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Cigar Store Figure Collection

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1938. Creator: Lucille Lacoursiere

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1938. Creator: Lucille Lacoursiere
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1938

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1938. Creator: Lucille Lacoursiere

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1938. Creator: Lucille Lacoursiere
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1938

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1938. Creator: Lucille Lacoursiere

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1938. Creator: Lucille Lacoursiere
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1938

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Pocahontas, 1935/1942. Creator: Lucille Lacoursiere

Cigar Store Pocahontas, 1935/1942. Creator: Lucille Lacoursiere
Cigar Store Pocahontas, 1935/1942

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1937. Creator: Eugene Croe

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1937. Creator: Eugene Croe
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1937

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1936. Creator: Eugene Croe

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1936. Creator: Eugene Croe
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1936

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Soldier, c. 1936. Creator: Eugene Croe

Cigar Store Soldier, c. 1936. Creator: Eugene Croe
Cigar Store Soldier, c. 1936

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1937. Creator: Eugene Croe

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1937. Creator: Eugene Croe
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1937

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1938. Creator: Hardin Walsh

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1938. Creator: Hardin Walsh
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1938

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1936. Creator: Donald Streeter

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1936. Creator: Donald Streeter
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1936

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure: 'Punch'

Cigar Store Figure: "Punch", 1935/1942

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1939. Creator: Adele Brooks

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1939. Creator: Adele Brooks
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1939

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, 1935/1942. Creator: Adele Brooks

Cigar Store Indian, 1935/1942. Creator: Adele Brooks
Cigar Store Indian, 1935/1942

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1936. Creator: Elmer G Anderson

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1936. Creator: Elmer G Anderson
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1936

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1937. Creator: Eugene Croe

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1937. Creator: Eugene Croe
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1937

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Indian Cigar Store Woman, c. 1940. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor

Indian Cigar Store Woman, c. 1940. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor
Indian Woman, c. 1940

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Indian, c. 1939. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor

Indian, c. 1939. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor
Indian, c. 1939

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1939. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1939. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1939

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1940. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1940. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1940

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Wooden Indian, c. 1940. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor

Wooden Indian, c. 1940. Creator: Robert W. R. Taylor
Wooden Indian, c. 1940

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1936. Creator: Richard F. Smith

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1936. Creator: Richard F. Smith
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1936

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1937. Creator: Richard F. Smith

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1937. Creator: Richard F. Smith
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1937

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1946. Creator: Albert Ryder

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1946. Creator: Albert Ryder
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1946

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure: Ball Player, c. 1939. Creator: Albert Ryder

Cigar Store Figure: Ball Player, c. 1939. Creator: Albert Ryder
Cigar Store Figure: Ball Player, c. 1939

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1939. Creator: Albert Ryder

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1939. Creator: Albert Ryder
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1939

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1941. Creator: Robert Pohle

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1941. Creator: Robert Pohle
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1941

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure: Clown, c. 1939. Creator: Robert Pohle

Cigar Store Figure: Clown, c. 1939. Creator: Robert Pohle
Cigar Store Figure: Clown, c. 1939

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1938. Creator: Louis Plogsted

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1938. Creator: Louis Plogsted
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1938

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, 1938. Creator: Louis Plogsted

Cigar Store Indian, 1938. Creator: Louis Plogsted
Cigar Store Indian, 1938

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Man, 1937. Creator: Alvin M Gully

Cigar Store Man, 1937. Creator: Alvin M Gully
Cigar Store Man, 1937

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Indian, c. 1941. Creator: Harry King

Cigar Store Indian, c. 1941. Creator: Harry King
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1941

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, 1935 / 1942. Creator: Joseph Goldberg

Cigar Store Figure, 1935 / 1942. Creator: Joseph Goldberg
Cigar Store Figure, 1935/1942

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure, c. 1942. Creator: Elizabeth Johnson

Cigar Store Figure, c. 1942. Creator: Elizabeth Johnson
Cigar Store Figure, c. 1942

Background imageCigar Store Figure Collection: Cigar Store Figure: Punch, c. 1939. Creator: Elmer R. Kottcamp

Cigar Store Figure: Punch, c. 1939. Creator: Elmer R. Kottcamp
Cigar Store Figure: Punch, c. 1939

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