Mirror above a Washstand, 1908. Artist: Pierre BonnardMirror above a Washstand, 1908. Found in the collection of the State A Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
The Mediterranean Sea, (triptych, right side panel), 1911. Artist: Pierre BonnardThe Mediterranean Sea, (triptych, right side panel), 1911. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St Petersburg
Rainy Landscape; Landscape in Rainy Weather, 1909. Creator: Pierre BonnardRainy Landscape; Landscape in Rainy Weather, 1909
Woman in Red Top, c1920. Artist: Pierre BonnardWoman in Red Top, c1920
The Almond Tree in Blossom, 1947. Artist: Pierre BonnardThe Almond Tree in Blossom, 1947. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of the Musee National d Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Woman Reclining on a Bed, or The Indolent Woman, 1899. Artist: Pierre BonnardWoman Reclining on a Bed, or The Indolent Woman, 1899. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of the Musee d Orsay, Paris, France
Behind the Fence, c1895. Artist: Pierre BonnardBehind the Fence, c1895. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
Man talking to others by a column. Creator: Pierre BonnardMan talking to others by a column
Le Bain (The bath), c.1925. Creator: Pierre BonnardLe Bain (The bath). From: Les Peintres Lithographes de Manet a Matisse: Album de Lithographies Originales, c.1925
Le Bain (The bath). From: Les Peintres Lithographes de Manet à Matisse: Album dLe Bain (The bath). From: Les Peintres Lithographes de Manet a Matisse: Album de Lithographies Originales, c.1925
Women With A Dog, 1891. Creator: Pierre BonnardWomen With A Dog, 1891. Bonnard's sister and cousin playing with the family dog in a garden, with three figures just visible behind them
Pierre Bonnard, 1900. Creator: Odilon RedonPierre Bonnard, 1900
Portrait d'Ambroise Vollard au chat, c.1924. Creator: Pierre BonnardPortrait d'Ambroise Vollard au chat, c.1924
Jeunes filles à la mouette, 1917. Creator: Pierre BonnardJeunes filles a la mouette, 1917. Young women with seagull
Portrait du docteur Maurice Girardin, 1917. Creator: Pierre BonnardPortrait du docteur Maurice Girardin, 1917
Conversation à Arcachon, between 1926 and 1930. Creator: Pierre BonnardConversation a Arcachon, between 1926 and 1930. Conversation at Arcachon
Les cinq peintres (Five painters): Felix Vallotton, Pierre Bonnard, Edouard Vuillard, Charles Cottet, and Ker-Xavier Roussel, 1902-1903. Found in the Collection of the Kunst Museum Winterthur
The Pursuit, 1893. Creator: Felix VallottonThe Pursuit, 1893. [Le bon marche, Les petites filles, La charge, baigneuses, F. Vallotton. Pierre Bonnard: I Tete de femme, II La rue d Eragny. list of works of art]
Madame Bonnard, 1895 / 1900. Creator: Edouard VuillardMadame Bonnard, 1895/1900
Self-Portrait at the age of 78, 1945. Creator: Bonnard, Pierre (1867-1947)Self-Portrait at the age of 78, 1945. Found in the collection of Fondation Bemberg, Toulouse
Woman with an Umbrella, 1894. Creator: Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867-1947); PublishedWoman with an Umbrella, 1894
Masters of the Poster: Pl. 38, La Revue Blanche, 1894. Creator: Pierre Bonnard (FrenchMasters of the Poster: Pl. 38, La Revue Blanche, 1894
Donkey Ride, 1893. Creator: Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867-1947)Donkey Ride, 1893
Nursemaids Promenade, Frieze of Carriages, 1895. Creator: Pierre Bonnard (FrenchNursemaids Promenade, Frieze of Carriages, 1895
Announcement of a birth, 1898. Creator: Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867-1947)Announcement of a birth, 1898
Self-Portrait, ca 1923. Creator: Bonnard, Pierre (1867-1947)Self-Portrait, ca 1923. Private Collection
The Bowl of Milk, c1919. Artist: Pierre BonnardThe Bowl of Milk, c1919. From the collection of the Tate Modern, London
Morning in Paris, 1911. Artist: Pierre BonnardMorning in Paris, 1911. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St Petersburg
Early Spring, Little Fauns, 1909. Artist: Pierre BonnardEarly Spring, Little Fauns, 1909. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St Petersburg
Landscape with Freight Train, 1909. Artist: Pierre BonnardLandscape with Freight Train, 1909. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St Petersburg
The Seine near Vernon, c1911. Artist: Pierre BonnardThe Seine near Vernon, c1911. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St Petersburg
Evening in Paris, 1911. Artist: Pierre BonnardEvening in Paris, 1911. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St Petersburg
Behind the Fence, 1895. Artist: Pierre BonnardBehind the Fence, 1895. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St Petersburg
Summer in Normandy, c1912. Artist: Pierre BonnardSummer in Normandy, c1912. Found in the collection of the State A Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Nude in the Bath, 1936. Artist: Pierre BonnardNude in the Bath, 1936. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of the Musee d Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Evening in Paris, (detail), 1911. Artist: Pierre BonnardEvening in Paris, (detail), 1911. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
The Siene near Vernon, c1911. Artist: Pierre BonnardThe Siene near Vernon, c1911. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
Corner of Paris, c1905. Artist: Pierre BonnardCorner of Paris, c1905. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
Woman in a White Spotted Dress, 1891. Artist: Pierre BonnardWoman in a White Spotted Dress, 1891. One of four panels of Women in the Garden, 1891. Found in the collection of the Musee d Orsay, Paris, France
Woman with a Cat, 1912. Artist: Pierre BonnardWoman with a Cat, 1912. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of the Musee d Orsay, Paris, France
Train and Bardes, (Landscape with a Goods Train), 1909. Artist: Pierre BonnardTrain and Bardes, (Landscape with a Goods Train), 1909. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
Dauphine Landscape, c1899. Artist: Pierre BonnardDauphine Landscape, c1899. Pierre Bonnard. Found in the collection of State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
Thadee Natanson, 1920. Artist: Pierre BonnardThadee Natanson, 1920. Pierre Bonnard
Seated Woman with a Cat, 1891. Artist: Pierre BonnardSeated Woman with a Cat, 1891, Pierre Bonnard. One of four panels of Women in the Garden, 1891. Found in the collection of the Musee d Orsay, Paris, France
Self-portrait (Le Boxeur), 1931. Found in the collection of Musee d Orsay, Paris
Pierre Bonnard as an Odalisque in Matisses Studio, 1929. Found in the Collection of Muse e Bonnard, Le Cannet
Pierre Bonnard (holding his Kodak box camera) with Ker-Xavier Roussel in Venice, 1899. Private Collection
Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947), ca 1899. Private Collection
Portrait of Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947), 1902. Private Collection
Homage to Cezanne, 1900. Found in the Collection of Musee d Orsay, Paris
Portrait of Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947), 1891. Artist: Vuillard, Edouard (1868-1940)Portrait of Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947), 1891. Private Collection
En barque, 1907, (1939). Artist: Pierre BonnardEn barque, 1907, (1939). The painting is housed in the Musee d Orsay, Paris. From Verve - Nos. 5-6, July-October 1939. [Verve, France, 1939]
Nu A La Coiffeuse, 1935. Artist: Pierre BonnardNu A La Coiffeuse, 1935. After the painting by Pierre Bonnard. 1935. From Modern Masterpieces Part 9. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]