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History Of Science Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: The Moscow Mathematical Papyrus (Golenishchev Mathematical Papyrus) Detail: 14th problem

The Moscow Mathematical Papyrus (Golenishchev Mathematical Papyrus) Detail: 14th problem, ca 1840 BC. Found in the Collection of State A. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Portrait of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711-1765)

Portrait of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711-1765). Found in the Collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Portrait of Mikhail V. Lomonosov (1711-1765)

Portrait of Mikhail V. Lomonosov (1711-1765), Second Half of the 18th century. Found in the collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 29, with a fragment of Euclids Elements, Between 75 and 125 AD

Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 29, with a fragment of Euclids Elements, Between 75 and 125 AD. Found in the Collection of Penn Museum

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Merchants (Pochtecas) and their wares in Tzinacantlan

Merchants (Pochtecas) and their wares in Tzinacantlan. From the Codex Florentinus, c 1550. Found in the Collection of the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Merchants (Pochtecas) and their wares in Tzinacantlan

Merchants (Pochtecas) and their wares in Tzinacantlan. From the Codex Florentinus, c 1550. Found in the Collection of the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: New Map of France, After the Latest Discoveries of the Scientists and Explorers

New Map of France, After the Latest Discoveries of the Scientists and Explorers, 1882. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Alchemists, 1757. Creator: Longhi, Pietro (1701-1785)

Alchemists, 1757. Creator: Longhi, Pietro (1701-1785)
Alchemists, 1757. Found in the Collection of the Ca Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento veneziano

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Catherine de Medici and the Alchemist Cosimo Ruggieri

Catherine de Medici and the Alchemist Cosimo Ruggieri, 1867. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Fragment from Histories of Herodotus

Fragment from Histories of Herodotus, Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 2099, Early 2nd century. Found in the Collection of the Sackler Library, Oxford

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Tribute in the Aztec Empire that the cities had to pay

Tribute in the Aztec Empire that the cities had to pay. (Province of Xoconochco). From the Codex Mendoza, 1534. Found in the Collection of the Bodleian Library, Oxford

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: An epitome of the natural history of the insects of China

An epitome of the natural history of the insects of China, 1798. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni and his forces attacking the fortress of Zaranj in 1003

Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni and his forces attacking the fortress of Zaranj in 1003. From Jami al-tawarikh, 1314. Found in the Collection of the University of Edinburgh

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Mongols Catapult (trebuchet), from the Kitab fi ma'rifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya

Mongols Catapult (trebuchet), from the Kitab fi ma'rifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya (Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices). Found in the Collection of the Topkapi Palace, Istanbul

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Mongolian siege of Gerdkuh. From La Flor des estoires de la terre d'Orient

Mongolian siege of Gerdkuh. From La Flor des estoires de la terre d'Orient (Flower of the Histories of the East) by Hayton of Co, First third of the 14th cen

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Conquest of Baghdad by the Mongols on 1258

Conquest of Baghdad by the Mongols on 1258. From Jami al-tawarikh, First third of the 14th cen.. Found in the Collection of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: An Alchemist, . Creator: Teniers; David; the Younger (1610-1690)

An Alchemist, . Creator: Teniers; David; the Younger (1610-1690)
An Alchemist, . Found in the Collection of the Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Mermaid. Illustration in 'Poissons Ecrevisses et Crabes

Mermaid. Illustration in "Poissons Ecrevisses et Crabes..." by Louis Renard, 1719. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Corvus (boarding drawbridge) of Gaius Duilius

Corvus (boarding drawbridge) of Gaius Duilius. Illustration from The Histories by Polybius, 1759-1760. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Chamaeiris flore, 1613. Creator: Besler, Basilius (1561-1629)

Chamaeiris flore, 1613. Creator: Besler, Basilius (1561-1629)
Chamaeiris flore, 1613. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Machine to produce gold foil, ca 1493. Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

Machine to produce gold foil, ca 1493. Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Machine to produce gold foil, ca 1493. Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Fountain. Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

Fountain. Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Fountain. Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Study of two mortars able to throw explosive bombs, 1478-1518. Creator: Leonardo da Vinci

Study of two mortars able to throw explosive bombs, 1478-1518. Creator: Leonardo da Vinci
Study of two mortars able to throw explosive bombs, 1478-1518. Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Empress Catherine II visiting the scholar Mikhail Lomonosov, 1884. Artist: Fyodorov

Empress Catherine II visiting the scholar Mikhail Lomonosov, 1884. Artist: Fyodorov
Empress Catherine II visiting the scholar Mikhail Lomonosov, 1884. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: The Bridge ( Ponte salvatico ). Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

The Bridge ( Ponte salvatico ). Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
The Bridge (" Ponte salvatico" ). Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Perspectograph (optical instrument)

Perspectograph (optical instrument), Between 1480 and 1518. Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 50. The dragon killed the woman and she killed him

Emblem 50. The dragon killed the woman and she killed him, and both are covered in blood. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Mich, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 49. The philosophical child recognizes three fathers

Emblem 49. The philosophical child recognizes three fathers, like Orion. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 48. The king gets an illness from drinking water

Emblem 48. The king gets an illness from drinking water, but when healed by doctors he regains health. From "Atalanta f, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 47. The wolf coming from the staircase and the dog coming from the staircase have

Emblem 47. The wolf coming from the staircase and the dog coming from the staircase have bitten each other. From "Atalanta fugiens" v, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 46. Two eagles, one from the east

Emblem 46. Two eagles, one from the east, the other from the west, come together. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 45. The sun and its shadow accomplish the work

Emblem 45. The sun and its shadow accomplish the work. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 44. Through deceit Typhon kills Osiris and scatters his members

Emblem 44. Through deceit Typhon kills Osiris and scatters his members, which in turn brings together Isis, as far as is known, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 43. Listen to the talking vulture

Emblem 43. Listen to the talking vulture, who in no way deceives you. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 42. To him who is in Chymicis be nature

Emblem 42. To him who is in Chymicis be nature, reason, experience and reading as a guide, staff, glasses and, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 41. Adonis is slain by a boar

Emblem 41. Adonis is slain by a boar
Emblem 41. Adonis is killed by a wild boar. As Venus wanted to help him, she colored the roses red with blood. Ow, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 40. Make two waters into one

Emblem 40. Make two waters into one, and it will be the water of health. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 39. Oedipus, after defeating the Sphynx and killing his father

Emblem 39. Oedipus, after defeating the Sphynx and killing his father, takes his mother as his wife. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Mich, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 38. The Rebis like a hermaphrodite is born from two mountains

Emblem 38. The Rebis like a hermaphrodite is born from two mountains, Mercurius and Venus. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 37. Three things are sufficient for mastery

Emblem 37. Three things are sufficient for mastery, the white smoke, which is water, the green lion, the ore Hermes, and the embroidery, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 36. This stone is cast on the earth and lifted up on the mountains

Emblem 36. This stone is cast on the earth and lifted up on the mountains, dwells in the air and is fed in rivers, that is, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 35. Like Ceres Triptolemum

Emblem 35. Like Ceres Triptolemum, Thetis brought Achillem to get used to the fire, so the artist should use the stone, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 34. He is conceived in a water bath and born in the air

Emblem 34. He is conceived in a water bath and born in the air, but when he turns red he leaves the water. From "Atala, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 33. The hermaphrodite, lying like a dead person in darkness

Emblem 33. The hermaphrodite, lying like a dead person in darkness, needs fire. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 32. The coral as it grows under the water and is hardened by air

Emblem 32. The coral as it grows under the water and is hardened by air, so does the stone. From "Atalanta fugiens" v, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 31. The king, swimming in the sea

Emblem 31. The king, swimming in the sea, cries out with a loud voice: Whoever saves me will receive a great gift. From "At, 1816. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 30. The sun needs the moon

Emblem 30. The sun needs the moon, like the rooster needs the hens. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 28. The king bathes in the airy bath and is rid of the black bile by Pharut

Emblem 28. The king bathes in the airy bath and is rid of the black bile by Pharut. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 27. Whoever wants to go in the philosopher's rose garden without the key is like a

Emblem 27. Whoever wants to go in the philosopher's rose garden without the key is like a man who wants to go without feet, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 26. The fruit of human wisdom is the wood of life

Emblem 26. The fruit of human wisdom is the wood of life. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 25. The dragon does not die unless killed by his brother and sister

Emblem 25. The dragon does not die unless killed by his brother and sister, which are Sol & Luna. A, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 24. The wolf ate the king

Emblem 24. The wolf ate the king, and how he burned the life back to him. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 23. It rains gold as Pallas is born at Rhodes and the sun is at Venus

Emblem 23. It rains gold as Pallas is born at Rhodes and the sun is at Venus. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 22. If you have the white lead

Emblem 22. If you have the white lead, do the woman's work, that is, cooking. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 21. Make a circle of man and woman

Emblem 21. Make a circle of man and woman, out of it a square, out of that into a triangle, make a circle, and you shall have, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 20. Nature teaches nature to overcome fire

Emblem 20. Nature teaches nature to overcome fire. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 19. If you kill one of the four

Emblem 19. If you kill one of the four, soon they will all die. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 18. Fire makes fiery, not gold

Emblem 18. Fire makes fiery, not gold, but gold. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 16. This lion has no feathers

Emblem 16. This lion has no feathers, but that one has. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 17. A fourfold ball of fire governs this work

Emblem 17. A fourfold ball of fire governs this work. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 15. The potter's work

Emblem 15. The potter's work, consisting of dry and wet, shall teach you. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 14. This is the dragon eating its own tail

Emblem 14. This is the dragon eating its own tail. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 12. The stone that Saturn ate and spat out before Jupiter's son is remembered

Emblem 12. The stone that Saturn ate and spat out before Jupiter's son is remembered on the mountain, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 10. Give fire to fire, Mercurius to Mercurius

Emblem 10. Give fire to fire, Mercurius to Mercurius, and it is enough for you. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 13. The brass of the wise is addicted to dropsy and wants to be bathed seven times

Emblem 13. The brass of the wise is addicted to dropsy and wants to be bathed seven times in the river like Naaman the leper in the Jordan. Ow, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 3. Go to the woman who washes her smiles

Emblem 3. Go to the woman who washes her smiles, do the same. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 2. The earth is his wet nurse

Emblem 2. The earth is his wet nurse. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 1. The wind carried him in his belly

Emblem 1. The wind carried him in his belly. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Hermes Trismegistus. From De divinatione et magicis praestigiis

Hermes Trismegistus. From De divinatione et magicis praestigiis, 1616. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Saturn. (Planetarum effectus et eorum in signis zodiaci)

Saturn. (Planetarum effectus et eorum in signis zodiaci), 1585. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: De lapide philosophorum: Philosopher's Stone

De lapide philosophorum: Philosopher's Stone. From Alchymia by Andreas Libavius, 1606. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: De lapide philosophorum: Philosopher's Stone

De lapide philosophorum: Philosopher's Stone. From Alchymia by Andreas Libavius, 1606. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: The Alchemical World Landscape

The Alchemical World Landscape, from Opus medico-chymicum by Johann Daniel Mylius, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Azoth, Sive Aureliae Occultae Philosophorum

Azoth, Sive Aureliae Occultae Philosophorum... by Basilius Valentinus, 1613. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Azoth, Sive Aureliae Occultae Philosophorum

Azoth, Sive Aureliae Occultae Philosophorum... by Basilius Valentinus, 1613. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Azoth, Sive Aureliae Occultae Philosophorum

Azoth, Sive Aureliae Occultae Philosophorum... by Basilius Valentinus, 1613. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Gnostic intaglio depicting Chnoubis. Creator: Unknown artist

Gnostic intaglio depicting Chnoubis. Creator: Unknown artist
Gnostic intaglio depicting Chnoubis. From "A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus" by Richard Payne Knight. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Phanes, the Orphic deity, Second quarter of the 2nd century

Phanes, the Orphic deity, Second quarter of the 2nd century. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Estense, Modena

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 29. As the salamander lives in fire

Emblem 29. As the salamander lives in fire, so does the stone. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: The red angels of Mars and the golden angels of the sun

The red angels of Mars and the golden angels of the sun. ?From "The Sworn Book of Honorius" (BL Royal 17 A), 15th century. Found in the Collection of the British Library

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Angels of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Venus, 15th century. Creator: Unknown artist

Angels of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Venus, 15th century. Creator: Unknown artist
Angels of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Venus. From "The Sworn Book of Honorius" (BL Royal 17 A), 15th century. Found in the Collection of the British Library

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 6. Sow only gold in the white leafed earth

Emblem 6. Sow only gold in the white leafed earth. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 5. Put the toad on the woman's breast so that it sucks

Emblem 5. Put the toad on the woman's breast so that it sucks, and the woman dies, and the toad will grow very large with milk. Out of, 1618. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Science Collection: Emblem 4. Add the brother to the sister and give them the cup of love

Emblem 4. Add the brother to the sister and give them the cup of love. From "Atalanta fugiens" by Michael Maier, 1618. Private Collection

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