Steam yacht Liberty running east. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesSteam yacht Liberty running east. Liberty was built for Joseph Pulitzer in 1908. Designed by George Lennox Watson she was one of the largest private yachts of her day
Ward G. COMFORT, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceWard G. COMFORT, between c1915 and c1920
The Dreadnought, hospital ship for seamen, at Greenwich, 1870. Creator: UnknownThe Dreadnought, hospital ship for seamen, at Greenwich, 1870. Warship on the River Thames in London. Originally named H.M.S
Dispensary, COMFORT, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceDispensary, COMFORT, between c1915 and c1920
Dentist on COMFORT, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceDentist on COMFORT, between c1915 and c1920
Taking Luggage off "Solace", 1914. Creator: Bain News ServiceTaking Luggage off "Solace", 1914. Shows the USS Solace, probably at the Navy Yard in Brooklyn, New York City, bringing wounded soldiers back from Veracruz, Mexico in May
Dr. L. Von Wedekind, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceDr. L. Von Wedekind, between c1910 and c1915
Marama, NZ hospital ship off the Needles, Isle of Wight, English Channel, 1918. Creator: Frank BarnesMarama, NZ hospital ship off the Needles, Isle of Wight, English Channel, 1918
Nasal Spray - Laboratory for eye, ear, etc - COMFORT, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceNasal Spray - Laboratory for eye, ear, etc - COMFORT, between c1915 and c1920
St. John's Guild. Bathroom on floating hospital, [New York City], c1911. Creator: Bain News ServiceSt. John's Guild. Bathroom on floating hospital, [New York City], c1911
Hospital boat, a mother, her child, and a doctor, upper deck, 1910. Creator: Bain News ServiceHospital boat, a mother, her child, and a doctor, upper deck, 1910
Hospital boat, mothers and children on upper deck, 1910. Creator: Bain News ServiceHospital boat, mothers and children on upper deck, 1910
Captain Poncelet of SS France, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceCaptain Poncelet of SS France, between c1910 and c1915
U.S.S. Solace, 1898. Creator: UnknownU.S.S. Solace, 1898
U.S.S. Solace apothecaries and nurses, 1898. Creator: Edward H HartU.S.S. Solace apothecaries and nurses, 1898
La baie de Suvla et les Falaises d'Anzac; Les falaises d'Anzac, 1915 (1916). Creator: Norman WilkinsonLa baie de Suvla et les Falaises d'Anzac; Les falaises d'Anzac, point e debarquement des Australiens et des Neo-Zelandais, le 25 avril 1915
U.S.S. Memphis, Caskets of Dead, Brought Home By U.S. Hospital Ship Solace, 1916. Creator: Harris & Ewing. U.S.SU.S.S. Memphis, Caskets of Dead, Brought Home By U.S. Hospital Ship Solace, 1916. Shows the U.S.S. Solace at dock, with horse-drawn caissons nearby and flag-draped coffins from the U.S.S
U.S.S. Solace, between 1914 and 1918. Creator: Harris & Ewing. U.S.S. Solace, between 1914 and 1918U.S.S. Solace, between 1914 and 1918. The SS Creole, built in 1896, was operated by Cromwell Steamship Lines. She was acquired by the US Navy in 1898, renamed Solace
Hospital Ship near the Seraglio, at Constantinople, 1854. Creator: UnknownHospital Ship near the Seraglio, at Constantinople, 1854. Crimean War. The English have a spacious and tolerably comfortable hospital near Cadikeiry [where]...they remain till they become
The sinking of the Anglia, First World War, 17 November 1915, (c1920). Mined in the English Channel: the sinking of the Hospital Ship Anglia
How the Wounded Were Conveyed to the Hospital Ships, (1919). Creator: UnknownHow the Wounded Were Conveyed to the Hospital Ships, (1919). Scene from the First World War, 1914-1919: At the Dardanelles the hospital trains gave place to hospital barges
Hospital ship at anchor. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesHospital ship at anchor
Steam yacht Liberty, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesSteam yacht Liberty, 1914. Liberty was built for Joseph Pulitzer in 1908. Designed by George Lennox Watson she was one of the largest private yachts of her day
Libertys motor launch underway, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesLibertys motor launch underway, 1914. Liberty was built for Joseph Pulitzer in 1908. Designed by George Lennox Watson she was one of the largest private yachts of her day
Lowering Libertys motor launch, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesLowering Libertys motor launch, 1914. Liberty was built for Joseph Pulitzer in 1908. Designed by George Lennox Watson she was one of the largest private yachts of her day
Libertys motor launch alongside Liberty, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of CowesLibertys motor launch alongside Liberty, 1914. Liberty was built for Joseph Pulitzer in 1908. Designed by George Lennox Watson she was one of the largest private yachts of her day
Breaking up the hospital ship Dreadnought at Chatham dockyard, 1875. A print from The Illustrated London News, (23 January 1875)