Women Visiting a Tea Stall on the Precincts of a Temple, early 1790s
Women in a Pleasure Boat on the Sumida River, early 1790s
Women Chasing Crickets on an Autumn Moor, early 1790s. Creator: Ch?bunsai Eishi (JapaneseWomen Chasing Crickets on an Autumn Moor, early 1790s. In the waning days of summer, autumn insects begin to sing, heralding the approach of autumn
Women Beside a Stream Chasing Fireflies, mid 1790s. A group of women amuse themselves by chasing fireflies next to a stream. A sense of movement is conveyed by their sleeves fluttering in the breeze
Morning Glory (from the series The Tale of Genji in Elegant Modern Dress), c. 1790
Women in a Pleasure Boat on the Sumida River, mid 1790s
Woman Holding a Wooden Cup Stand Decorated with Chrysanthemums... mid 1790s. CreatorWoman Holding a Wooden Cup Stand Decorated with Chrysanthemums (from the series Elegant Pictures of the Five Seasonal Festivals), mid 1790s
Young Woman Kneeling by a Stand with a Ceremonial Cap (from the series The Six Immortal Poets in Elegant Modern Dress), mid 1790s
Three Women Strolling in the Countryside, mid 1780s. Creator: Ch?bunsai Eishi (JapaneseThree Women Strolling in the Countryside, mid 1780s
The Matsukaze Chapter of the Tale of Genji (from the series The Tale of Genji…, cThe Matsukaze Chapter of the Tale of Genji (from the series The Tale of Genji in Elegant Modern Dress), c. 1791
Courtesan Before a Mirror Adjusting Her Hairpins (from the series A New Series of the Six Immortal Poets), mid 1790s
The Courtesan Takihime and Attendants (from the series New Patterns of Young Greens), 1795
The Courtesan Kisagata of Ohishiya Strolling at Night with Two Shinzo and a Kamuro, c. 1790
The Courtesan Ariwara of the Tsuruya Seated by a Smoking Chest... mid 1790s. CreatorThe Courtesan Ariwara of the Tsuruya Seated by a Smoking Chest (From the series A Collection of Modern Beauties), mid 1790s
Portrait of a Courtesan Holding a Pipe... mid 1790s. Creator: Ch?bunsai Eishi (JapanesePortrait of a Courtesan Holding a Pipe (from the series The Six Immortal Poets in Modern Dress), mid 1790s
Beauty in a Boat on Sumida River, late 1700s-early 1800s. The Sumida River was a popular refuge from the heat and humidity of the city during the summer
Boating on the Sumida River, mid 1790s. Creator: Ch?bunsai Eishi (Japanese, 1756-1829)Boating on the Sumida River, mid 1790s
Boating Party on the Sumida River, late 1780s. Eishi was both a painter and printmaker. His figures are characterized by elegant lines and flowing drapery
Boating on the Sumida River; Women in a Pleasure Boat on the Sumida River, mid 1790s