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William Blake Collection

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Hermes, 1886. Artist: Jonnard

Hermes, 1886. Artist: Jonnard
Hermes, 1886. The Greek god Hermes with winged helmet and sandals. From The Magazine of Art. [Cassell & Company, London, 1886]

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Lamb, illustration from Songs of Innocence and of Experience

The Lamb, illustration from Songs of Innocence and of Experience. c1770-1820

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Dionysus and the Maenads, 1901

Dionysus and the Maenads, 1901. A print from The Magazine of Art, Cassell and Company, Limited, 1901

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Songs of Innocence and of Experience: The Tyger, ca. 1825. Creator: William Blake

Songs of Innocence and of Experience: The Tyger, ca. 1825. Creator: William Blake
Songs of Innocence and of Experience: The Tyger, ca. 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: William Blakes house, 23 Hercules Road, London, 1912. Artist: Frederick Adcock

William Blakes house, 23 Hercules Road, London, 1912. Artist: Frederick Adcock
William Blakes house, 23 Hercules Road, London, 1912. English poet, painter, and printmaker William Blake (1770-1845) lived at 13 Hercules Buildings, Lambeth

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Frontispiece to Jerusalem, the Emanation of the Great Albion, [ca. 1804-20] (?)

Frontispiece to Jerusalem, the Emanation of the Great Albion, [ca. 1804-20] (?)

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Circle of Theives: Agnello Brunelleschi Attacked By a Six-Footed Serpent, from Dan... ca

Circle of Theives: Agnello Brunelleschi Attacked By a Six-Footed Serpent, from Dan... ca
Circle of Theives: Agnello Brunelleschi Attacked By a Six-Footed Serpent, from Dantes Inferno, Canto XXVV, ca. 1825-27

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Venus and Anchises, c1889-1890, (c1930). Creator: Sir William Blake Richmond

Venus and Anchises, c1889-1890, (c1930). Creator: Sir William Blake Richmond
Venus and Anchises, c1889-1890, (c1930)

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: God Pointing out Behemoth...and Leviathan, 1825. Creator: William Blake

God Pointing out Behemoth...and Leviathan, 1825. Creator: William Blake
God Pointing out Behemoth...and Leviathan, 1825. Book: The Book of Job; Second edition

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: AI Image - Portrait of William Blake, 1800s, (2023). Creator: Heritage Images

AI Image - Portrait of William Blake, 1800s, (2023). Creator: Heritage Images
AI Image - Portrait of William Blake, 1800s, (2023)

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: AI Image - Portrait of William Blake, 1800s, (2023). Creator: Heritage Images

AI Image - Portrait of William Blake, 1800s, (2023). Creator: Heritage Images
AI Image - Portrait of William Blake, 1800s, (2023)

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: William Blake, 1808, published 1813. Creators: Thomas Phillips, Luigi Schiavonetti

William Blake, 1808, published 1813. Creators: Thomas Phillips, Luigi Schiavonetti
William Blake, 1808, published 1813

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Orlando in a Fury Tearing up Trees, 1783. Creator: William Blake

Orlando in a Fury Tearing up Trees, 1783. Creator: William Blake
Orlando in a Fury Tearing up Trees, 1783

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Beggars Opera, Act III, 1788 / 1790. Creator: William Blake

Beggars Opera, Act III, 1788 / 1790. Creator: William Blake
Beggars Opera, Act III, 1788/1790

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Morning Amusements of her Royal Highness, 1782. Creator: William Blake

The Morning Amusements of her Royal Highness, 1782. Creator: William Blake
The Morning Amusements of her Royal Highness, 1782

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Discomfited Duellists, 1784. Creator: William Blake

The Discomfited Duellists, 1784. Creator: William Blake
The Discomfited Duellists, 1784

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Canto VI, Verse 294, 1803. Creator: William Blake

Canto VI, Verse 294, 1803. Creator: William Blake
Canto VI, Verse 294, 1803

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: March thro a swamp or Marsh in Terra-firma, 1793. Creator: William Blake

March thro a swamp or Marsh in Terra-firma, 1793. Creator: William Blake
March thro a swamp or Marsh in Terra-firma, 1793

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Canto II, Verse 471, 1803. Creator: William Blake

Canto II, Verse 471, 1803. Creator: William Blake
Canto II, Verse 471, 1803

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Canto V, Verse 43, 1803. Creator: William Blake

Canto V, Verse 43, 1803. Creator: William Blake
Canto V, Verse 43, 1803

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Canto IV, Verse 328, 1803. Creator: William Blake

Canto IV, Verse 328, 1803. Creator: William Blake
Canto IV, Verse 328, 1803

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Canto III, Verse 201, 1803. Creator: William Blake

Canto III, Verse 201, 1803. Creator: William Blake
Canto III, Verse 201, 1803

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Canto I, Verse 29, 1803. Creator: William Blake

Canto I, Verse 29, 1803. Creator: William Blake
Canto I, Verse 29, 1803

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Reverend Robert Hawker, D. D. 1820. Creator: William Blake

Reverend Robert Hawker, D. D. 1820. Creator: William Blake
Reverend Robert Hawker, D.D. 1820

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Family of Negro Slaves from Loango, 1793. Creator: William Blake

Family of Negro Slaves from Loango, 1793. Creator: William Blake
Family of Negro Slaves from Loango, 1793

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: A Coromantyn Free Negro, or Ranger, armed, 1793. Creator: William Blake

A Coromantyn Free Negro, or Ranger, armed, 1793. Creator: William Blake
A Coromantyn Free Negro, or Ranger, armed, 1793

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Sculls of Lieut Leppar, & Six of his Men, 1793. Creator: William Blake

The Sculls of Lieut Leppar, & Six of his Men, 1793. Creator: William Blake
The Sculls of Lieut Leppar, & Six of his Men, 1793

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: A private Marine of Col. Fourgeouds Corps, 1793. Creator: William Blake

A private Marine of Col. Fourgeouds Corps, 1793. Creator: William Blake
A private Marine of Col. Fourgeouds Corps, 1793

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Group of Negros, as imported to be sold for Slaves, 1793. Creator: William Blake

Group of Negros, as imported to be sold for Slaves, 1793. Creator: William Blake
Group of Negros, as imported to be sold for Slaves, 1793

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: A Surinam Planter in his Morning Dress, 1793. Creator: William Blake

A Surinam Planter in his Morning Dress, 1793. Creator: William Blake
A Surinam Planter in his Morning Dress, 1793

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Fertilization of Egypt, 1791. Creator: William Blake

Fertilization of Egypt, 1791. Creator: William Blake
Fertilization of Egypt, 1791

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Sketch of a Shipwreck, 1809. Creator: William Blake

Sketch of a Shipwreck, 1809. Creator: William Blake
Sketch of a Shipwreck, 1809

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Mrs. Q. 1820. Creator: William Blake

Mrs. Q. 1820. Creator: William Blake
Mrs. Q. 1820

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Man Sweeping the Interpreters Parlor, c. 1820 / 1822. Creator: William Blake

The Man Sweeping the Interpreters Parlor, c. 1820 / 1822. Creator: William Blake
The Man Sweeping the Interpreters Parlor, c. 1820/1822

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Pastorals of Virgil, 1821. Creator: William Blake

The Pastorals of Virgil, 1821. Creator: William Blake
The Pastorals of Virgil, 1821

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Restrike from fragment of cancelled plate for 'A Prophecy', 1793

Restrike from fragment of cancelled plate for "A Prophecy", 1793
Restrike from fragment of cancelled plate for " A Prophecy", 1793

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Soul Hovering Over the Body [from Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 'plate 14], c

The Soul Hovering Over the Body [from Marriage of Heaven and Hell, "plate 14], c
The Soul Hovering Over the Body [from Marriage of Heaven and Hell, " plate 14], c. 1796

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Joseph of Arimathea Preaching to the Britons, c. 1794 / 1796. Creator: William Blake

Joseph of Arimathea Preaching to the Britons, c. 1794 / 1796. Creator: William Blake
Joseph of Arimathea Preaching to the Britons, c. 1794/1796

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Dream of Thiralatha [from 'America, 'cancelled plate d], c. 1794 / 1796

Dream of Thiralatha [from "America, "cancelled plate d], c. 1794 / 1796
Dream of Thiralatha [from " America, " cancelled plate d], c. 1794/1796

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: On Homers Poetry (and) On Virgil, 1822. Creator: William Blake

On Homers Poetry (and) On Virgil, 1822. Creator: William Blake
On Homers Poetry (and) On Virgil, 1822

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Chaining of Orc, 1812. Creator: William Blake

The Chaining of Orc, 1812. Creator: William Blake
The Chaining of Orc, 1812

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: John Caspar Lavater, 1787 / 1801. Creator: William Blake

John Caspar Lavater, 1787 / 1801. Creator: William Blake
John Caspar Lavater, 1787/1801

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Wrath of Elihu, 1825. Creator: William Blake

The Wrath of Elihu, 1825. Creator: William Blake
The Wrath of Elihu, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Satan Going Forth from the Presence of the Lord, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Satan Going Forth from the Presence of the Lord, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Satan Going Forth from the Presence of the Lord, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Dance of Albion (Glad Day), c. 1803 / 1810. Creator: William Blake

The Dance of Albion (Glad Day), c. 1803 / 1810. Creator: William Blake
The Dance of Albion (Glad Day), c. 1803/1810

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Job Rebuked by His Friends, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Job Rebuked by His Friends, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Job Rebuked by His Friends, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Lord Answering Job out of the Whirlwind, 1825. Creator: William Blake

The Lord Answering Job out of the Whirlwind, 1825. Creator: William Blake
The Lord Answering Job out of the Whirlwind, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Satan Smiting Job with Boils, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Satan Smiting Job with Boils, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Satan Smiting Job with Boils, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Joseph of Arimathea Among the Rocks of Albion, c. 1803 / 1810. Creator: William Blake

Joseph of Arimathea Among the Rocks of Albion, c. 1803 / 1810. Creator: William Blake
Joseph of Arimathea Among the Rocks of Albion, c. 1803/1810

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Title-Page of the Engraved Illustrations to the Book of Job, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Title-Page of the Engraved Illustrations to the Book of Job, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Title-Page of the Engraved Illustrations to the Book of Job, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Jobs Evil Dreams, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Jobs Evil Dreams, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Jobs Evil Dreams, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Circle of the Thieves; Buoso Donati Attacked by the Serpent, 1827

The Circle of the Thieves; Buoso Donati Attacked by the Serpent, 1827

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Fall of Satan, 1825. Creator: William Blake

The Fall of Satan, 1825. Creator: William Blake
The Fall of Satan, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Job and His Daughters, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Job and His Daughters, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Job and His Daughters, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Job and His Wife Restored to Prosperity, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Job and His Wife Restored to Prosperity, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Job and His Wife Restored to Prosperity, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Behemoth and Leviathan, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Behemoth and Leviathan, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Behemoth and Leviathan, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Unknown subject (Let Him look up into the Heaven and laugh in the bright air), possibly c

Unknown subject (Let Him look up into the Heaven and laugh in the bright air), possibly c. 1805

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: War (The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder), c. 1803 / 1810. Creator: William Blake

War (The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder), c. 1803 / 1810. Creator: William Blake
War (The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder), c. 1803/1810

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Hiding of Moses, 1824. Creator: William Blake

The Hiding of Moses, 1824. Creator: William Blake
The Hiding of Moses, 1824

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Circle of the Falsifiers: Dante and Virgil Covering their Noses because of the stench

The Circle of the Falsifiers: Dante and Virgil Covering their Noses because of the stench, 1827

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Circle of the Corrupt Officials; the Devils Mauling Each Other, 1827

The Circle of the Corrupt Officials; the Devils Mauling Each Other, 1827

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Jobs Sacrifice, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Jobs Sacrifice, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Jobs Sacrifice, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Messengers Tell Job of His Misfortunes, 1825. Creator: William Blake

The Messengers Tell Job of His Misfortunes, 1825. Creator: William Blake
The Messengers Tell Job of His Misfortunes, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Jobs Despair, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Jobs Despair, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Jobs Despair, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Destruction of Jobs Sons, 1825. Creator: William Blake

The Destruction of Jobs Sons, 1825. Creator: William Blake
The Destruction of Jobs Sons, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Vision of God, 1825. Creator: William Blake

The Vision of God, 1825. Creator: William Blake
The Vision of God, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Vision of Eliphaz, 1825. Creator: William Blake

The Vision of Eliphaz, 1825. Creator: William Blake
The Vision of Eliphaz, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Satan Before the Throne of God, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Satan Before the Throne of God, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Satan Before the Throne of God, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Job and His Family, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Job and His Family, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Job and His Family, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Circle of the Lustful: Paolo and Francesca, 1827. Creator: William Blake

The Circle of the Lustful: Paolo and Francesca, 1827. Creator: William Blake
The Circle of the Lustful: Paolo and Francesca, 1827

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Job Accepting Charity, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Job Accepting Charity, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Job Accepting Charity, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Circle of the Thieves; Agnolo Brunelleschi Attacked by a Six-Footed Serpent, 1827

The Circle of the Thieves; Agnolo Brunelleschi Attacked by a Six-Footed Serpent, 1827

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder (War), c. 1794 / 1796. Creator: William Blake

The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder (War), c. 1794 / 1796. Creator: William Blake
The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder (War), c. 1794/1796

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Christ Appearing to His Disciples After the Resurrection, c. 1795. Creator: William Blake

Christ Appearing to His Disciples After the Resurrection, c. 1795. Creator: William Blake
Christ Appearing to His Disciples After the Resurrection, c. 1795

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Creation, 1825. Creator: William Blake

The Creation, 1825. Creator: William Blake
The Creation, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Jobs Comforters, 1825. Creator: William Blake

Jobs Comforters, 1825. Creator: William Blake
Jobs Comforters, 1825

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Last Supper, 1799. Creator: William Blake

The Last Supper, 1799. Creator: William Blake
The Last Supper, 1799

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Job and His Daughters, 1799 / 1800. Creator: William Blake

Job and His Daughters, 1799 / 1800. Creator: William Blake
Job and His Daughters, 1799/1800

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun, c. 1805. Creator: William Blake

The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun, c. 1805. Creator: William Blake
The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun, c. 1805

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Beggars Opera, Act III, July 1, 1790. Creator: William Blake

The Beggars Opera, Act III, July 1, 1790. Creator: William Blake
The Beggars Opera, Act III, July 1, 1790

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: The Beggars Opera, Act III, 1790. Creator: William Blake

The Beggars Opera, Act III, 1790. Creator: William Blake
The Beggars Opera, Act III, 1790

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Winged Figure Flying Through Clouds, ca. 1780-87. Creator: William Blake

Winged Figure Flying Through Clouds, ca. 1780-87. Creator: William Blake
Winged Figure Flying Through Clouds, ca. 1780-87

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Sabrinas Silvery Flood, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821

Sabrinas Silvery Flood, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821

Background imageWilliam Blake Collection: Thenot Under a Fruit Tree, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821

Thenot Under a Fruit Tree, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821

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