Portrait of Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich of Russia (1818-1881). Creator: StielerPortrait of Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich of Russia (1818-1881). Private Collection
Junker of the Life-Guards Caucasian-Mountain squadron, 1829. Private Collection
Arrest of a suspected nihilist at St. Petersburg, 1880. Creator: UnknownArrest of a suspected nihilist at St. Petersburg, 1880
The attempt on the Czar's life: the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg, 1880
The attempt on the Czar's life: attendants at the imperial dinner table, St. Petersburg, 1880. Servants in the Winter Palace. From "Illustrated London News", 1880.
The attempt on the Czar's life: the Grand Ball-room, Winter Palace, St. Petersburg, 1880. From "Illustrated London News", 1880.
The attempt on the Czar's life: the Soltykoff Doorway of the Winter Palace, within which the explosion occurred, 1880
The Imperial Festivities at Berlin: crowd at the illuminations, Serenade by Prussian Guards, 1872
The Three Emperors at Berlin: arrival at the banquet in the White Hall of the Old Palace, 1872
The Three Emperors at Berlin: Grand Review at Tempelhof - the Emperors passing along the line, 1872
The Three Emperors at Berlin: the Crown Princess's evening garden party at the New Palace, Potsdam, 1872
The Avenger: An Allegorical War Map for 1877, 1876-1877. Creator: AnonymousThe Avenger: An Allegorical War Map for 1877, 1876-1877. Private Collection
Portrait of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881), 1872. Found in the Collection of the State Art Museum of the Dagestan Republic, Makhatchkala
Portrait of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881), after 1856. Creator: AnonymousPortrait of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881), after 1856. Found in the Collection of the State Art Museum of the Dagestan Republic, Makhatchkala
Portrait of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881), . Creator: Godenhjelm; Berndt (1799-1881)Portrait of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881), . Found in the Collection of the Ateneum, Helsinki
Emperor Alexander II in the gala uniform of the Life Guard Cavalry Regiment, 1856. From a private collection
The announcement of the manifesto on the abolition of serfdom in the Assumption Cathedral on March 5, 1861, 1861. Private Collection
Meeting of the Editorial Commission for the Liberation of the Peasants in the hall of the First Cadet Corps, 1861. Private Collection
The Russian Gold Medal of Merit, 1860. Creator: UnknownThe Russian Gold Medal of Merit, 1860. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia has conferred upon Mr
The Bolshevik Coup in Russia; The study of Tsar Alexander II, ancestor of Nicholas II, after the sacking of the Winter Palace, on the night of November 7-8, 1917: until then
"The Emperor Alexander II. And his Sister Marie-Nicolaewna, in their Childhood" - from a print published at St. Petersburg, 1856
The Princess of Orange Receiving Alexander II (1818-1881), Grand Duke and Heir to the Throne of Russia, in the Czar Peter's House in Zaandam, 17 April 1839, 1839-1840
Oursikoff!..trouvez-vous cela ressemblant?, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierOursikoff!..trouvez-vous cela ressemblant?, 19th century. Satire on the Crimean War
Night fete at Tuileries, June 10, 1867, on the occasion of the visit of foreign sovereigns to the Universal Exhibition, current 1st arrondissement, between 1862 and 1872
The Emperor of Russia's Steam-Yacht "Peterhoff", 1850
Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, n.d. Creators: Unknown, Gustav KuhnAlexander II, Emperor of Russia, n.d
The Emperor's Vase, 1850. Creator: UnknownThe Emperor's Vase, 1850. Horseracing trophy...presented by his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia...The artist is Mr. Cotterill...The manufacturers of this vase are the Messrs
Grand Duke Vladimir Aleksandrovich, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right, between 1860 and 1870
Grand Duke Vladimir Aleksandrovich, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right, between 1870 and 1880
Deputies of the Caucasian tribes (who were at the coronation of the Sovereign Emperor)Deputies of the Caucasian tribes (who were at the coronation of the Sovereign Emperor in Moscow in 1856), 1862
Marie Alexandrovna, wife of Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left, between 1870 and 1886
Petr Andreevich Shuvalov, half-length portrait, facing right, in uniform, between 1880 and 1886
Grand Duke Serge Aleksandrovich, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right, between 1870 and 1880
Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, half-length portrait, seated, facing right, between 1870 and 1886
Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left, between 1870 and 1886
Grand Duke Aleksei Aleksandrovich, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left, between 1870 and 1880
Emperor of Russia, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownEmperor of Russia, ca. 1860-1865
Coat of Arms of Alexander II, Russia, mid-late 19th century. Creator: UnknownCoat of Arms of Alexander II, Russia, mid-late 19th century
Portrait of Princess Ekaterina Mikhailovna Dolgorukova (1847-1922), 1880. Private Collection
Emperor of Russia, 1860-69. Creator: UnknownEmperor of Russia, 1860-69. [Portrait of Tsar Alexander II of Russia]. Albumen print
Alexander II of Russia and Princess Ekaterina Mikhailovna Yurievskaya with children, cAlexander II of Russia and Princess Ekaterina Mikhailovna Yurievskaya with children Georgy and Olga, c. 1880. Private Collection
Rival sportsmen. "I say now, as I have said before, that there is room enoughRival sportsmen. " I say now, as I have said before, that there is room enough in Asia for both England and Russia", - Lord Beacon, 1878. Private Collection
The Family of Emperor Alexander II of Russia, c. 1871. Creator: LevitskyThe Family of Emperor Alexander II of Russia, c. 1871. Private Collection
Assassination of Tsar Alexander II in St Petersburg, 1881. Private Collection
Transportation of the wounded Tsar Alexander II after the assassination, 1881. Private Collection
Tsar Nicholas I of Russia with Tsarevich Alexander and his Retinue. Creator: KrügerTsar Nicholas I of Russia with Tsarevich Alexander and his Retinue. Private Collection
The Bear Hunt of Tsar Alexander II, 1872. Creator: Zichy, Mihaly (1827-1906)The Bear Hunt of Tsar Alexander II, 1872. Private Collection
Princess Ekaterina Mikhailovna Yurievskaya with children Georgy and OlgaPrincess Ekaterina Mikhailovna Yurievskaya (1847-1922) with children Georgy and Olga, End of 1870s-Early 1880s. Found in the Collection of State History Museum, Moscow
Sophia Perovskaya before the Court, 1881. Creator: AnonymousSophia Perovskaya before the Court, 1881. Private Collection
Dmitry Vladimirovich Karakozov, 1866. Creator: AnonymousDmitry Vladimirovich Karakozov, 1866. Found in the Collection of State Museum of Revolution, Moscow
Andrei Zhelyabov before the Court, 1881. Creator: AnonymousAndrei Zhelyabov before the Court, 1881. Private Collection
The Assassination of Count Mikhail Loris-Melikov. From Le Monde Illustre, 1880The Assassination of Count Mikhail Loris-Melikov. From " Le Monde Illustre", 1880. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
The Winter Palace after the explosion, evening of February 17, 1880. Creator: De HaenenThe Winter Palace after the explosion, evening of February 17, 1880. From " Le Monde Illustre", 1880. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Emperor Alexander II after the explosion, evening of February 17, 1880. Creator: De HaenenEmperor Alexander II after the explosion, evening of February 17, 1880. From " Le Monde Illustre", 1880. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
The Marriage of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh to Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, 23 January 1874, 1874. Found in the Collection of Royal Collection, London
Grand Prince Alexander Nikolayevich as colonel-in-chief of the Austrian 4th Hussar Regiment, 1845. From a private collection
Tsar Alexander II reviewing troops, 1867. Artist: AnonymousTsar Alexander II reviewing troops, 1867. From a private collection
Pope Alexander II. Creator: UnknownPope Alexander II. Alexander P II Mediola. Portrait of Alexander II (c1010-1073)
Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of Russia, c1860-c1862. Portrait of the future Tsar Alexander III (1845-1894), who reigned as Emperor of Russia from 14 March 1881 until his death
The Emancipation of the serfs in 1861, 1861. Found in the collection of I. Turgenev Memorial Museum, Moscow
Alexander II Proclaiming the Emancipation of the Serfs. Private Collection
Unforgettable day of the Emancipation of the serfs in 1861, 1865. Artist: Russian MasterUnforgettable day of the Emancipation of the serfs in 1861, 1865. Found in the collection of State History Museum, Moscow
Dining room of the Winter Palace after the explosion, evening of February 17, 1880, 1880. Found in the Collection of Russian State Library, Moscow
Portrait of Alexander Konstantinovich Soloviev (1846-1879), 1879. Private Collection
Alexander II, King of Scotland, (1824). The son of William the Lion and Ermengarde of Beaumont, Alexander II (1198-1249) ascended the throne of Scotland in 1214
The hunting party of Emperor Alexander II. Private Collection
Portrait of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881), 1864. Private Collection
The Bear Hunt of Tsar Alexander II, 1858-1860. Found in the Collection of Regional Art Museum, Bryansk
Own Dacha of Emperor Alexander II in Peterhof, 1850s. Found in the Collection of State Museum of the History of Saint Petersburg
The triumphal entry of the Coronation Procession into Kremlin on August 17, 1856, 1856. Found in the Collection of State Museum of the History of Saint Petersburg
Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881), 1855. Private Collection
The decree of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881) to the Emancipation of the serfs, 1861. Found in the collection of Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA)
The Assassination of Alexander II on 13 March 1881, 1881. Private Collection
Portrait of Princess Olga Alexandrovna Yurievskaya (1873-1925), 1910s. Artist: AnonymousPortrait of Princess Olga Alexandrovna Yurievskaya (1873-1925), 1910s. Private Collection
The Emancipation Manifesto of 3 March 1861. Found in the Collection of Russian State Historical Library, Moscow
The Reading the Emancipation Manifesto of 1861, Third Quarter of 19th cen.. Found in the collection of I. Turgenev Memorial Museum, Moscow
The Nihilists carried to Execution in St. Petersburg, ca 1881. Artist: AnonymousThe Nihilists carried to Execution in St. Petersburg, ca 1881. Private Collection
Armour-bearer of the Life-Guards Caucasian-Mountain squadron, 1829. Private Collection
The execution of the Nihilists, ca 1881. Artist: AnonymousThe execution of the Nihilists, ca 1881. Private Collection
The Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich on a Bear hunt on the Outskirts a Moscow, 1843. Private Collection
Ball in the Hall of the Russian Assembly of Nobility on the occasion of the coronation of Emperor Al Artist: ZichyBall in the Hall of the Russian Assembly of Nobility on the occasion of the coronation of Emperor Alexander II, 1856. Found in the collection of Russian State Library, Moscow
Saint George Standard of the Cavalry at the Time of Alexander II, 1872. Found in the collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Portrait of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881), 1860s. Found in the collection of State History Museum, Moscow
The Assassination of Alexander II on 13 March 1881. Artist: AnonymousThe Assassination of Alexander II on 13 March 1881. Private Collection