Dancing Dervishes, Folio from a Divan of Hafiz, ca. 1480. Creator: BihzadDancing Dervishes, Folio from a Divan of Hafiz, ca. 1480
An Ambuscade, (1901). Creator: UnknownAn Ambuscade, (1901). Ambush during the Second Afghan War, Afghanistan, in 1878: local fighters lie in wait for British forces. After a painting made late 19th-early 20th century
Entry of the Governor-General of India into Peshawur, 1870. Creator: UnknownEntry of the Governor-General of India into Peshawur, 1870. The British in India
The Eavesdropper, Folio 47r from a Haft Paikar (Seven Portraits) of the Khamsa... caThe Eavesdropper, Folio 47r from a Haft Paikar (Seven Portraits) of the Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, ca. 1430
Khusrau Seated on his Throne, Folio 64 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A. H. 931 / A. DKhusrau Seated on his Throne, Folio 64 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
Bahram Gur in the White Palace on Friday, Folio 235 from a Khamsa... A.H. 931 / A.DBahram Gur in the White Palace on Friday, Folio 235 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
Bahram Gur and the Indian Princess in the Dark Palace on Saturday, Folio 23v... ca. 1430Bahram Gur and the Indian Princess in the Dark Palace on Saturday, Folio 23v from a Haft Paikar (Seven Portraits) of the Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, ca. 1430
Bahram Gur in the Yellow Palace on Sunday, Folio 213 from a Khamsa... A.H. 931 / A.DBahram Gur in the Yellow Palace on Sunday, Folio 213 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
Farhad Carves a Milk Channel for Shirin, Folio 74 from a Khamsa (Quintet)... A.H. 931 / AFarhad Carves a Milk Channel for Shirin, Folio 74 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
Battle between Alexander and Darius, Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet)... A.H. 931 / A.DBattle between Alexander and Darius, Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
Bahram Gur in the Sandal Palace on Thursday, Folio 230 from a Khamsa... A.H. 931 / A.DBahram Gur in the Sandal Palace on Thursday, Folio 230 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
Marriage of Khusrau and Shirin, Folio 104 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, dated A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
The Afghan War, 1879: The Death of Major Wigram Battye in the Battle of Futtehabad, April 2, (1901)
Charge of Cavalry to Cover the Retreat of the Guns... 11th December 1879, (1901)Charge of Cavalry to Cover the Retreat of the Guns in the Action of 11th December 1879, (1901)
The Ameer of Cabool on his way to Peshawur, 1869. Creator: UnknownThe Ameer of Cabool on his way to Peshawur, 1869....the Ameer's party and the escort passing Jumrood, [on their way to meet Lord Mayo, Governor-General of India at Umballah in the Punjab
The Durbar at Umballah: meeting of the Governor-General of India and the Ameer of Cabul, 1869
Afghan nomads, seated outside tent, 1919. Creator: Bain News ServiceAfghan nomads, seated outside tent, 1919
Group of the Police Force newly organised in Bengal, 1864. Creator: Mason JacksonGroup of the Police Force newly organised in Bengal, 1864. Engraving from a photograph. The group consists of the district Superintendent, two Inspectors, a head constable, a constable, and a sowar
The Markore (Capra megaceros), 1858. Creator: UnknownThe Markore (Capra megaceros), 1858. This animal is a native of certain parts of the Western Himalayas, and is likewise found in the high ranges of Persia and Affghanistan
The Horse Show at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, 1876. Creator: UnknownThe Horse Show at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, 1876. 1. Mr. J. Barker's "Liverpool", first-prize heavy-weight hunter. 2. Mr
British and native officers of Fane's Horse serving in China, 1860. Creator: UnknownBritish and native officers of Fane's Horse serving in China, 1860. These corps of irregular cavalry occupy a notable position in the expeditionary army to China
AI Image - Illustration of an Indian Father Christmas, 2023. Creator: Heritage ImagesAI Image - Illustration of a South Asian Father Christmas, 2023
AI Image - Illustration of a South Asian Father Christmas, 2023. Creator: Heritage ImagesAI Image - Illustration of a South Asian Father Christmas, 2023
Costumes de Différents Pays, Kandaharien Sujet PersanCostumes de Differents Pays, Kandaharien Sujet Persan, c1797
Osman Khan, Wuzeer to Shah Soojah - from a drawing by W. Carpenter, Jun. 1858
Jar, between c.2700 and c.2500 B.C.. Creator: UnknownJar, between c.2700 and c.2500 B.C
The Lawrence Testimonial, 1856. Creator: UnknownThe Lawrence Testimonial, 1856. Candelabrum presented to Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence, ...President of the Board of Administration for the Affairs of the Punjaub [Punjab]'
View of Cabul, c1891. Creator: James GrantView of Cabul, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]
Mountaineers of Afghanistan, c1891. Creator: James GrantMountaineers of Afghanistan, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]
Assassination of Sir Alexander Burnes, c1891. Creator: James GrantAssassination of Sir Alexander Burnes, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]
View in Afghanistan, c1891. Creator: James GrantView in Afghanistan, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]
Head of Buddha, Kushan period, 3rd-5th century. Creator: UnknownHead of Buddha, Kushan period, 3rd-5th century
Head of a Bodhisattva, Kushan period, About 3rd / 5th century. Creator: UnknownHead of a Bodhisattva, Kushan period, About 3rd/5th century
Male Head, 2nd / 3rd century. Creator: UnknownMale Head, 2nd/3rd century
Head of an Adorant, 4th / 5th century. Creator: UnknownHead of an Adorant, 4th/5th century
Head of a Female Deity, 4th / 5th century. Creator: UnknownHead of a Female Deity, 4th/5th century
Head of a Female Adorant, 4th / 5th century. Creator: UnknownHead of a Female Adorant, 4th/5th century
Walking Buddha, Kushan period, 3rd / 4th century. Creator: UnknownWalking Buddha, Kushan period, 3rd/4th century
Head of a Bodhisattva, 3rd / 5th century. Creator: UnknownHead of a Bodhisattva, 3rd/5th century
Four-Armed Seated God Ganesha, Shahi period, 7th / 8th century. Creator: UnknownFour-Armed Seated God Ganesha, Shahi period, 7th/8th century. Made in Afghanistan, or what is now Pakistan
Veneration of the Buddhas Relics, Kushan period, 2nd / 3rd century. Creator: UnknownVeneration of the Buddhas Relics, Kushan period, 2nd/3rd century. Ancient region of Gandhara (modern Afghanistan or Pakistan)
Afghan Throw, c. 1938. Creator: Erwin StenzelAfghan Throw, c. 1938
Oil Lamp (Cheragh), Ilkhanid dynasty (1256-1353), Early 13th century. Creator: UnknownOil Lamp (Cheragh), Ilkhanid dynasty (1256-1353), Early 13th century
Afghan Carriage Robe, c. 1937. Creator: J. Howard IamsAfghan Carriage Robe, c. 1937
Ewer, Iran or Afghanistan, ca. 1180-1210. Creator: UnknownEwer, Iran or Afghanistan, ca. 1180-1210. Harpies and astrological imagery heighten the auspiciousness of this ornament
Afghan or Circassian Armour, 1843. Creators: David Octavius Hill, Robert AdamsonAfghan or Circassian Armour, 1843
Decorative Drawing, first half 15th century. Creator: UnknownDecorative Drawing, first half 15th century
Preparation for a Feast, Folio from a Divan of Jami, late 15th century. Creator: UnknownPreparation for a Feast, Folio from a Divan of Jami, late 15th century
Bahram Gur in the Dark Palace on Saturday, Folio 207 from a Khamsa... A.H. 931 / A.DBahram Gur in the Dark Palace on Saturday, Folio 207 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
Bahram Gur in the Green Palace on Monday, Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A. HBahram Gur in the Green Palace on Monday, Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
How a Braggart was Drowned in a Well, Folio 33v from a Haft Paikar... ca. 1430How a Braggart was Drowned in a Well, Folio 33v from a Haft Paikar (Seven Portraits) of the Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, ca. 1430
Illuminated Frontispiece of a Bustan of Sa di, dated A. H. 920 / A. D. 1514Illuminated Frontispiece of a Bustan of Sa di, dated A.H. 920/ A.D. 1514
Conquest of Baghdad by Timur, Folio from a Zafarnama... Dhu l Hijja 839 A.H. / A.DConquest of Baghdad by Timur, Folio from a Zafarnama (Book of Victory), Dhu l Hijja 839 A.H./A.D. June-July 1436
Funeral Procession, Folio 35r from a Mantiq al-tair (Language of the Birds), A. H. 892 / AFuneral Procession, Folio 35r from a Mantiq al-tair (Language of the Birds), dated A.H. 892/ A.D. 1487
Allusion to Sura 27: 16, Folio from a Mantiq al-tair (Language of the Birds)Allusion to Sura 27:16, Folio from a Mantiq al-tair (Language of the Birds), A.H. 892/A.D. 1486
Journey of the Prophet Muhammad, Folio from the Majma al-Tavarikh... ca. 1425Journey of the Prophet Muhammad, Folio from the Majma al-Tavarikh (Compendium of Histories), ca. 1425
The Beggar who Professed his Love for a Prince, Folio 28r from a Mantiq al-tair... A.HThe Beggar who Professed his Love for a Prince, Folio 28r from a Mantiq al-tair (Language of the Birds), dated A.H. 892/A.D. 1487
A Stallion, ca. 1601-6. Creator: Habiballah of SavaA Stallion, ca. 1601-6
Jonah and the Whale, Folio from a Majma al-Tavarikh (Compendium of Histories)... caJonah and the Whale, Folio from a Majma al-Tavarikh (Compendium of Histories) of Hafiz-i Abru, ca. 1425
Shaikh Mahneh and the Villager, Folio 49r from a Mantiq al-tair (Language of the Birds), 1487
Laila Visiting Majnun in the Desert, Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi, 1520-25
Alexander at a Banquet, Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, dated A. H. 931 / A. DAlexander at a Banquet, Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, dated A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
Bahram Gur in the Turquoise Palace on Wednesday, Folio 216 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, dated A.H. 931/A.D. 1524-25
Battle Scene, Folio from a Zafarnama (Book of Victories) of Sharaf al-Din Ali Yazdi, 1485-86
Page of Calligraphy from an Anthology of Poetry by Sa di and Hafiz, late 15th century
Seizure of Sir William Macnaghten by Akbar Khan, Afghanistan, 1841 (c1890). From " Cassells History of England - Special Edition, Vol
Attack in the Kuram Valley, (1901). Creator: Richard Caton Woodville IIAttack in the Kuram Valley, (1901). Incident in the Kurram Valley, North-West Frontier Province, India, (now Pakistan)
Roberts Rallying the Pioneers at Umbeyla, (1901). Creator: Charles Mills SheldonRoberts Rallying the Pioneers at Umbeyla, (1901)
The Final Attack at the Spingawi Khotal, (1901). Creator: William Heysham OverendThe Final Attack at the Spingawi Khotal, (1901)
Abdur Rahman, Ameer of Afghanistan, 1880s, (1901). Creator: BourkeAbdur Rahman, Ameer of Afghanistan, 1880s, (1901). Portrait of Sher Ali Khan, Emir of Afghanistan, (erroneously captioned Abdur Rahman)
The Second Punjab Cavalry, 1901. Creator: Walter FaneThe Second Punjab Cavalry, 1901. Indian and Afghan soldiers during the period of the British Raj: Hindustani Trooper; Sikh Non-Commissioned Officer; Afghan Native Officer
The Fortress and Citadel of Ghazni and the Two Minars, c1840, (1901). A caravan on the road to Ghazni in Afghanistan
Charge of Punjab Cavalry in the Second Action Near Charasia, on 24th April 1880, (1901)
The Main Street in the Bazaar at Kabul in the Fruit Season, c1840, (1901). CreatorThe Main Street in the Bazaar at Kabul in the Fruit Season, c1840, (1901). Market in the capital of Afghanistan. From " The Life and Deeds of Earl Roberts, Vol. I
Army Emerging from the Shutargardan Pass into the Logar Valley, c1840, (1901). CreatorArmy Emerging from the Shutargardan Pass into the Logar Valley, c1840, (1901). Tribesman in Logar Province, central Afghanistan. From " The Life and Deeds of Earl Roberts, Vol. II
The Attack on the Bala Hissar on the Night of 11th December 1879, (1901). CreatorThe Attack on the Bala Hissar on the Night of 11th December 1879, (1901)
The Action on the Heights Above Charasia, October 6, 1879, (1901). Creator: UnknownThe Action on the Heights Above Charasia, October 6, 1879, (1901)
The Daring Attack on the Spingawi Khotal, December 2, 1878, (1901). Creator: UnknownThe Daring Attack on the Spingawi Khotal, December 2, 1878, (1901). The 5th Gurkhas storming the Spingawi
Fort Jamrud, Peshawur, 1901. Creator: Bourne & ShepherdFort Jamrud, Peshawur, 1901. Fort at the entrance to the Khyber Pass, near Peshawar, Pakistan. From " The Life and Deeds of Earl Roberts, Vol. II. - To The Abdication of Yakub Khan", by J
Kabul Types, 1840s, (1901). Creator: James AtkinsonKabul Types, 1840s, (1901)
General Roberts... Attacked by ghilzais in the Shutargardan PassGeneral Roberts and Staff Attacked by ghilzais in the Shutargardan Pass, September 27, 1879, (1901)
Caravan Passing Through the Khyber Pass, 1901. Creator: Bourne & ShepherdCaravan Passing Through the Khyber Pass, 1901. Horsemen travelling between India (now Pakistan) and Afghanistan. From " The Life and Deeds of Earl Roberts, Vol. III
First Anglo-Afghan War 1838-1842. Artist: James AtkinsonFirst Anglo-Afghan War 1838-1842. The British army passing through the Meyden valley on the march from Meyden to Urghundee
Save Me from my Friends!, 1878. Artist: Joseph SwainSave Me from my Friends!, 1878. The Ameer of Afghanistan stands between the Russian bear, jaws dripping with saliva, and the British lion with teeth bared