Lancaster, from the Aqueduct Bridge, c1825. Artist: JMW TurnerLancaster, from the Aqueduct Bridge, c1825. Painting housed in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool. From The Connoisseur Volume LXXXVIII, edited by C. Reginald Grundy
Evening: Landscape with an Aqueduct, 1818. Creator: Theodore GericaultEvening: Landscape with an Aqueduct, 1818
Chirk Aqueduct on the Ellesmere Canal, c1829. Artist: Thomas BarberChirk Aqueduct on the Ellesmere Canal, c1829
Chirk Aqueduct, 1833. Creator: David Cox the ElderChirk Aqueduct, 1833. Additional Info: Chirk (Y Waun), Wales
Italian landscape with ruins of an aqueduct, 1811. Creator: Louis BelangerItalian landscape with ruins of an aqueduct, 1811
Cooking post on aqueduct, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceCooking post on aqueduct, between c1915 and c1920
Aqueduct police station, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceAqueduct police station, between c1910 and c1915
Aqueduct fire, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceAqueduct fire, 1913. Probably shows the Catskill Aqueduct fire, New York City, August 1913
Aqueduct fire rescued, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceAqueduct fire rescued, 1913. Probably shows the Catskill Aqueduct fire, New York City, 1913
The Explorations at Jerusalem: voussoir of Robinson's Arch fallen through the arch of tunnel below, 1869. A canal or aqueduct, 12 ft. deep and about 6 ft
Pont St. Louis and ruins of Roman aqueduct, Mentone, 1869. Creator: UnknownPont St. Louis and ruins of Roman aqueduct, Mentone, 1869. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. Rouch
Die Römischen Ansichten (Views of Rome)/ Acquedotti sotto SDie Romischen Ansichten (Views of Rome)/ Acquedotti sotto S. Bonaventura in Roma, 1810. From a series of 20 etchings in the series Die Romischen Ansichten (Views of Rome)
Aqueduct shaft, Broadway, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceAqueduct shaft, Broadway, between c1910 and c1915. Shows the New York City Aqueduct excavation site on Broadway
London Main-Drainage Works: Aqueduct at Abbey Mills, Stratford, 1864. Creator: UnknownLondon Main-Drainage Works: Aqueduct at Abbey Mills, Stratford, 1864
The British Association at Bath: aqueduct of the Kennet and Avon Canal, at Limpley Stoke, near Bath, 1864
Travellers by Aqua Claudia, early 19th century. Creator: Alexander LauréusTravellers by Aqua Claudia, early 19th century
Landscape with Buildings and an Aqueduct, c17th century. Creator: UnknownLandscape with Buildings and an Aqueduct, c17th century
Allegory of the Catholic Church: Plenary Indulgences (Indulgences plénières)Allegory of the Catholic Church: Plenary Indulgences (Indulgences plenieres), c.1790. A monumental staircase, flanked by buildings, chapels carved from the rock, and an aqueduct leading to a church
Aqueduct of Port-Launay, c.1861. Creator: Jules DuclosAqueduct of Port-Launay, c.1861
Aspendos Aqueduct, Turkey, 2019. Creator: Ethel DaviesThe one-kilometre remains of this ancient Roman aqueduct originally ran 19 kilometres from the mountains to the town, supplying the residents with water, Aspendos, Turkey, 2019
Medieval Aqueduct, Kavala, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel DaviesThe town's landmark, todays aqueduct built by the Ottomans in the 16th century replaced the 14th century Byzantine barrier walls and the even earlier Roman ones, Kavala, Greece, 2003
Aqueduct Below the Monastery of St. Bonaventura in Rome, plate ten from Die Romische Ansichten, 1810
Landscape with an Aqueduct, 1810. Creator: Nicolas Antoine TaunayLandscape with an Aqueduct, 1810
The Aqua Claudia in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Creator: Josephus Augustus KnipThe Aqua Claudia in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Scattered throughout the ancient city centre of Rome are the remains of the Aqua Claudia
S. Giovanni E Paolo, The Villa Mattei and the Imperial Palaces, c.1809-c.1812. Drawing from a group of 46 drawings and studies from mainly cityscapes and landscapes in and around Rome
The Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. The two domes and the tall bell tower are part of the basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, one of Rome's largest churches
Nero's Aqueduct in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Creator: Josephus Augustus KnipNero's Aqueduct in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Knip seems here to have drawn a section of the aqueduct that even now is still known as the Aquadotto Neroniano, the ancient Aqua Neronis
A Part of an Aqueduct in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Creator: Josephus Augustus KnipA Part of an Aqueduct in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Knip identified many of the aqueducts he drew as the Aquaduc de Neron (Nero's Aquaduct)
View of Aqueduct and the city of Taranto, 1778. Creator: Louis DucrosView of Aqueduct and the city of Taranto, 1778. Drawing from the album Voyage to Italy, Sicily and Malta
New Aqueduct at Trieste - Present State of the Works, 1856. Creator: Edmund EvansNew Aqueduct at Trieste - Present State of the Works, 1856
New Aqueduct at Trieste - the Machine Rooms, 1856. Creator: Edmund EvansNew Aqueduct at Trieste - the Machine Rooms, 1856
Old Acqueduct, Queretaro, between 1880 and 1897. Creator: William H. JacksonOld Acqueduct, Queretaro, between 1880 and 1897
View of the Bosporus, taken from the Height of Beykoz to the northwest, with the Aqueduct of Justinian in the background, c.1770-1780
The Gulf of Naples with the Island of Ischia in the Distance, 1818
The Ruins of the Aqueduct Aniene Nuovo near Tivoli, Italy, 1842-1847
Travel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Creator: Arnold GentheTravel views of Europe, between 1904 and 1938. Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain
Sketch for the town hall at Arcueil-Cachan : Workers of Arcueil, between 1887 and 1888. Women at work; aqueduct in the distance
Pastorale avec un jeune pâtre et une femme avec un enfant dans les brasPastorale avec un jeune patre et une femme avec un enfant dans les bras, between 1662 and 1679. Landscape with young herdsman and a woman carrying a child
Captain Charles T. Boyd - his funeralFuneral of Captain Charles T. Boyd, 10th Cavalry, U.S.A. 1916....his funeral crossing Georgetown Bridge'
Shepherdess and her flock at the entrance to a cave, between 1675 and 1699. Ruined aqueduct beyond. (Bergere et son troupeau a l'entree d'une grotte)
Funeral of Captain Charles T. Boyd, 10th Cavalry, U.S.A. His Funeral Crossing Georgetown Bridge, 1916
View of the ancient aquaduct and fountains situated near the Chiavica del Bufalo in Rome, 1822
Basho's Hut on Camellia Hill Beside the Aquaduct at Sekiguchi, from the series "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei)", 1857
Basho's Hut on Camellia Hill Beside the Aquaduct at Sekiguchi (Sekiguchi josui-bata)Basho's Hut on Camellia Hill Beside the Aquaduct at Sekiguchi (Sekiguchi josui-bata Bashoan Tsubakiyama), from the series "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei)", 1857
Ancient Aqueduct, from the Mountain of Tezcosingo, 1849. Creator: UnknownAncient Aqueduct, from the Mountain of Tezcosingo, 1849. Texcotzingo near Texcoco in Mexico is claimed to be one of the first extant botanical gardens in the Americas
The Croton Aqueduct - Harlem River Bridge, 1850. Creator: UnknownThe Croton Aqueduct - Harlem River Bridge, [New York], 1850. Aqueduct supplying the city of New York
Fountain and Aquaduct, City of Mexico. A Ride Round the Valley of Mexico, 1875. [The Chapultepec aqueduct was originally built by the Aztecs during the 15th century
The Arcueil Aqueduct at Sceaux Railroad Crossing, 1874. Creator: Armand GuillauminThe Arcueil Aqueduct at Sceaux Railroad Crossing, 1874
Ruins of an Aqueduct, 1763. Creator: Jean-Jacques de BoissieuRuins of an Aqueduct, 1763
Two shepherds resting next to a pedestal, an aqueduct at right in the background, aTwo shepherds resting next to an inscribed pedestal, an aqueduct at right in the background, and a city on a hill at left in the background, from Landscapes in the manner of Gaspar Dughet, ca. 1700-25
Plate 2: two figures sitting on a tree trunk on the bank of a stream in foreground, an aqueduct and tower in the background, from Landscapes in the manner of Gaspar Dughet, ca. 1700-25
The Bridge of the Gal (Gard), 1545. Creator: Jacques Androuet Du CerceauThe Bridge of the Gal (Gard), 1545
Arch of the Claudian Aqueduct, 1549. Creator: UnknownArch of the Claudian Aqueduct, 1549
Restoration of the Aqueduct at Pisa, c. 1614. Creator: Jacques CallotRestoration of the Aqueduct at Pisa, c. 1614
Ruins of an Ancient Aqueduct (Ruine d un ancien aqueduc). Creator: Alphonse LegrosRuins of an Ancient Aqueduct (Ruine d un ancien aqueduc)
Construction of Washington Aqueduct, 1858-1859. Creator: Lewis Emory WalkerConstruction of Washington Aqueduct, 1858-1859
High Bridge at Night, New York City, c. 1910 / 1920. Creator: Ernest LawsonHigh Bridge at Night, New York City, c. 1910/1920
Old Cottages At Lewisham, 1876. Creator: Sir John GilbertOld Cottages At Lewisham, 1876
Ruined aqueduct with water spilling from it to a stream below, ships at sea beyond, a man reclining on the ground with three goats in the foreground
View of hillside with ruins (an aqueduct?) and mountain crag beyond, in the foreground a man kneels on the grass beside a standing man and a dog, 1658
Ruines d Aqueduc. Creator: Jean MorinRuines d Aqueduc
The Aqueduct at Segovia and The Castle of Madrid, 1500-1599
Plate 6: Ruins of an ancient tomb in front of ruins of an ancient aqueduct; above the arches of the latter is the channel which conveyed the water to Rome
The Fontana dell Aqua Giulia (Vedute dell avanzo del Castello del Aqua Giulia), ca. 1753
View of the Fountainhead of the Acqua Felice... from Vedute di Roma (Roman Views), caView of the Fountainhead of the Acqua Felice.... from Vedute di Roma (Roman Views), ca. 1751
Ruins of an ancient tomb in front of ruins of an ancient aqueduct (Ruine di Sepolcro antico posto dinanzi ad altre ruine d un Aquedotto), ca. 1750
Corsica seated before satyrs on the bank of a river, from a pair of plates for Battista Guarinis Il Pastor fido, 1640
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: View of Rome from the East, 16th century. 16th centurySpeculum Romanae Magnificentiae: View of Rome from the East, 16th century
View on Terracina with Mount Circeo (recto)... mid-19th century. Creator: Carl von BlsView on Terracina with Mount Circeo (recto); View of the Roman Campagna with an Aquaduct (verso), mid-19th century
[Men on Horse by Roman Aqueduct], 1860s. Creator: Attributed to Altobelli & Molins[Men on Horse by Roman Aqueduct], 1860s
Aqueduct, Smyrna, 1880s. Creator: UnknownAqueduct, Smyrna, 1880s
Jerusalem, Aqueduc de Ponce-Pilate, Inscription, 1854. Creator: Auguste SalzmannJerusalem, Aqueduc de Ponce-Pilate, Inscription, 1854
Roquefavour, ca. 1861. Creator: Edouard BaldusRoquefavour, ca. 1861
Pont du Gard, ca. 1861. Creator: Edouard BaldusPont du Gard, ca. 1861
Aqueduct in Ruins. Creator: Hubert RobertAqueduct in Ruins
Port Jervis and Vicinity, 1874. Creator: John J. HarleyPort Jervis and Vicinity, 1874. D. & H
View from Castle Dinas Bran, c1870
View of the Acqueduct, near the Alhambra, 19th century, (1907). Creator: UnknownView of the Acqueduct, near the Alhambra, 19th century, (1907). Landscape near the palace of the Alhambra, Granada, Spain, which mainly dates from the 14th century
The Passaic, Below Little Falls, 1874. Creator: John J. HarleyThe Passaic, Below Little Falls, 1874. Wooden covered bridge and stone aqueduct over the Passaic River, New Jersey, USA
Algeria, Constantine, Roman aqueductRemains of the ancient Roman aqueduct on the hill on the outskirts of the city of Constantline, Algeria, December 2007
Fountain of the Falling Waters, City of Mexico, c1897. Creator: UnknownFountain of the Falling Waters, City of Mexico, c1897. The Salto del Agua fountain, built as part of aqueduct works, with bas relief of Mexico City coat of arms