Absinthe Robette (Poster), 1896. Artist: Privat-Livemont, Henri (1861–1936)Absinthe Robette (Poster), 1896. From a private collection
Cafe table with absinth, 1887. Artist: Gogh, Vincent, van (1853-1890)Cafe table with absinth, 1887. Found in the collection of the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Scene on the Boulevard Montmartre, Paris: Une Folle, 1871. Creator: UnknownScene on the Boulevard Montmartre, Paris: Une Folle, 1871
French Wine Bar, 1888. Creator: Eero JarnefeltFrench Wine Bar, 1888
Absinthe Berthelot, 1898. Artist: Thiriet, Henri (1873-1946)Absinthe Berthelot, 1898. From a private collection
Waiting, c1887. Creator: Henri de Toulouse-LautrecWaiting, c1887. A woman sits alone at a table with a glass of absinthe
Night institution (Boite de nuit), 1926 Creator: Sorin, Saveli Abramovich (1878-1953)Night institution (Boite de nuit), 1926
Dire qu'il y a des gens qui boivent de l'absinthe... 19th century. There are people who drink absinthe in a country that produces such fine wine
Absinthe extra-supérieure J. Édouard PernotAbsinthe extra-superieure J. Edouard Pernot, 1900-1905. Private Collection
Au café, before 1915. Creator: Andre DevambezAu cafe, before 1915. In the cafe. Man drinking a glass of absinthe. The subject could be the composer and singer Marcel Legay (1851-1915), well known in the Montmartre cabarets and the Latin quarter
To the cafe says Absinthe, c1909. Creator: Jean BeraudTo the cafe says Absinthe, c1909
In the Cafe, 1882-84. Creator: Fernand LungrenIn the Cafe, 1882-84
The Drinkers, 1890. Creator: Vincent van GoghThe Drinkers, 1890
Chez Maxime, late 19th-early 20th century. Creator: Theophile Alexandre SteinlenChez Maxime, late 19th-early 20th century. [At Maxime s]
Un Mari Pour Rire, n. d Creator: Antony Paul Emile MorlonUn Mari Pour Rire, n.d
Monsieur Boileau at the Cafe, 1893, (1952). Creator: Henri de Toulouse-LautrecMonsieur Boileau at the Cafe, 1893, (1952). Portrait of a man sitting at a table with dominoes, in Paris. The green drink is probably absinthe. Painting in the Cleveland Museum of Art, USA
Les Incompris (The Misunderstood), ca 1903-1904. Found in the Collection of Musee des Beaux Arts, Quimper
Absinthe Gempp Pernod, c1910. Private Collection
At the Cafe de la Nouvelle Athenes. Private Collection
The Drinker (Suzanne Valadon). Found in the Collection of Musee Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi
In a Cafe (Absinthe), 1873. Artist: Degas, Edgar (1834-1917)In a Cafe (Absinthe), 1873. Found in the collection of the Musee d Orsay, Paris
The Absinthe Drinker, 1859. Artist: Manet, Edouard (1832-1883)The Absinthe Drinker, 1859. Found in the collection of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
The Absinthe Drinker, 1900-1905. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)The Absinthe Drinker, 1900-1905. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, Prague
Absinthe / Victor Hugo, c1895-1900. Artist: Guillaume ApollinaireAbsinthe/Victor Hugo, c1895-1900. Sketch and text for a Guignol puppet scene. From a private collection