Repatriation of Napoleon's body from the island of St. Helena to Paris and his burial, 1840. Private Collection
The 1855 Exposition Universelle in Paris (Exposition Universelle de 1855)The 1855 Exposition Universelle in Paris (Exposition Universelle de 1855. Le palais de l'Industrie a Paris), 1855. Private Collection
The Admiralty in Saint Petersburg, End 1840s. Creator: Arnout, Louis Jules (1814-1868)The Admiralty in Saint Petersburg, End 1840s. Private Collection
The Spasskaya Tower (Saviour Gates) and Saint Catherine Church of Ascension Convent in the Moscow Kremlin, 1845. From a private collection
Dominikonu street and Institute for Nobles in Vilnius, c1850. Private Collection
View of the entrance to the Thames Tunnel, London, 1854. Artist: Jules Louis ArnoutView of the entrance to the Thames Tunnel, London, 1854. The Thames Tunnel, connecting Wapping and Rotherhithe, was the first underwater tunnel in the world
Nave of St Pauls Cathedral, looking east towards the choir, City of London, 1850
View ofThe Bank of England, City of London, 1854. Artist: Jules Louis ArnoutView of the Bank of England, City of London, 1854; with a street scene and horse-drawn carriages
The Bank of England, Royal Exchange and Mansion house, c1850. Artist: Jules Louis ArnoutView of the Bank of England, Royal Exchange and Mansion House, City of London, c1850; with street scene and horse-drawn vehicles
Montage of images with St Pauls, c1855. Artist: Jules Louis ArnoutMontage of images with St Pauls, c1855. An unusual composition showing a quay with an anchor and a carved tablet in the foreground
St Pauls Cathedral, London, c1855. Artist: Jules Louis ArnoutView of St Pauls Cathedral, London, c1855; with traffic in the foreground, including two firemen running with a ladder, a cart stacked high with bales and a second filled with fruit and vegetables
Greenwich, London, c1845. Artist: Jules Louis ArnoutView of Greenwich, London from a hot air balloon, 1845; with the River Thames on the right
British Museum, Holborn, London, 1854. Artist: Jules Louis ArnoutBritish Museum, Holborn, Camden, London, 1854; with visitors walking outside
Lincolns Inn, Holborn, London, 1854. Artist: Jules Louis ArnoutLincolns Inn, Holborn, London, 1854; view of the new hall and library seen from Lincolns Inn Fields; with figures, horses and carriages
Mansion House (exterior), London, 1854. Artist: Jules Louis ArnoutView of Mansion House, London, 1854 with figures and traffic outside, including a little boy running in front of the Hammersmith omnibus
Fleet Street, London, c1850 Artist: LemercierView of Ludgate Hill and St Pauls Cathedral, London, seen from Fleet Street, 1850. Also showing horse drawn vehicles, pedestrians and a woman selling fruit on the street in the left hand foreground
Admiralty and Horse Guards, Whitehall, Westminster, London, 1854. View of the Admiralty on the left and Horse Gurads to the right, with figures, including a mounted guard, in the foreground
The Trinity Bridge in Saint Petersburg, 1840s. Found in the collection of State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Moscow
The Sennaya Square and the Saviour Church in Saint Petersburg, 1840s. Found in the collection of State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Moscow
The Red Square in Moscow, 1840s. Found in the collection of State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Moscow
The Ivan the Great Bell Tower, First quarter of 19th century. Found in the collection of State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Moscow
View of the Hotel de Ville and the Pont d Arcole, 1915. Artist: JB ArnoutView of the Hotel de Ville and the Pont d Arcole, 1915. From Paris Past and Present. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1915]
The National Assembly is in Permanence!, Paris, 15 May 1848. Artist: Victor AdamThe National Assembly is in Permanence!, Paris, 15 May 1848
The Alexander Column. View from the Main Army Headquarters, 1840s. Found in the collection of the A. Pushkin Memorial Museum, St. Petersburg