Plate 80 from Los Caprichos : It is time (Ya es hora. ), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaPlate 80 from Los Caprichos : It is time (Ya es hora.), 1799
Pllate 60 from Los Caprichos : Trials (Ensayos. ), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaPllate 60 from Los Caprichos : Trials (Ensayos.), 1799
Plate 25 from Los Caprichos : If he broke the pot (Si quebroel Cantaro. ), 1799Plate 25 from Los Caprichos : If he broke the pot (Si quebro el Cantaro.), 1799
Pretty Teachings (Bellos Consejos), 1799, Printed 1868. Creator: Francisco GoyaPretty Teachings (Bellos Consejos), 1799, Printed 1868
They Spruce Themselves Up (Se Repulen), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaThey Spruce Themselves Up (Se Repulen), 1799
There Was No Remedy (No Hubo Remedio), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaThere Was No Remedy (No Hubo Remedio), 1799
Blow (Sopla), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaBlow (Sopla), 1799
Plate 79 from Los Caprichos : No one has seen us (Nadie nos ha visto. ), 1799Plate 79 from Los Caprichos : No one has seen us (Nadie nos ha visto.), 1799
Plate 78 from Los Caprichos : Be quick, they are waking up (Despacha, que dispiertan.), 1799
Plate 77 from Los Caprichos : What one does to another (Unos aotros. ), 1799Plate 77 from Los Caprichos :What one does to another (Unos a otros.), 1799
Plate 76 from Los Caprichos : You understand?... well, as I sayPlate 76 from Los Caprichos :You understand?... well, as I say... eh! Look out! otherwise... (Esta Umd...pues, Como! Cuidado! si no...), 1799
Plate 75 from Los Caprichos : Is there no one to untie us? (No hay quien nos desate?), 1799
Plate 74 from Los Caprichos : Don t scream, stupid (No grites, tonta), 1799
Plate 73 from Los Caprichos : It is better to be lazy (Mejor es holgar. ), 1799Plate 73 from Los Caprichos : It is better to be lazy (Mejor es holgar.), 1799
Plate 72, from Los Caprichos : You will not escape (No te escaparas. ), 1799Plate 72, from Los Caprichos : You will not escape (No te escaparas.), 1799
Plate 71 from Los Caprichos : When day breaks we will be off (Si amanece; nos Vamos.), 1799
Plate 70 from Los Caprichos : Devout Profession (Devota profesion. ), 1799Plate 70 from Los Caprichos : Devout Profession (Devota profesion.), 1799
Plate 67 from Los Caprichos : Wait till you ve been anointed (Aguarda que te unten.), 1799
Plate 65 from Los Caprichos : Where is mom going? (Donde vamama?), 1799Plate 65 from Los Caprichos :Where is mom going? (Donde va mama?), 1799
Bon Voyage (Buen Viage), from The Caprices (Los Caprichos), plate 64, 1799
Plate 61 from Los Caprichos : They have flown (Volaverunt. ), 1799Plate 61 from Los Caprichos : They have flown (Volaverunt.), 1799
Plate 56 from Los Caprichos : To rise and to fall (Subir y bajar. ), 1799Plate 56 from Los Caprichos :To rise and to fall (Subir y bajar.), 1799
Plate 64 from Los Caprichos : Bon voyage (Buen Viage. ), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaPlate 64 from Los Caprichos : Bon voyage (Buen Viage.), 1799
Plate 62 from Los Caprichos : Who would have thought it? (Quien lo creyera!), 1799
Plate 59 from Los Caprichos : And still they don t go! (Y aun no se van!), 1799
Plate 57 from Los Caprichos : The filiation (La filiacion. ), 1799Plate 57 from Los Caprichos :The filiation (La filiacion.), 1799
Plate 53 from Los Caprichos : What a golden beak! (Que pico de Oro!), 1799Plate 53 from Los Caprichos :What a golden beak! (Que pico de Oro!), 1799
Plate 52 from Los Caprichos : What a tailor can do! (Lo que puede un Sastre!), 1799
Plate 51 from Los Caprichos : They spruce themselves up (Se repulen. ), 1799Plate 51 from Los Caprichos : They spruce themselves up (Se repulen.), 1799
Plate 43 from Los Caprichos : The sleep of reason produces monsters (El sueno de la razon produce monstruos), 1799, published 1908-12
Plate 41 from Los Caprichos : Neither more nor less (Ni mas ni menos. ), 1799Plate 41 from Los Caprichos : Neither more nor less (Ni mas ni menos.), 1799
Plate 50 from Los Caprichos : The Chinchillas (Los Chinchillas. ), 1799Plate 50 from Los Caprichos : The Chinchillas (Los Chinchillas.), 1799
Plate 49 from Los Caprichos : Hobgoblins (Duendecitos. ), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaPlate 49 from Los Caprichos : Hobgoblins (Duendecitos.), 1799
Plate 48 from Los Caprichos : Tale-Bearers-Blasts of Wind (Soplones. ), 1799Plate 48 from Los Caprichos : Tale-Bearers-Blasts of Wind (Soplones.), 1799
Plate 47 from Los Caprichos : A gift for the master (Obsequio ael maestro), 1799Plate 47 from Los Caprichos :A gift for the master (Obsequio a el maestro), 1799
Plate 45 from Los Caprichos: There is Plenty to Suck (Mucho hay que chupar. ), 1799Plate 45 from Los Caprichos: There is Plenty to Suck (Mucho hay que chupar.), 1799
Plate 44 from Los Caprichos : They spin finely (Hilan delgado. ), 1799Plate 44 from Los Caprichos : They spin finely (Hilan delgado.), 1799
Plate 42 from Los Caprichos : Thou who canst not (Tu que no puedes. ), 1799Plate 42 from Los Caprichos : Thou who canst not (Tu que no puedes.), 1799
Plate 31 from Los Caprichos : She prays for her (Ruega por ella. ), 1799Plate 31 from Los Caprichos : She prays for her (Ruega por ella.), 1799
Plate 40 from Los Caprichos : Of what ill will he die? (De que mal morira?), 1799
Plate 39 from Los Caprichos : And so was his grandfather. (Asta su Abuelo. ), 1799Plate 39 from Los Caprichos : And so was his grandfather. (Asta su Abuelo.), 1799
Plate 37 from Los Caprichos : Might not the pupil know more? (Si Sabra mas el discipulo?), 1799
Plate 36 from Los Caprichos: A bad night (Mala noche. ), ca. 1797-98Plate 36 from Los Caprichos: A bad night (Mala noche.), ca. 1797-98
Plate 35 from Los Caprichos : She fleeces him (Le descanona. ), 1799Plate 35 from Los Caprichos : She fleeces him (Le descanona.), 1799
Plate 34 from Los Caprichos : Sleep overcomes them (Las rinde el Sueno. ), 1799Plate 34 from Los Caprichos : Sleep overcomes them (Las rinde el Sueno.), 1799
Plate 33 from Los Caprichos : To the Count Palatine (Al Conde Palatino. ), 1799Plate 33 from Los Caprichos :To the Count Palatine (Al Conde Palatino.), 1799
Plate 32 from Los Caprichos : Because she was susceptible (Por que fue sensible. ), 1799Plate 32 from Los Caprichos :Because she was susceptible (Por que fue sensible.), 1799
Plate 30 from Los Caprichos : Why hide them? (Porque esconderlos?), 1799
Plate 28 from Los Caprichos : Hush (Chiton. ), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaPlate 28 from Los Caprichos : Hush (Chiton.), 1799
Plate 26 from Los Caprichos : They ve already got a seat (Ya tienen asiento. ), 1799Plate 26 from Los Caprichos :They ve already got a seat (Ya tienen asiento.), 1799
Plate 24 from Los Caprichos : Nothing could be done about It (Nohubo remedio. ), 1799Plate 24 from Los Caprichos : Nothing could be done about It (Nohubo remedio.), 1799
Plate 22 from Los Caprichos : Poor little girls! (Pobrecitas!), 1799
Plate 21 from Los Caprichos : How they pluck her! (!Qual la descanonanPlate 21 from Los Caprichos : How they pluck her! (aQual la descanonan!), 1799
Plate 18 from Los Caprichos : And his house is on fire (Ysele quema la Casa. ), 1799Plate 18 from Los Caprichos :And his house is on fire (Ysele quema la Casa.), 1799
Plate 17 from Los Caprichos : It is nicely stretched (Bien tirada esta. ), 1799Plate 17 from Los Caprichos : It is nicely stretched (Bien tirada esta.), 1799
Plate 16 from Los Caprichos : For heavens sake: and it was her mother (Dios la PerdonePlate 16 from Los Caprichos :For heavens sake: and it was her mother (Dios la Perdone: Y era su madre), 1799
Plate 15 from Los Caprichos : Pretty Advice (Bellos consejos), 1799
Plate 13 from Los Caprichos : They are Hot (Estan Calientes), 1797-98Plate 13 from Los Caprichos :They are Hot (Estan Calientes), 1797-98
Plate 9 from Los Caprichos : Tantalus (Tantalo. ), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaPlate 9 from Los Caprichos : Tantalus (Tantalo.), 1799
Plate 12 from Los Caprichos : Out hunting for teeth (A caza de dientes. ), 1799Plate 12 from Los Caprichos : Out hunting for teeth (A caza de dientes.), 1799
Plate 10 from Los Caprichos : Love and death (El amor y la muerte), 1799
Plate 8 from Los Caprichos : They carried her off! (Que se la llevaron!), 1799
Plate 7 from Los Caprichos : Even thus he cannot make her out (Ni asi la distingue.), 1799
Plate 3 from Los Caprichos : Here comes the bogey-man (Que viene el Coco. ), 1799Plate 3 from Los Caprichos : Here comes the bogey-man (Que viene el Coco.), 1799
Plate 1 from Los Caprichos : Self-portrait of Goya ( Franco. Goya e Lucientes, Pintor), 1799
Plate 6 from Los Caprichos : Nobody knows himself (Nadie se conoce. ), 1799Plate 6 from Los Caprichos : Nobody knows himself (Nadie se conoce.), 1799
Plate 4 from Los Caprichos : Nannys boy (El de la rollona. ), 1799Plate 4 from Los Caprichos : Nannys boy (El de la rollona.), 1799
Plate 2 from Los Caprichos : They say yes and give their hand to the first comer (El si pronuncian y la mano alargen al primero que llega), 1799
Of what ill will he die? (Capricho No 40). Artist: Goya, Francisco, de (1746-1828)Of what ill will he die? (Capricho No 40). Private Collection
Plate 27 from Los Caprichos : Which of them is the more overcome? (Quien mas rendidoPlate 27 from Los Caprichos :Which of them is the more overcome? (Quien mas rendido?), 1799
Duendecitos. (Hobgoblins). From Los Caprichos, 1797-1798. Artist: Goya, Francisco, de (1746-1828)Duendecitos. (Hobgoblins). From Los Caprichos, 1797-1798. Private Collection
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. (Capricho No 43). Artist: Goya, Francisco, de (1746-1828)The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. (Capricho No 43). Found in the collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
The shameful one (Capricho No 54). Artist: Goya, Francisco, de (1746-1828)The shameful one (Capricho No 54). Found in the collection of Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid
Que sacrificio! (What a Sacrifice!). (Capricho No 14), 1797-1798. Artist: Goya, Francisco, de (1746-1828)Que sacrificio! (What a Sacrifice!). (Capricho No 14), 1797-1798. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg