The Blue Bird fresco from Knossos, 17th-14th century BCThe Blue Bird fresco from the Minoan royal palace at Knossos, now at the Archaeological Museum in Heracleion, 17th-14th century BC
The Saffron-Gatherer Fresco from Minoan Royal Palace, Knossos, Crete. c15th century BC. At Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, Crete
Clay tablet with linear B script, 15th century BCClay tablet from Knossos with linear B script, from the British Museums collection, 15th century BC
Mycenaean Linear A tabletMinoan Linear A tablet from Aghia Triadha, from the Archaeological Museum of Heracleions collection in Crete. Linear A is an early Mycenean writing system that has not yet been deciphered
Scarab: Aakheperkara (Thutmose I), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose I (about 1504-1492 BCE)
Faience Scarab with Name of Queen Tiy (image 2 of 2), Reign of Amenhotep III to Akhenaten (1410-1355 BCE)
Votive Offering Stele Dedicated to Menkheperure, New Kingdom (1569-1081 BCE)
Female with Lotus, 1473-1458 B.C.. Creator: UnknownFemale with Lotus, 1473-1458 B.C
Knob with Inscription of Nefertiti, 18th Dynasty, 1550 - 1307 BCE. Creator: UnknownKnob with Inscription of Nefertiti, 18th Dynasty, 1550 - 1307 BCE
Egyptian dignitary pays a visit, 1859. Creator: Willem de Famars TestasEgyptian dignitary pays a visit, 1859. The dignitary drives a chariot pulled by a horse; two subjects accompany him. From a painting at the tomb of Amenhotepise in Thebes
Merchant ship from the time of Thotmes III, 1858-1860. Creator: Willem de Famars TestasMerchant ship from the time of Thotmes III, 1858-1860. From a painted bas-relief on the wall of Queen Hatshepsut's temple at Deir-al-Bahari in Gournah
Deity, 15th-12th century B.C.. Creator: UnknownDeity, 15th-12th century B.C
Seated Female, 1400-950 B.C.. Creator: UnknownSeated Female, 1400-950 B.C
Reproduction of print showing Egyptian garden plan, between 1915 and 1925. Photograph of a plan of the garden of the High Official of Amenhotep (Amenophis) III by Sennefer (Sennefur)
Hatshepsut, Deir El Bahri, Egypt, 1984. Creator: Ethel DaviesHatshepsut, Deir El Bahri, Egypt, 1984
Goblet, Erligang period or Early Shang dynasty, 16th/mid-15th centry BC
Jar (Guan), Style of Shang dynasty (c. 1600-1050 B. C. ). Creator: UnknownJar (Guan), Style of Shang dynasty (c. 1600-1050 B.C.)
Amulets of the God Bes and the Goddess Hathor, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Kohl Stick, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: UnknownKohl Stick, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Amulet of a Menat Counterpoise, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarboid Amulet with the Eye of the God Horus (Wedjat), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Unguent Vessel, Egypt, Middle Kingdom-Early New Kingdom, Dynasty 12-Early Dynasty 18 (about 1985-1425 BCE)
Curling Iron or Hair Crimper, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (1550-1292 BCE)
Tweezers, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: UnknownTweezers, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Razor, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: UnknownRazor, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Vessel, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: UnknownVessel, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Amphora, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: UnknownAmphora, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scaraboid: Wedjat Eye, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scaraboid: Duck with Head lying on its Side, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Ram (Amun), Egypt, Second Intermediate Period-New Kingdom, Dynasties 17-18 (about 1650-1295 BCE)
Scaraboid: Frog, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period-Early New Kingdom, Dynasties 15-18 (about 1650-1295 BCE)
Scaraboid of a Frog; Ankh Sign on Underside, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Cross Pattern, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scaraboid: Duck with Head Resting on Back, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Baboon with Ma at Feather, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Hathor Sistrum, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scaraboid: Hedgehog, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (about 1550-1186 BCE)
Scaraboid: Cat, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: UnknownScaraboid: Cat, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scaraboid: Monkey, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (about 1550-1186 BCE)
Scaraboid: Monkey, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period-Early New Kingdom, Dynasties 15-18 (about 1650-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Striding Lion Motif, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Scorpion Motifs, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (about 1550-1186 BCE)
Vessel, Egypt, Late Second Intermediate Period-Early New Kingdom, Dynasty 17-18 (abt 1600Vessel, Egypt, Late Second Intermediate Period-Early New Kingdom, Dynasty 17-18 (about 1600-1425 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (Hs-vessel and wAs-Scepters), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (?) (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Cowroid: Hathor Sistrum Flanked by Uraei, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Cartouche and Standing King, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reigns of Thutmose III-Amenhotep III (about 1479-1352 BCE)
Scarab: Menkheperra (Thutmose III), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose III (about 1479-1425 BCE)
Scarab: Maatkara (Hatshepsut), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Hatshepsut (about 1473-1458 BCE)
Scarab: Aakheperura (Amenhotep II), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Amenhotep II (about 1427-1400 BCE)
Plaque: King in Chariot Shoots Enemy / King Seated in the Barque of Amun, EgyptPlaque: King in Chariot Shoots Enemy/King Seated in the Barque of Amun, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18-19 (about 1570-1186 BCE)
Plaque: Amenhotep II Offers Incense / Amun-Re Seated on ThronePlaque: Amenhotep II Offers Incense/Amun-Re Seated on Throne, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep II (about 1427-1400 BCE)
Ointment Vessel with Lid, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1570-1293 BCE)
Plaque: Menkheperkare, Chosen of Re, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Thutmose III (about 1479-1425 BCE)
Ointment Vessel, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1292 BCE). Creator: UnknownOintment Vessel, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1292 BCE)
Plaque: Sphinx with Cartouche / Maatkare Flanked by Feathers, Egypt, New KingdomPlaque: Sphinx with Cartouche/Maatkare Flanked by Feathers, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Hatshepsut (about 1473-1458 BCE)
Plaque: Man with Hand to Head / Nefer, Ankh, Nb, Egypt, New KingdomPlaque: Man with Hand to Head/Nefer, Ankh, Nb, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (about 1550-1186 BCE)
Bust of a Man, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: UnknownBust of a Man, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Statuette of the Goddess Maat, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 or earlier (1623-1293 BCE)
Bottle, Egypt, New Kingdom, late Dynasty 18 or 19, (about 1505-1202 BCE)
Vase, Egypt, Dynasty 18-19 (about 1550-1186 BCE). Creator: UnknownVase, Egypt, Dynasty 18-19 (about 1550-1186 BCE)
Earring, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: UnknownEarring, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Earring, Egypt, New Kingdom, Second Half of Dynasty 18 (about 1400-1295 BCE)
Vase, Egypt, 18th Dynasty (1550-1292 BCE). Creator: UnknownVase, Egypt, 18th Dynasty (1550-1292 BCE)
Canopic Jar of the Overseer of the Builders of Amun, Amenhotep, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep II (about 1427-1400 BCE)
Temple d Amada; Nubie, 1849 / 51, printed 1852. Creator: Maxime du CampTemple d Amada; Nubie, 1849/51, printed 1852. A work made of salted paper print, plate 99 from the album " egypte, nubie, palestine et syrie" (1852)
Louqsor, Groupe de Colonnes dans le Palais;Thebes, 1849 / 51, printed 1852Louqsor, Groupe de Colonnes dans le Palais; Thebes, 1849/51, printed 1852. A work made of salted paper print, plate 26 from the album " egypte, nubie, palestine et syrie" (1852)
Palais de Karnak, Les Obelisques;Thebes, 1849 / 51, printed 1852Palais de Karnak, Les Obelisques; Thebes, 1849/51, printed 1852. A work made of salted paper print, plate 44 from the album " egypte, nubie, palestine et syrie" (1852)
Louqsor, Vue Generale des Ruines;Thebes, 1849 / 51, printed 1852Louqsor, Vue Generale des Ruines; Thebes, 1849/51, printed 1852. A work made of salted paper print, plate 24 from the album " egypte, nubie, palestine et syrie" (1852)
Louqsor, Grande Colonnade du Palais;Thebes, 1849 / 51, printed 1852Louqsor, Grande Colonnade du Palais; Thebes, 1849/51, printed 1852. A work made of salted paper print, plate 25 from the album " egypte, nubie, palestine et syrie" (1852)
Oracle bone, inscribed, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600 - ca. 1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownOracle bone, inscribed, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600 - ca. 1050 BCE
Bracelet, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-ca. 1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownBracelet, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-ca. 1050 BCE
Bracelet, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownBracelet, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Bow hold (fu), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownBow hold (fu), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Fragment of a vessel, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownFragment of a vessel, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Axe (fu ?), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownAxe (fu ?), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Ornament, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownOrnament, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Possible chariot fitting, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownPossible chariot fitting, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Chariot fitting: axle cap, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownChariot fitting: axle cap, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Disk (bi), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownDisk (bi), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Straight chisel (gui), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownStraight chisel (gui), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Fragment, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownFragment, Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-1050 BCE
Dagger-axe (ge ?), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-ca. 1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownDagger-axe (ge ?), Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-ca. 1050 BCE
Disk (bi ?), Probably Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-ca. 1050 BCE. Creator: UnknownDisk (bi ?), Probably Shang dynasty, ca. 1600-ca. 1050 BCE
Dagger-axe (ge ?), fragment reworked, Erlitou culture or early Shang dynasty, ca. 2000-ca. 1400 BCE