Portrait of Count Alexei Andreyevich Golitsyn (1767-1800) with a greyhound, 1795. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
The Robbery, 1795. Creator: Landerset, Joseph, deThe Robbery, 1795. Private Collection
Portrait of Louis Legendre (1752-1797), c. 1795. Creator: LaneuvillePortrait of Louis Legendre (1752-1797), c. 1795. Found in the collection of Musee Carnavalet, Paris
Portrait of Jean-Louis Laya (1761-1833), 1795. Creator: Landry, Louis (active 1791-1798)Portrait of Jean-Louis Laya (1761-1833), 1795. Found in the collection of Musee Carnavalet, Paris
13 Vendemiaire. Napoleon Bonapartes quelling of the Royalist revolt... in Paris, 179713 Vendemiaire. Napoleon Bonapartes quelling of the Royalist revolt in front of the Eglise Saint-Roch in Paris, 1797. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Leonardo da Vinci, 1795. Creator: Bartolozzi, Francesco (1728-1813)Leonardo da Vinci, 1795. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Portrait of Karl Philipp Moritz (1756-1793), 1795. Private Collection
L Indiscret, c. 1795. Creator: Boilly, Louis-Leopold (1761-1845)L Indiscret, c. 1795. Found in the Collection of Musee Cognacq-Jay, Paris
Young woman at the Well (Susanna and the Elders?) from the Madrid Album, 1795. Found in the Collection of Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid
Portrait of Warren Hastings, Esq. pub. 1795. Creator: UnknownPortrait of Warren Hastings Esq. (1732 - 1818), pub. 1795
Retribution: Tarring and Feathering, or The Patriots Revenge, pub. 1795, (hand coloured engraving)
The Princesses Louise and Frederica of Prussia crown the bust of Frederick William II (Allegory of the Peace of Basel), 1795
Reign of Charles IV (1748-1819), taking of Roses (Girona) by the French on 3rd February 1795, engraving
Portrait of Count Alexei Andreyevich Golitsyn (1767-1800), 1795. Private Collection
Francois Antoine de Boissy d Anglas saluting Jean Ferauds head duringFranc ois Antoine de Boissy d Anglas saluting Jean Fe rauds head during the Prairial uprising, . Found in the Collection of Muse e de la Re volution franc aise, Vizille
La clemenza di Tito. The first edition of the vocal score, 1795. Private Collection