dream of St Ursula, 1495, (1911)The Dream of St Ursula, 1495. after a tempera on canvas by Vittore Carpaccio (c1465-c1525). Original housed in the Gallerie dell Accademia, Venice. From A History of Painting Vol
Interior of the Temple at Esna, Upper Egypt, 1838. Artist: David RobertsInterior of the Temple at Esna, Upper Egypt, 1838. A plate from Egypt and Nubia, engraved by Louis Haghe. Found in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Those who went to shelters began a new kind of night-life, 11th November, 1940, 1942. London residents taking shelter in Elephant and Castle tube station during the World War II
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Table-Talking, 1904. Artist: Max BeerbohmSamuel Taylor Coleridge, Table-Talking, 1904. Illustration from The Poets Corner, by Max Beerbohm, (London, 1904)
Young Artist Asleep by a Stream, c1859. Creator: Paul GavarniYoung Artist Asleep by a Stream, c1859
Firemen taking a nap in engine house number fourWashington, D.C. Firemen taking a nap in engine house number four
St Jerome in his Study, 1514 (1906). Artist: Albrecht DurerSt Jerome in his Study, 1514 (1906). From Durer Des Meisters Gemalde Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte in 471 Abbildungen [Stuttgart und Leipzig, Deutsch Verlags-Ansalt, 1906]
The Dream, 1888, (1912). Artist: Jean Baptiste Edouard DetailleThe Dream, 1888, (1912). A colour print from Famous Paintings, with an introduction by Gilbert Chesterton, Cassell and Company, (London, New York, Toronto, 1912)
Woman and Child (Silence), 1855 / 60. Creator: Jean Francois MilletWoman and Child (Silence), 1855/60
St. Alexis, 1649. Creator: Claude MellanSt. Alexis, 1649
The Wise Virgins Resting Whilst Awaiting the Arrival of The Husband, ca. 1635
The Morning of Sedgemoor, 1685, 1905, (1944). Creator: Edgar BundyThe Morning of Sedgemoor, 1685, 1905, (1944). Soldiers sleeping in piles of hay in a barn. The Battle of Sedgmoor took place on 6 July 1685 at Westonzoyland near Bridgwater in Somerset
Miseries of London, 1812. A woman walking down Wapping Old Stairs being assailed by a group of watermen plying for trade
Farmer. Study for Low Church Devotion, probably 1847. Creator: Adolph TidemandFarmer. Study for Low Church Devotion, probably 1847.
The Day After, 1894. Creator: Edvard MunchThe Day After, 1894.
Portrait of the Painter Christian Skredsvig, 1891. Creator: Christian KrohgPortrait of the Painter Christian Skredsvig, 1891.
Tired, 1885. Creator: Christian KrohgTired, 1885.
Joseph's Dream, after 1780s. Creator: UnknownJoseph's Dream, after 1780s.
Mother and Child, 1883. Creator: Christian KrohgMother and Child, 1883.
The Flight into Egypt, 1833. Creator: Martinus RorbyeThe Flight into Egypt, 1833.
Boy Sleeping in a Barn. Creator: Francois RyckhalsBoy Sleeping in a Barn.
A Hunting Nymph, Asleep. Creator: Dirck van der LisseA Hunting Nymph, Asleep.
Sleeping Cupid, about 1610-1615. Creator: Michelangelo CaravaggioSleeping Cupid, about 1610-1615.
Dream of the Rush Gatherer, c1800-1849. Creator: HokusaiDream of the Rush Gatherer, c1800-1849.
The Sower, Parable of Christ, c1540s. Creator: Master of the Prodigal SonThe Sower, Parable of Christ, c1540s.
Tavern Scene, 1645-1649. Creator: Joos van CraesbeeckTavern Scene, 1645-1649.
The Sleepers, 1918. Creator: Gustave van de WoestijneThe Sleepers, 1918.
The Guardian Angel. Creator: Henri DecaisneThe Guardian Angel.
Children, c1890-1940. Creator: Jacques Emile BlancheChildren, c1890-1940.
Madonna and Child, c1520. Creator: UnknownMadonna and Child, c1520.
Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, 1848. Creator: Francois-Joseph NavezHoly Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, 1848.
Sleeping Child, probably 1883. Creator: Christian KrohgSleeping Child, probably 1883.
The Holy Family, probably beginning of 16th century. Creator: UnknownThe Holy Family, probably beginning of 16th century.
Two friends, n.d., c1820-1860. Creator: Ernst MeyerTwo friends, n.d., c1820-1860.
The Dream of Joseph, 1645-1660. Creator: Circle of RembrandtThe Dream of Joseph, 1645-1660.
Soldiers in a Guardroom/an Inn, 1st half of 17th century. Creator: UnknownSoldiers in a Guardroom/an Inn, 1st half of 17th century.
An Italian Seaport, c1640-1660. Creator: Jan Baptist WeenixAn Italian Seaport, c1640-1660.
The Red Inn, 1894. Creator: Charles MertensThe Red Inn, 1894.
A Christian Martyr, 1860. Creator: Ernst SlingeneyerA Christian Martyr, 1860. A sleeping man holding a cross is about to be thrust into the amphitheatre to fight wild beasts. On the right a big cat bares its fangs and claws.
Nightmare, 1846. Creator: Ditlev BlunckNightmare, 1846.
Afternoon Nap. Creator: Jan Antoon NeuhuysAfternoon Nap.
Armida Binding the Sleeping Rinaldo with Flowers, c1680-1740. Creator: Willem van MierisArmida Binding the Sleeping Rinaldo with Flowers, c1680-1740.
A Sleeping Boy and a Man Removing Fleas from Himself. Creator: Michiel SweertsA Sleeping Boy and a Man Removing Fleas from Himself.
The Infancy of Zeus. Creator: Nicolaes BerchemThe Infancy of Zeus.
Peasants Dancing at an Inn, c1650-1679. Creator: Jan SteenPeasants Dancing at an Inn, c1650-1679.
Christmas Bells, drawn by Lorenz Frolich, 1872. Creator: Joseph SwainChristmas Bells, drawn by Lorenz Frölich, 1872. Illustration to a song by John Latey
Yellow Christ, 1889. Creator: Emile BernardYellow Christ, 1889.
Johanna van der Gheynst with her Child in the Cradle, 1861. Creator: Victor LagyeJohanna van der Gheynst with her Child in the Cradle, 1861.
Tulla, the Artist's Grandchild, probably 1913. Creator: Christian KrohgTulla, the Artist's Grandchild, probably 1913.
My Helene, On her Lap Little Mathilda Asleep, and Close By, Our Two Other Children, Robert and Little Louise, 1851
Old Woman with Baskets outside a House, about 1855-1865. Creator: John WhistlerOld Woman with Baskets outside a House, about 1855-1865. Additional Info: Portrait of a seated woman by the side of a house covered in various cloaks
Light and Love, 1865. Creator: Julia Margaret CameronLight and Love, 1865. Portrait of Mary Hillier in costume and leaning over Percy Keown, who lies atop a bed of straw fast asleep, in a depiction of the Virgin Mary leaning over the infant Christ
Sleeping Dog, late 19th century. Creator: UnknownSleeping Dog, late 19th century. Additional Info: Portrait of a sleeping dog in front of a long ottoman
Amongst Friends, late 19th-early 20th century? Creator: Alois BoudryAmongst Friends, late 19th-early 20th century?
Resurrection of Christ, mid-16th century. Creator: Bartholomaeus Bruyn the ElderResurrection of Christ, mid-16th century
Mother of the Messiah and the Four Evangelists, 1873. Creator: Charles VerlatMother of the Messiah and the Four Evangelists, 1873
The Man in the Chair, 1876. Creator: Henri Jean Augustin de BraekeleerThe Man in the Chair, 1876
Cupid and Psyche, c1620-1670s. Creator: Jacob Jordaens ICupid and Psyche c1620-1670s
Christ at the Garden of Gethsemane at the Mount of Olives, 1544. Creator: AnonChrist at the Garden of Gethsemane at the Mount of Olives, 1544
Interior with Cradle, c1900-1920. Creator: Jakob SmitsInterior with Cradle, c1900-1920
Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, 1565. Creator: Lambert van NoortChrist in the Garden of Gethsemane, 1565
The Voyage to China: forecastle of a mail-steamer in the Red Sea, 1872
The Murder of the Princes in the Tower, 1925. Creator: Howard DavieThe Murder of the Princes in the Tower, 1925. Illustration of a wax tableau at Madame Tussauds, a wax museum founded in London in 1835 by the French sculptor Marie Tussaud. This is a sad story
'Oliver Twist, c1900. Creator: Harold CoppingOliver Twist in bed, c1900. Doctor Losberne was one of the kindest men in the world, and he had Oliver put to bed, and dressed his wound and did everything he could for him'
The Women at the Tomb; Sacramentary, about 1025-1050. Creator: UnknownThe Women at the Tomb; Sacramentary, about 1025-1050
The Agony in the Garden; Gospel Book, late 13th century. Creator: UnknownThe Agony in the Garden; Gospel Book, late 13th century
The Women at the Tomb; Gospel Book, late 13th century. Creator: UnknownThe Women at the Tomb; Gospel Book, late 13th century. Additional Info:According to the Gospels, Christ rose from his tomb on the third day after his death
The Women at the Tomb; Psalter, mid-1200s. Creator: UnknownThe Women at the Tomb; Psalter, mid-1200s
Initial B: David Playing the Harp for Saul, and David and Goliath; Psalter, mid-1200s
The Agony in the Garden; Prayer Book of Charles the Bold, about 1471
Saints Aimo and Vermondo Standing on the Roof of the House of One of the Monastery's Enemies and Threatening to Burn it Down with Torches; Legenda Venerabilium Virorum Aymonis et Vermondi
The Agony in the Garden; La Passion de nostre seigneur ihesus christ, about 1480-1490
The Resurrection: Initial R: A Sleeping Soldier; Missal, between about 1389 and 1400
The Agony in the Garden; Book of Hours, about 1450-1455. Creator: Master of the Lee HoursThe Agony in the Garden; Book of Hours, about 1450-1455
The Agony in the Garden; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530