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Balkan War Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Serio-Comic War Map For The Year 1877, 1877

Serio-Comic War Map For The Year 1877, 1877. Found in the collection of State History Museum, Moscow

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Angling in Troubled Waters. A Serio-Comic Map of Europe

Angling in Troubled Waters. A Serio-Comic Map of Europe. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Avenger: An Allegorical War Map for 1877, 1876-1877. Creator: Anonymous

The Avenger: An Allegorical War Map for 1877, 1876-1877. Creator: Anonymous
The Avenger: An Allegorical War Map for 1877, 1876-1877. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Bosnian Crisis. Cover of the French periodical Le Petit Journal, 18th October 1908, 1908

Bosnian Crisis. Cover of the French periodical Le Petit Journal, 18th October 1908, 1908. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Treaty of Bucharest, 1913, 1913. Creator: Anonymous ()

The Treaty of Bucharest, 1913, 1913. Creator: Anonymous ()
The Treaty of Bucharest, 1913, 1913. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Gen. Sarafoff & Chief of Staff Col

Gen. Sarafoff & Chief of Staff Col. Bournof, Tchataldja, between c1910 and c1915. Shows Bulgarian General Mihail Savov (1857-1928) at C¸atalca, Turkey during the Balkan Wars

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Greeks departing on MADONNA, 1912. Creator: Bain News Service

Greeks departing on MADONNA, 1912. Creator: Bain News Service
Greeks departing on MADONNA, 1912. Photo taken when Greek immigrants left New York City to return to their country and fight in the first Balkan War, which began in October 1912

Background imageBalkan War Collection: King Ferd. whispers to Prince Boris, (1912?). Creator: Bain News Service

King Ferd. whispers to Prince Boris, (1912?). Creator: Bain News Service
King Ferd. whispers to Prince Boris, (1912?). Shows Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, and his son Prince Boris, probably near Adrianople during First Balkan War

Background imageBalkan War Collection: USS Martha Washington returning for Balkan War

USS Martha Washington returning for Balkan War, between c1910 and c1915

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Imperial Bears Grease (Greece) or a peep into futurity

Imperial Bears Grease (Greece) or a peep into futurity. Caricature on the Russo-Turkish War, 1828-1829, 1828. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Capitulation of a Bulgarian infantry brigade with twelve guns at Ferdinandovo. Artist

Capitulation of a Bulgarian infantry brigade with twelve guns at Ferdinandovo. Artist
Capitulation of a Bulgarian infantry brigade with twelve guns at Ferdinandovo. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Boiling Point. Punch Magazine

The Boiling Point. Punch Magazine, October 2, 1912, 1912. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Soldier in the snow (All quiet on the Shipka Pass)

Soldier in the snow (All quiet on the Shipka Pass). Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Taking of the Shumen Fortress. Artist: Willewalde

Taking of the Shumen Fortress. Artist: Willewalde
Taking of the Shumen Fortress. Found in the collection of Regional Art Museum, Kaluga

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Ismail Enver Pasha (Enver Pasha) (1881-1922), Ottoman military officer, c1914

Ismail Enver Pasha (Enver Pasha) (1881-1922), Ottoman military officer, c1914

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Shipka Pass, ca 1879

Shipka Pass, ca 1879. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Snuff box with Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Kazarsky (1797-1833)

Snuff box with Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Kazarsky (1797-1833), First quarter of 19th cen. Found in the Collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Portrait of the Admiral Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov (1745?1817)

Portrait of the Admiral Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov (1745?1817). Found in the Collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Portrait of General Count Iosif Vladimirovich Romeyko-Gurko (1828-1901)

Portrait of General Count Iosif Vladimirovich Romeyko-Gurko (1828-1901). Found in the Collection of

Background imageBalkan War Collection: All quiet on the Shipka Pass

All quiet on the Shipka Pass. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Rescuing the wounded Russian Soldiers from the Battlefield, ca 1878. Artist: Anonymous

Rescuing the wounded Russian Soldiers from the Battlefield, ca 1878. Artist: Anonymous
Rescuing the wounded Russian Soldiers from the Battlefield, ca 1878. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: General Mikhail Dragomirov Wounded During the Battle at the Shipka Pass

General Mikhail Dragomirov Wounded During the Battle at the Shipka Pass, ca 1878. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Rushchuk Regiments headquarters of Rushchuk Tsesarevich Alexander Alexandrovich at Brestovets

The Rushchuk Regiments headquarters of Rushchuk Tsesarevich Alexander Alexandrovich at Brestovets, 1877. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Taking of the Shumen Fortress in 1828, c

Taking of the Shumen Fortress in 1828, c. 1830. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Siege of the Rutchuk Fortress, c

The Siege of the Rutchuk Fortress, c. 1830. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Siege of the Shumen Fortress in 1828

The Siege of the Shumen Fortress in 1828, c. 1830. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Saint George Standard of the Cavalry, 1879. Artist: Flags, Banners and Standards

Saint George Standard of the Cavalry, 1879. Artist: Flags, Banners and Standards
Saint George Standard of the Cavalry, 1879. Found in the collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Russian Ship at the entrance to the Bosphorus strait

Russian Ship at the entrance to the Bosphorus strait, after the Russo-Turkish war of 1877?1878. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Brig Mercury. Artist: Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich (1817-1900)

Brig Mercury. Artist: Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich (1817-1900)
Brig Mercury. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: War map of the Balkan States. Artist: Joseph Koehler

War map of the Balkan States. Artist: Joseph Koehler
War map of the Balkan States. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Badge of the Younak Legion for participation in the Balkan war

Badge of the Younak Legion for participation in the Balkan war. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The naval Battle of Athos. Artist: Bogolyubov, Alexei Petrovich (1824-1896)

The naval Battle of Athos. Artist: Bogolyubov, Alexei Petrovich (1824-1896)
The naval Battle of Athos. Found in the collection of State Central Navy Museum, St. Petersburg

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Battle of Kizil-Tepe on June 25, 1877, 1877. Artist: Anonymous

The Battle of Kizil-Tepe on June 25, 1877, 1877. Artist: Anonymous
The Battle of Kizil-Tepe on June 25, 1877, 1877. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Battle of Kulevicha on June 11, 1829, 1829. Artist: Anonymous

The Battle of Kulevicha on June 11, 1829, 1829. Artist: Anonymous
The Battle of Kulevicha on June 11, 1829, 1829. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Brig Mercury fighting two Turkish ships on May 14th, 1829, 1829. Artist: Anonymous

Brig Mercury fighting two Turkish ships on May 14th, 1829, 1829. Artist: Anonymous
Brig Mercury fighting two Turkish ships on May 14th, 1829, 1829. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Siege of Varna on September 1828, 1829. Artist: Anonymous

The Siege of Varna on September 1828, 1829. Artist: Anonymous
The Siege of Varna on September 1828, 1829. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The staff of Don Cossacks in Bulgaria in 1877

The staff of Don Cossacks in Bulgaria in 1877, 1877. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: A Church in the Balkans, 1877. Artist: Polenov, Vasili Dmitrievich (1844-1927)

A Church in the Balkans, 1877. Artist: Polenov, Vasili Dmitrievich (1844-1927)
A Church in the Balkans, 1877. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Russian Soldiers at the Embankment in San Stefano

Russian Soldiers at the Embankment in San Stefano, 1878. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The brig Mercury encounter after defeating two Turkish ships of the Russian squadron, 1848

The brig Mercury encounter after defeating two Turkish ships of the Russian squadron, 1848. Found in the collection of State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Battle of Gorni Dubnik on 24 October 1877

Battle of Gorni Dubnik on 24 October 1877, 1914. Found in the collection of the State Central Artillery Museum, St. Petersburg

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Russians crossing the Danube at Svishtov in Juny 1877

The Russians crossing the Danube at Svishtov in Juny 1877, 1870s. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Burning ship (An episode of the Russian-Turkish War)

Burning ship (An episode of the Russian-Turkish War), 1896. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Bulgarian Martyresses, 1877. Artist: Makovsky, Konstantin Yegorovich (1839-1915)

The Bulgarian Martyresses, 1877. Artist: Makovsky, Konstantin Yegorovich (1839-1915)
The Bulgarian Martyresses, 1877. Found in the collection of the National Art Museum of Belorussian Republik, Minsk

Background imageBalkan War Collection: General Count Iosif Gurko in the Balkans. Artist: Kovalevsky, Pavel Osipovich (1843-1903)

General Count Iosif Gurko in the Balkans. Artist: Kovalevsky, Pavel Osipovich (1843-1903)
General Count Iosif Gurko in the Balkans. Private Collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Capture of the Turkish Troopship Mersina by the Steamer Russia on 13 December 1877

Capture of the Turkish Troopship Mersina by the Steamer Russia on 13 December 1877, 1877. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Radomir Putnik (1847-1917), Serbian Field Marshal, 1917

Radomir Putnik (1847-1917), Serbian Field Marshal, 1917
Radomir Putnik (1847-1917), Serbian Field Marshal and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian army in the Balkan Wars and in the First World War, 1917

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Action of Nikolai Skrydlov on the Danube, 1881

The Action of Nikolai Skrydlov on the Danube, 1881. Found in the collection of State A. Radishchev Art Museum, Saratov

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The battle near Provadia on May 1829, 1829. Artist: Anonymous

The battle near Provadia on May 1829, 1829. Artist: Anonymous
The battle near Provadia on May 1829, 1829. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: The Siege of the Shumen Fortress in 1828, 1829. Artist: Anonymous

The Siege of the Shumen Fortress in 1828, 1829. Artist: Anonymous
The Siege of the Shumen Fortress in 1828, 1829. From a private collection

Background imageBalkan War Collection: Osman Pasha brought to Skobelev at Plevna

Osman Pasha brought to Skobelev at Plevna, c. 1895. From a private collection

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