The iron steam ship "Nemesis" destroying the Chinese War Junks in Anson's Bay, 7 January 1841, 1843. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Joss-House, Chapoo, Death of Colonel Tomlinson, China, 1842 (c1857). Sketched on the spot by Captain Stoddart RN
West Gate of Ching-keang-foo (Zhenjiang), China, 21 July 1842 (c1857). Artist: MJ StarlingWest Gate of Ching-keang-foo (Zhenjiang), China, 21 July 1842 (c1857). Sketched on the spot by Captain Stoddart RN
The destruction of the Chinese war junk in Ansons Bay, 7 January 1841 (c1857)
Capture of Ting-hai, Chusan, China, 1841 (19th century). Artist: Edward Paxman BrandardCapture of Ting-hai, Chusan, China, 1841 (19th century). From a sketch on the spot, by Lieutenant White, Royal Marines
The Pagoda, Whampoa, China. Whampoa is located to the south of Canton
Macao Fort, Canton River, China. Macao was one of the Treaty Ports that were among concessions China made to European nations after the end of the First Opium War (1839-1842)