Attack of the Ulster Division, 1 July 1916, (c1930). Creator: James Prinsep BeadleAttack of the Ulster Division, 1 July 1916, (c1930)
The Campbells are Coming! Brave Pipers Playing Highland Regiments to Victory, 1917" The Campbells are Coming!" Brave Pipers Playing Highland Regiments to Victory, 1917. The tune of the The Campbells Are Coming was played by pipers at the Battle of Delville Wood
The Dream, 1888, (1912). Artist: Jean Baptiste Edouard DetailleThe Dream, 1888, (1912). A colour print from Famous Paintings, with an introduction by Gilbert Chesterton, Cassell and Company, (London, New York, Toronto, 1912)
The Spanish and French Capturing Lands in Galicia, c1380s; Chroniques (Book Three), about 1480-1483
William III. At the Battle of the Boyne, (1690), 1890. Creator: UnknownWilliam III. At the Battle of the Boyne, (1690), 1890. Battle of the Boyne in Drogheda, 1690 when William of Orange defeated James VII and II of Scotlands attempt to regain the British crown
Cavalry and torches, 1700-1799. Creator: UnknownCavalry and torches, 1700-1799
Kullervo Herding his Wild Flocks, 1917. Creator: Akseli Gallen-KallelaKullervo Herding his Wild Flocks, 1917
Scene from a cavalry battle, c1640-1660. Creator: Philip WouvermanScene from a cavalry battle, c1640-1660
The Great Advance: Royal Horse Artillery (Cavalry Division) Crossing the Vaal, 1901. From " South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. V", by Louis Creswicke. [T. C. & E. C
The Battle of Colenso - Queens (Royal West Surrey) Regiment Leading the Central Attack, 1900. From " South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. II", by Louis Creswicke. [T. C. & E. C
The British attacking French Lines with Bayonets in the Battle of Maida, (1806), 1816The British attacking the French Line with the Bayonet in the Battle of Maida, (1806), 1816
The Advance of the Siege Train to Delhi, 1857, (1901). Creator: George Francklin AtkinsonThe Advance of the Siege Train to Delhi, 1857, (1901). Delhi was besieged and captured by the British in 1857 during the Indian Mutiny
Montenegrins attacking Becic [i.e. Decic] Fort, between c1910 and c1915. Shows Montenegrins attacking Turkish fort at Decic, Montenegro
Deploying troops at Kartal Teji against Adrianople, 1912. Creator: Bain News ServiceDeploying troops at Kartal Teji against Adrianople, 1912. Related to Battle of Adrianople, 1912-13, First Balkan War
Italians taking possession of Tripoli, 1911. Creator: Bain News ServiceItalians taking possession of Tripoli, 1911. Shows Italian troops entering Tripoli, Libya during the Turco-Italian War (Italo-Turkish War) which took place between September 1911 and October 1912
The War in Denmark: the assault on No. 4 Redoubt at Duppel - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864. Since the seaward redoubts, No. 1 and No
The War in Denmark: the Prussian assault on Redoubt No. 6 at Duppel on 18 April - from a sketch by our special artist on the Prussian side, 1864. View of...the assault upon Redoubt No
R.R. follows British advance, 31 Oct 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceR.R. follows British advance, 31 Oct 1918 (date created or published later)
A sortie, 1917 or 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceA sortie, 1917 or 1918
The Japanese cavalry advanced furiously in storm, c1919. Creator: UnknownThe Japanese cavalry advanced furiously in storm, c1919
The Great Battle at Ichinotani during the Genpei Wars (Ichinotani Genpei Okassen) (image 2 of 3), 1853
The British Push Into Flanders; Along the road to Menin: on the battlefield, after the advance of our allies
The British Push Into Flanders; Along the road from Ypres to Menin, on the morning of October 30
Costumes de Différents Pays, Cavalier ChinoisCostumes de Differents Pays, Cavalier Chinois, c1797
The British Push Into Flanders; After the combat of the Menin road: a convoy of prisoners cross Ypres-la-Morte, 1917
The Death of Yamamoto Dosan at the Great Battle of Kawanakajima, 1866
The Battle Seen by a Combatant; H-Hour (5:16 a)The Battle Seen by a Combatant; H-Hour (5:16 a.m.) of D-Day (October 23): our troops leave under the cover of a curtain of smoke shells; high in the sky, a rocket, 1917
The Battle of La Malmaison; Dawn on October 23: sending of an assault wave, south of Vaudesson; to the left, on the horizon, a tank, 1917
How to make a surprise attack; Departure: in the foreground, seen from behind, a stretcher-bearer accompanies troops, as a volunteer, to help any wounded, without belonging to the fighting group
In Champagne: a surprise attack; While part of the group held back to clear the ground taken in the first wave
English Attack of July 31, 1917; British infantry advance... 1917. Creator: A ForestierEnglish Attack of July 31, 1917; British infantry advance towards the upper reaches of the River Steenbeck, through the smoke of the barrage in front of them; in the foreground
English Attack on July 31, 1917; Advance at dawn, of the infantry who run infiltrating gaps between shell holes which form many small deep pools; right, two tanks, 1917
In Flanders; The Yser Offensive (1917); Cossing of the Yser canal by infantry of the 1st Corps on July 31, 1917, at 4 a.m
Notre attaque du 16 avril 1917; la sortie des tranchees, a 6 heurs du matin, 1917. First World War: our attack on 16 April 1917'; leaving the trenches at 6am
Act XI First Episode: Ronin Crossing a Bridge at Night on the Way to Moronao's Castle, between circa 1835 and circa 1839. From The Storehouse of Loyal Retainers
The British Push Into Flanders; A crossroads behind the battle, 1917. Creator: UnknownThe British Push Into Flanders; A crossroads behind the battle, 1917. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
The Great Battle at Sekigahara, 1868. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiThe Great Battle at Sekigahara, 1868
The Battle at Kagoshima, 1877. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiThe Battle at Kagoshima, 1877
The Death of Officer Murata, 1877. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiThe Death of Officer Murata, 1877. From Oral Account of the Events at Kagoshima
The War in Naples - Garibaldian troops crossing the Volturno... 1860. Creator: UnknownThe War in Naples - Garibaldian troops crossing the Volturno - from a sketch by our special artist, Frank Vizetelly, 1860
The Siege of Schenkenschans in 1636, c.1640. Creator: Gerrit van SantenThe Siege of Schenkenschans in 1636, c.1640. Other Title(s): Siege of Schenckenschans by Prince Frederick Henry, April 1636
The Prince of Orange at Quatre Bras, 16 June 1815, 1817-1818. Creator: Jan Willem PienemanThe Prince of Orange at Quatre Bras, 16 June 1815, 1817-1818
Des Hauts-de-Meuse a l'Aisne; L'attaque des tranchees allemandes de Nogent-l'Abbesse, devant Reims, la 24 septembre 1914'
En Alsace et sur la Frontiere; nos fantassins et un etat-major de brigade entrent a ThannEn Alsace et sur la Frontiere; Le 7 aout, nos fantassins, qui ont fleuri le canon de leurs fusils, et un etat-major de brigade entrent a Thann, 1914
La Serbie Courageuse; Traversant le col de Goutchevo, l'armee serbe monte a l'offensive: 2 decembre, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I"
La Serbie Courageuse; Traversant le col de Goutchevo, l'armee serbe monte a l'offensive, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]
Nos Braves; Avance par bonds, en tiraillant, d'une section de coloniaux, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]
Le passage a gue de l'Isonzo par l'infanterie Italienne, 1916. Creator: J SimontLe passage a gue de l'isonzo par l'infanterie Italienne, 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV. L'Illustration Tome CXLVIII
The Saint-Jacques tower, taken over by Versailles troops, c1871
Storming of the Bastille, July 14, 1789. Creator: UnknownStorming of the Bastille, July 14, 1789
La conquete des colonies Africaines de l'Allemagne; troupes britanniques en marche dans la brousse, aux confins de la Rhodesia et de l'Afrique Orientale allemande
Les Gaz Allemands; Photographie publiee par les journaux illustres anglais avec une breve legande disant simplement que le cliche aurait ete pris par un aviateur russe au debut attaque allemande
Battle of Champigny - Episode from the War of 1870, c1882. Creator: Henri RousseauBattle of Champigny - Episode from the War of 1870, c1882
On! On! to Washington, from Chic, n.d. Creator: Charles KendrickOn! On! to Washington, from Chic, n.d
No. 3: Yoshitsune's Night Attack Against the Taira Army at the Battle of Mount Mikusa (Sankai, Mikusa gassen Yoshitsune Heijin batsu yoru utsu)
To Death for Liberty!, 1831. Creator: Auguste RaffetTo Death for Liberty!, 1831
The Nocturnal Review, 1836, published 1837. Creator: Auguste RaffetThe Nocturnal Review, 1836, published 1837
Sheet of Sketches, 1829. Creator: Auguste RaffetSheet of Sketches, 1829
The Nocturnal Review, 1837. Creator: Auguste RaffetThe Nocturnal Review, 1837
Sappers going to the trenches, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expédition de RomeSappers going to the trenches, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expedition de Rome, 1854
Capture of the Villa Pamfili, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expédition de RomeCapture of the Villa Pamfili, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expedition de Rome, 1852
Combat in Pamfili, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expédition de RomeCombat in Pamfili, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expedition de Rome, 1853
The French Army Arrives at Maglianella, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expedition de Rome, 1850
Assault and capture of bastion no. 6, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expedition de Rome, 1858
Reconnaisance, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expédition de RomeReconnaisance, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expedition de Rome, 1858
11th dragoons advance guard, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expédition de Rome11th dragoons advance guard, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expedition de Rome, 1854
House of Six Green Shutters, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expédition de RomeHouse of Six Green Shutters, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expedition de Rome, 1858
Artillery men, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expédition de RomeArtillery men, from Souvenirs d'Italie: Expedition de Rome, 1858
Advancing across the Ansong River at the Battle of Asan (Gazan gekisen Anjo no)Advancing across the Ansong River at the Battle of Asan (Gazan gekisen Anjo no watashi shingeki no zu), Japan, 1894
Cavalry Battle, 1803-07. Creator: Jan Antony LangendijkCavalry Battle, 1803-07
Pursuit of the French Through Leipzig, 1813. Creator: John Augustus AtkinsonPursuit of the French Through Leipzig, 1813
Bavarian War, plate 18 from Historical Scenes from the Life of Emperor Maximilian I from the Triumphal Arch, 1515-17, printed c. 1520
The Cavalry Charge, 1889. Creator: Giovanni FattoriThe Cavalry Charge, 1889
Brulé war party, c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisBrule war party, c1907. Brule Indians, many wearing war bonnets, on horseback
The march of the Sioux, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisThe march of the Sioux, c1905. Three Sioux Indians on horseback on plains with rock formations in background
The Civil War in America: Federals advancing on the abandoned Confederate positions at Centreville - from a sketch by our special artist, 1862
The Battle of Ferozeshah, c1891. Creator: James GrantThe Battle of Ferozeshah, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]
Charge of the Highlanders at Seringapatam, c1891. Creator: James GrantCharge of the Highlanders at Seringapatam, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]
Aire Leading the Attack at Bangalore, c1891. Creator: James GrantAire Leading the Attack at Bangalore, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]
Clive Leading His Men Up To Conjeveram, c1891. Creator: James GrantClive Leading His Men Up To Conjeveram, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]
Rushing Red Lodges Passed through the Line, c. 1900. Creator: Frederic RemingtonRushing Red Lodges Passed through the Line, c. 1900
After a Long Seige, Francesco I d Este, with the Aid of the French Army, Takes Valencia, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659