Eleanor Gwynne Miller, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceEleanor Gwynne Miller, between c1910 and c1915
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal: plan of the Harbour of Port Said and the Mediterranean entrance of the Canal, 1869
Professor Hasner's automatic eyeball, 1862. Creator: UnknownProfessor Hasner's automatic eyeball, 1862....mechanical model of the eye
Les Bains d'Apollon à Versailles, 1803. Creator: Hubert RobertLes Bains d'Apollon a Versailles, 1803
Maiko Beach, Banshu Province (Banshu Maiko no hama) from the series "One Hundred Famous Views in the Various Provinces (Shokoku meisho hyakkei)", 1859
Harima Province: Maiko Beach (Harima)Harima Province: Maiko Beach (Harima, Maiko no hama), from the series "Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces (Rokujuyoshu meisho zue)", 1853
Their Majesties, The King and Queen, with the Princesses Inspecting Boys Who Have Become Scouts Despite Physical Handicaps, 1944
This sheet of synthetic rubber coming off the rolling mill at the plant is now ready for drying, B.F. Goodrich Co. Akron, Ohio
Artists Conception of Space Station Freedom, 1991. Creator: Alan ChincharArtists Conception of Space Station Freedom, 1991. Alan Chinchars rendition of the Space Station Freedom in orbit. The painting depicts the completed space station
Artificial Gravity Space Station, 1969. Creator: NASAArtificial Gravity Space Station, 1969. The station was to rotate on its central axis to produce artificial gravity
Gold pearl coil bracelet from Maes Millinery Shop, 1941-1994. Creator: UnknownCoil bracelet made from rigid wire strung with plastic gold pearl beads. Mae Reeves (1912-2016) was a pioneering African-American milliner who was famous for her custom-made hats
The Five Orders of Periwigs, 1761. Creator: William HogarthThe Five Orders of Periwigs, 1761
Souvenir 1870-71, 1870-71. Creator: Eugene AppertSouvenir 1870-71, 1870-71
Execution des otages, prison de la Roquette, le 24 mai 1871, 1870-71
Prison des Chantiers, le 15 aout 1871, Versailles, 1870-71
The Five Orders of Periwigs, November 1761. November 1761. Creator: William HogarthThe Five Orders of Periwigs, November 1761
Gold Hill, Gaillard Cut, Panama Canal, c1930s. Creator: UnknownGold Hill, Gaillard Cut, Panama Canal, c1930s
On their Way to Battle, First World War, c1916, (c1920). Creator: UnknownOn their Way to Battle, First World War, c1916, (c1920)....some of the Worcesters [Worcestershire Regiment], mentioned by Sir Douglas Haig for their gallantry against the German counter-attacks
Boy Reading at Artificial Light, 1763-1764. Creator: Jens JuelBoy Reading at Artificial Light, 1763-1764
Royal Lakes, Rangoon, 1900. Creator: UnknownRoyal Lakes, Rangoon, 1900. From " Typical Photographs of Burma - Burmese Life and Scenes". [Rowe & Co. Ltd. Rangoon, 1900]
Kew Gardens, 2009. Creator: Ethel DaviesThe Sackler Crossing, a twisting bridge over the artificial lake made of granite and bronze, dating from 2006, Kew Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, England
Coade stone factory, Narrow Wall, Lambeth, London, c1800. Coade stone is an artificial stone material which is highly weather-resistant
Coade Stone factory yard on Narrow Wall Street, Lambeth, London, c1800
View of the Coade Stone Factory in Narrow Wall, Lambeth, London, 1801
Entrance to Coade and Sealeys Gallery of Coade stone sculpture, Lambeth, London, 1802Entrance to Coade and Sealeys Gallery of Coade stone sculpture, Westminster Bridge Road, Lambeth, London, 1802. View with an allegorical scene above the door and two atlantes either side of it
Sculpture by a cascade, Palace of Caserta, Campania, Italy. The Palace of Caserta was built in the 18th century for the Bourbon kings of Naples
The Ana Sagar, Ajmere, c1880 (1905). Artist: Alexander Henry Hallam MurrayThe Ana Sagar, Ajmere, c1880 (1905). From The High-Road of Empire, by A. H. Hallam Murray. [John Murray, Ablemarle Street, London, 1905]
Observation with Sextant and Artificial Horizon. July 1895, (1897). From Farthest North, Vol. 2 by Fridtjof Nansen. [Archibald Constable and Company, London, 1897]
A glimpse of the great artificial lake at Riberao das Lages, 1914. Built by the Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power Company. From The Beautiful Rio De Janeiro by Alured Gray Bell
Horseshoe Falls on the River Dee, near Llangollen, Wales, early 20th century. The falls are created by an artificial weir
Artificial florist, 1751-1777. A print from the Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers by Diderot & d Alembert, 1751-1777. Private Collection
Henri Moissan, French chemist, c1883 (1903). Moissan (1852-1907) working on fluorine in his laboratory at l Ecole de pharmacie, Paris. He isolated fluorine in 1883
Henri Moissan, French chemist, c1900
Nuwara Wewa, an artificial lake, in Anuradhapura, 2nd centuryNuwara Wewa, an artificial lake built to conserve water by the ancient rulers, in Anuradhapura, 2nd century
Wallpaintings and False Doors, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BCWallpaintings and False Doors, Temple of Sethos I (Seti I), Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Sethos I making offerings to Osiris, Sanctuary of Osiris
Henri Moissan, French chemist, 1900. Moissan (1852-1907) at his desk at the Edison workshops, Paris, where he worked on the production of artificial diamonds
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England, 1836. A prehistoric earth mound thought to date from c2500 BC, Silbury Hill is the largest man-made mound in Europe. Its purpose is still unknown