The Panorama of the Century...1889. Creators: Henri Gervex, Alfred Stevens
The Panorama of the Century : Dupre, Rousseau, Isabey, Millet, Couture, Daubigny, Diaz, Corot, Troyon, Fromentin, Barye, Decamp, Courbet, Robert-Fleury, 1889. Detail
Rubens, his wife, Helena Fourment, and their son, Frans, ca. 1740-65. Creator: James McArdell
Rubens, his wife, Helena Fourment, and their son, Frans, ca. 1740-65
Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London, England, UK, 16 / 3 / 10. Creator: Ethel Davies
Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London, England, UK, 16/3/10. The Hayward Gallery, a contemporary arts gallery located on the South Bank of the River Thames, London, SE1, England, UK