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Rome Lazio Italy Collection

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Untitled (Ruins of Roman Forum), c. 1867. Creator: Robert MacPherson

Untitled (Ruins of Roman Forum), c. 1867. Creator: Robert MacPherson
Untitled (Ruins of Roman Forum), c. 1867. A work made of albumen print

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Title page: volume IV, The Antiquities of Rome by Giambatista Piranesi

Title page: volume IV, The Antiquities of Rome by Giambatista Piranesi, Venetian Architect

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: St. Peter s, 16th century. 16th century

Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: St. Peter s, 16th century. 16th century
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: St. Peter s, 16th century

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: St. Peter s, 16th century. 16th century. Creator: Anon

Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: St. Peter s, 16th century. 16th century. Creator: Anon
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: St. Peter s, 16th century

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Arch of Constantine, 1583. 1583. Creator: Anon

Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Arch of Constantine, 1583. 1583. Creator: Anon
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Arch of Constantine, 1583

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Colosseum, Rome, 2nd View, May 1846. Creator: Calvert Jones

Colosseum, Rome, 2nd View, May 1846. Creator: Calvert Jones
Colosseum, Rome, 2nd View, May 1846. [Amphitheatre built in the 1st century AD, Rome, Italy]. Salted paper print

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Coliseum, c. 1867. Creator: Robert MacPherson

Coliseum, c. 1867. Creator: Robert MacPherson
Coliseum, c. 1867. A work made of albumen print

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Pantheon, Rome, Italy. c. 1857. Creator: Robert MacPherson

Pantheon, Rome, Italy. c. 1857. Creator: Robert MacPherson
Pantheon, Rome, Italy. c. 1857. A work made of albumen print, from " photographs of views of rome" (c. 1857)

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: View of the Facade of the Basilica of S. Croce in Gerusalemme [the Holy Cross in

View of the Facade of the Basilica of S. Croce in Gerusalemme [the Holy Cross in Jerusalem], from Vedute di Roma (Roman Views), ca. 1750

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Roman Forum, Antonio and Faustina, c. 1857. Creator: Robert MacPherson

Roman Forum, Antonio and Faustina, c. 1857. Creator: Robert MacPherson
Roman Forum, Antonio and Faustina, c. 1857. A work made of albumen print, from " photographs of views of rome" (c. 1857)

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Forum Romanum, Rome, 1854 / 57. Creators: Bisson Freres, Louis-Auguste Bisson

Forum Romanum, Rome, 1854 / 57. Creators: Bisson Freres, Louis-Auguste Bisson
Forum Romanum, Rome, 1854/57. Albumen print, from the album " Reproductions Photographiques des Plus Beaux Types d Architecture et de Sculpture"

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Temple of Antoninus and the Campo Vaccino, 1656. Creator: Stefano della Bella

Temple of Antoninus and the Campo Vaccino, 1656. Creator: Stefano della Bella
Temple of Antoninus and the Campo Vaccino, 1656

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: The Crucifixion of Saint Peter, after Michelangelos frescoes in the Pauline Chapel, Va

The Crucifixion of Saint Peter, after Michelangelos frescoes in the Pauline Chapel, Vatican Palace, 1550-60

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Untitled (Temple of Venus and Rome, Triumphal Arch and other ruins in Forum), c. 1857

Untitled (Temple of Venus and Rome, Triumphal Arch and other ruins in Forum), c. 1857. A work made of albumen print, from " photographs of views of rome" (c. 1857)

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Untitled (Basilica of Maxentius), c. 1857. Creator: Robert MacPherson

Untitled (Basilica of Maxentius), c. 1857. Creator: Robert MacPherson
Untitled (Basilica of Maxentius), c. 1857. A work made of albumen print, from " photographs of views of rome" (c. 1857)

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Fountain of Neptune, c. 1857. Creator: Robert MacPherson

Fountain of Neptune, c. 1857. Creator: Robert MacPherson
Fountain of Neptune, c. 1857. A work made of albumen print, from " photographs of views of rome" (c. 1857)

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Roman ruins with the horse tamers (Dioscuri) on the Quirinal Hill, 1730-60

Roman ruins with the horse tamers (Dioscuri) on the Quirinal Hill, 1730-60. Sculptures of Castor and Pollux in Rome. Plate 36 from: Discorsi Sopra L Antichita di Roma, a work on Roman antiquities

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Temple of Concord and Roman Forum, 1656. Creator: Stefano della Bella

Temple of Concord and Roman Forum, 1656. Creator: Stefano della Bella
Temple of Concord and Roman Forum, 1656

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Interior of the Pantheon, Rome, c. 1734. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini

Interior of the Pantheon, Rome, c. 1734. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini
Interior of the Pantheon, Rome, c. 1734

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Partial elevation and plan of the first-order portico at the Theater of Marcellus

Partial elevation and plan of the first-order portico at the Theater of Marcellus (Dimostrazione di una parte de portici del prim ordine del Teatro di Marcello), from Le Antichita Romane, 1756

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: The Pantheon, 1649. 1649. Creator: Nicolas Beatrizet

Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: The Pantheon, 1649. 1649. Creator: Nicolas Beatrizet
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: The Pantheon, 1649

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Porte du palais Farnèse à Rome, c.1880. Creator: Auguste Dutuit

Porte du palais Farnèse à Rome, c.1880. Creator: Auguste Dutuit
Porte du palais Farnese a Rome, c.1880. Door of the Farnese Palace in Rome

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Le Colisée à Rome, c.1878. Creator: Henri-Joseph Harpignies

Le Colisée à Rome, c.1878. Creator: Henri-Joseph Harpignies
Le Colisee a Rome, c.1878. View of the Colosseum and the ruins of the Roman Forum from the top of the Farnese gardens

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Sculpteur travaillant à la statue d'un saint à Saint-Pierre de Rome

Sculpteur travaillant à la statue d'un saint à Saint-Pierre de Rome
Sculpteur travaillant a la statue d'un saint a Saint-Pierre de Rome, c.1758 c.1759. Sculptor working on the statue of a saint at St Peter's in Rome. The sculptor could be Michelangelo Slodtz

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Entablature from the Temple of Castor and Pollux, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS

Entablature from the Temple of Castor and Pollux, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS
Entablature from the Temple of Castor and Pollux, Rome, 1537

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Entablature from the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS

Entablature from the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS
Entablature from the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, Rome, 1537

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Entablature from the Temple of Vespasian, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS

Entablature from the Temple of Vespasian, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS
Entablature from the Temple of Vespasian, Rome, 1537

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Entablature from the Basilica Ulpia, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS

Entablature from the Basilica Ulpia, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS
Entablature from the Basilica Ulpia, Rome, 1537

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Entablature from the Church of Saint Bibiana, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS

Entablature from the Church of Saint Bibiana, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS
Entablature from the Church of Saint Bibiana, Rome, 1537

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Capital from the Colosseum, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS

Capital from the Colosseum, Rome, 1537. Creator: Master PS
Capital from the Colosseum, Rome, 1537

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Capitals from the Baths of Antoninus, Rome, 1535. Creator: Master PS

Capitals from the Baths of Antoninus, Rome, 1535. Creator: Master PS
Capitals from the Baths of Antoninus, Rome, 1535

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Entablatures from Santa Pudenziana and the Arch of Camigliano

Entablatures from Santa Pudenziana and the Arch of Camigliano, Rome, 1537

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: S. Croce in Gierusalem, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

S. Croce in Gierusalem, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
S. Croce in Gierusalem, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veduta della Piaza di Montecavallo, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Veduta della Piaza di Montecavallo, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Veduta della Piaza di Montecavallo, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Piazza della Madono delle Popolo, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Piazza della Madono delle Popolo, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Piazza della Madono delle Popolo, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: S. Giovanni in Laterano, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

S. Giovanni in Laterano, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
S. Giovanni in Laterano, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veue de l'Eglise de la Madonna del popolo à Rome

Veue de l'Eglise de la Madonna del popolo à Rome
Veue de l'Eglise de la Madonna del popolo a Rome, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Piazza della Trinita de Monti, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Piazza della Trinita de Monti, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Piazza della Trinita de Monti, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Autre veue du Campo Vacine, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Autre veue du Campo Vacine, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Autre veue du Campo Vacine, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Place de la Colonne Antoniane ruë du Cours a Rome, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Place de la Colonne Antoniane ruë du Cours a Rome, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Place de la Colonne Antoniane rue du Cours a Rome, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veuë du Colisée du Temple du Soleil

Veuë du Colisée du Temple du Soleil
Veue du Colisee du Temple du Soleil, et de l'Arc de Titus a Rome, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veuë du Palais Maior a Rome, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Veuë du Palais Maior a Rome, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Veue du Palais Maior a Rome, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: La Madona del Popolo, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

La Madona del Popolo, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
La Madona del Popolo, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veue de sainct Jean des Florentins, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Veue de sainct Jean des Florentins, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Veue de sainct Jean des Florentins, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veuë d'une partie de la place Navonne a Rome, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Veuë d'une partie de la place Navonne a Rome, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Veue d'une partie de la place Navonne a Rome, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veduta dei Coliseo, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Veduta dei Coliseo, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Veduta dei Coliseo, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: S. Maria Maggiore, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

S. Maria Maggiore, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
S. Maria Maggiore, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veuë de la Navicule St. Estienne le Rond et du Colisée de Rome

Veuë de la Navicule St. Estienne le Rond et du Colisée de Rome
Veue de la Navicule St. Estienne le Rond et du Colisee de Rome, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veduta di Campo Vaccina, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Veduta di Campo Vaccina, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Veduta di Campo Vaccina, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Veduta della Piaza et Palazo di St. Marco in Roma, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Veduta della Piaza et Palazo di St. Marco in Roma, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Veduta della Piaza et Palazo di St. Marco in Roma, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Le Colisée de Rome, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Le Colisée de Rome, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Le Colisee de Rome, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Piazza della Colona Trojana, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre

Piazza della Colona Trojana, 1640-1660. Creator: Israel Silvestre
Piazza della Colona Trojana, 1640-1660

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: The Pyramid of Sesto near the Gates of St

The Pyramid of Sesto near the Gates of St. Pauli in Rome, c. 1764

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Fragment of the Old City Wall at San Giovanni Laterano

Fragment of the Old City Wall at San Giovanni Laterano, 1764

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Cardinaux sortant du Vatican par la porte des Suisses

Cardinaux sortant du Vatican par la porte des Suisses, apres une audience du Saint-Pere, 20/06/1867. Cardinals leaving the Vatican by the porta detta degli Svizzeri after an audience at St Peter's

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: 'Villa Sciarra, ' George Wurts house

"Villa Sciarra, " George Wurts house, via Calandrelli, Rome, Italy, 1925. Landscape: HenriettaTower (Mrs)

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: The Oval Fountain in the Gardens of the Villa d'Este

The Oval Fountain in the Gardens of the Villa d'Este, Tivoli, 1760

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Fantasy on an Ancient Campidoglio. Creator: Hubert Robert

Fantasy on an Ancient Campidoglio. Creator: Hubert Robert
Fantasy on an Ancient Campidoglio

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston

Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston
Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. House Architecture: Flaminio Ponzio. Landscape: Flaminio Ponzio and Giovannni Vasanzio, 1609-1621

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston

Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston
Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. House Architecture: Flaminio Ponzio. Landscape: Flaminio Ponzio and Giovannni Vasanzio, 1609-1621

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston

Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston
Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. House Architecture: Flaminio Ponzio. Landscape: Flaminio Ponzio and Giovannni Vasanzio, 1609-1621

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston

Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. Creator: Frances Benjamin Johnston
Villa Borghese, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 1925. House Architecture: Flaminio Ponzio. Landscape: Flaminio Ponzio and Giovannni Vasanzio, 1609-1621

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Le Tibre à Rome, between 1856 and 1862. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux

Le Tibre à Rome, between 1856 and 1862. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux
Le Tibre a Rome, between 1856 and 1862

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Landscape with travellers, c1650. Creator: Jan Dirksz Both

Landscape with travellers, c1650. Creator: Jan Dirksz Both
Landscape with travellers, c1650

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Ruines romaines, le Forum avec le Colisée et l'Obélisque

Ruines romaines, le Forum avec le Colisée et l'Obélisque
Ruines romaines, le Forum avec le Colisee et l'Obelisque, c1765

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Porta San Lorenzo, Rome, mid-19th century. Creator: Victor-François-Eloi Biennourry

Porta San Lorenzo, Rome, mid-19th century. Creator: Victor-François-Eloi Biennourry
Porta San Lorenzo, Rome, mid-19th century

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Paysage d'Italie. Pins parasols, c.1859 — 1860. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner

Paysage d'Italie. Pins parasols, c.1859 — 1860. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner
Paysage d'Italie. Pins parasols, c.1859 -- 1860

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Paysage d'Italie. Pins parasols, c.1859 — 1860. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner

Paysage d'Italie. Pins parasols, c.1859 — 1860. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner
Paysage d'Italie. Pins parasols, c.1859 -- 1860

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Ruelle à Rome, between 1859 and 1864. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner

Ruelle à Rome, between 1859 and 1864. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner
Ruelle a Rome, between 1859 and 1864

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Jardins de la Villa Borghèse vus depuis la Villa Médicis à Rome

Jardins de la Villa Borghèse vus depuis la Villa Médicis à Rome
Jardins de la Villa Borghese vus depuis la Villa Medicis a Rome, c.1859 -- 1860

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Escalier dans une ruelle à Rome, between 1859 and 1864. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner

Escalier dans une ruelle à Rome, between 1859 and 1864. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner
Escalier dans une ruelle a Rome, between 1859 and 1864

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Masure dans la campagne de Rome, between 1859 and 1864. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner

Masure dans la campagne de Rome, between 1859 and 1864. Creator: Jean Jacques Henner
Masure dans la campagne de Rome, between 1859 and 1864

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: View of the Dome of Saint Peter's, Rome, 1863. Creator: Henri-Joseph Harpignies

View of the Dome of Saint Peter's, Rome, 1863. Creator: Henri-Joseph Harpignies
View of the Dome of Saint Peter's, Rome, 1863

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Carnival games held on the Mount Testaccio in Rome, 1558. Creator: Monogrammist ITF

Carnival games held on the Mount Testaccio in Rome, 1558. Creator: Monogrammist ITF
Carnival games held on the Mount Testaccio in Rome, 1558

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: View of the Quirinal Hill in Rome with the fountain of the horse tamers at left

View of the Quirinal Hill in Rome with the fountain of the horse tamers at left, 1822

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: View of the ancient aquaduct and fountains situated near the Chiavica del Bufalo in Rome

View of the ancient aquaduct and fountains situated near the Chiavica del Bufalo in Rome, 1822

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Church of Sant Onofrio, Rome, 1775/80. Creator: Jacques-Louis David

Church of Sant Onofrio, Rome, 1775/80. Creator: Jacques-Louis David
Church of Sant Onofrio, Rome, 1775/80

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: The Pantheon Seen from the Piazza, 1775/80. Creator: Jacques-Louis David

The Pantheon Seen from the Piazza, 1775/80. Creator: Jacques-Louis David
The Pantheon Seen from the Piazza, 1775/80

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: The Pantheon, 1775/80. Creator: Jacques-Louis David

The Pantheon, 1775/80. Creator: Jacques-Louis David
The Pantheon, 1775/80

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: View of the Back of Statues of the Dioscuri at the Quirinal, 1550. Creator: Anon

View of the Back of Statues of the Dioscuri at the Quirinal, 1550. Creator: Anon
View of the Back of Statues of the Dioscuri at the Quirinal, 1550

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Italian landscape, between 1682 and 1749. Creator: Jan Frans van Bloemen

Italian landscape, between 1682 and 1749. Creator: Jan Frans van Bloemen
Italian landscape, between 1682 and 1749

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Castel Sant'Angelo, 1746. Creator: Alexander Cozens

Castel Sant'Angelo, 1746. Creator: Alexander Cozens
Castel Sant'Angelo, 1746

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: View of the Winding Wall in the Villa Borghese, 1792. Creator: Albert Christoph Dies

View of the Winding Wall in the Villa Borghese, 1792. Creator: Albert Christoph Dies
View of the Winding Wall in the Villa Borghese, 1792

Background imageRome Lazio Italy Collection: Lake in Villa Borghese, 1793. Creator: Albert Christoph Dies

Lake in Villa Borghese, 1793. Creator: Albert Christoph Dies
Lake in Villa Borghese, 1793

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