The Old Louvre, Paris, after Zeeman, 1865-66. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Old Louvre, Paris, after Zeeman, 1865-66
Le Pont-Neuf, c.1861. Creator: Charles MeryonLe Pont-Neuf, c.1861
Le Pont-Neuf, 1853. Creator: Charles MeryonLe Pont-Neuf, 1853
Le Ministère de la Marine (The Ministry of the Navy), 1865. Creator: Charles MeryonLe Ministere de la Marine (The Ministry of the Navy), 1865
The clock tower, Paris, 1852. Creator: Charles MeryonThe clock tower, Paris, 1852
Tikao, naturel d'Akaroa. Creator: Charles MeryonTikao, naturel d'Akaroa
Passerelle du Pont-au-Change, Paris, apres l Incendie de 1621 (Footbridge... ), 1860Passerelle du Pont-au-Change, Paris, apres l Incendie de 1621 (Footbridge Temporarily Replacing the Pont-au-Change, Paris, after the Fire of 1621), 1860
Passerelle du Pont-au-Change, apres l incendie de 1621 (The Footbridge temporarily replacing the Pont-au-Change, Paris, after the fire of 1621, after Della Bella), 1860. After Stefano della Bella
College Henri IV (ou Lycee Napoleon), 1863-64. Creator: Charles MeryonCollege Henri IV (ou Lycee Napoleon), 1863-64
Portrait of Charles Meryon, 1853. Creator: Felix BracquemondPortrait of Charles Meryon, 1853
The Apse of Notre-Dame, Paris, 1854. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Apse of Notre-Dame, Paris, 1854
The Mortuary, Paris (La Morgue), 1854. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Mortuary, Paris (La Morgue), 1854
Rue des Mauvais Garcons, Paris, 1854. Creator: Charles MeryonRue des Mauvais Garcons, Paris, 1854
Coat-of-Arms Symbolizing the City of Paris, 1854. Creator: Charles MeryonCoat-of-Arms Symbolizing the City of Paris, 1854
Frontispiece for the Catalogue of the work of Thomas De Leu, 1866
The Notre-Dame Pump (small plate), 1854. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Notre-Dame Pump (small plate), 1854
Lunar Law, No. 2, 1866. Creator: Charles MeryonLunar Law, No. 2, 1866
The Admiralty, Paris, 1865. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Admiralty, Paris, 1865
Le Ministere de la Marine (the Admiralty, Paris), 1865. Creator: Charles MeryonLe Ministere de la Marine (the Admiralty, Paris), 1865
New Caledonia: Large native hut on the road from Balade to Puebo, 1845, 1863
Bain-froid Chevrier (Chevriers cold bath establishment, or The School Baths, Paris), 1864
Cover: The Voyage to New Zealand (1842 - 46), 1866. Creator: Charles MeryonCover: The Voyage to New Zealand (1842 - 46), 1866
Le Grand Chatelet (Grand Chatelet, Paris circa 1780, after an earlier drawing), 1861
Presentation of Valerius Maximus to King Louis XI, 1862. Creator: Charles MeryonPresentation of Valerius Maximus to King Louis XI, 1862
La Rue des Chantres, Paris, 1862. Creator: Charles MeryonLa Rue des Chantres, Paris, 1862
An Old House, or The Musicians House, Bourges, 1860. Creator: Charles MeryonAn Old House, or The Musicians House, Bourges, 1860
Tourelle Rue de l Ecole de Medecine, 22 (House with a Turret, No 22, rue de l Ecole de Medecine, Paris) (called the Turret of Marat), 1861 or later
Francois Viete, 1861. Creator: Charles MeryonFrancois Viete, 1861
The Colonist Renede Laudonniere Sablais, after van de Passe, 1861The Colonist Rene de Laudonniere Sablais, after van de Passe, 1861
La salle des pas-perdus a l ancien Palais de Justice (The antechamber of the Palais deLa salle des pas-perdus a l ancien Palais de Justice (The antechamber of the old Palais de Justice, Paris, Reproduction after the original by Jacques Androuet Du Cerceau), 1855
The historian John Besly, after Jaspar Isaac, 1861. Creator: Charles MeryonThe historian John Besly, after Jaspar Isaac, 1861
Le Pont-neuf et la Samaritaine de dessous la premièLe Pont-neuf et la Samaritaine de dessous la premiere arche du Pont-au-Change (Pont-neuf and the Samaritaine seen from under the first arch of the Pont-au-Change, Paris, after Nicolle), 1855
Chateau de Chenonceau, No 2, 1856. Creator: Charles MeryonChateau de Chenonceau, No 2, 1856
The footbridge temporarily replacing the Pont-au-Change, Paris, after the fire of 1621, after della Bella, 1860
Ruines du Chateau de Pierrefonds (Ruins of the Chateau de Pierrefonds, after Viollet-le-Duc), 1858
Chevet de St. Martin-sur-Renelle (The apse of the Church of St. Martin-sur-Renelle, Paris, after Langlois), 1860
A Water-mill near Saint-Denis, 1850. Creator: Charles MeryonA Water-mill near Saint-Denis, 1850
The Petit Pont, Paris, 1850 and later. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Petit Pont, Paris, 1850 and later
Archway, Pont Notre-Dame, Paris, 1853. Creator: Charles MeryonArchway, Pont Notre-Dame, Paris, 1853
Rue Pirouette aux Halles (Rue Pirouette aux Halles, Paris, after Laurence), 1860
The Vampire, 1853. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Vampire, 1853
The Notre-Dame Pump, Paris, 1852. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Notre-Dame Pump, Paris, 1852
Gallery, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, 1853. Creator: Charles MeryonGallery, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, 1853
Three Pigs Lying in Front of a Shed, 1850. Creator: Charles MeryonThree Pigs Lying in Front of a Shed, 1850
Two Horses, 1850. Creator: Charles MeryonTwo Horses, 1850
The Church of St. Etienne-du-Mont, Paris, 1852. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Church of St. Etienne-du-Mont, Paris, 1852
House with a Turret, rue de la Tixeranderie, Paris, 1852. Creator: Charles MeryonHouse with a Turret, rue de la Tixeranderie, Paris, 1852
Verses to Eugene Blery, 1854. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Verses to Eugene Blery, 1854
Verses to the Pilot of Tonga, 1856. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Verses to the Pilot of Tonga, 1856
The Old Louvre from a Painting by Zeeman, 1651, 1866
The Old-soldier Settlers Hut at Akaroa, 1845, 1866
The New Bridge and the Samaritaine seen from under the First Arch... 1855. CreatorThe New Bridge and the Samaritaine seen from under the First Arch of the Exchange Bridge, Paris, 1855
Three Swine Lying in Front of a Sty, 1850. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Three Swine Lying in Front of a Sty, 1850
The Two Horses, 1850. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)The Two Horses, 1850
The Printed Work of the Latin Author, Valerius Maximus, Being Presented to King Louis XI, 1860
The Ploughman and his Horse. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)The Ploughman and his Horse
The Address Card of Rochoux, a Printseller, c. 1856
The Antechamber of the Palace of Justice, Paris, 1855
The Admiralty, Paris, 1865. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868);Cadart &The Admiralty, Paris, 1865
The Little French Colony at Akaroa, 1845, 1865
The Grand Chatelet, Paris, about 1780, 1861. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)The Grand Chatelet, Paris, about 1780, 1861
The Galliot of Jean de Vyl of Rotterdam, 1850. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)The Galliot of Jean de Vyl of Rotterdam, 1850
The Sickly Cryptogam, 1860. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)The Sickly Cryptogam, 1860
Swift Sailing Proa, Mulgrave Archipelago, Oceania, 1866. Creator: Charles Meryon (FrenchSwift Sailing Proa, Mulgrave Archipelago, Oceania, 1866
The Chateau of Chenonceau, 1856. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)The Chateau of Chenonceau, 1856
Seine Fishing off Charcoal Burners Point, Akaroa, 1865. Creator: Charles Meryon (FrenchSeine Fishing off Charcoal Burners Point, Akaroa, 1865
Part of the City of Paris at the End of the Seventeenth Century, 1861
Rebus: Here lies the ancient vendetta, 1863. Creator: Charles Meryon (FrenchRebus: " Here lies the ancient vendetta", 1863
Rue des Toiles, Bourges. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Rue des Toiles, Bourges
Rue des Toiles, Bourges, 1853. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Rue des Toiles, Bourges, 1853
Rebus: No, Morny is not dead for he is marrying again, 1866. Creator: Charles MeryonRebus: " No, Morny is not dead for he is marrying again", 1866
Rebus: Beranger was not really strong for he never had the key to the fields, 1863Rebus: " Beranger was not really strong for he never had the key to the fields", 1863
Notre Dame Pumphouse, Paris, 1852. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Notre Dame Pumphouse, Paris, 1852
Pierre Nivelle, Bishop of Lucon, 1861. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Pierre Nivelle, Bishop of Lucon, 1861
Native Barns and Huts at Akaroa, Banks Peninsula, 1845, 1865
Map of the Battle of Sinope, 1853. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Map of the Battle of Sinope, 1853
Little Prince Dito, 1864. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Little Prince Dito, 1864
Larch du Pont Notre Dame, Paris, 1853. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Larch du Pont Notre Dame, Paris, 1853
House with a Turret, No. 22 Street of the School of Medicine, 1861
House with a Turret, No. 22, rue de LEcole de Medecine, Paris, (called the Turret of Marat), 1861
Evariste Boulay-Paty; a Poet, 1861. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Evariste Boulay-Paty; a Poet, 1861
Henry IV College, 1863-1864. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Henry IV College, 1863-1864
College of Henry IV. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)College of Henry IV
Theodore Agrippa dAubigne, 1862. Creator: Charles Meryon (French, 1821-1868)Theodore Agrippa dAubigne, 1862