Head of a Woman, about 1635. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IHead of a Woman, about 1635. Additional Info: The young woman's broad face fills the sheet squarely, with her eyes demurely cast down and lips pursed
The Last Supper, 1654-1655. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Last Supper, 1654-1655
Christ's Entombment, 1665. Creator: Ambrosius Francken IChrist's Entombment, 1665
Industry en Trade Promote the Flowering of Art, 1663-1665. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IIndustry en Trade Promote the Flowering of Art, 1663-1665
Antwerp Hospital Nuns, c1630-1670. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IAntwerp Hospital Nuns, c1630-1670
Pegasus, 1663-1665. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IPegasus, 1663-1665
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1653. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Adoration of the Shepherds, 1653
Human Law Founded on the Divine Justice, 1665. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IHuman Law Founded on the Divine Justice, 1665
As the Old Sang, So Pipe the Young, 1638. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IAs the Old Sang, So Pipe the Young, 1638
Portrait of a Woman, 1640-1645. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IPortrait of a Woman, 1640-1645
Saint Ivo of Brittany, c1620-1670. Creator: Jacob Jordaens ISaint Ivo of Brittany, c1620-1670
The Triumph of Frederik Hendrik, 1650-1651. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Triumph of Frederik Hendrik, 1650-1651
Meleager and Atalante, 1617-1618. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IMeleager and Atalante, 1617-1618
The Daughters of Cecrops Finding the Child Erichthonius, 1617. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Daughters of Cecrops Finding the Child Erichthonius, 1617
Cupid and Psyche, c1620-1670s. Creator: Jacob Jordaens ICupid and Psyche c1620-1670s
The Fruit Seller, c1620-1670s. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Fruit Seller, c1620-1670s
The Adoration of the Shepherds, c1616-1617. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Adoration of the Shepherds, c1616-1617
Levade, c1620-1670s. Creator: Jacob Jordaens ILevade c1620-1670s
Bacchus, 1640-1650. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IBacchus, 1640-1650
The Martyrdom of Saint Apollonia, 1628. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Martyrdom of Saint Apollonia, 1628
The Adoration of the Shepherds. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Adoration of the Shepherds
Two Female Heads and Torso of a Warrior, 1620-1623. Creator: Jacob Jordaens ITwo Female Heads and Torso of a Warrior, 1620-1623
The Four evangelists, 1625-1630. Creator: Jacob JordaensThe Four evangelists, 1625-1630
The Holy Family with an Angel, 1625. Creators: Jacob Jordaens, Workshop of Jacob JordaensThe Holy Family with an Angel, 1625
Mary with child surrounded by angels playing music, Early16th cen.. Private Collection
The Four Fathers of the Latin Church. Creators: Jacob Jordaens, Workshop of Jacob JordaensThe Four Fathers of the Latin Church, Unknown date
The Holy Family, between c. 1621 and c.1622. Creator: Jacob JordaensThe Holy Family, between c. 1621 and c.1622
The Adoration of the Magi, 1618. Creator: Jacob JordaensThe Adoration of the Magi, 1618
Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, 1647. Creator: Jacob JordaensFlight of the Holy Family into Egypt, 1647
St Peter Finding the Tribute Money in the Mouth of the Fish. Creator: AnonThe Tribute Money. Peter Finding the Silver Coin in the Mouth of the Fish (The Ferryboat to Antwerp), Unknown date
The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa, c.1630-c.1640. Creator: Jacob JordaensThe Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa, c.1630-c.1640
Portrait of Magdalena de Cuyper, c.1635-c.1636. Creator: Jacob JordaensPortrait of Magdalena de Cuyper, c.1635-c.1636
Portraits of Rogier Le Witer and his Wife, Catharina Behaghel, 1635
The Creation of Eve, ca 1530. Creator: AnonymousThe Creation of Eve, ca 1530. Found in the collection of the Musee des Beaux-Arts, Reims
Venus Disarming Mars, Drapery Study, c. 1632/35
Tomyris with the Head of Cyrus, c. 1637-1638
The Feast of Herod, c. 1637-1638. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish, 1577-1640)The Feast of Herod, c. 1637-1638. During the 1600s, drawings were indispensible in large studios
The Feast of Herod (recto) Tomyris with the Head of Cyrus (verso), c. 1637-1638. CreatorThe Feast of Herod (recto) Tomyris with the Head of Cyrus (verso), c. 1637-1638. During the 17th century, drawings were indispensible in large studios
The Triumph of the Church, after 1628. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish, 1577-1640)The Triumph of the Church, after 1628. This work is likely a copy after Rubenss oil sketch for the Triumph of the Eucharist tapestry series
Study for The Bear Hunt (for the Alcazar, Madrid), c. 1639. CreatorStudy for " The Bear Hunt" (for the Alcazar, Madrid), c. 1639. Many of Rubenss designs for large-scale paintings began with small sketches like this
Reconciliation of the Romans and the Sabines, c. 1632/35
Reconciliation of the Romans and the Sabines (recto) Venus Disarming Mars, Drapery Study (verso), c. 1632/35
Portrait of Isabella Brant, c. 1620-25. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish, 1577-1640)Portrait of Isabella Brant, c. 1620-25. Isabella Brant was Rubenss first wife
Portrait of an English Minister. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish, 1577-1640)Portrait of an English Minister
A Faun Grasping a Bunch of Grapes, after 1616 / 18. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens (FlemishA Faun Grasping a Bunch of Grapes, after 1616/18
Allegory on Science. Minerva and Cronus protect Science against Envy and Ignorance, 1615-1619
Family-portrait of Pierre de Moucheron, merchant in Middelburg and Antwerpen, his wife Isabeau de Gerbier, their 18 children. 1563. Found in the collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam