Defeat of the Floating Batteries at Gibraltar, 1782 (c1783). General Sir George Eliott is on horseback pointing to the battle between the British and the Spanish land and sea forces
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 1931, (1943). Creator: Grant DeVolson WoodThe Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 1931, (1943)
Siege of Yorktown, 1781 (c1836). Artist: Auguste CouderSiege of Yorktown, 1781 (c1836). French General Jean de Rochambeau (1725-1807) and American General George Washington (1732-1799) giving the last orders for the attack, October 1781
General Sir Banastre Tarleton, 1st Baronet, 1782. British soldier and politician
Copy of "George Washington (The Athenaeum Portrait)" by Gilbert Stuart, date unknown.
John Drew, Jr. as Captain Plume from "The Recruiting Officer", 1885. Full length portrait of the actor John Drew, Jr. dressed in an 18th century soldier's costume
Henry Knox, American army officer, 19th century. Creator: UnknownHenry Knox, American army officer, 19th century. Knox (1750-1806) was a military officer of the Continental Army and later the United States Army. (Colorised black and white print)
Benjamin Lincoln, American army officer, 19th century. Creator: UnknownBenjamin Lincoln, American army officer, 19th century. Lincoln (1733-1810) was a major general in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783)
John Paul Jones, Scottish-American naval commander, 19th century. Creator: UnknownJohn Paul Jones, Scottish-American naval commander, 19th century
High School Float in "Wake Up" parade, 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceHigh School Float in "Wake Up" parade, 1917
Bohemians in Wake up America parade, 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceBohemians in Wake up America parade, 1917. Shows the Wake Up America/Lexington Day/Patriot's Day celebration, New York City
The Savages Let Loose, or the Cruel Fate of the Loyalists, 1783. [Is this a Peace, when Loyalists must bleed? It is a Bloody Piece of work indeed]
Mrs. Richard Bache (Sarah Franklin, 1743-1808), 1793. Creator: John HoppnerMrs. Richard Bache (Sarah Franklin, 1743-1808), 1793
W. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, (1708-1778), 1830. Creator: UnknownW. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, (1708-1778), 1830. William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) British Whig who served as Prime Minister mid 18th century
Lord F. North, (1732-1792), 1830. Creator: UnknownLord F. North, (1732-1792), 1830
Lord Hood, (1724- 1816), 1830. Creator: UnknownLord Hood, (1724- 1816), 1830. Admiral Samuel Hood, 1st Viscount Hood (1724- 1816) Royal Navy officer
General John Sullivan, in cocked hat edged with braid and a gorget, c1770, (1937)General John Sullivan, showing cocked hat edged with braid and a gorget, c1770, (1937)
General Francis Marion, in coat with high collar and waistcoatGeneral Francis Marion, showing coat with high collar and peculiar waistcoat, c1770, (1937)
General Daniel Morgan in a buckskin coat of the Virginia rangers, c1780, (1937). Daniel Morgan (1736-1802) American pioneer, soldier, and politician from Virginia
General Israel Putnam, showing uniform of a Continental trooper, 1937
Declaration of the Independence of the United States, (1776), 1890. Creator: UnknownDeclaration of the Independence of the United States, (1776), 1890
General Lincoln Receiving Cornwalliss Sword from General O Hara, (1877). General Charles O Hara surrenders the sword of Lieutenant-General Charles Cornwallis to Major General Benjamin Lincoln
Nathanael Greene - Equestrian statues in WashingtonEquestrian statues in Washington, D.C. between 1911 and 1942. Sculpture of Major General Nathanael Greene by Henry Kirke Brown
Casimir Pulaski - Equestrian statues in WashingtonEquestrian statues in Washington, D.C. between 1911 and 1942. Sculpture of Brigadier general Casimir Pulaski by Kazimierz Chodzinski
Philadelphia Sketches: Selling the "Pennsylvania Journal" of One Hundred Years Ago, by one of our special artists, 1876
Ralph Farnham, one of the Bunker Hill Heroes, 1860. Creator: UnknownRalph Farnham, one of the Bunker Hill Heroes, 1860
The Quilting room, Washington's headquarters (i)The Quilting room, Washington's headquarters (i.e. Morris-Jumel mansion), New York, N.Y. between 1905 and 1915
The Candle room, Washington's headquarters (i)The Candle room, Washington's headquarters (i.e. Morris-Jumel mansion), New York, N.Y. between 1905 and 1915
The Council chamber, Washington's headquarters i.e. Morris-Jumel mansion, New York. N.Y. between 1905 and 1915
Gravestone of first man killed in Revolutionary War, Westminster, Vt. c.between 1900 and 1910
Washington Monument, Washington, D.C. c1903. Creator: William H. JacksonWashington Monument, Washington, D.C. c1903
Lafayette monument, between 1880 and 1897. Creator: William H. JacksonLafayette monument, between 1880 and 1897
The Bunker Hill Monument, c1900. Creator: UnknownThe Bunker Hill Monument, c1900
Line of the Minute Men Memorial, Lexington, c1900. Creator: UnknownLine of the Minute Men Memorial, Lexington, c1900
The Minute Man, Concord, c1900. Creator: UnknownThe Minute Man, Concord, c1900
John Paul Jones - Statue, 1914. Washington DC
Naval Academy, U.S. Soldiers And Sailors Monument, [Annapolis, Maryland], 1910
LaFayette Statue, between 1910 and 1920
Louis XV recevant le corps de la Ville à l'occasion de la publication de la paix de 1739Louis XV recevant le corps de la Ville a l'occasion de la publication de la paix de 1739. Esquisse du portrait collectif du bureau de la Ville de Paris, destine a l'Hotel de Ville de Paris
Map showing Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie, between 1909 and 1914. Drawn to accompany engineer report'
Wall Paper and Border, c. 1937. Creator: Sidney LiswoodWall Paper and Border, c. 1937
Woven Bedspread, c. 1936. Creator: Elizabeth ValentineWoven Bedspread, c. 1936
John Paul Jones - Dedication of Monument, 4/17/12, The Monument, [Washington DC], 1912 April 17
John Paul Jones - Statue On Monument, Foot of 17th Street, [Washington] D.C. 1911
Commodore John Barry, U.S.N. Portrait, 1914. Irish-American officer in the Continental Navy during the American Revolutionary War
Het Tegenwoordig Veward Europa [Europe in Her Present Disordered State], ca. 1780
Yorktown, 1781. Creator: AnonYorktown, 1781
State of the English Nation [Toestand der Engelsche Natie], ca. 1780. Creator: AnonState of the English Nation [Toestand der Engelsche Natie], ca. 1780
The Commissioners, April 1, 1778. Creator: Matthew DarlyThe Commissioners, April 1, 1778
View of the Attack on Bunkers Hill, with the Burning of Charles Town, June 17, 1775, 1781-1783
Attack on Fort Constitution, October 7, 1777. Creator: Johann Martin WillAttack on Fort Constitution, October 7, 1777
Battle of Saratoga (September 19, 1777). Creator: Johann Martin WillBattle of Saratoga (September 19, 1777)
George Washington, late 18th century. Creator: Jospeh WrightGeorge Washington, late 18th century
His Excellency Nathaniel Green, Esq. Major General of the American Army, 1781
Orage causepar l Impot sur le Theen Amerique, ca. 1775. ca. 1775. Creator: AnonOrage cause par l Impot sur le The en Amerique, ca. 1775
Le General Burgoyne aSaratoga, le 17 OctobreLe General Burgoyne a Saratoga, le 17 Octobre, 1777; and Le General Cornwallis a Yorck, le 19 Octobre, 1781, [original 1781] later reprint (?)
Mal Lui Veut Mal Lui Tourne Dit Le Bonne Homme Richard, ca. 1780. ca. 1780. Creator: AnonMal Lui Veut Mal Lui Tourne Dit Le Bonne Homme Richard, ca. 1780
His Excellency George Washington, Esq-r. March 26, 1782. Creator: John NormanHis Excellency George Washington, Esq-r. General and Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies, Supporting the Independence of America, March 26, 1782
The Honorable Samuel Adams, First Delegate to Congress from MassachusettsThe Honorable Samuel Adams, Esq. First Delegate to Congress from Massachusetts, 1781-83
The Present State of Great Britain, 1779. Creator: James PhillipsThe Present State of Great Britain, 1779
Mount Vernon with hidden silhouette of George Washington, 1832. Creator: Henry InmanMount Vernon with hidden silhouette of George Washington, 1832
Major General John Sullivan, August 22, 1776. August 22, 1776. Creator: AnonMajor General John Sullivan, August 22, 1776
The Junto in a Bowl Dish, February 11, 1781. February 11, 1781. Creator: AnonThe Junto in a Bowl Dish, February 11, 1781
The Scotch Butchery, Boston, 1775, 1775. 1775. Creator: AnonThe Scotch Butchery, Boston, 1775, 1775
The Tea-Tax-Tempest, or Old Time with his Magick Lanthern, March 12, 1783
The Closet, January 28, 1778. January 28, 1778. Creator: AnonThe Closet, January 28, 1778
News from America, or the Patriots in the Dumps, December 1, 1776
State of the English Nation, ca. 1780. ca. 1780. Creator: AnonState of the English Nation, ca. 1780
State of the English Nation, August 1, 1778. August 1, 1778. Creator: AnonState of the English Nation, August 1, 1778
Proclamation of Peace, October 21, 1783. October 21, 1783. Creator: AnonProclamation of Peace, October 21, 1783
Count de Rochambeau, French General of the Land Forces in America Reviewing the French Troops, April 1, 1781
Paul Revere Print, 1940. Creator: Archie ThompsonPaul Revere Print, 1940
Fragment, United States, 19th century. Creator: UnknownFragment, United States, 19th century. U.S. of A. Welcome Centennial / In God We Trust - 1776-1876, crossed rifles, American eagle motifs
America Presenting at the Altar of Liberty Medallions of Her Illustrious Sons... c. 1785America Presenting at the Altar of Liberty Medallions of her Illustrious Sons (Furnishing Fabric), England, c. 1785
The Attack on Chews House during the Battle of Germantown, 1777, 1878
La Motte-Piquet Sauve un Convoi (Motte-Piquet Saves a Convoy) (Furnishing Fabric), Nantes, 1782
Bunker Hill Monument, 1845 / 1902. Creator: Miller & BrownBunker Hill Monument, 1845/1902. [Obelisk at the site of the Battle of Bunker Hill in Boston, Massachusetts, USA]. Albumen print (carte-de-visite)
Bunker Hill Monument, 1845 / 1900. Creator: UnknownBunker Hill Monument, 1845/1900. [War memorial at Charlestown, Massachusetts, comemmorating the Battle of Bunker Hill during the American Revolutionary War]. Albumen print (carte-de-visite)
Bunker Hill Monument, 1875 / 1900. Creator: AllenBunker Hill Monument, 1875/1900. [Obelisk at the site of the Battle of Bunker Hill in Boston, Massachusetts, USA]. Albumen print (carte-de-visite)
Sarratoga [sic] (October 17, 1777), ca. 1777. Creator: GodefroySarratoga [sic] (October 17, 1777), ca. 1777. [Surrender of General Burgoyneat Saratoga, New York
His Excellency George Washington Esq-r. ca. 1777. Creators: Joseph Hiller, Samuel BlythHis Excellency George Washington Esq-r. ca. 1777. Possibly engraved by Joseph Hiller Sr. Possibly engraved by Samuel Blyth
James Breckinridge, 1808. Creator: Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret de Saint-MéJames Breckinridge, 1808
James Jackson, 1805. Creator: Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret de Saint-MeminJames Jackson, 1805