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Emperor Of Austria Collection

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Karl of Austria, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service

Karl of Austria, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service
Karl of Austria, between c1915 and c1920

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Archdukes Carl Franz Josef & Max & their mother Archduchess Maria Josefa

Archdukes Carl Franz Josef & Max & their mother Archduchess Maria Josefa, between c1910 and c1915

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Archduke Carl Franz, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service

Archduke Carl Franz, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service
Archduke Carl Franz, between c1910 and c1915

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Wedding of Archduke Karl Franz Josef & Princess Zita

Wedding of Archduke Karl Franz Josef & Princess Zita, Kaiser Franz Joseph, 1911

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Karl Franz Josef in Przemysl Fort, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service

Karl Franz Josef in Przemysl Fort, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service
Karl Franz Josef in Przemysl Fort, 1914 (date created or published later)

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Karl Franz Josef, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service

Karl Franz Josef, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service
Karl Franz Josef, between c1910 and c1915. Karl Franz Joseph (Charles I of Austria) (1887-1922) with a soldier during World War I

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Karl Franz Josef in Budapest, between c1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service

Karl Franz Josef in Budapest, between c1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service
Karl Franz Josef in Budapest, between c1914 and c1915. Karl Franz Joseph (Charles I of Austria) (1887-1922) with soldiers next to train during World War I

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Le couronnement de Charles IV en Hongrie; La cour

Le couronnement de Charles IV en Hongrie; La cour, apres la ceremonie s'est livree a l'objectif, 1916

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Le couronnement de Charles IV en Hongrie ; Charles 1

Le couronnement de Charles IV en Hongrie ; Charles 1, successeur de Francois-Joseph, etait couronne, le 30 decembre 1916, roi de Hongrie, sous le nom de Charles IV, 1916

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: La Nouvelle Europe; L'exil des Habsbourg; dans uncoin du parc de Wartegg

La Nouvelle Europe; L'exil des Habsbourg; dans uncoin du parc de Wartegg
La Nouvelle Europe; L'exil des Habsbourg; dans un coin du parc de Wartegg, les petits archiducs: Francois-Joseph-Othon, qui etait prince heritier, age de six ans et demi

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: La Nouvelle Europe; L'exil des Habsbourg; sur une terrasse dominant le lac Constance

La Nouvelle Europe; L'exil des Habsbourg; sur une terrasse dominant le lac Constance, assis entre deux compag nons d'exil, Charles-Francois-Joseph de Habsbourg

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Portrait of Emperor Frans I of Austria and the Duke of Reichstadt

Portrait of Emperor Frans I of Austria and the Duke of Reichstadt, c1830-1900. Two uniformed men, holding hands. Le Duc de Reichstadt Avec Son Grand-Pere L'Empereur...'

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: La Chute des Habsbourg; Les dernieres joies du pouvoir; l'empereur Charles

La Chute des Habsbourg; Les dernieres joies du pouvoir; l'empereur Charles, roi de Hongrie, et l'imperatrice Zita

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Derriere le cercueil de Francois-Joseph; le nouveau couple imperial

Derriere le cercueil de Francois-Joseph; le nouveau couple imperial, suivi de souverains et princes des puissances centrales, 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Le nouvel Empereur. Dernier portrait de l'archiduc Charles-Francois-Joseph

Le nouvel Empereur. Dernier portrait de l'archiduc Charles-Francois-Joseph recu de Vienne en juillet 1914, 1914. From "Collection de la Guerre IV. L'Illustration Tome CXLVIII

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francois-Joseph a la veille de la guerre

Francois-Joseph a la veille de la guerre. Photographie publiee en 1re page de L'Illustration du 9 mai 1914, 1914. From "Collection de la Guerre IV. L'Illustration Tome CXLVIII

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Les Funerailles a La Hofburg, 1914.. Creator: Unknown

Les Funerailles a La Hofburg, 1914.. Creator: Unknown
Les Funerailles a La Hofburg; L empereur aide de camp en victoria, l'archidue heritier en automobile se rendent a la chapelle de la Hofburg'

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francois-Joseph et Charles de Habsbourg, 1914. Creator: J Simont

Francois-Joseph et Charles de Habsbourg, 1914. Creator: J Simont
Francois-Joseph et Charles de Habsbourg'. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 1854. Creator: Unknown

Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 1854. Creator: Unknown
Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 1854. From "Cassell's Illustrated Family Paper; London Weekly 31 Dec 1853 to 30 Dec 1854"

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Hidden silhouettes of the rulers of Europe, 1794. Creator: Lussano

Hidden silhouettes of the rulers of Europe, 1794. Creator: Lussano
Hidden silhouettes of the rulers of Europe, 1794

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Portrait study for 'Archduke Karl with his staff in the Battle of Aspern'

Portrait study for "Archduke Karl with his staff in the Battle of Aspern", before 1817

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Portrait study for the 'Exit of the Imperial Couple after Emperor Franz I's

Portrait study for the "Exit of the Imperial Couple after Emperor Franz I's serious illness.", before 1828

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Horse study for 'Archduke Karl with his staff in the Battle of Aspern'

Horse study for "Archduke Karl with his staff in the Battle of Aspern", before 1828

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Head study for 'Return of Emperor Franz from Pressburg'

Head study for "Return of Emperor Franz from Pressburg", before 1828

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Head study for 'Return of Emperor Franz from Pressburg'

Head study for "Return of Emperor Franz from Pressburg", before 1828

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Head study of a boy for 'Return of Emperor Franz from Pressburg'

Head study of a boy for "Return of Emperor Franz from Pressburg", before 1828

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Emperor Franz I (II) of Austria as a child, 1780. Creator: Karl Georg Merville

Emperor Franz I (II) of Austria as a child, 1780. Creator: Karl Georg Merville
Emperor Franz I (II) of Austria as a child, 1780

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Landscape containing seven silhouettes, 1793-1800. Creator: Anon

Landscape containing seven silhouettes, 1793-1800. Creator: Anon
Landscape containing seven silhouettes, 1793-1800

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Emperor Joseph of Austria, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: Unknown

Emperor Joseph of Austria, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: Unknown
Emperor Joseph of Austria, ca. 1860-1865

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: The Emperor of Austria, 1860-69. Creator: Unknown

The Emperor of Austria, 1860-69. Creator: Unknown
The Emperor of Austria, 1860-69. [Portrait of Franz Joseph I of Austria]. Albumen print

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: The Suspended Congress, ca. 1829. Creator: Pierre Langlumé

The Suspended Congress, ca. 1829. Creator: Pierre Langlumé
The Suspended Congress, ca. 1829

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Portrait of the future Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II as the Archduke of Austria

Portrait of the future Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II as the Archduke of Austria and Grand Duke of Tuscany, set within a roundel upper left

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: The Allied Bakers or the Corsican Toad in the Hole, April 1, 1814. April 1, 1814

The Allied Bakers or the Corsican Toad in the Hole, April 1, 1814. April 1, 1814
The Allied Bakers or the Corsican Toad in the Hole, April 1, 1814. Gebhardt von Blucher, the Duke of Wellington and Austrian emperor Francis I consign the figure emperor Napoleon to the oven

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: The Battle of the Nations, Leipzig, 16-19 October 1813, (1936). Creator: Unknown

The Battle of the Nations, Leipzig, 16-19 October 1813, (1936). Creator: Unknown
The Battle of the Nations, Leipzig, 16-19 October 1813, (1936). Die Volkerschlacht Bei Leipzig, 16-19 Oktober 1813

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Victor Emmanuel II (1st King of Italy) shaking Leopold II (Duke of Tuscany) out of Italy

Victor Emmanuel II (1st King of Italy) shaking Leopold II (Duke of Tuscany) out of Italy
Victor Emmanuel II (1st King of Italy) shaking Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor (Duke of Tuscany) out of Italy, from Punch, London, 2 March 1861. The unification of Italy. Wood engraving

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Meeting of Napoleon and Francis I after Austerlitz, 1805, (1896). Artist: M Haider

Meeting of Napoleon and Francis I after Austerlitz, 1805, (1896). Artist: M Haider
Meeting of Napoleon and Francis I after Austerlitz, 1805, (1896)

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francis I. Emperor of Austria, c1804, (1896). Artist: M Haider

Francis I. Emperor of Austria, c1804, (1896). Artist: M Haider
Francis I. Emperor of Austria, c1804, (1896). Francis II (1768-1835) was the last Holy Roman Emperor

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: The Allied commanders at Leipzig, 1813 (1815). Artist: Thomas Sutherland

The Allied commanders at Leipzig, 1813 (1815). Artist: Thomas Sutherland
The Allied commanders at Leipzig, 1813 (1815). Meeting of the Emperors of Russia and Austria, King of Prussia and Crown Prince of Sweden in the Great Square of Leipzig, October 18th 1813

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Kaiser Franz Joseph von Osterreich 1830-1916, 1934

Kaiser Franz Joseph von Osterreich 1830-1916, 1934. Franz Joseph I (1830-1916), Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. From Die Groszen der Weltgelchichte. [Ecktein-Halpaus, Dresden, 1934]

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: The Archduke Francis of Austria, 1770 (c1927). Artist: Anton Raphael Mengs

The Archduke Francis of Austria, 1770 (c1927). Artist: Anton Raphael Mengs
The Archduke Francis of Austria, 1770 (c1927). Francis of Austria (1768-1835) was the son of Leopold and Maria Luisa, Grand Duke and Duchess of Tuscany

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francis I, Emperor of Austria. Artist: GH Phillips

Francis I, Emperor of Austria. Artist: GH Phillips
Francis I, Emperor of Austria. Francis I of Austria (1768-1835) became the last Holy Roman Emperor in 1792

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1814

Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1814. Francis I of Austria (1768-1835) became Holy Roman Emperor in 1792

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, (1900)

Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, (1900). Francis I of Austria (1768-1835) became the last Holy Roman Emperor in 1792

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria and Archduke Charles Habsburg, (1926)

Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria and Archduke Charles Habsburg, (1926)
Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria and Archduke Karl Habsburg, (1926)

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1814

Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1814. Francis I of Austria (1768-1835) became the last Holy Roman Emperor in 1792

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1815. Artist: Henri Meyer

Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1815. Artist: Henri Meyer
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1815. Francis I of Austria (1768-1835) became Holy Roman Emperor in 1792

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Emperor Karl I of Austria visiting Kaiser Wilhelm II at Army headquarters

Emperor Karl I of Austria visiting Kaiser Wilhelm II at Army headquarters, World War I, 1917. Both Emperors salute the guard of honor. A photograph from Der Grosse Krieg in Bildern

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Archdukes Friedrich and Karl of Austria with their officers, World War I, 1915

Archdukes Friedrich and Karl of Austria with their officers, World War I, 1915. Friedrich (1856-1936) was appointed Supreme Commander of the Austro-Hungarian army in July 1914

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: A Walk-Over?, 1918

A Walk-Over?, 1918. German emperor Wilhelm II regarding Russia as a doormat to his new territories, while the Austrian emperor Charles I takes a more cautious approach. Cartoon from Punch

Background imageEmperor Of Austria Collection: Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor

Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor. Francis I of Austria (1768-1835) became Holy Roman Emperor in 1792

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