The Tyrolean Valley, 1857. Creator: Francis FrithThe Tyrolean Valley, 1857. [City Wall and Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem]. Albumen print, pl. 22 from the album " Egypt and Palestine, volume ii" (1858/60)
The Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, 1857. Creator: Francis FrithThe Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, 1857. Albumen print, pl. 4 from the album " Egypt and Palestine, volume ii" (1858/60)
Jerusalem from the City Wall, 1857. Creator: Francis FrithJerusalem from the City Wall, 1857. Albumen print, pl. 36 from the album " Egypt and Palestine, volume i" (1858)
City Wall and Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, 1857. Creator: Francis FrithCity Wall and Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, 1857. Albumen print, pl. 28 from the album " Egypt and Palestine, volume i" (1858)
Jerusalem, Mosquee D Omar;Palestine, 1849 / 51, printed 1852Jerusalem, Mosquee D Omar; Palestine, 1849/51, printed 1852. A work made of salted paper print, plate 117 from the album " egypte, nubie, palestine et syrie" (1852)
Jerusalem. etat actuel du dome, du St. Sepulcre et Minaret d Omar, 1860 or later
Jerusalem. Mosquee d Omar, construite sur l emplacement su Temple de Salomon, 1860 or later
Jerusalem, Court of the Mosque of Omar, 1857. Creator: John AnthonyJerusalem, Court of the Mosque of Omar, 1857
Jerusalem, Mosquee d Omar, cote ouest, 1854
Jerusalem, Mosquee d Omar, cote Est, Interieur de l enceinte, 2, 1854
Jerusalem, Mosquee d Omar, cote Ouest, Interieur de l enceinte, 1854
Jerusalem, Mosquee d Omar, cote Nord, Interieur de l enceinte, 1854
La Mosquee d Omar, a Jerusalem, August 1850. Creator: Maxime du CampLa Mosquee d Omar, a Jerusalem, August 1850
Palestine. Jerusalem. Mosquee d Omar, 1850. Creator: Maxime du CampPalestine. Jerusalem. Mosquee d Omar, 1850
Jerusalem - Mosque of Omar, c1918-c1939. Creator: UnknownJerusalem - Mosque of Omar, c1918-c1939. From an album of postcards
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, Israel. The Mosque of Omar on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the oldest existing Islamic monument
Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, 1903. Artist: Mortimer L MenpesMosque of Omar, Jerusalem, 1903. From World Pictures, by Mortimer Menpes. Text by Dorothy Menpes. [A. & C. Black, London, 1903]
Aerial view of the Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, Palestine, from a Zeppelin, 1931 (1933). A photograph from Zeppelin-Weltfahrten
Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, 1893. Artist: John L StoddardMosque of Omar, Jerusalem, 1893. Illustration from Portfolio of Photographs of Famous Cities, Scenes and Paintings, (The Werner Company, Chicago, c1893)
The Mosque of Omar on the site of the ancient temple, Bethlehem, Israel, 1926. From An Outline of Christianity, The Story of Our Civilisation, volume 1: The Birth of Christianity
The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, c1920s-c1930s(?). The Mosque of Omar on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the oldest existing Islamic monument