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Strs. A.D. MacTier and F.P. Jones on the ways, 1913 Mar 8. Creator: UnknownStrs. A.D. MacTier and F.P. Jones on the ways, 1913 Mar 8
Strs. A.D. MacTier and F.P. Jones, launching party, 1913 Mar 8. Creator: UnknownStrs. A.D. MacTier and F.P. Jones, launching party, 1913 Mar 8
Strs. A.D. MacTier and F.P. Jones, sponsors, 1913 Mar 8. Creator: UnknownStrs. A.D. MacTier and F.P. Jones, sponsors, 1913 Mar 8
Vous allez bien aujourd'huiVous allez bien aujourd'hui, M'sieu Chapoulard?... 19th century. Parisian Sketches - You are well today, M'sieu Chapoulard?
Str. F.P. Jones, sponsor, 1913 Mar 8. Creator: UnknownStr. F.P. Jones, sponsor, 1913 Mar 8
Str. A.D. MacTier, launch, 1913 Mar 8. Creator: UnknownStr. A.D. MacTier, launch, 1913 Mar 8
J. Jacques Dupin, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierJ. Jacques Dupin, 19th century
Tableau... de l'empire de russie, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierTableau... de l'empire de russie, 19th century. ... the Russian Empire
Une reine se préparant a une grande tirade, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUne reine se preparant a une grande tirade, 19th century. Dramatic Sketches - A queen preparing for a great tirade
Un peintre fantaisiste, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn peintre fantaisiste, 19th century. Sketch taken from the Salon by Daumier - A fanciful painter
Old Woman Standing. Creator: Cornelis BegaOld Woman Standing
Psi Upsilon House, Amherst College, c1908. Creator: UnknownPsi Upsilon House, Amherst College, c1908
Seniors marching to college, Amherst College, c1908. Creator: UnknownSeniors marching to college, Amherst College, c1908
Ragged cliffs of Mt. Tom, Holyoke, Mass. c1908. Creator: UnknownRagged cliffs of Mt. Tom, Holyoke, Mass. c1908
Griswold Street, looking south, Detroit, Mich. between 1900 and 1910. Creator: UnknownGriswold Street, looking south, Detroit, Mich. between 1900 and 1910
Congress Hotel, Chicago, Ill. between 1900 and 1910. Creator: UnknownCongress Hotel, Chicago, Ill. between 1900 and 1910
Str. F.P. Jones, after the launch, 1913 Mar 8. Creator: UnknownStr. F.P. Jones, after the launch, 1913 Mar 8
Garden at 124 E. Euclid Avenue, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915. Creator: UnknownGarden at 124 E. Euclid Avenue, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915
Grand Trunk Western Railroad, ticket office, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915
Stone yard, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915. Creator: UnknownStone yard, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915
Christian Church, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915. Creator: UnknownChristian Church, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915
Vot Bourgeois est-y pour liberté de la boucherie?, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierVot Bourgeois est-y pour liberte de la boucherie?, 19th century
Ah! Mon cher monsieur, permettez de... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierAh! Mon cher monsieur, permettez de... 19th century. Sketch taken from the Salon by Daumier -
Membres de la société de secours du Dix-DécembreMembres de la societe de secours du Dix-Decembre... 19th century. Members of the Relief Society of December Tenth
Un loge au théâtre VENTADOUR... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn loge au theatre VENTADOUR... 19th century. A box at the Ventadour theatre
Troisième et dernière séance du congrès... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierTroisieme et derniere seance du congres... 19th century. Memories of the Peace Congress - Third and last session of the Congress
Les thèatres au mois d'aout, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLes theatres au mois d'aout, 19th century. Summer Sketch - Theatres in August
Les nouveaux Icares, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLes nouveaux Icares, 19th century. The new Icares
Tout ce qu'on voudra, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierTout ce qu'on voudra, 19th century. Whatever you want - A visit to the Salon
Le Président de la diète, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLe President de la diete, 19th century. The President of the regime
C'est bien agréable de jardiner, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierC'est bien agreable de jardiner, 19th century. The Pleasures of the Countryside by Daumier - It is pleasant to garden
La femme doit suivre son mari... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLa femme doit suivre son mari... 19th century. Whatever you want - The wife must follow her husband
Devant le tableau de M. G. Moreau, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierDevant le tableau de M. G. Moreau, 19th century. Sketch taken at the exhibition - In front of the painting by M G Moreau
Un émule de Mr Hume, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn emule de Mr Hume, 19th century. An follower of Mr Hume
La femme du représentant, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLa femme du representant, 19th century. Sketch of the day - The representative's wife
Un marchand de vin contrarié dans son commerce, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn marchand de vin contrarie dans son commerce, 19th century. A wine merchant contrary in his trade
Oui, Mossieu Fremouillet, tout va de mal en pis... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierOui, Mossieu Fremouillet, tout va de mal en pis... 19th century. The Good Bourgeois - Yes, Mr. Fremouillet, everything goes from bad to worse
Comme on fait son lit on se couche, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierComme on fait son lit on se couche, 19th century. Proverbs and Maxims - You've made your bed, now sleep in it
Un directeur de n'importe quel theatre, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn directeur de n'importe quel theatre, 19th century. Summer Sketch - Theatre director
Etrennes de 1856... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierEtrennes de 1856... 19th century. New Year gift for 1856
Rentrée des Capucins dans... Paris, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierRentree des Capucins dans... Paris, 19th century. Return of the Capuchins...Paris
Une journée de pluie, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUne journee de pluie, 19th century. A rainy day
He bien! t'ant pis!...nous plaideronsHe bien! t'ant pis!...nous plaiderons. j'aime mieux ca... 19th century. Parisian types - Too bad!.. we will advocate. That's better
Si tu ne viens pas plus que ça au collège... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierSi tu ne viens pas plus que ca au college... 19th century. Fathers - If you don't come to school more than that
La descente de la courtille en 1855, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLa descente de la courtille en 1855, 19th century. The descent of the courtille in 1855
Tristesse des bouchers de Paris... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierTristesse des bouchers de Paris... 19th century. Unhappiness of the butchers of Paris
Nouveau propriètaire faisant connaissance avec le chienNouveau proprietaire faisant connaissance avec le chien... 19th century. New owner getting acquainted with the dog
J. Martial Bineau (2nd Plate), 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierJ. Martial Bineau (2nd Plate), 19th century
Un ours contrarié, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn ours contrarie, 19th century. An upset bear
Franklin H. Walker fountain, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915. Creator: UnknownFranklin H. Walker fountain, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915
J'aimerais autant voir un ouragan... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierJ'aimerais autant voir un ouragan... 19th century. I would love to see a hurricane
Terrace and steps, Franklin H. Walker, 850 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915
Un Monsieur tenant à prouver qu'il peut... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn Monsieur tenant a prouver qu'il peut... 19th century. Musical Sketches - A gentleman keen to prove that he can sing and play the piano
Residence of Franklin H. Walker, 850 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915
La femme. Je viens de découvrir une mèche... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLa femme. Je viens de decouvrir une meche... 19th century. Conjugal Morals - (The woman.) I just discovered a wick in your vest
Residence of Mrs. Franklin H. Walker, fountain, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915
Ne sachant plus comment utiliser leurs loisirs... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierNe sachant plus comment utiliser leurs loisirs... 19th century. Not knowing how to use their leisure time, the three friends of peace are reduced to war with each other
Residence of Mrs. Franklin H. Walker, garden, Detroit, Mich. between 1905 and 1915
Vous raisonnez comme une canne!, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierVous raisonnez comme une canne!, 19th century. Parisian types - You reason like a cane
Soirée chez M. Dupin, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierSoiree chez M. Dupin, 19th century. Physiogomy of the Assembly - Evening at Mr. Dupin's
Le coin des politiques, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLe coin des politiques, 19th century. At the brasserie - Policy corner
Ce qui nous prouve comme quoi il est... inutile... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierCe qui nous prouve comme quoi il est... inutile... 19th century. which proves to us that it is perfectly useless
Continuant... Le divertissement des tables tournantes... 19th century. Parisian Sketches - continuing to engage in what is known as turntable entertainment
Voyons Mr. le Baron... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierVoyons Mr. le Baron... 19th century. Society Actors - Let's see Mr Baron
Aspect de Paris, depuis qu'on a joue... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierAspect de Paris, depuis qu'on a joue... 19th century. Aspects of Paris, since we played the famous moral comedy entitled the Stock Exchange
Je compte sur vous pour signer, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierJe compte sur vous pour signer, 19th century. Philanthropists of the Day - I'm counting on you to sign my petition for the abolition of the death penalty
Le jour ou il y a une nouvelle, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLe jour ou il y a une nouvelle, 19th century. Physiogomy of the Assembly - the new day
Floraison du Cactus-grandiflorus... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierFloraison du Cactus-grandiflorus... 19th century. Flowering of the Cactus-grandiflorus
Un entr'acte, par trente degrés de chaleur, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn entr'acte, par trente degres de chaleur, 19th century. Summer Sketch - An intermission, thirty degrees of heat
Un réconciliation, scène de haute comédie... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn reconciliation, scene de haute comedie... 19th century. A reconciliation, (a scene of high comedy).. I kiss you, but I hold a grudge against you! I press you against my heart
Les merveilles de la gymnastique... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLes merveilles de la gymnastique... 19th century. The billiards player by H. Daumier - The wonders of gymnastics
De L'or (J. -Ant. -Adrien Delort), 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierDe L'or (J. -Ant. -Adrien Delort), 19th century. Baron Jacques-Antoine-Adrien Delort
Qu'est la femme aujourd'hui dans la sociétéQu'est la femme aujourd'hui dans la societe... 19th century. Socialist Women - What is the place of women in society today?
On dit que les jolies femmes sont... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierOn dit que les jolies femmes sont... 19th century. It is said that pretty women are more and more in demand in California
En v'la une bonne chasse!... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierEn v'la une bonne chasse!... 19th century. Hunting Sketches -....a good hunt
Manquant le convoi, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierManquant le convoi, 19th century. Physiognomy of the Railways - Missing the train
Rèapparition des tritons... de l'océan, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierReapparition des tritons... de l'ocean, 19th century. Reappearance of mermen on the edge of the ocean
Un léger coup de vent, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn leger coup de vent, 19th century. A slight gust of wind
Grand bal a petit orchestre... (recto); Une société en nom collectif (verso)Grand bal a petit orchestre... (recto); Une societe en nom collectif (verso), 19th century. Grand ball with small orchestra...(recto)
Carotte du calicot, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierCarotte du calicot, 19th century. Carrots - Calico carrot
Un ami qu'on a invité... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn ami qu'on a invite... 19th century. The Pleasures of the Countryside by Daumier - A friend we invited