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Group Collection (page 14)

Background imageGroup Collection: The Fall of the Giants, 1590-1642. Creator: Guido Reni

The Fall of the Giants, 1590-1642. Creator: Guido Reni
The Fall of the Giants, 1590-1642

Background imageGroup Collection: Bathing in an Oriental Harbour, 1584-1625. Creator: Pieter Isaacsz

Bathing in an Oriental Harbour, 1584-1625. Creator: Pieter Isaacsz
Bathing in an Oriental Harbour, 1584-1625

Background imageGroup Collection: The Marriage at Cana, 1579-1625. Creators: Johannes Rottenhammer the elder, Jacopo Tintoretto

The Marriage at Cana, 1579-1625. Creators: Johannes Rottenhammer the elder, Jacopo Tintoretto
The Marriage at Cana, 1579-1625

Background imageGroup Collection: Diana and Callisto, 1579-1625. Creator: Johannes Rottenhammer the elder

Diana and Callisto, 1579-1625. Creator: Johannes Rottenhammer the elder
Diana and Callisto, 1579-1625

Background imageGroup Collection: Peasants Making Merry (Kermis), 1574. Creators: Lucas van Valckenborch, Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Peasants Making Merry (Kermis), 1574. Creators: Lucas van Valckenborch, Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Peasants Making Merry (Kermis), 1574

Background imageGroup Collection: Peasant Wedding. The Wedding Dance in the open Air, 1574. Creators: Lucas van Valckenborch

Peasant Wedding. The Wedding Dance in the open Air, 1574. Creators: Lucas van Valckenborch, Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Peasant Wedding. The Wedding Dance in the open Air, 1574

Background imageGroup Collection: The Holy Family with the Infant St John, St Elizabeth and St Anna, 1538-1544

The Holy Family with the Infant St John, St Elizabeth and St Anna, 1538-1544. Creators: Vincent Sellaer, Frans Floris
The Holy Family with the Infant St John, St Elizabeth and St Anna, 1538-1544

Background imageGroup Collection: Returning from drill, Hampton Roads, between 1890 and 1901. Creator: Unknown

Returning from drill, Hampton Roads, between 1890 and 1901. Creator: Unknown
Returning from drill, Hampton Roads, between 1890 and 1901

Background imageGroup Collection: The Adoration of the Kings, 1500-1599. Creator: Raphael

The Adoration of the Kings, 1500-1599. Creator: Raphael
The Adoration of the Kings, 1500-1599

Background imageGroup Collection: The Adoration of the Kings, 1498-1501. Creator: Hugo van der Goes

The Adoration of the Kings, 1498-1501. Creator: Hugo van der Goes
The Adoration of the Kings, 1498-1501

Background imageGroup Collection: Calvary, 1923. Creator: Ludvig Karsten

Calvary, 1923. Creator: Ludvig Karsten
Calvary, 1923

Background imageGroup Collection: The Heavenly Wedding. Emmanuel Sweborg: Amore Conjugiali, 1919-1920. Creator: Ivar Rosenberg

The Heavenly Wedding. Emmanuel Sweborg: Amore Conjugiali, 1919-1920. Creator: Ivar Rosenberg
The Heavenly Wedding. Emmanuel Sweborg: Amore Conjugiali, 1919-1920

Background imageGroup Collection: Horse show in Westport, Connecticut, between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe

Horse show in Westport, Connecticut, between 1911 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe
Horse show in Westport, Connecticut, between 1911 and 1942

Background imageGroup Collection: East Hampton horse show, 1934. Creator: Arnold Genthe

East Hampton horse show, 1934. Creator: Arnold Genthe
East Hampton horse show, 1934

Background imageGroup Collection: East Hampton horse show, 1932. Creator: Arnold Genthe

East Hampton horse show, 1932. Creator: Arnold Genthe
East Hampton horse show, 1932

Background imageGroup Collection: The Death of Murata Sansuke, 1877. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

The Death of Murata Sansuke, 1877. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
The Death of Murata Sansuke, 1877. Series: Chronicles of the Conquest of Kagoshima in Satsuma Province

Background imageGroup Collection: Tokugawa Ienobu, 1875. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Tokugawa Ienobu, 1875. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Tokugawa Ienobu, 1875. Series: Brief Account of the Rulers of the Tokugawa Clan. A Messenger from Korea in Audience with Tokugawa Ienobu

Background imageGroup Collection: Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam

Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam
Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889

Background imageGroup Collection: Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, 1647. Creator: Jacob Jordaens

Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, 1647. Creator: Jacob Jordaens
Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, 1647. After the departure of the wise men, the Gospel of Matthew reports that an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and warned him to take Mary and Jesus

Background imageGroup Collection: Heroes of the Shimazu Clan, 1877. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Heroes of the Shimazu Clan, 1877. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Heroes of the Shimazu Clan, 1877

Background imageGroup Collection: An Assembly of Wise Men and Women, between circa 1510 and circa 1520. Creator: Marco Dente

An Assembly of Wise Men and Women, between circa 1510 and circa 1520. Creator: Marco Dente
An Assembly of Wise Men and Women, between circa 1510 and circa 1520

Background imageGroup Collection: Kumagaya Station from Hatchotsuzumi, between circa 1835 and circa 1838. Creator: Ikeda Eisen

Kumagaya Station from Hatchotsuzumi, between circa 1835 and circa 1838. Creator: Ikeda Eisen
Kumagaya Station from Hatchotsuzumi, between circa 1835 and circa 1838. From Sixty-Nine Stations on the Kiso Road (Number 9)

Background imageGroup Collection: The Blowing Up of the Vanguard Rock at Plymouth on Friday, the 5th November, 1858. Creator: Unknown

The Blowing Up of the Vanguard Rock at Plymouth on Friday, the 5th November, 1858. Creator: Unknown
The Blowing Up of the Vanguard Rock at Plymouth on Friday, the 5th November - from a sketch by Major Bredin, R.A. 1858. Displacement of...the rock at the entrance of the Devonport harbour...One of

Background imageGroup Collection: Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway: Opening Ceremonies at Goderich, Canada West, 1858. Creator: Unknown

Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway: Opening Ceremonies at Goderich, Canada West, 1858. Creator: Unknown
Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway: Opening Ceremonies at Goderich, Canada West, 1858. This railway, which is largely held by English capitalists, connects that inland sea, Lake Huron, through Buffalo

Background imageGroup Collection: Scarborough Spa - from a sketch by Miss Claxton, 1858. Creator: Unknown

Scarborough Spa - from a sketch by Miss Claxton, 1858. Creator: Unknown
Scarborough Spa - from a sketch by Miss Claxton, 1858. Resort on the coast of Yorkshire. Apart from the excellent qualities of its mineral waters

Background imageGroup Collection: Sick and Wounded embarking at Hong-Kong on board the Steamer 'Canton', 1858. Creator: Unknown

Sick and Wounded embarking at Hong-Kong on board the Steamer "Canton", 1858. Creator: Unknown
Sick and Wounded embarking at Hong-Kong on board the Steamer "Canton", [China], 1858. In relation to this drawing our Artist and Correspondent makes the following remarks

Background imageGroup Collection: Turning the First Turf of the Ceylon Railway, 1858. Creator: Unknown

Turning the First Turf of the Ceylon Railway, 1858. Creator: Unknown
Turning the First Turf of the Ceylon Railway, 1858. Engraving from a photographs by Mr. Parting, of a ceremony his Excellency Sir Henry Ward, the Governor of the Island

Background imageGroup Collection: Her Majesty, en route for Scotland, at Dunbar Station, 1858. Creator: Unknown

Her Majesty, en route for Scotland, at Dunbar Station, 1858. Creator: Unknown
Her Majesty, en route for Scotland, at Dunbar Station, 1858....a monster train of excursionists, under the guidance of Mr

Background imageGroup Collection: Celebration at Jersey of the Opening of the Channel Islands Telegraph, 1858. Creator: Unknown

Celebration at Jersey of the Opening of the Channel Islands Telegraph, 1858. Creator: Unknown
Celebration at Jersey of the Opening of the Channel Islands Telegraph, 1858. View of...the scene of popular excitement on the occasion in the streets of St. Helier

Background imageGroup Collection: Filling the Napoleon Dock, Cherbourg, 1858. Creator: Smyth

Filling the Napoleon Dock, Cherbourg, 1858. Creator: Smyth
Filling the Napoleon Dock, Cherbourg, 1858. Inauguration and...opening of the Great Basin, or Napoleon Dock, of the military the presence of the Emperor

Background imageGroup Collection: Inauguration of a Russian Gun at Seaham Harbour, near Sunderland, 1858. Creator: Unknown

Inauguration of a Russian Gun at Seaham Harbour, near Sunderland, 1858. Creator: Unknown
Inauguration of a Russian Gun at Seaham Harbour, near Sunderland, 1858. Unveiling of a cannon captured by the British during the Crimean War

Background imageGroup Collection: The Cherbourg Fetes - Tents at the Railway Station, Cherbourg, 1858. Creator: Unknown

The Cherbourg Fetes - Tents at the Railway Station, Cherbourg, 1858. Creator: Unknown
The Cherbourg Fetes - Tents at the Railway Station, Cherbourg, 1858. Near the railway station was a sort of small "Camp de Chalons

Background imageGroup Collection: Bray's Traction-engine, 1858. Creator: Unknown

Bray's Traction-engine, 1858. Creator: Unknown
Bray's Traction-engine, 1858....thousands of spectators...seemed much interested and astonished on seeing a steam-engine traversing the streets of London...Attached was a truck, or platform

Background imageGroup Collection: The Road to Goodwood - Chichester Cross, 1858. Creator: Unknown

The Road to Goodwood - Chichester Cross, 1858. Creator: Unknown
The Road to Goodwood - Chichester Cross, 1858. Crowds passing through Chichester in Sussex on the way to the horse races at Goodwood

Background imageGroup Collection: Portrait of the Latrobe family of Fulneck, c18th century. Creator: Elias Martin

Portrait of the Latrobe family of Fulneck, c18th century. Creator: Elias Martin
Portrait of the Latrobe family of Fulneck, Unknown date

Background imageGroup Collection: Procession at the Feast of Corpus Christi in Rome, 1847. Creator: Egron Sellif Lundgren

Procession at the Feast of Corpus Christi in Rome, 1847. Creator: Egron Sellif Lundgren
Procession at the Feast of Corpus Christi in Rome, 1847

Background imageGroup Collection: Little Christmas Eve Club, 1933. Creator: Nils Dardel

Little Christmas Eve Club, 1933. Creator: Nils Dardel
Little Christmas Eve Club, 1933

Background imageGroup Collection: Landscape scene (February). Creator: Nicolaes Berchem

Landscape scene (February). Creator: Nicolaes Berchem
Landscape scene (February)

Background imageGroup Collection: Landscape with Peasants and Cattle. Creator: Nicolaes Berchem

Landscape with Peasants and Cattle. Creator: Nicolaes Berchem
Landscape with Peasants and Cattle, Unknown date

Background imageGroup Collection: In the British Department of the American Centennial Exhibition...1876. Creator: Unknown

In the British Department of the American Centennial Exhibition...1876. Creator: Unknown
In the British Department of the American Centennial Exhibition, from a sketch by one of our special artists, 1876. Our front-page Illustration, from a sketch by Mr

Background imageGroup Collection: Landscape with a Road through a Wood of Beeches. Creator: Lucas van Uden

Landscape with a Road through a Wood of Beeches. Creator: Lucas van Uden
Landscape with a Road through a Wood of Beeches, Unknown date

Background imageGroup Collection: Opening of the American Centennial Exhibition: the Butchers Procession...1876

Opening of the American Centennial Exhibition: the Butchers Procession...1876. Creators: Unknown, Melton Prior
Opening of the American Centennial Exhibition: the Butchers Procession passing up Chestnut-Street, Philadelphia, from a sketch by one of our special artists, 1876....tradesmen and assistants

Background imageGroup Collection: Great Fire at Bristol, 1876. Creator: Unknown

Great Fire at Bristol, 1876. Creator: Unknown
Great Fire at Bristol, 1876. The fire was prevented from spreading to the more extensive portion of Messrs. Gardiner and Thomas's premises by the men forming a bank of bags of rice

Background imageGroup Collection: Jubilee of the Railway Locomotive Factory Works at Crewe, 1876. Creator: Unknown

Jubilee of the Railway Locomotive Factory Works at Crewe, 1876. Creator: Unknown
Jubilee of the Railway Locomotive Factory Works at Crewe, 1876....Crewe has been created and is maintained wholly by the work of manufacturing and repairing locomotive engines for the [London

Background imageGroup Collection: Opening of the American Centennial Exhibition: Chorus singing the Centennial Hymn...1876

Opening of the American Centennial Exhibition: Chorus singing the Centennial Hymn...1876. Creator: Melton Prior
Opening of the American Centennial Exhibition: Chorus singing the Centennial Hymn, from a sketch by our special artist, 1876

Background imageGroup Collection: Opening of the American Centennial Exhibition: President Grant Starting the Machinery...1876

Opening of the American Centennial Exhibition: President Grant Starting the Machinery...1876. Creator: Melton Prior
Opening of the American Centennial Exhibition: President Grant Starting the Machinery, from a sketch by our special artist, 1876....the procession entered Machinery Hall

Background imageGroup Collection: The Royal Visit to the City: Amusements of the Crowd - Scrambling for Pence, 1876. Creator: Unknown

The Royal Visit to the City: Amusements of the Crowd - Scrambling for Pence, 1876. Creator: Unknown
The Royal Visit to the City: Amusements of the Crowd - Scrambling for Pence, 1876....the populace and the youngsters displaying their frolicsome temper in a less dignified manner as crowds wait to

Background imageGroup Collection: The Royal Visit to the City: Arrival of the Prince and Princess of Wales at Guildhall Yard, 1876

The Royal Visit to the City: Arrival of the Prince and Princess of Wales at Guildhall Yard, 1876. Creator: Unknown
The Royal Visit to the City: Arrival of the Prince and Princess of Wales at Guildhall Yard, 1876. The future King Edward VII

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