The Constellations (Plate XXI) Capricorn and Aquarius, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Tenth and eleventh Sign of the Zodiac
Pierre and Marie Curie in their Laboratory, pub. 1898 (photograph). Pierre Curie (1859-1906); Marie Curie (1867-1934); discovered Radium in 1898;
Tower Bridge, 2011. Creator: Ethel DaviesTower Bridge, one of the most famous in the world and an iconic image for London, built in the late 19th century and crossing the River Thames, from the South Bank to the City, London, SE1 to EC3
Tower Bridge & ships, 2013. Creator: Ethel DaviesTower Bridge, one of the most famous in the world and an iconic image for London, built in the late 19th century and crossing the River Thames, from the South Bank to the City
The Moon, Venus and Saturn (Plate XXX), 1822The Moon, Venus and Saturn (Plate XXX), from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Showing the different phases of the Moon
In the Kitchen preparations for Christmas Eve Dinner in a Paris Restaurant, from L Illustration, pub. December 1893, (colour lithograph)
Restaurant du Boeuf a la Mode from Le Gout de Jour, pub. 1830 (coloured engraving)
He finds her, and this is the consequence from In Fairyland: A Series of Pictures from the Elf-World by William Allingham and Andrew Lang, PUB. 1870 (colour lithograph)
Mad Dog, pub. 1826 (hand coloured etching)
The Nightmare, from L Album comique, pub. 1825 (hand coloured engraving)
Faradays Study at the Royal Institution, from The Life and Letters of Faraday, pub. 1870 (lithograph). Michael Faraday (1791 - 1867)
Loading Cotton on the Mississippi, Currier & Ives, pub. 1870 (colour lithograph)
The Harmful Effects of the Corset (Phenomenes chimiques de la respiration)The Harmful Effects of the Corset (Phe nome nes chimiques de la respiration), illustration from La Vie Normale et la Sante by Dr Jules Rengade, pub. 1881 (coloured engraving)
A Visit to Cockney Farm - Viewing the Grounds etc. etc. etc. pub. 1835 (hand coloured engraving). (ie) Being dragg d through mud and mire by your cockney friend
Women at the Polls in New Jersey in the Good Old TImes, from Harpers Weekly, pub. 1880 (lithograph). In 1776 the New Jersey Constitution stated that all inhabitants of this colony, of full age
Mount Ararat, Wimbledon, pub. c. 1828 (hand coloured engraving)
November - (Old Style) - Hover thro the fog & filthy air, pub. 1835 (hand coloured engraving)
Execution of Guy Fawkes, Illustration from Guy Fawkes, or the Gunpowder Treason: an Historical Romance, by William Harrison Ainsworth, pub. 1841 (engraving)
The Cat Did It, from The Greatest Plague of Life, pub. 1847 (engraving)
The Morning Gossip, from The Greatest Plague of Life, pub. 1847 (engraving)
St Pauls Cathedral, (watercolour on paper)
Life of Martin Luther and Heroes of the Reformation!, pub. 1874 (colour lithograph). Martin Luther (1483 - 1546); shows Luther burning a Papal Bull (Exsurge Domine) issued by Pope Leo X
First Class Dining Room on Grosser Kurfurst, pub. C. 1899 (colour lithograph)
Smoking Salon on Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, pub. C. 1897 (color lithograph)
Illustration from The Three Bears, pub. 1873 (colour lithograph)
The Constellations (Plate V) Lynx, Leo Minor, 1822The Constellations (Plate V) Lynx, Leo Minor, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving);
The Constellations (Plate VIII) Coronoa Borealis, Hercules and Cerberus, Lyra, 1822The Constellations (Plate VIII) Coronoa Borealis, Hercules and Cerberus, Lyra, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Constellations (Plate IV) Auriga, Camelopaardalis, Telescopium Herschelli, 1822The Constellations (Plate IV) Auriga, Camelopaardalis, Telescopium Herschelli, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Southern Hemisphere (Plate XXVIII), 1822The Southern Hemisphere (Plate XXVIII) Phoenix, Piscis Volans, Pavo et Indus, Apus Indica, Grus, Circinus, Dorado vel Xiphias, The Chameleon, Crux, Mons Mensae, Reticula Rhomboidalis
The Constellations (Plate XXVI) Hydra, Sextans Uraniae, Le Chat, La Machine Pneumatique, 1822The Constellations (Plate XXVI) Hydra, Sextans Uraniae, Le Chat, La Machine Pneumatique, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Constellations (Plate XXII) Pisces, 1822The Constellations (Plate XXII) Pisces, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Twelfth Sign of the Zodiac
The Constellations (Plate XVIII) Virgo, 1822The Constellations (Plate XVIII) Virgo, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Sixth Sign of the Zodiac
The Constellations (Plate XIV)Taurus, 1822The Constellations (Plate XIV)Taurus, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Second Sign of the Zodiac
The Constellations (Plate XXV, 1822The Constellations (Plate XXV) Canis Major, Canis Minor, Monoceros, Argo Navis, l Atelier de l imprimteur, Pyxis Nautica, Triangulum Australe, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub
The Constellations (Plate XI) Cygnus, Lacerta and Via Lactea, 1822The Constellations (Plate XI) Cygnus, Lacerta and Via Lactea, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
Map showing the principal stars which are visible in Great Britain (Plate (XXIX), 1822Map showing the principal stars which are visible in Great Britain (Plate (XXIX), from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Constellations (Plate XXVII) Hydra Continua, Crater, Covus, Centaurus et Lupus, 1822The Constellations (Plate XXVII) Hydra Continua, Crater, Covus, Centaurus et Lupus, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Constellations (Plate XXIV), 1822The Constellations (Plate XXIV) Fluvius Eridanus, Orion; Lepus, Columba Noachi, Cela Sculptoris, Psalterium Georgii, Horologium, Equuleus Pictorius, Brandenbergium Sceptrum
The Constellations (Plate XXIII) Cetus, Officina Sculptoris, Machina Electrica, Fornax Chemica, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Constellations (Plate XX) Sagittarius, 1822The Constellations (Plate XX) Sagittarius, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Ninth Sign of the Zodiac
The Constellations (Plate XIX) Libra and Scorpio, 1822The Constellations (Plate XIX) Libra and Scorpio, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Seventh and eighth Sign of the Zodiac
The Constellations (Plate XVII) Leo, 1822The Constellations (Plate XVII) Leo, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Fifth Sign of the Zodiac
The Constellations (Plate XVI) Cancer, 1822The Constellations (Plate XVI) Cancer, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Fourth Sign of the Zodiac
The Constellations (Plate XV) Gemini, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, 1822The Constellations (Plate XV) Gemini, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Third sign of the Zodiac
The Constellations (Plate XIII) Aries and Musca Borealis, 1822The Constellations (Plate XIII) Aries and Musca Borealis, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). First Sign of the Zodiac
The Constellations (Plate XII) Pegasus, and Equuleus, 1822The Constellations (Plate XII) Pegasus, and Equuleus, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Constellations (Plate X), 1822The Constellations (Plate X) Aquila et Antinous, Scutum Sobieski, Taurus Poniatowski, Sagitta, Valpecula et Anser, and Delphinus, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub
The Constellations (Plate IX) Olphiuchus, or Serpentarius, and Serpens, 1822The Constellations (Plate IX) Olphiuchus, or Serpentarius, and Serpens, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Constellations (Plate VII), 1822The Constellations (Plate VII) Bootes and Mons Maenalus, Asterion and Chara or Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices, , from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub
The Constellations (Plate VI) Ursa Major, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, 1822The Constellations (Plate VI) Ursa Major, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Constellations (Plate III) Andromeda, Triangula, I Perseus et Caput Meduse, Gloria Frederici, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Constellations (Plate II) Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia, Tarandus, Cepheus, Draco, Custos Messium, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
Various representations of the Zodiac, 1822Various representations of the Zodiac, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
The Northern Hemisphere, 1822The Northern Hemisphere, from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving)
Front Cover for Cadet Days, by Capt. Charles King U.S.A. pub. New York, 1894 (colour lithograph)